Dr. CD ROM (Annual Premium Edition)
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Assembly Source File
198 lines
page ,132
title ccc ( color change com ) as of 04/28/91 - 02:45 pm
; Color Change Com
; does color changes to:
; foreground,
; background,
; edge( if not ega,vga )
; syntax : ccc f=nn,b=nn,e=nn
; where nn = 00-15 decimal
; if no parms,
; default to yellow on brown
code segment para public 'code'
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code
org 128
pl db 0 ; parm len ( includes space )
db 0 ; space
ff db 0 ; f
db 0 ; =
f db 0,0 ; nn
db 0 ; ,
bb db 0 ; b
db 0 ; =
b db 0,0 ; nn
db 0 ; ,
ee db 0 ; e
db 0 ; =
e db 0,0 ; nn
sf db 0 ; save fore
sb db 0 ; save back
se db 0 ; save edge
mbtf dw 1
org 256
cmp pl,0 ; parm len = 0 ?
je default ; if so, default
cff: mov al,ff ; get foreground key
cmp al,'f' ; foreground key there ?
je cbb ; if so, check background
cmp al,'F' ; foreground key there ?
je cbb ; if so, check background
jmp default ; take default
cbb: mov al,bb ; get background key
cmp al,'b' ; background key there ?
je cee ; if so, check edge
cmp al,'B' ; background key there ?
je cee ; if so, check edge
jmp default ; take default
cee: mov al,ee ; get edge key
cmp al,'e' ; edge key there ?
je pp ; if so, process parameters
cmp al,'E' ; edge key there ?
je pp ; if so, process parameters
mov sf,14 ; default fore = yellow
mov sb,6 ; default back = brown
mov se,6 ; default edge = brown
jmp ssbc ; and skip process parameters
lea si,f ; ptr to in
lea di,sf ; ptr to out
mov sf,0 ; clear out
mov bx,2 ; set in len
call catb ; convert
lea si,b ; ptr to in
lea di,sb ; ptr to out
mov sb,0 ; clear out
mov bx,2 ; set in len
call catb ; convert
lea si,e ; ptr to in
lea di,se ; ptr to out
mov se,0 ; clear out
mov bx,2 ; set in len
call catb ; convert
;* set sixteen background colors
mov al,9 ; set blink bit to intensity
mov dx,3d8h ; set color register
out dx,al ; send al to dx
;* set edge color
mov ah,11 ; set color palette fct
mov bh,0 ; text mode
mov bl,se ; get edge color
int 16
;* set cursor position
mov ah,2 ; set cursor position fct
mov bh,0 ; page 0
mov dh,0 ; row 0
mov dl,0 ; col 0
int 16
;* write character and attribute
mov bl,sf ; get foreground
mov al,sb ; get background
mov cl,4 ; set for shift
shl al,cl ; shift t0 left nibble
or bl,al ; OR with background
mov ah,9 ; write char and attr
mov al,32 ; space is char
mov bh,0 ; page is 0
mov cx,2000 ; 25 * 80 = full screen
int 16
exit: mov al,0 ; ret code = 0
mov ah,76 ; term with ret code
int 33
;* convert ascii to binary
;* converts an ascii decimal
;* input pointed to by si,
;* to a dw binary output field
;* pointed to by di,
;* with the input width in bx,
;* and using a dw multiply
;* temporary field named mbtf
catb proc near
push ax
push cx
mov cx,10
mov mbtf,1
sub si,1
mov al,[si+bx]
and ax,15
mul mbtf
add [di],ax
mov ax,mbtf
mul cx
mov mbtf,ax
dec bx
jnz catbl
pop cx
pop ax
catb endp
code ends
end ccc
; Color Chart
; Black = 00 Light Black = 08
; Blue = 01 Light Blue = 09
; Green = 02 Light Green = 10
; Cyan = 03 Light Cyan = 11
; Red = 04 Light Red = 12
; Magenta = 05 Light Magenta = 13
; Brown = 06 Light Brown = 14 ( Yellow )
; White = 07 Light White = 15