IRIS Development Option 6.2
Text File
528 lines
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6.2 ANSI C Release Notes
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DDDDooooccccuuuummmmeeeennnntttt NNNNuuuummmmbbbbeeeerrrr 000000007777----1111666655559999----000011110000
3. _N_e_w__F_e_a_t_u_r_e_s__o_f__T_h_i_s__R_e_l_e_a_s_e
This chapter contains two sections.
The first details significant changes between
the 3.18/3.19 and 6.2 C compiler releases. The
second details changes between the 6.1 and 6.2 C
compiler releases.
3.1 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s _B_e_t_w_e_e_n _t_h_e _3._1_9 _a_n_d _6._2 _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_r
Whereas the 3.19 C Compiler release supported
compilation only in 32-bit mode, the 6.2
Compiler release supports compilation in three
modes: 32-bit (-32), 64-bit (-64) and High
Performance 32-bit (-n32). Each compilation
mode can be explicitly set on the command line
or through the use of the SGI_ABI environment
variable. Thus, the following command:
%setenv SGI_ABI -64
sets the default compilation mode to be -64.
3.1.1 _3_2_-_b_i_t__C_o_m_p_i_l_a_t_i_o_n_s The default
compilation mode on all non-R8000 systems is
-_3_2. In 32-bit mode, there are three
differences between the 6.2 C compiler and the
3.19 C compiler:
+o Starting with this release, default 32-bit
compilations will produce mips2 objects
instead of the mips1 objects generated in
previous releases.
+o Common object file format (COFF) is no
longer supported.
+o Use of the -_c compilation flag is no longer
compatible with -_O_3 -_3_2. Instead of -_c use
-_j. For more information about these
flags, please check the _c_c(1) man pages.
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32-bit mode is limited to generating code for
only the MIPS2 and MIPS1 ABI's.
3.1.2 _6_4_-_b_i_t__C_o_m_p_i_l_a_t_i_o_n_s The default
compilation mode on R8000 systems is -_6_4. All
SGI platforms support the development of -_6_4
applications, but the subsystems containing the
appropriate libraries are not always installed
by default. During installation, you may have
to select subsystems with names like
_p_r_o_d_u_c_t._s_w_6_4 for -_6_4 libraries.
The 64-bit compilation mode employs the LP64
model, in which pointers and _l_o_n_g integral types
are 64 bits wide. These new language semantics
may require source modification when porting old
code to a 64-bit system. Both _N_U_L_L and _s_i_z_e__t,
among other types in the standard header files,
become 64 bits wide in 64-bit mode.
The new 64-bit ABI changes the subprogram
interface protocol in such a manner that
inconsistencies between the use and definition
of subprograms may produce unpredictable
results. NNNNooootttteeee:::: Always use a prototyped function
in the scope of a correctly prototyped
declaration of the function, and never mix
prototyped and non-prototyped declarations for
the same function. The new ABI also resulted in
changes to the <_s_t_d_a_r_g._h> and <_v_a_r_a_r_g_s._h>
macros, which make them incompatible with their
-_3_2 counterparts.
The -_6_4 compiler has a different front-end and
back-end from the -_3_2 compiler, and the
supported _c_c command-line options vary between
the two modes of compilation. In particular,
the -_w_l_i_n_t option is not available in 64-bit
mode; instead, it provides a fuller set of
diagnostics with the -_f_u_l_l_w_a_r_n option. Also, a
variety of new options are provided in -_6_4 mode
to tailor optimizations for a particular
application. See the _c_c manual pages for
further details.
The set of diagnostic message numbers (and hence
the application of the -_w_o_f_f command-line
option), are completely different for -_6_4 and
-_3_2 mode.
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The 64-bit mode compiler allows inlining of
arbitrary or individually specified functions,
to a given depth of nesting, by means of the
front-end command-line options -_W_f,-_i_n_l_i_n_e
(inline any function), -_W_f,-_i_n_l_i_n_e__d_e_p_t_h=_n
(inline functions up to _n levels of nested
calls; the default is _n==0), -_W_f,-
_i_n_l_i_n_e=_F_1:_F_2:...:_F_n (inline functions named _F_1,
_F_2, ..., and _F_n).
An extended set of intrinsic functions are
supported in 64-bit mode. These are indicated
for a function _o_p as:
#pragma intrinsic(_o_p)
in <_m_a_t_h._h>, <_s_t_r_i_n_g._h>, <_c_u_r_s_e_s._h>, and
<_s_t_d_i_o._h>. The intrinsic functions in
<_c_u_r_s_e_s._h> and <_s_t_d_i_o._h> will only be inlined in
terms of more specialized functions when the
command-line option -_O_P_T:_f_a_s_t__i_o is used.
Otherwise, the handling of intrinsics is the
same in 64-bit mode as in 32-bit mode.
In 64-bit mode, the "typedef" storage class
specifier cannot apply to a prototyped
parameter. In 32-bit mode this is allowed, but
with a warning and ambiguous semantics: should
we treat it as a typedef and a parameter or
exclusively one or the other? Note that a
typedef declaration in a list of unprototyped
parameter declarations is acceptable in -_c_c_k_r
mode, both for 32-bit and 64-bit compilations.
(ANSI/ISO 9899-1990: sections 6.7.1 and
Error diagnostics are issued for implicit
conversions between integral types and pointer
types, as well as between integral types and
struct types, in ANSI conformance modes (-_a_n_s_i,
-_x_a_n_s_i, -_a_n_s_i_p_o_s_i_x). We have no intention of
allowing such (extremely error-prone and non-
portable) implicit conversions in any ANSI
conformance mode, and the error diagnostics will
indicate source code that needs to be fixed.
Note that such implicit conversions may compile
with warnings instead of errors in -_c_c_k_r mode.
The following will produce an error message in
all modes:
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struct X {int i;} *j, *k;
j = k?k:k?0:0;
since k?0:0 always will be considered an int, as
opposed to a ``null pointer'' expression, which
is incompatible with the pointer operand k.
There are also other differences in the
diagnostics provided in 32-bit versus 64-bit
mode, and we are generally a little stricter in
enforcing ANSI C rules in 64-bit mode.
64-bit mode is limited to generating code for
only the MIPS4 and MIPS3 ABI's.
Refer to the _M_I_P_S_p_r_o _C_o_m_p_i_l_i_n_g, _D_e_b_u_g_g_i_n_g _a_n_d
_P_e_r_f_o_r_m_a_n_c_e _T_u_n_i_n_g _G_u_i_d_e, the _M_I_P_S_p_r_o _6_4-_B_i_t
_P_o_r_t_i_n_g _a_n_d _T_r_a_n_s_i_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e, and the _c_c(1) man
pages for a full description of the differences
between 32-bit and 64-bit compilation.
3.1.3 _N_3_2__C_o_m_p_i_l_a_t_i_o_n_s Compilation in the
High Performance 32-bit (N32) mode must be
specified either at the command line (i.e. %cc
-n32 foo.c) or through the use of the SGI_ABI
environment variable (i.e. %setenv SGI_ABI
-n32). It is not the default compilation mode on
any platform.
N32 incorporates data type sizes from 32-bit
mode with calling conventions and code
generation from 64-bit mode. Thus, it will be
easier to port 32-bit applications to N32 rather
than to 64-bits, but N32 retains the performance
benefits of MIPS IV instructions for floating
point intensive applications.
The -_n_3_2 compiler has the same front-end and
back-end as the -_6_4 compiler and the supported
_c_c command-line options and diagnostic messages
are identical under these two modes of
N32 compilations are limited to generating code
for only the MIPS4 and MIPS3 ABI's.
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For more information about N32, please consult
the _M_I_P_S_p_r_o _N_3_2 _A_B_I _H_a_n_d_b_o_o_k.
3.1.4 _C_u_s_t_o_m__M_e_m_o_r_y__A_l_l_o_c_a_t_o_r Bundled with
this release is the customalloc memory
allocation package written by Dirk Grunwald and
Benjamin Zorn of the University of Colorado at
Boulder. It is packaged in the
_c__d_e_v._s_r_c._c_u_s_t_o_m_a_l_l_o_c subsystem which also
contains the source file for its man page. The
man page provides additonal information about
this memory allocator and can be viewed by
executing the following commands:
%cd usr/share/src/customalloc
%man -d customalloc.man
3.2 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s _B_e_t_w_e_e_n _t_h_e _6._1 _a_n_d _6._2 _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_r
Whereas the 6.1 C Compiler release supported
compilation only in 32-bit mode and 64-bit mode,
the 6.2 Compiler release supports these two
modes and introduces the High Performance 32-bit
(-n32). Each compilation mode can be explicitly
set on the command line or through the use of
the SGI_ABI environment variable. Thus, the
following command:
%setenv SGI_ABI -n32
sets the default compilation mode to be -n32.
This section highlights the differences between
the 6.2 and 6.1 C Compiler releases under the
32-bit and 64-bit modes. For an introduction to
N32 please refer to the section above.
3.2.1 _3_2_-_b_i_t__C_o_m_p_i_l_a_t_i_o_n_s In 32-bit mode,
there are two differences between the 6.2 C
compiler and the 6.1 C compiler:
+o Starting with this release, default 32-bit
compilations will produce mips2 objects
instead of the mips1 objects generated in
previous releases.
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+o Common object file format (COFF) is no
longer supported.
32-bit mode is limited to generating code for
only the MIPS2 and MIPS1 ABI's.
3.2.2 _6_4_-_b_i_t__C_o_m_p_i_l_a_t_i_o_n_s In 64-bit mode,
there are three differences between the 6.2 C
compiler and the 6.1 C compiler:
+o The 6.2 release of the ANSI C compiler is
incompatible with 6.1 release in the way
small (4 bytes or less) C structures and
unions are passed as parameters when
compiled -64 or -n32. As a result, both the
caller and the callee functions must be
compiled with the same version of the
compiler, if they use small structures or
unions as parameters. Under our 64-bit and
n32 calling conventions, small structures
or unions are left justified when passed as
parameters. The 6.1 release of the compiler
implemented the convention incorrectly in
code of both the callee and caller
functions, but in a consistent way (Code
passing small structs still "worked"). This
bug has been fixed, but this results in the
incompatibility described above.
+o The default level of enabled exceptions for
speculative code motion (-TENV:X=n) has
been changed to X=1 at all optimization
levels. This change was made to provide the
most uniform behavior across all SGI
platforms. For the 6.1 release, this level
was documented to be X=1, but implemented
as X=3. As a result, some applications
running on R8000 systems may experience
performance degradation if they are
recompiled with the default flags. If this
performance degradation is significant, you
should recompile with -TENV:X=3 explicitly
set in your compilation command line. For
more information about this flag, please
check the _c_c(1) man pages.
+o New processor specific fast floating point
math libraries (libfastm) are being
provided for the R8000, R10000 and R5000.
Their locations can be added to the linker
library search path by adding -_r_8_0_0_0,
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-_r_1_0_0_0_0 and -_r_5_0_0_0 to your compilation
line. For more information about these
flags, please check the _c_c(1) man pages.