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#ifndef lint
static char SccsId[] = "%W% %G%";
/* Module: csrpoly3.c (Cursor Polygon Line)
* Purpose: Manipulate vertex lists for drawing polygon cursor
* Subroutine: closest_polygon_line() returns: int
* Copyright: 1989 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
* You may do anything you like with this file except remove
* this copyright. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* Modified: {0} Michael VanHilst initial version 30 June 1989
* {n} <who> -- <does what> -- <when>
#include <math.h> /* define sqrt() */
#include <X11/Xlib.h> /* X window stuff */
#define ABS(a) ((a) < 0 ? (-(a)) : (a))
#define SQR(a) ((a) * (a))
* Subroutine: closest_polygon_line
* Purpose: Test for the closest polygon segment
* Note: in case of tie chose segment forming smallest angle with
* vector from pointer to closest point on segment
* Method: top down search
int closest_polygon_line ( x, y, vertex, cnt )
int x, y;
XPoint *vertex;
int cnt;
double min_distance, min_cosine;
double new_distance, new_cosine;
int min_endpoint, endpoint;
int min_j;
int i, j;
static double distance_from_segment(), cos_to_segment();
min_distance = 1.0E30;
min_j = 0;
for( j=cnt, i=j-1; i>=0; i--, j-- ) {
new_distance = distance_from_segment(x, y, vertex[i].x, vertex[i].y,
vertex[j].x, vertex[j].y, &endpoint);
if( new_distance <= min_distance ) {
if( new_distance < min_distance ) {
min_j = j;
min_distance = new_distance;
min_cosine = -1.0;
min_endpoint = endpoint;
} else {
if( min_cosine < 0.0 )
min_cosine =
cos_to_segment(x, y, vertex[min_j-1].x, vertex[min_j-1].y,
vertex[min_j].x, vertex[min_j].y, min_endpoint);
new_cosine = cos_to_segment(x, y, vertex[i].x, vertex[i].y,
vertex[j].x, vertex[j].y, endpoint);
if( new_cosine < min_cosine ) {
min_j = j;
min_cosine = new_cosine;
min_endpoint = endpoint;
return( min_j );
* Subroutine: distance_from_segment
* Returns: square of shortest distance from reference to line segment
* Method: Determine closest point on line, if it is in segment, return
* its distance, else return distance to closest endpoint
* Method: Equation of the line of the segement: ax + b = y
* a = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1), b = y1 - (a * x1)
* Perpendicular line passing through x, y: aax + bb = y
* aa = -1/a, bb = y_ref - (aa * x_ref)
* Intersection of two lines: x_norm, y_norm
* x_norm = (b - bb) / (a - aa), y_norm = (a * x_norm) + b
static double distance_from_segment ( x_ref, y_ref, x1, y1, x2, y2, endpoint )
int x_ref, y_ref; /* i: coordinates of reference point */
int x1, y1, x2, y2; /* i: coordinates of segment endpoints */
int *endpoint; /* o: closest pt end1=1 end2=2 between=0 */
double x_norm, y_norm;
int orthogonal;
/* determine closest point of line to reference point */
if( x2 == x1 ) {
/* line runs vertical or not at all */
x_norm = (double)x1;
y_norm = (double)y_ref;
orthogonal = 1;
} else if( y2 == y1 ) {
/* line runs horizontal */
x_norm = (double)x_ref;
y_norm = (double)y1;
orthogonal = -1;
} else {
register double a, b;
register double aa, bb;
orthogonal = 0;
a = (double)(y2 - y1) / (double)(x2 - x1);
aa = -1.0 / a;
b = (double)y1 - (a * (double)x1);
bb = (double)y_ref - (aa * (double)x_ref);
x_norm = (b - bb) / (aa - a);
y_norm = (a * x_norm) + b;
*endpoint = 3;
/* determine if point is in segment */
if( orthogonal == 1 ) {
/* vertical line, better to check y coords (all x the same) */
if( y1 > y2 ) {
if( (y_norm <= (double)y1) && (y_norm >= (double)y2) )
*endpoint = 0;
} else {
if( (y_norm >= (double)y1) && (y_norm <= (double)y2) )
*endpoint = 0;
} else {
/* determine if point is in segment */
if( x1 > x2 ) {
if( (x_norm <= (double)x1) && (x_norm >= (double)x2) )
*endpoint = 0;
} else {
if( (x_norm >= (double)x1) && (x_norm <= (double)x2) )
*endpoint = 0;
if( *endpoint == 0 ) {
return( SQR((double)x_ref - x_norm) + SQR((double)y_ref - y_norm) );
} else {
int d1, d2;
d1 = SQR(x_ref - x1) + SQR(y_ref - y1);
d2 = SQR(x_ref - x2) + SQR(y_ref - y2);
if( d1 < d2 ) {
*endpoint = 1;
return( (double)d1 );
} else {
*endpoint = 2;
return( (double)d2 );
* Subroutine: cos_to_segment
* Returns: cosine squared of angle between vector from reference to
* closest point on line and vector along line away from reference
* Method: cos = vector scalar (cross) product / product of lengths
* Note: Cosine-squared uses one multiply where cosine needs 2 sqrts
static double cos_to_segment ( x_ref, y_ref, x1, y1, x2, y2, endpoint )
int x_ref, y_ref; /* i: coordinates of reference point */
int x1, y1, x2, y2; /* i: coordinates of segment endpoints */
int endpoint; /* i: closest pt end1=-1 end2=1 between=0 */
int segment_i, segment_j;
int ray_i, ray_j;
int segment_len;
if( endpoint == 0 )
/* closest point was on segment, angle is 90 deg, cos = 0 */
return( 0.0 );
segment_i = x2 - x1;
segment_j = y2 - y1;
if( (segment_len = SQR(segment_i) + SQR(segment_j)) == 0 )
/* if segment has no length, make it a sure loser for insertion */
return( 1.1 );
if( endpoint == 1 ) {
ray_i = x1 - x_ref;
ray_j = y1 - y_ref;
} else {
/* reverse sense since segment is also going other way */
ray_i = x_ref - x2;
ray_j = y_ref - y2;
return( ((double)SQR((segment_i * ray_i) + (segment_j * ray_j)) /
(double)(segment_len * (SQR(ray_i) + SQR(ray_j))))) );
segment_i *= ray_i;
segment_j *= ray_j;
segment_i += segment_j;
return( (double)(segment_i * segment_i) /
(double)(segment_len * (SQR(ray_i) + SQR(ray_j))) );