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OCR: At Saturday's Boxing Record Crowd Thrilled By First-Rate Display Of Boxing Skill ,. Spirit OVER $10,000 'GATE' FOR SETTLERS AT ENDAU, BAHAU A RECORD gate collection of over $10,000 was realised at the boxing in support of settlers at the Endau and Bahay collective farms held at the Great World Arena on Saturday Viewed from all points, the evening's program arranged by the sponsors, the management of the Great World and the New World Amusement Parks, and the Syonan Shimbun, proved a great success The fights proved to be the | win over Little Loone after four rounds best and most thrilling seen in of hard fighting. years. Every one of the six Ballau Kid, otherwise Frankte Pes- bouts came ap to expectations, tana, a former amateur welterweight and delighted the enormous champion of this island, made an a is- crowd which packed the arena. piclous first appearance in the profes- To Mr. Nal Cional ring. Festena boxed beautifully. Kim Lin goes and scored repeatedly with well-timed the credit for Cefts. Datara Singh was made to miss arranging, badly at times. on behalf of popular vinner. Pestana was a very the sponsors, a card Opening the program, Endau Kid which certainly (Chia Mun Onn) and Curtey Williams hit coch other with everything except topped all other the ring pets. Endau Kid carned a previous "best rarrow decision, after four rounds In promotions." which the boys teck heavy punicht- Highlights of ment. the evening's A telegram has been sent by the program were Syonan Shimbun (Engikh Edition) undoubtedly the afr. Nat Kim Lin, to Mr. M. Shinozaki, Koselka-Cho. Sima - Weber and "father" of the Endat and and Golden Boy-Cabanella Bahau Grow Afore Food Farms, who clashes, which were marked by Is at present at Endau (New Syonan) rousing all-round displays. Both announcing the record gate collection Sima and Golden Boy won de- taken in ald of the settler at those places cisively. The judges for those bouts were Dr. S. H. Allunted and NEXT WEEK'S CARD Mr. C. F. J. Ess. At the New World Arena next The results of the fights were! Saturday, Promoter Matthew de Souza Battling S'ma beat Frankio Weber will present a double-championship program: Frankie Weber vs. Baby on points over 10 two-mlan'e rounds; Golden Boy beat Kid Cabanel'a on Eagle for the Malainn welterweight litle, and Tiger Aman vs. Kid Cabanelia pain's over 10 two-minute rounds; for thit Mainfar bantamweight crown. Jagior Singh beat Kid Pancho on Tchnny Mortell meets Ong Hock Beng points over eight two-minute rounds; In one of the supporting bouts. - Pictures show (top left) a phase of the Golden Boy- M. Dass beat Itlle Loone, Bahau Cabanella . fight; (right) Battling Sima receiving the de Kid (Frankie Pestana) oulpointed Dabara Singh and Curley Williams Silva * shield from Mr. H. Izawa, Kaikel Bucho, Syonan lost to Endau Kid (Chia Mun Onn), Co-operation Of Shimbun; (bottom) a view of the crowd. all over four two-minute rounds, Mr H. Izawa. Kaikel Bucho Djawanese Lauded Nippon Is Today Shanghai Welcomes (Chief Cashier) Syonan Shim- bun (Nippon Edition). 'Another Gesture' away the following gave trophtes By Lt. Gen.K.Harada Championing presented by the various donors immediately after e Sima- Weber bout: Domel. Equality Of Man Of Nippon Sincerity SHANGHAI, Mar. 11 .- It Is The Konci-ka Cho silver challenge DJAKARTA, March 10 ,- High learned that the authorlies have belt for the winner of the main event, praise for the wholehearted co- abd the B. P. de Silva shield for the operation of local inhabitants of best performance of the evening, to Djawa who are working assidu- Domel. decided to return, beginning from Battling Sima, ously for the increased produc- KUALA LUMPUR, March .11 .- Mar. 12, foreign securities of gold bar to their original owners who The Kosel-ka Cho Cup for the best tion of foodstuffs as well as bel- Addressing a large gathering of are either non-enemy Chinese or display of fighting spirit, to Kid Moslems yesterday, Governor nationals of neutral countries. Cababella. stering of the insular defence. was expressed by Lieut .- General Shotaro Katayama explained how The present decision which at- The Parlar Cup for the next best test aipo Nippon respect for the display of fighting spirit, to Frankie Kumakichi Harada In a special Nippon is championing the equal- ity of man and stressed the need rights of non-enemy nationals, Weber. statement issued on the occasion for all to undergo any bardahlp .comes on the heels of the com- The Ho Kok Kee Cap for rood dis- of the second anniversary of the occupation of Djawa by the Im- to win ultimate victory. pletion of an exhaustive study of play of fighting spirit, to Kid Pancho. foreign securities since the open- With the exception of the sliver perial Nippon forces. The occasion was a tea party held challenge belt presented by the Korel- Hicut .- General Harada lauded the by Moslems t concludo the four-day ing of the current war .. ke cho, which will be awarded to the celebrations of Prophet Mohammed's The Spokesman of the. Nippon winner of cach main event in boxing The Spokesman of the. Nippon epochal progress made in the, construc- birthday here. Among those present Embassy office here declared matches in support of settiers In Bahau tion of Djawa during the past two ycars sinco the Nippon occupation and were the Sultan of Selangor and many and Endau, all the other trophies were urged still further efforts on the part Nippon officers, that since the outbreak of the Raja Uda, on behalf of the Mostem Dai Tca Senso (Greater East won outright by the boxers. A gift of $100 was made to Frankie of the people as the intensified wa: Pestana by a former altuation demands the mobilization of community, welcomed the guests and Asia War) the return to owners the total power of the island. expressed Moslems' loyalty to the Nip- of all foreign securities of gold officer. brother police pon administration. bar was withheld pending inves- It may be mentioned here that all He sold that for this purpose, th The Governor, in addressing the tigation of their character in those boxers, who did not win trophics. Djawa Service Association was inaugur- cl-o fought in inspired style and con- ated on Mar. 1 through the efforts gathering, declared that this function connection with the liquidation and the enthusiasm displayed at the of business of all banks of enemy tributed, no less than the trophy win- of a preparatory committee comprising ners, to the success of the evening's leaders of the local inhabitants as weil recent procession clearly testify to the program, as Nippon Icaders. He continued that solidarity of Moslems in Selangor countries. The authorities how- general and Kuala Lumpur in particu- ever, fully respected the interests THE EVENING'S BOUTS the creation of the new service asso- clation has Involved some changes such lar, of their rightful owners. Combining neat footwork with clean, as the abandonment of popular co- "In your address today," he con- With the completion of these hard punching, Sima effectively coun- operative movements and the re- tinued, "you made reference to the investigations it has been decld- tered Weber's swift onruches and often Organization of the Chinese and local declared determination of Nippon to ed, through consultation with rocked Weber with atinging rights people in order to cope with the new champion the cause of Islam. I am organs concerned, to return for- the head. Weber was tough, however, situation. glad to say that this is so. On behalf of the administration I thank you for cign securities and gold bar in- and gave his opponent no rest, dealing He said that all such changes and your pledge to give of your very best cluding gold coin to non-enemy out heavy blows to the body at every developments indicate the trust the opportunity. Sima slowered Webor people of Djawa have placed in the for the achievement of our final vic- Chinese and nationals of neutral down considerably in the later rounds. administration as well as their deaire tory and establishment of a new order countries. The Filipino's fine exhibition in this to co-operate In the joint war efforts. in Toa (East Asia)." The Spokesman said that for- bout was one seldom seen in the local Pointing out that the Greater East The Governor pointed out that this is war and consequently difficulties to eign securities to be returned in- ring. Asia War is now reaching the decisive There was a sensational opening te stage, h urged them to exert their a certain cxtent are unavoidable. He clude bonds and all debentures There was a emphasized, however. that before long including debentures of enter- the Golden Boy-Cabanella clash utmost efforts for the consummation of the war through the mobilization the day will come when all the people prises under military enterprises, Golden Boy nearly repeating his re- of their total strength under the new Car enjoy happy occasions 11kg Prophet Mohammed's birthday and shares of industries under cent feat against Barban Singh by sending Cabanella down with a wicked service system. more pomp. military control not Included. right to the head for a count of nine The function came to a close with in the very first round. The Eurasian three banzals to Tenno Helka called by went all out for a quick decision, and RICE-GROWING CONTEST the Sultan of Selangor. Wire on top during the following few rounds, Cabanella was floored twice Domel, The Selangor State Band played selected Nippon tunes. Band played Handwork Exhibition, again for long counts in rounds thro SOERABAJA, March 7 -- A and four, but showed great fighting mittee of Judges is touring the coun- Com- Sports Meet At spirit and tremendous stamina to fight tryside in Scerabaja Province to de- In Indian Kampong Malai School back strongly in the latter sessions, termine the Giving another fine display, Ja Giving another fine display, Jagfor for the best rice-growers, The fudgea provincial prize-winners office-sponsored contest Singh gained a comfortable points' are inspecting 695 ricefields each of mpaign Plans IN commemoration of Army decision over Kid Pancho. The Sikh Day and the birthday of the Holy used his left very effectively 30 acres, which have been cultivated and by the contestants who were selected of morale among Indian troops Prophet, the Futsuko Gakko Kampong Malal handed out severe punishment, Pancho was very ganic. Pancho im- but by the provincial authorities. Prizes have been offered by the chief of the the British Hight held proved towards the end. Conceding @ |province and the Director-General of meet, handwork exhibition and a ib. M. Dass scored a very creditsble the Military Administration. a sports