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/ OpenStep 4.2J / os42j.iso / NextDeveloper / Demos / Zilla.app / English.lproj / Zilla.nib / data.nib (.txt) < prev   
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1995-03-31  |  15KB  |  248 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. IBObjectData
  3. Object
  4. CustomObject
  5. Application
  6. MenuCell
  7. ButtonCell
  8. ActionCell
  9.     Helvetica
  10. MenuTemplate
  11. *@*@ccc
  12. Zilla
  13. Matrix
  14. Control
  15.     Responder
  16. @:@iiii
  17. Network
  18. Open...
  19. Save As...
  20. Save As Text...
  21. Revert to Saved
  22. Miniaturize
  23. Close
  24. ff@@#::s
  25. submenuAction:
  26. NXImage
  27. NXmenuArrow
  28. Paste
  29. Select All
  30. Hosts
  31. Add Hosts...
  32. Add Specific Host
  33. Delete
  34. Update
  35. Alphabetize
  36. Sort by Permission
  37. Inspector...
  38.     Legend...
  39. Run...
  40. Kill...
  41. Command Setup...
  42. Windows
  43. Arrange in Front
  44. Miniaturize Window
  45. Close Window
  46. Info Panel...
  47. Help...
  48. Preferences...
  49. ScrollView
  50. [14@]
  51.     TextField
  52. TextFieldCell
  53.     Password:
  54. FormCell
  55. Host Name:$
  56. [1@]'
  57. Field:$
  58. Login:$
  59. Button
  60. Revert$
  61. Command:$
  62. NeXT Computer$
  63. NXradio
  64. NXradioH
  65. Other$
  66. Radio$
  67. ClipView
  68. ciifffcfffs
  69. [119c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f1\fswiss Helvetica;}
  70. \margl40
  71. \margr40
  72. \f1\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  73. NXCursor
  74. NXibeam
  75. Scroller
  76. _doScroller:
  77. @@@ffsl
  78. Optional
  79. Notes:$
  80. [118c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern Courier;}
  81. \margl40
  82. \margr40
  83. \f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  84. From feeder :$
  85. [9@]{
  86. Untitled$
  87. [167c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern Courier;}
  88. \margl40
  89. \margr40
  90. \pard\tx533\tx1067\tx1601\tx2135\tx2668\tx3202\tx3736\tx4270\tx4803\tx5337\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs20\fc0\cf0 
  91. Set...$
  92. Command Mode:$
  93. Feeder Args:$
  94. Individual$
  95.     Uniform :$
  96. From text file:$
  97. [19@]
  98. Partial Permission :$
  99. Total Permission :$
  100. No Permission :$
  101. Host Inaccessible :$
  102. No Process$
  103. Process Running$
  104. Process Suspended$
  105. partperm_idle
  106. partperm_running
  107. fullperm_idle
  108. fullperm_running
  109. noperm
  110. partperm_suspend
  111. Front window$
  112. [10@]
  113. All machines$
  114. Selected machines$
  115. ...in...
  116. NXreturnSign
  117. Cancel$
  118. Title
  119. ;Starting all machines in UNTITLED
  120. Command Mode : Individual
  121. All windows$
  122. WindowTemplate
  123. iiii***@s@
  124. Command Setup
  125. Panel|
  126. Times-BoldItalic0
  127. Release 3.1(v06)
  128. 9Copyright 1990, NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
  129. Sound
  130. shriek_8
  131. A "community supercomputer" that does something computers were  
  132.     originally invented to do, which is to work when people cannot.
  133. by Joshua Doenias and Richard Crandall
  134. system & design support by Morris Meyer and Avadis Tevanian
  135. additional programming by Ralph Zazula
  136. Times-Italic
  137. GodzillaControl
  138. Total$
  139. Permission
  140. Helvetica-Bold
  141. None$
  142. Partial$
  143. HostInspector
  144. Host Inspector
  145. Legend
  146. LaunchKillPanel
  147. CmdSetup
  148. Preferences
  149. MenuItemI
  150. ScrollingTextIy
  151. Button2I
  152. Field4I
  153. Field2I
  154. Form1I{
  155. GodzillaControlInstanceI
  156. VersionNumberI
  157. Box4I%
  158. Button1I
  159. HostInspectorInstanceI
  160. inspectI
  161. FieldI
  162. cmdPanelI
  163. Box2I
  164. Matrix1I
  165. Field21I
  166. File's OwnerI
  167. Field1I
  168. LaunchKillPanelInstanceI
  169. LoginI
  170. Field3I
  171. Button6I
  172. CmdSetupInstanceI
  173. Field6I
  174. Box1I
  175. Field5I
  176.     InfoPanelI
  177. PrefsPanelI
  178. MainMenuI
  179. Box3I
  180.     Host NameI
  181. Button5I
  182. Button4I    
  183. Button3I
  184. ScrollingText1IW
  185. [70@]
  186. IBControlConnector
  187. IBConnector
  188. hide:
  189.     addHosts:
  190. copy:
  191. paste:
  192. selectAll:
  193. deleteHost:
  194. revertToOldPrefs:
  195. changePrefs:
  196. IBOutletConnector
  197. prefs
  198. nextText
  199. updateHosts:
  200. performClose:
  201. performMiniaturize:
  202. newNetwork:
  203. openNetwork:
  204. saveNetwork:
  205. makeKeyAndOrderFront:
  206. saveAsAscii:
  207. cmdButtons
  208. setupPanel
  209. addSpecific:
  210. setup
  211. nameform
  212.     loginform
  213. revert:
  214.     inspector
  215. panel
  216. showInspector:
  217. terminate:
  218. permissionswitch
  219. arrangeInFront:
  220. orderFront:
  221. saveNetworkAs:
  222. help:
  223. showPrefsWindow:
  224. revertToSaved:
  225. controlmenu
  226.     hostsmenu
  227. delegate
  228. typeswitch
  229. cmdform
  230. filetext
  231. feedertext
  232. uniformText
  233.     notesform
  234. changeFile:
  235. changeFeeder:
  236. pwdform
  237. sortHosts:
  238. title
  239. machines
  240. windows
  241. panelDone:
  242. changeParam:
  243.     LorKpanel
  244. launch:
  245. kill:
  246. performClick:
  247. feederArgsText