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File List  |  1993-09-25  |  17KB  |  235 lines

  4. 4CAT120.ZIP    104913  05-30-93  4CAT - Ver 1∙20 - Disk and file catalogue∙
  5.                                | Quick, easy way to keep track of files stored
  6.                                | on disks∙ 4DOS descriptions are utilized, if
  7.                                | present∙ Search your database by filename,
  8.                                | disk label, or 4DOS file description∙ Tracks
  9.                                | free disk space∙ 4DOS is NOT required∙
  10.                                | Shareware, only $10∙ Last revision date in
  11.                                | archive: 05-30-1993∙
  12. ADD2AUTO.ZIP    32675  07-07-93  Add2Auto.zip program adds a user-defined line
  13.                                | to the second to the last line of end-users
  14.                                | autoexec.bat file. The user original
  15.                                | autoexec.bat file is stored as autoexec.jen.
  16.                                | For software developers. w/Bascom 7.0 source
  17. ALLBUT10.ZIP     2252  06-26-93  ALLBUT v1∙0 File-deletion utility∙ Deletes
  18.                                | all files in the present subdirectory EXCEPT
  19.                                | those specified on command-line∙ Free for
  20.                                | personal use∙ Last revision date in archive:
  21.                                | 06-26-1993∙
  22. APPT120.ZIP     28015  09-21-93  Allbut V1.0 File-Deletion Utility. Deletes
  23.                                | All Files In The Present Subdirectory Except
  24.                                | Those Specified On Command-Line. Free For
  25.                                | Personal Use.
  26. CDDA13.ZIP      56360  08-24-93  ▓▒░   CD-ROM Duplicate Analyzer v1.3    ░▒▓
  27.                                | Will read "allfiles" listing for 2 CD-ROM
  28.                                | discs and quickly produce a listing of
  29.                                | duplicate files found between each, and
  30.                                | duplicates found within the disc.
  31.                                | Supports 20,000 files/CD list.      08/24/93
  32. CF536B.ZIP     177247  06-13-93  CMFiler Ver 5∙36b is a shareware disk/file
  33.                                | manager featuring side by side file listing
  34.                                | or directory tree display, full suite of
  35.                                | dir/file services, including tree
  36.                                | "prune-andgraft"; built-in editor, print
  37.                                | spooler, file finder, app launcher, notepad
  38.                                | for dir/file notes∙ Small (108k), blindingly
  39.                                | fast, only reqs 204k of free conventional
  40.                                | memory∙ One-touch mnemonic command structure∙
  41.                                | By C∙ F∙ Martin, NoVaSoft ASP∙ Last revision
  42.                                | date in archive: 06-13-1993∙
  43. CIPHER16.ZIP    37603  09-21-93  Cipher 1.6 - Cipher encrypts and decrypts
  44.                                | files using a DES-like algorithm that's fast
  45.                                | and reliable.  Cipher protects you from
  46.                                | common errors such as decrypting with the
  47.                                | wrong key. Run interactively or from batch.
  48. CLONE114.ZIP    13698  05-31-93  Clone version 1∙14 file copier, better than
  49.                                | XCOPY! Last revision date in archive:
  50.                                | 05-31-1993∙
  51. CONCPY15.ZIP     6227  06-25-93  CONCOPY v1∙50: simple pgm that copies to a
  52.                                | disk file any data that is sent to DOS's
  53.                                | CONsole device, which is normally the screen;
  54.                                | similar in concept to redirecting pgm output
  55.                                | to a disk file, except that it continues to
  56.                                | work until you end it & you can still see the
  57.                                | data being sent to the screen; 06/25/93;
  58.                                | Christopher J∙ Dunford/Cove Software Group∙
  59.                                | Last revision date in archive: 06-25-1993∙
  60. DATEREN.ZIP      7695  08-03-93  Change external/internal files date. Freeware
  61. DELIM327.ZIP    40689  04-27-93  Delimit v3.27: converts print files, fixed
  62.                                | format files, and data files from PCs, Minis
  63.                                | & mainframes into delimited files (tab, comma
  64.                                | user defined, fixed format); converts
  65.                                | formatted numbers, signed numbers, into a
  66.                                | format spreadsheets & databases understand
  67. DEU660.ZIP      38940  07-26-93  File encryption program - 6 methods, each
  68.                                | byte encryption . Rom Graphics Unlimited
  69. DOS5SLIM.ZIP     2057  05-18-93  Deletes unwanted / unused files in DOS 5 -
  70.                                | read caution first
  71.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 5/18/93  Newest: 5/18/93
  72. DSKDP408.ZIP   126327  06-23-93  DiskDupe v4∙08: fast disk duplicator; up to 6
  73.                                | times faster than DOS by reading the master
  74.                                | disk into RAM & onto the HD once then making
  75.                                | unlimited copies; bypasses DOSBIOS for
  76.                                | maximum speed; handles 5 " and 3 " disks,
  77.                                | both low/high density; automatically formats
  78.                                | disk if needed & senses disk changes w/out
  79.                                | touching the keyboard; stores images on hard
  80.                                | disk, does 5 to 3 conversion; 06/23/93; Max
  81.                                | Dunn/ Paul Perry/Micro System Designs, Inc∙
  82.                                | Last revision date in archive: 06-23-1993∙
  83. EPFF25.ZIP      12861  09-11-93  EPFF - EPLUS File FInder v2.5 - Very Good!!!
  84. EXEMAS30.ZIP    39408  08-27-93  file viewer for over 40 formats including
  85.                                | many compression types
  86. EZVIEW51.ZIP    50270  07-06-93  EZVIEW v5∙1: file viewing util whose cursor
  87.                                | can be used to count characters in text and
  88.                                |  in hex; view/search/sort dirs/print;
  89.                                | 07/06/93; Charles J∙ Hill∙ Last revision date
  90.                                | in archive: 07-06-1993∙
  91. FFF44.ZIP      162192  09-20-93  FileFinder v4.4 <ASP> - One of the fastest
  92.                                | most versatile file locators.  A classic.
  93.                                | Use on regular or networked systems.
  94. FFG146.ZIP      64898  05-04-93  File Finder/Grouper (FFG) v1.46
  95.                                | 1)  Searches disks/archive files for files
  96.                                | based on flexible user-specified search
  97.                                | criteria
  98.                                | 2)  Groups files for subsequent batch
  99.                                | processing as a unit.
  100.                                | 3)  Groups files for building databases of
  101.                                | files  If you think you already have a
  102.                                | utility program that fills these functions,
  103.                                | try the DEMO programs
  104. FILED360.ZIP    17117  08-30-93  FILEDUMP 3.60 File/Record - Dump/Viewer/
  105.                                | extract Search utility allows viewing any MS
  106.                                | DOS file in ASCII, HEX, or EBCDIC with output
  107.                                | to screen, printer or disk file.
  108. FILEMV06.ZIP     7050  04-03-93  Mv Fast and safe file moving Utility.
  109.                                | Features clear space lookahead, safety etc..
  110. FILEX12.ZIP     44260  06-30-93  Filex Studies A Filename's Extension And
  111.                                | Tells What Kind of Files And What Programs
  112.                                | Usually Use That Specific Extension∙ Filex
  113.                                | Uses an Extensive Database File, or Any Other
  114.                                | User Defined Data File to Look up The
  115.                                | Extension Information∙ Can Recurse Through
  116.                                | Subdirectories∙ Last revision date in
  117.                                | archive: 06-30-1993∙
  118. FINDBIG.ZIP      9406  08-04-93  FindBig v1.0 - Freeware find BIG files on
  119.                                | your HD.  Safe and handy!
  120. FINDIT15.ZIP    71415  04-15-93  Find-It Fast! V1∙55 ANSi Zum Finder for
  121.                                | Orange County Quick! Try it out Registration:
  122.                                | $5-$10∙ Last revision date in archive:
  123.                                | 04-15-1993∙
  124. FREN10.ZIP       8201  08-04-93  Small utility to rename a group of files with
  125.                                | the same ext. To a different extension.
  126. FWKLU122.ZIP    98462  08-10-93  FWKLU122.ZIP remote Lookup kit for use with
  127.                                | FWKCS(TM) Contents Signature System Ver.
  128.                                | 1.22, 1993 Aug 10. This kit helps you save
  129.                                | time and money: Use it to get complete
  130.                                | zipfiles from the huge collections giant
  131.                                | BBS's running FWKCS(TM) have - by matching 1
  132.                                | file, even if misnamed.
  133. GLEDIT25.ZIP    33485  08-14-93  GLEDIT v2.5: formerly GEDIT, lets you
  134.                                | globally search for, & optionally replace, a
  135.                                | string of characters in all selected files in
  136.                                | a directory
  137. HIDE.ZIP        19288  08-24-93  Hide v1.00 : Make files HIDDEN and
  138.                                | UNACCESSABLE. quick and easy to use!
  139. JSFB4B15.ZIP    38577  09-12-93  JSF-B4B v1.50, BTYE-4-BYTE FILE COMPARISON
  140.                                | Differences shown as DEC, HEX and ASCII value
  141.                                | has OUTPUT file and BRIEF display options!
  142. LACCES10.ZIP    38046  09-07-93  Last Access File Tracking System v1.0!
  143.                                | is a tiny TSR which "watches" all file
  144.                                | accesses.  Then, you can view the Last
  145.                                | Access Date and Program by using the
  146.                                | companion viewer, LDIR.  Free up Megs
  147.                                | with this info! From Patri-Soft.
  148. MOVE120.ZIP     11726  07-28-93  MOVE v1.20 - EXCELLENT File Utility to Move
  149.                                | or Redirect files from one directory to
  150.                                | another. MOVE is Very FAST. And the command
  151.                                | line syntax is easy to use. This program is
  152.                                | great for those wanting an efficient DOS
  153.                                | enhancement tool;
  154. PCOPY93.ZIP    112424  09-07-93  PCOPY version 9.3 from Norm Patriquin
  155.                                | PCOPY is a super advanced alternative
  156.                                | to the DOS COPY command by renowned author.
  157. PKPRES21.ZIP    47867  08-12-93  »»»» PKpress 2.1 «««  This utility scans
  158.                                | directories specified by user (or entire
  159.                                | drive) for ZIP files, and recompresses them
  160.                                | with maximum compression, saving MEGABYTES
  161.                                | of hard drive space! Pkpress works with
  162.                                | either Pkzip 1.1 or 2.04g versions, and it
  163.                                | also AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTS 1.1 zip files
  164. QCOPY10.ZIP      6818  06-24-93  Quick Copy 1.0 (S. Roepenack; $0) allows you
  165.                                | to copy files from within your programs. It
  166.                                | works the same way DOS COPY works, except
  167.                                | that that if a error occurs such as no file
  168.                                | found, Qcopy will not print any message, it
  169.                                | just ends.
  170. QCPY339A.ZIP    63842  08-22-93  QUIKCOPY v3.39a - - Quick file and diskette
  171.                                | copier for DOS. - BETA RELEASE - Registered
  172.                                | users only. - - Truly-wild wild-cards!
  173. QKILL100.ZIP     6267  06-15-93  Qwik-Kill v1∙00 - A small utility for killing
  174.                                | files that are WASTING disk space∙ This is a
  175.                                | File Area Maintenance utility that kills
  176.                                | files that are in your download path but not
  177.                                | actually listed in any of your DIR Files∙
  178.                                | This utility may be needed by you if you run
  179.                                | a large file board, particularly if you run a
  180.                                | LANTASTIC Network with multiple servers as
  181.                                | PCBFiler doesn't like to delete files at
  182.                                | times, especially with the above conditions∙
  183.                                | Last revision date in archive: 06-15-1993∙
  184. RDATE111.ZIP    12124  09-13-93  REDATE!- Free DOS utility: file redater
  185.                                | v1.11, 09/13/93. (c) 1993 by David Daniel
  186.                                | Anderson - Reign Ware.w/Pascal source.
  187. S3DSIZ20.ZIP    71450  08-14-93  Determine the minimum and maximum fields per
  188.                                | delimitted record as well as the minimum and
  189.                                | maximum byte size per field.  Useful for
  190.                                | determining record formats of delimitted data
  191.                                | files.  Version 2.0
  192. S3FRGN21.ZIP    77548  08-14-93  Preprocess mailing data files and add in
  193.                                | foreign country geographic location codes and
  194.                                | ISAL codes.  Works with delimitted or fixed
  195.                                | length ASCII data files. More. V2.1.
  196. SEE301.ZIP      28030  08-08-93  SEE v3.01 (simple file browser w/mouse
  197.                                | support) can freeze top rows & left columns
  198.                                | while rest of screen scrolls. Upl/author: Jim
  199.                                | Hass SEE300 is by a different author.
  200. SF47.ZIP        47008  08-23-93  SuperFind (SF) v4.7: enhanced file find util
  201.                                | that scans one, more or all drives once only,
  202.                                | after which, you simply enter the filespec
  203.                                | interactively and SF locates those files;
  204. SJ101.ZIP        9280  06-09-93  Sj Version01: Split & Join File System∙ Last
  205.                                | revision date in archive: 06-09-1993∙
  206. SPSTRP10.ZIP    10220  06-30-93  Spstrip0: Spstrip Is A Command Line Uuencoded
  207.                                | File Preprocessor That Runs On The Pc Under
  208.                                | Dos (Ms Or Dr/Novell)∙ Spstrip Will Only
  209.                                | Process A Single File At A Time, But That
  210.                                | File May Be Made Up Of Several Files
  211.                                | Internally∙ These Internal Files Must Be In
  212.                                | Their Proper Order∙ Last revision date in
  213.                                | archive: 06-30-1993.
  214. STOW220.ZIP    280066  06-30-93  Stowaway v2∙20: File archival system, moves
  215.                                | files offline to floppies & frees up HD space
  216.                                | being used by old/inactive files∙ Maintains
  217.                                | database of stored files, has compression
  218.                                | options, and easy method for
  219.                                | choosing/restoring files from floppies∙ By
  220.                                | Norm Patriquin∙ Last revision date in
  221.                                | archive: 06-30-1993.
  222. WIZ27A.ZIP      38426  05-01-93  WIZ v2.7 - Lightning fast, multi-disk file
  223.                                | finder. Full wildcards-better that DOS's.
  224.                                | Scans multiple disks, and within archives.
  225.                                | Can quality files by size, date, class
  226.                                | executable, archive. Approx 5 times FASTER
  227.                                | than any other whereis program.
  228. XEROG10.ZIP     14627  07-27-93  XEROG v1.0: will make a copy of all or part
  229.                                | of a file; makes a byte by byte copy &
  230.                                | creates a file with the name you specify;
  231. ZC300.ZIP       93387  09-17-93  Zip Chunker 3.00 - Fast! ZIP File Splitter
  232.                                | for DOS & OS/2.  Zip Chunker splits and
  233.                                | sizes all types of files, including ZIP
  234.                                |  09-17-93...09-17-93