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OCR: Syonan Youths Become Heiho Enthusiasts DISPLAY CO-OPERATIVE SPIRIT INSPIRED by the lofty ideal of fitting themselves into the Kyoeiken (Co-Prosperity Sphere) and of contributing materially towards the creation of Asiajin no Asia (Asia for Asiatics), a large number of young men representative of the Malal, Chinese, Indian and Eurasian communities in Syonan have started training in earnest to qualify for their eventual inclu- sion in the Heiho, the recently established Auxiliary Military Force in Syonan. This batch of young men is Syonan's first group of Helho They are undergoing PUBLIC NOTICES recruits. their training in beautiful and healthy surroundings facing the sea, somewhere in Syonan, and TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No. 225 although they started training only a few days ago on June 1 RE: THE ISSUE OF TRAVELLING to be exact-the PASSPORTS. them are already majority showing the beneficial effects of steady and The revised new order with respect well regulated lives. to the issue of passport for travellers A Syonan Sinbun spoke to Hamzah Said, reporter who to Malal Peninsula and Bintang Island one of the shall come into effect on and from the recruits, yesterday, was informed that 10th day of June, whereby the said he went for his medical inspection on passport shall henceforth be issued for May 30. On the 31st he, together with applicant from the Chief Nippon a number of others, was shown his Oficer of the respective Police Division future quarters, which were occupied for the benefit of the applicant in- the next day-June 1. stead of such passport es had hereto- Hamzah, when asked why he join- fore been handled and issued by the ed the Heiho, said: "I want to get Hoanka of Keimubu. at the inner meaning of Kyoeiken (Co-Prosperity Sphere). I want to co- Therefore, applicants for such trave !- operate with the authorities and to ling passports should apply personally see a bit of the world, which service hereafter to the respective Police in the Helho will enable me to do." Division with Census-Taking list of Explaining the routine the recruits their own household. go through daily. Hamaah explained SYONAN TOKUBETU-SI TYO. that they rose at 7 a.m ., bathed and Syonan, 5th June, 2603. cleaned up generally, breakfasted at 9 after one hour's physical drill, fol- 157-161 lowing which they in d military drills. took part TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No. 226 n started They took lunch at 1 p.m. another phase and of physical rt drill from 3 to 6 p.m. Dinner was RE: VACCINATION AND ANTI- then served and lights-out called at TYPHOID INOCULATION he 9 p.m. Hamzah declared that the whole batch were like one big family. There are no distinctions between the It is hereby notified that ail employers Malais, Chinese, Indians or Eurasians and employees of eating houses, coffee who all dress alike, do the same work shops, hawkers and peddlers of food- and eat the same food. stuffs including those engaged in the As is to be expected there are in the manufacture and sale of foodstuffs and Syonan batch of Helho recruits many beverages must be vaccinated and in- youths who actually belong up-country oculated in compliance with the direc- but who have been in this island and tions stated below :- have worked here for many years. 1. The preventive inoculation Hamzah is an example of a Penang against typhoid will be enforced. and smallpox boy who came to settle down here. He is 25 years old and passed out 2. Inoculation will start from the from the former Penang Free School. 10th day of June to the 9th day He was formerly a salesman who in of August. turn took to contributing articles to Time-10 o'clock of forenoon to 13 newspapers and finally to selling o'clock, Chinaware, when the Dal Toa Senso (Sundays and holidays excepted). started. He has represented Penang at 3. Place of Inoculation soccer and Kuala Lumpur at hockey. Hospitals and Clinics under the "I am very happy where I am and management of Syonan Toku- so are all the others at the camp. betu-81. There is all we want there good food. 4. Licences must be produced at the clothes and dally necessities, kind and Inoculation Centres for endorse- understanding officers and above ment. the prospect of adventure when SYONAN TOKUBETU-SI TYO. proceed overseas. " It Is high time that every young 7th June, Syowa 18. man In Malal joined up instead of 156-158 wasting his time at home, on the streets or In the cabarets," stated DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE Hamzah in conclusion.