Dr. CD ROM (Annual Premium Edition)
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OS/2 REXX Batch file
226 lines
/* This is a REXX file to back up selected files to one diskette drive */
/* while writing a log to the other drive */
/* This is set up to log on A: and place backups on B:
* If you want to reverse, change it here
backupdisk = "B:"
logdisk = "A:"
/* This can be used to change what external command is
* executed by the program
extcmd = "backup"
say "This procedure backs up selected files to drive" backupdisk
call getlogdisk
call setupparms
call bakemup
/* Set it up to be able to use SysFileTree */
rc = RxFuncQuery( 'SysDriveInfo' )
/* say "RxFuncQuery rc = " rc */
if rc = 1 then
rc = RxFuncAdd( 'SysDriveInfo', 'RexxUtil', 'SysDriveInfo' )
/* "RxFuncAdd rc = " rc */
/* Check success, and do the job
* rc can be 0 if SysDriveInfo is already registered or if it is
* already registered successfully.
if rc = 0 then do
driveinfo = ""
do while driveinfo = ""
say "Please put the log diskette in drive" logdisk "and press RETURN"
pull newbie
driveinfo = SysDriveInfo( logdisk )
call RxFuncDrop( 'SysDriveInfo' )
return /* getlogdisk */
/* This variable governs directory searches later on */
dattribs = '*+-**'
/* Attributes for directories:
Archive * (don't care)
Directory + (yes)
Hidden - (no)
Read only * (don't care )
System * (don't care ) */
say "To start a new set enter N, otherwise anything else"
parse upper pull newbie .
/* say "newbie = " newbie
* The dot ensures that blanks are stripped from around the first
* word and collects any multiple word garbage that might be
* entered to check robustness.
new = substr(newbie, 1, 1 )
if new = "N" then
parms = "/L:" || logdisk || "\backup.log"
/* New diskette set, no append, no check for modification
Attributes are: (L to R )
Archive * (don't care)
Directory - (no)
Hidden - (no)
Read only * (don't care )
System - (no) */
attrib = "*--*-"
'del a:backup.log 2> nul'
parms = "/A /M /L:" || logdisk || "\backup.log"
/* Continue: append to current backup diskette,
backup only modified files
Attributes are: (L to R )
Archive + (must be set - selective backup)
Directory - (no)
Hidden - (no)
Read only * (don't care )
System - (no) */
attrib = "+--*-"
/* say "parms =" parms " attrib =" attrib */
/* These are the selected files */
/* Each selection is made as a pair, paths. and files.
* The variable paths selects a root directory to be searched
* for files of various types.
* The variable files contains the set of file extensions that
* will be searched for.
* To add/delete files, add/delete them in pairs.
* Specify first the path to be backed up, then
* the string of files to be searched for in each
* subdirectory of the chosen directory, as well as the
* directory itself. Then change the limit variable below:
paths.0 = "e:\files"
files.0 = "*doc *wk1 *wk3 *wg2 *cdr *fm1 *fm3"
paths.1 = "e:\c600\binp"
files.1 = "*.cmd"
paths.2 = "e:\word55"
files.2 = "*.gly *.sty"
paths.3 = "d:\tk"
files.3 = "*.tk"
paths.4 = "d:\sw\songs"
files.4 = "*"
paths.5 = "d:\folks"
files.5 = "*.dt?"
paths.6 = "d:\bridge"
files.6 = "*.dat"
paths.7 = "d:\windows"
files.7 = "*.crd"
paths.8 = "e:\usr\bin"
files.8 = "*.cmd"
paths.9 = "e:\prj"
files.9 = "*.doc *.y *.lxi *.asm *.mak *,v *.c *.cpp *.cc *.h *.mk"
limit = 9 /* Change this when more file
specs are added to the list. The value
should be the same as the highest number on
the files and paths variables. */
/* This is a precaution, because this is the only
* directory where we back up all files, and don't
* want the .bak files.
* 2> means redirect stderr, to avoid a frequent
* confusing message.
* Some users may not wish to have such a command executed.
'del d:\sw\songs\*bak 2> nul'
/* Set it up to be able to use SysFileTree */
rc = RxFuncQuery( 'SysFileTree' )
/* say "RxFuncQuery rc = " rc */
if rc = 1 then
rc = RxFuncAdd( 'SysFileTree', 'RexxUtil', 'SysFileTree' )
/* say "RxFuncAdd rc = " rc */
/* Check success, and do the job */
if rc = 0 then do
say "Starting backup by looking for files"
do i = 0 to limit
rc = SysFileTree( paths.i || "\*", 'dirs', 'SDO', dattribs )
if rc = 0 then do
pathcount = dirs.0
dirs.0 = paths.i
do j = 0 to pathcount
dirs.j = dirs.j || "\"
/* say " dirs."j"=" dirs.j */
temporary = files.i
do while temporary \= ''
parse var temporary pfeil temporary /* REXX idiom for pulling
* successive words out of a
* string in a hurry
searcher = dirs.j || pfeil
rc = SysFileTree( searcher, 'fyles','FO', attrib )
/* say searcher " rc =" rc "fyles.0 =" fyles.0 */
if (rc = 0) & (fyles.0 > 0) then do
commandtodo = extcmd searcher backupdisk parms
if new = 'N' then do
new = 'O' /* Once only! */
parms = '/A' parms
/* say "PARMS FIXED" */
end /* if new = 'N' */
/* pull newbie */
end /* if ( rc = 0 ) & ( fyles.0 > 0 ) */
drop fyles /* Economize our memory space */
end /* do k = 0 to filenamecount */
/* pull newbie */
end /* do j = 0 to pathcount */
end /* if rc = 0 then do */
else /* rc /= 0, SysFileTree failed */ do
say "SysFileTree call failed - exiting!"
drop dirs /* Ecnomize on space, probably not necessary */
end /* do i = 1 to limit */
/* Now unload the entry point that was registered */
call RxFuncDrop( 'SysFileTree' )
say "Backup procedure completed"
end /* of do */
else say "Unable to load SysFileTree - execution ended"