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File List  |  1993-09-26  |  13KB  |  185 lines

  4. ALERT3V5.ZIP  [0]  Alert3V5 Version 5.1 is a program to alert
  5.                                | you by screen and sound when a satellite(s)
  6.                                | 10 to a 1000, are passing within the users
  7.                                | specified Area. needs Tracksat & Qbasic.
  8. AMSAT156.ZIP  [0]  AMSAT Bulletin # 156 06/05/93∙ Last revision
  9.                                | date in archive: 06-12-1993.
  10. APCALC10.ZIP  [0]  Arbitrary precision RPN line oriented
  11.                                | calculator with virtual stack and memory
  12.                                | registers, and financial and date functions∙
  13.                                | Usage is free∙ Source code available from
  14.                                | author for $10 under GNU copying
  15.                                | restrictions∙ This is a DOS program, can run
  16.                                | in a window under Windows∙ Help function
  17.                                | requires Buerg's list or other program named
  18.                                | list∙ Last revision date in archive:
  19.                                | 07-07-1993∙
  20. ATRIG12.ZIP   [0]  Trigonometry Calculator (Capable Of Text
  21.                                | Logfile)∙ Last revision date in archive:
  22.                                | 06-13-1993∙
  23. DATAJULY.ZIP  [0]  If U own a Satellite Dish∙this will turn it
  24.                                | on∙ Last revision date in archive:
  25.                                | 07-03-1993.
  26. DEEP15.ZIP    [0]  Arizona Deep Sky database for use with
  27.                                | SkyMap  version 4.7.  Contains 5925
  28.                                | objects to mag 15 (The def. deepsky cat
  29.                                | w/skymap has only 1276
  30. DEG2RAD.ZIP   [0]  Degree 2 Radians 1∙0 - Gives You A Radian
  31.                                | Measure of an Angle You Input as Well as The
  32.                                | Reference Angle Free but Ware Fast! Worth
  33.                                | D/Ling Whether You're A Math Genius or A
  34.                                | Casual File Browser∙ Last revision date in
  35.                                | archive: 06-15-1993∙
  36. DFUNCTNS.ZIP  [0]  Distribution Functions and Probabilty
  37.                                | Calculator, Mark Von Tress; $10. Calculates
  38.                                | several statistical distribution functions.
  39.                                | Distributions are the normal, t, chi-square,
  40.                                | F and beta distributions.
  41. DGRAV.ZIP     [0]  gravity program v1.00 by Jeff Cummings, VGA
  42.                                | program that displays effects gravity has on
  43.                                | bodies in space....16color VGA/EGA!!!
  44. DRAWMAP.ZIP   [0]  Drawmap  Plasmid map drawing program for
  45.                                | molecular biolgy; input sequence as ASCII
  46.                                | file; output map to laser, dot matrix, tif or
  47.                                | postscript; also to screen.  Shareware
  48.                                | registration $29; $45 gets printed manual.
  49. ETCA124B.ZIP  [0]  ETCAI v1∙24: Electronics Computer Assisted
  50.                                | Instruction is a set of 31 exercises intended
  51.                                | to help you learn or teach electricity and
  52.                                | electronics; random problem generation,
  53.                                | extensive graphics, context sensitive help,
  54.                                | instant scoring; supports mouse, EGA/VGA and
  55.                                | Hercules; suitable for high school, community
  56.                                | college, and trade school levels; 07/14/93;
  57.                                | C∙ E∙ Ormon [2/2]∙ Last revision date in
  58.                                | archive: 07-01-1993∙
  59. GRAPH32_.ZIP  [0]  Graphit! 3∙2 Great Graphing Program Free but
  60.                                | ware Graphs Six Trigonometric Functions
  61.                                | Including But Not Limited to Cosine, Sine,
  62.                                | Tangent, Secant, Cosecant, Cotangent∙ Accepts
  63.                                | Input For Period And Amplitude And Shift∙ Now
  64.                                | Accepts Mouse, & pi Values as Well as Sound∙
  65.                                | You Can Also Specify Y Axis Range∙ Fast! Fun!
  66.                                | Worth The D/L Whether You're A Math Genius or
  67.                                | Just A Casual File Browser∙ Once Again It's
  68.                                | Free∙ Last revision date in archive:
  69.                                | 06-22-1993∙
  70. GSFC_022.ZIP  [0]  Last orbital elements for sts-57∙ Last
  71.                                | revision date in archive: 06-29-1993∙
  72. HOT_COLD.ZIP  [0]  Program which can be used to calculate the
  73.                                | heat index of current hot weather conditions,
  74.                                | which is the way the temperature and humidity
  75.                                | feel to your body; also can be used to
  76.                                | calculate the wind chill factor of cold
  77.                                | weather; menu-driven;
  78. HURRDATA.ZIP  [0]  This file contains position reports on
  79.                                | Hurricane Emily thru 10pm EDT 8/31. The file
  80.                                | contains versions for three popular tracking
  81.                                | programs: HURRTRAK, MERLIN, and STORM.
  82. JSC_025.ZIP   [0]  Last orbital element for sts-57∙ Last
  83. KARN_111.ZIP  [0]  KARNAUGH MAP GENERATOR, ver 1.11, 03/11/93
  84.                                | This program will quickly K-map a logic
  85.                                | expression with up to 11 logic variables!
  86.                                | Handles an *infinite* number of variables
  87.                                | but limited only by VGA display of 80x60.
  88.                                | K-maps are graphical devices used in the
  89.                                | simplification of logic/boolen expressions
  90.                                | and thus determine the best logic circuit.
  91. MCAL93.ZIP    [0]  1993 Meteor Showers
  92. MCAL94.ZIP    [0]  1994 Meteor Showers
  93. MERLIN15.ZIP  [0]  Merlin 1.5f (T.M. Parker; $31) is a
  94.                                | comprehensive hurricane/tropical storm
  95.                                | tracking tool for the 1993 hurricane season.
  96.                                | It builds advisory reports from user input,
  97.                                | great circle calculations, linear and
  98.                                | curvi-linear regression modeling, and neural
  99.                                | network decisions.
  100. MICFFT12.ZIP  [0]  MicFFT v1.2: PC Fourier Spectrum Analyzer
  101.                                | that allows PCs equipped w/8-bit analog to
  102.                                | digital converters (ADCs) on sound cards to
  103.                                | perform spectral analysis on pulse-code
  104.                                | modulated (PCM) signals; can be used to view
  105.                                | the frequency components of musical/vocal
  106.                                | signals as well as other signal types.
  107. MICROMET.ZIP  [0]  Teaches people how to read micrometer∙ New∙
  108.                                | Last revision date in archive: 06-17-1993∙
  109. MPAD13.ZIP    [0]  General-Purpose Calculator (Capable Of Text
  110.                                | Logfile)∙ Last revision date in archive:
  111.                                | 06-13-1993∙
  112. MRM05B15.ZIP  [0]  Mr∙ Machinist Is An Easy-To-Use Menu Driven
  113.                                | Math Program Designed To Solve The Every Day
  114.                                | Geometry And Trigonometry Problems That
  115.                                | Machinist And Industrial Engineers Encounter∙
  116.                                | 06-10-93∙07-10-93 Last revision date
  117.                                | in archive: 07-10-1993.
  118. MVSP21.ZIP    [0]  MVSP 2.1 - A MultiVariate Statistical Package
  119.                                | provides an inexpensive yet easy means of
  120.                                | analysing your data. It performs principal
  121.                                | components, principal coordinates, and
  122.                                | correspondence analyses & clusters.
  123.                                | Will import from Lotus 1-2-3 files.
  124. MX_203.ZIP    [0]  Metric-X v2.03: Unit conversions for English
  125.                                | to/from metric. Supports 179 measurement
  126.                                | units. Pull-down menus. Certified by the
  127.                                | ICMP-MOC so it's close enough for government
  128. OBS149.ZIP    [0]  Amsat Orbital Elements # 147 05/29/93∙ Last
  129. OBS156.ZIP    [0]  Amsat Orbital Elements # 156 06/05/93∙ Last
  130. OE9333.ZIP    [0]  ORBITEL Version 9333 by Dave Ransom. Sorts
  131.                                | and selects 2-line orbital elements from
  132.                                | Celestial BBS, OIG RBBS, and CSS BBS for use
  133.                                | with satellite tracking programs such as
  134.                                | STSORBIT PLUS. Shareware, optional
  135.                                | registration is only $10.00!
  136. OPAMPDEM.ZIP  [0]  National Semiconductor Operational Amplifier
  137.                                | Model Library Spice Demo V2.5.
  138. PRFACTOR.ZIP  [0]  Prime factorization program that'll
  139.                                | factor any number less than 2 31.
  140. RSEC_55.ZIP   [0]  NASA docs on space shuttle∙ Last revision
  141.                                | date in archive: 06-04-1993∙
  142. SKY47.ZIP     [0]  SKYMAP Ver 4.7 , Is a Satellite Tracking and
  143.                                | Star Charting Program. Many new features are
  144.                                | added with ver 4.7.
  145. SOLRVU.ZIP    [0]  Displays solar system
  146. SOP9331.ZIP   [0]  Satellite orbital tracking program
  147.                                | -relatively sophisticated.
  148. SOP9334A.ZIP  [0]  STSORBIT PLUS Version 9334: Track and display
  149.                                | any satellite for which orbital data is avail
  150.                                | able. Used by NASA and the aerospace industry
  151.                                | as well as hams and "just plain folks" around
  152.                                | the world. Math coprocessor chip recommended.
  153.                                | Now includes Multi-Satellite Tracking
  154. SSFACTS.ZIP   [0]  NASA Fact Sheets on the Space Station
  155.                                | redesign proposals.
  156. SSV2N5.ZIP    [0]  South Scanner Satellite Services Chart Volume
  157.                                | 2 Number 5 Dated June 5, 1993∙ Published By
  158.                                | Robert Smathers (Albuquerque, Nm Usa) It Is A
  159.                                | Listing Of The North American Satellites And
  160.                                | The Audio/Video Services On Them That A Home
  161.                                | Dish Owner Can Get∙ New To This Issue:
  162.                                | Improved Satellite Headers, Atis Signals,
  163.                                | Updated Service Movements∙
  164. STS9334.ZIP   [0]  Latest version of the STSORBIT satellite
  165.                                | tracking program. Many new features!
  166. SYMBOL48.ZIP  [0]  Mathomatic v4∙8: powerful symbolic math pgm
  167.                                | that can automatically solve, simplify, and
  168.                                | combine algebraic equations, etc∙; basic
  169.                                | calculus operations and graphing are
  170.                                | supported; limited to 5 equations and 250
  171.                                | operators per equation side; 06/12/93; George
  172.                                | Gesslein∙
  173. TLE189.ZIP    [0]  Latest 2-line orbital elements for sts-orbit∙
  174. TLE208.ZIP    [0]  NASA/NORAD 2 Line Satellite Elemets Sets for
  175.                                | Satellite Tracking Programs. Over 600 Sats
  176.                                | are listed.
  177. VERNIER.ZIP   [0]  Vernier Caliper Teacher v1∙01: pgm written to
  178.                                | teach people how to read a vernier caliper
  179.                                | properly & easily; 06/17/93; Bill Amidei∙
  180. WXDEMO.ZIP    [0]  WeatherGraphix - a full featured program that
  181.                                | graphically displays analyzed wx data
  182.                                | (captured from CIS, Accu-Weather, etc.) on a
  183.                                | zoom-able US map. Plots radar echoes and
  184.                                | more. Req. EGA/VGA. Shareware.