Dr. CD ROM (Annual Premium Edition)
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Assembly Source File
614 lines
page ,132
title divop ( display interrupt vectors on prtr ) - 10/14/91 - 03:35 pm
; display interrupt vectors on printer
; ( either all, empty, or used )
; ( for all interrupts from 00 to FF )
; vector table syntax : ( lo-hi format )
; offset : segment
; (word) : (word)
; display syntax : ( hi-lo format )
; segment : offset
; (word) (word)
;* syntax :
;* divop a ( all int vectors )
;* divop e ( empty only int vectors )
;* divop u ( used only int vectors )
csroff macro
;* cursor off
push ax
push cx
mov ah,1
mov ch,32
int 10h
pop cx
pop ax
csron macro
;* cursor on
push ax
push cx
mov ah,1
mov ch,stcsl ; restore the crsr start line
mov cl,stcel ; restore the crsr end line
int 10h
pop cx
pop ax
csrsv macro
;* cursor save
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov ah,3
mov bh,0
int 10h
mov stcsl,ch ; save the crsr start line
mov stcel,cl ; save the crsr end line
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
;* direct console input
dci macro cic
mov ah,7
int 21h
mov cic,al
;* display character on printer
dcop macro poc
mov dl,poc
mov ah,5
int 33
lm macro msg
;* list message
lea ax,msg
call lmts
mswl macro dest,sors,len
;* move short with length
;* dest = destination of move
;* sors = source of move
;* len = max length of move
;* length may be from 1 to 255
;* length must be db if variable
push cx
push di
push si
mov ch,0
mov cl,len
lea di,dest
lea si,sors
rep movsb
pop si
pop di
pop cx
pc macro fld,len,char
;* propagate character
;* the area named 'fld',
;* for a length of 'len'
;* will be filled with 'char'
push ax
push cx
push di
lea di,fld
mov cx,len
mov al,char
rep stosb
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
pm macro msg
;* print message
;* ( by calling pmtp )
lea ax,msg
call pmtp
rk macro kpa
;* read keyboard
;* kpa = keyboard parameter area
;* function 10 = read buffered keyboard
lea dx,kpa
mov ah,10
; equates
z equ 0
four equ 4
lf equ 10
tof equ 12
cr equ 13
mlc equ 30
.model small
; parm area
org 128
pl db 0 ; parm len ( includes space )
db 0 ; space
aeu db 0 ; 'a', 'e', 'u'
org 256
go: jmp divs
; data section
stcsl db z ; save the crsr start line
stcel db z ; save the crsr end line
voa1 db z ; vector offset address 1
voa2 db z ; vector offset address 2
vsa1 db z ; vector segment address 1
vsa2 db z ; vector segment address 2
; vector address msg
vam db cr,lf
db ' * interrupt # = '
vin db 'xx'
db ' - vector addresses : '
db ' segment = '
vsv db 'xxxx'
db ' , '
db ' offset = '
vov db 'xxxx'
db cr,lf,z
hm db '<=== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ===>'
db 0,0,0
hma db '<=== printed list of all interrupt vectors ===>'
hme db '<=== printed list of empty interrupt vectors ===>'
hmf db '<=== printed list of used interrupt vectors ===>'
lhm db 13,10,10
db ' * interrupt vectors being printed * '
db 13,10,10,0
ff db tof,z ; top of form
cll db cr,lf,lf,z ; cr, lf, lf
rr db z ; reg result
lc db z ; line count
rv db z ; req value
poc db z ; prt out char
mrv dw z ; mult req value
mbtf dw z ; work field
tolf db z ; type of list flag
; code section
; check command line
mov tolf,'a' ; set flag for all
mswl hm,hma,53 ; set msg for all
cmp pl,0 ; parm len = 0 ?
je gaiv ; if so, default
; check passed parameters
cmp aeu,'a' ; all ?
je gaiv ; if so, do it
cmp aeu,'e' ; empty ?
jne cfupp ; if not, chk for used
mov tolf,'e' ; if so, set for empty
mswl hm,hme,53 ; set msg for empty
jmp gaiv ; do it
cmp aeu,'u' ; used ?
jne gaiv ; if not, do it
mov tolf,'u' ; if so, set for used
mswl hm,hmf,53 ; set msg for used
jmp gaiv ; do it
; get all int vectors
csrsv ; cursor save
csroff ; cursor off
call green ; set scrn to green
call dhr ; display hdg rtn
lm cll ; cr, lf, lf
lm lhm ; list hdg msg
; get and display
; ( the interrupt vector address contents )
; ( for all interrupt vectors )
push es ; save es
mov ax,0 ; set es
mov es,ax ; to 0
mov bx,mrv ; set bx to request
cmp tolf,'a' ; all ?
je gc
mov cx,es:[bx] ; get addresses
mov dx,es:[bx+2] ; for empty/full check
cmp cx,0 ; empty ?
je cdx ; if so, carry on
jmp cff ; else, chk full flag
cmp dx,0 ; empty ?
je cef ; if so, chk empty flag
jmp co ; else, give up
cmp tolf,'e' ; empty ?
je gc ; if so, do it
jmp co ; give up
cmp tolf,'u' ; used ?
je gc ; if so, do it
jmp co ; give up
mov al,es:[bx] ; get contents
mov voa2,al ; of vector
mov al,es:[bx+1] ; offset
mov voa1,al ; address
mov al,es:[bx+2] ; get contents
mov vsa2,al ; of vector
mov al,es:[bx+3] ; segment
mov vsa1,al ; address
pop es ; restore es
; display vector address msg
mov al,rv
call chta
mov vin,dh
mov vin+1,dl
mov al,voa1
call chta
mov vov,dh
mov vov+1,dl
mov al,voa2
call chta
mov vov+2,dh
mov vov+3,dl
mov al,vsa1
call chta
mov vsv,dh
mov vsv+1,dl
mov al,vsa2
call chta
mov vsv+2,dh
mov vsv+3,dl
pm vam
add lc,1
cmp lc,mlc
jb co
call dhr
add rv,1
add mrv,four
cmp mrv,1020 ; interrupt FF ?
ja stop
jmp gad
lm cll
pm cll
pm ff
mov al,0 ; set cond code to 0
mov ah,76 ; and exit
int 33
; display hdg rtn
dhr proc near
mov lc,0
pm ff
pm hm
pm cll
dhr endp
;* catb.prc
;* convert ascii to binary
;* converts an ascii decimal
;* input number
;* pointed to by si,
;* to a dw binary output field
;* pointed to by di,
;* with the input field width
;* in bx,
;* and using a dw multiply
;* temporary field named mbtf
catb proc near
push ax
push cx
mov cx,10
mov mbtf,1
sub si,1
mov al,[si+bx]
and ax,000fh
mul mbtf
add [di],ax
mov ax,mbtf
mul cx
mov mbtf,ax
dec bx
jnz catbl
pop cx
pop ax
catb endp
; cath.prc
;* convert ascii to hex
;* byte is in al both ways
cath proc near
sub al,48
jb athe
cmp al,10
jb athx
sub al,39
cmp al,16
jnb athe
cmp al,10
jnb athx
athe: mov al,255
athx: ret
cath endp
; cbwtas.prc
;* convert binary word to ascii string
;* before call set :
;* ax = binary number
;* bx = length of output field
;* si = pointer to output field
cbwtas proc near
push cx
push dx
mov cx,10
sub bx,1
add si,bx
cmp ax,0010
jb cbtavsx
sub dx,dx
div cx
or dl,48
mov [si],dl
dec si
jmp cbtavsl
or al,48
mov [si],al
pop dx
pop cx
cbwtas endp
;* chta.prc
;* convert hex to ascii ( 1 byte )
;* byte to be converted is passed in al
;* the hi nibble is passed back in dh
;* the lo nibble is passed back in dl
chta proc near
; convert hi nibble
mov dh,al ; move byte for hi conversion
shr dh,1 ; shift
shr dh,1 ; out
shr dh,1 ; lo
shr dh,1 ; nibble
add dh,48 ; add ascii zero
cmp dh,58 ; > than 9 ?
jl chtadl ; if not, carry on
add dh,7 ; else, convert to a-f
; convert lo nibble
mov dl,al ; move byte for lo conversion
and dl,15 ; get rid of hi nibble
add dl,48 ; add ascii zero
cmp dl,58 ; > than 9 ?
jl chtax ; if not, carry on
add dl,7 ; else, convert to a-f
chta endp
;* green prc
;* change screen to
;* white on green
green proc near
mov ah,11 ; set color palette fct
mov bh,0 ; text mode
mov bl,15 ; border = white
int 16
mov ah,2 ; set cursor position fct
mov bh,0 ; page number 0
mov dh,0 ; row 0
mov dl,0 ; col 0
int 16
mov ah,9 ; write char and attr fct
mov al,32 ; char = space
mov bh,0 ; page number 0
mov bl,47 ; attr = green back, white crsr
mov cx,2000 ; 25 * 80
int 16
green endp
;* lmts.prc
;* list msg to screen
;* called by macro lm
;* using ax as ptr to msg
;* msg terminated by final zero
;* or max 512 bytes
lmts proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push si
mov bx,ax
mov cx,512
mov si,0
mov al,[bx][si]
cmp al,0
je lmtsx
int 41
inc si
loop lmtsl
pop si
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
lmts endp
;* pmtp.prc
;* print msg (to printer)
;* called by macro pm
;* using ax as ptr to msg
;* msg terminated by final zero
;* or max 512 bytes
pmtp proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push si
mov bx,ax
mov cx,512
mov si,0
mov al,[bx][si]
cmp al,0
je pmtpx
mov poc,al
dcop poc
inc si
loop pmtpl
pop si
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pmtp endp
end go