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OCR: Page 4 THE SYONAN TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, SYOWA 17 'Compost' Is Invaluable Aid DIAGRAM OF LAY -OUT FOR THE In Home Food Growing HOUSEHOLD COMPOSTING PLAN Sealt + -19 PROVIDES RICH MANURE, the brim. On no account should the material be pushed or beaten down. smosable ands for DISPOSES OF GARBAGE It will sink considerably of its own ith compartment to accord, during the ensuing weeks. alkate turing. In dry weather, watering with a rose Satlecure & PREVENTS DISEASE spray should be begun at once. A ELEVATION sharp pointed stick should be pushed Potforms for- (Compartment Casa4) Into the centre of the mass so as to IT is hoped by the authorities that, through general enable a rough test of temperature to Fencing ' high be made. If the end of the stick is adoption of the simple process of converting cold and clammy to the touch, this shows that too much water has been back-yard sweepings, garden waste and cow-dung, added; if it is cold and dry, then there is too little water, but if it is warm and where available, into valuable plant food, consider- damp all is going well. able headway may be made by all householders in In moderately wet weather, no DIAGRAM OF THE PROCEDURE IN CONPOST MAKING POUR ING THE FIRST MONTH water need be added, while in very wet the grow more food campaign in Syonan and seasons the top of the heap should be w/. Noen of tur grass de .: //// +1///In Rap of cut grass obc. 11/1/1 sloped forwards and a light covering Malaya generally. of cocoanut fronds or Iallang put on top. Details of how to build compost At the end of the first week, the All- pits and the procedure to ing of the second compartment is adopted in the production be of begun. This compartment is then filled compost were outlined to completely in the course of the follow- Syonan Times reporter through ing week and so on until at the end DIAGRAM OF THE POSITION IN COMPOST MAMMA UP TO THE END OF THE SECOND MONTH of the first month all four compart- the courtesy of the Minsel-butyo, ments are full. Dr. K. Ando, yesterday. This arrangements has the ad- THE SECOND MONTH vantage that it utilizes waste During the course of the second products which are often scat- month, the material in each of the tered at random around human compartments is turned forwards into habitations with the danger of the enclosure in rotation, so as to furnish a vacant compartment every becoming breeding places for flies weck for the reception of fresh mate- 7ª WIEK and cther noxious pests. rial. It will be found that an intense The plan applies particularly fermentation has set in during the THE HOUSEHOLD COMPOST PLAN DURING ITS THIRD MONTH OF OPER ATION WITT Hoop of cut grass on c////. to rural households and small preceding weeks. The materials inside ./IN went of ongran th ///// the compartments will be white and villages where public scavenging glistening due to the development of services do not operate. It is fungus growth. important to note that where A fork or long pronged rake should cow-dung is used it should be be used for turning the material. An mixed with water in the proper- aid to orderly arrangement is got by tion of cne part of cow-dung to staking the heap with wooden pegs two parts of water. about three feet long. As a rule, no A standard layout consists of an en- watering is needed after the end of made of Dr. Kozo Ando the first month. clostire 16 feet x 24 feet fencing material (bamboo THIRD MONTH'S ROUTINE From the beginning of the third saplings) 4 feet high. At one end of this enclosure a series of four compart- month, two heaps are moved forward or jungle monts, cach 4 feet x 5 feet are made. successively every week. In this way Million Dollar The ends of these compartments, room is made for the reception of fresh which open into the main enclosure material into each of the compartments are provided with moveable gates. An as well as for the 2nd turning of the Lottery-Draw entrance is made at the far end of heaps within the enclosure. HOUSEHOLD COMPOST PLAN IN FULL WORKING ORDER AS IT the enclosure. WILL APPEAR AT THE END OF THE CELL 7 TOR ANY SUCCEEDING MONTH. THE The material of the second heap Open To Public The size of individual compartments and of the enclosure itself should be (earlier heap) will usually be found to dark in colour and more friable .//ww-Weap of grass cuttings the. varled to fit the amount of the mate- than before. Bacteria have now taken Keep of incomelondy 2/0 rial available for compost making. the leading share in the active process CALES of tickets in the Syonan One compartment should be filled of decomposition which has been going Syoken, the draw for which completely within a week. Observation on. In turning the heap for the second is scheduled to take place at the will usually indicate the actual amount time, care should be taken to bring the Syonan Kokaido on Sept. 10, have of compostable material continually outside of the heap inside and when almost been completed, the Syo- available. necessary protection from the rain is nan Times understands. There is There should be an ample supply of given. The process of fermentation can a very small balance of the water, preferably slop water or well be followed throughout by the use of 1,000,000 tickets remaining unsold, water, so as to avoid the wasteful use a sharp stick kept ready within the heap for temperature testing. and this is expected to be dis- of a piped water supply. (It will some- posed of before the date of the times be possible to arrange for the REMOVING THE COMPOST collection of slop or sullage water in draw. a pit or pall so that this water, con- At the end of the third month, the The Syonan Syoken is only one taining organic waste, can also be used oldest compost heap is ready. If not, of the many measures taken by with ultimate benefit to the compost required for immediate use, it can be our Administration to prevent in- heap). moved to a nearby potting-shed under cover. A sieve made of old fine mesh flation by withdrawing a part of As an aid to convenient filling and watering it is an advantage to con- expanded metal may be used to separate any incompletely composted