Labels:text | newspaper | newsprint | black and white | publication | paper OCR: Grow More Food Campaign Should Not Be Regarded As Somebody Else's Affair GUNSEIBU OFFICIAL EMPHASIZES NEED FOR PUBLIC CO-OPERATION RICE is the staple article of food for Malayans. All Malayans, Chinese and Indians, as a rule, eat rice daily. It must ix noted, however. To-Day's Radio that the quantity of rice which the Malay Penin- Nippon-Go sula can produce is only 40 per cent. of the basic consumption needs of the country, while the re- Lesson maining 60 per cent. has to be imported from Thailand or Burma, Mr. S. Yasuda of the Gunsei- learned bu, Syonan, pointed out in an interview with a mratuing " with "" as prey sil denoting the Ex:Is er IntFume 2-b representative of the Syonan Times. Te-day you wh learn ab ab other use of "de' meatand Such conditions still go on In English. denot.Mx Cauf . 4 unchanged in the days of the NEW FOOD POLICY Sometimes den Les exchang British Government. Among the Now here are s me examog EXPLAINED Kare wa byokt de Kuner: products imported at first from n 'm.mast Bvekt 1 :: other countries since our occup "To speed up self-saffciency in de- for- ation of the Malay Peninsula staple foodstuffs within Ma- taya. the Nippon Military Adminis- Translation He tice was rice which still continues to tration has started a campaign Lo for & s iliness be imported. increase food production. - The British Government Exp'aining the purpose of the kim s. A. in present drive, the Military Ad- .for this reason. Malaya preferred to have rice ministration yesterday bsued & stored by residents to the build- special announcement on its new Translation He does not am ing up of a reserve, if possible, policy regarding staple foodstuff .. at the cost of its own responsibil- The annonceement emphasized on the attainment of self-soffice!eney 3. Wateshi wa Bons kal u ( F. Indians at work in a rice field in Malaya, Efforts are being ity, leading the people to believe that there was an unlimited rice in foodstuffs involving the caltivi- en de kaimrsha made to Increase rice production with a view to attaining -shoes; kumpchita supply. Actually. the rice re- tion of all available land and the self-sufficiency in this country. uliliration of Idle farms. produc- Tran lation 1 5 ugh. serves throughout the Peninsula tion and distribution of arricht- Shoes for 10 cm were very limited, tural implements and fertilizers, Had the Nippon forces needed maintenance for fair prices for a longer period to conquer Malaya farm preduets and the adontion of Thai Nationals and that the country was still a positive agricultural development suffering from war-time condi- plan. tions, all Malayans might have Arriving By been forced to starve after the in foods can easily be achieved inadequate reserves of rice had Malaya through such a been consumed. Fortunately, measure. Malaya was saved from such It is necessary that we should Asama Mara disastrous consequences. bear in mind that in order to VITAL ISSUE attain these objects. plans for self-sufficiency should be drawn EIGHTEEN Thai nationals, in Again, supposing there had up by provinces. districts or vil- " cluding the son and daughter been such a contingency as & lages respectively. of the That Premier, Luang Pib !! temporary suspension of the ad- EVERY MAN'S DUTY Songgram. vance of the Nippon forces and and ex-diplomat: and consular officials In the a positive offensive resulting in United States will be among the the severance of communications At the same time, every man between Thailand, Burma and must exercise every possible repatriates when the Asami Malaya, thereby leading to the effort to bring about the achieve- Mara and Conte Verde arme a: Syenan on August 9 economic blockade of the Malay ment of self-sufficiency at his Peninsula by our powerful forces, own area. The cultivation of rice After seeing the sights of thir in such circumstances, the Malay | fields would be rather more dim- city. they will pay a courtesy rail Peninsula. under conditions |cult than the development of on Mayor Sigeo Odate and other which previously existed, owing dry ground, and large-scale areas high military and civil officials. to the shortage of foodstuffs, of paddy fields will need irriga- on August 10. Children of Bras Basah Road School, Syonan, busy on their would have been starved into tion facilites together with the They are scheduled to leave ont submission within a few months opening and construction of new August 11 by the land route vegetable plots under the supervision of their teachers. at the outside. roads and paths. which naturally through Malaya for their home- Timor Islanders, Under This well illustrates Malaya's weakness in the matter the make these projects impossible of land. escorted by Nippon officer! achievement within a short up to the Thal border of food production, which is so perlod. Our Bluejackets, Learn vital for In- Consequently. efforts for In- Nippon desires to Import rice creasing the production of food- Prasad On Indian stuff other than rice To Be Expert Farmers but Malayans must be awakened necessary with a view to a speedy Fight For Freedom to the realities of the world war, arrival at self-sufficiency. The in which they are deeply em- movements for Increasing pro- Koepang, Timor Island, Aug, 6. broiled. Malayan duction of substitute foodstuffs Liston, Aug. 6. Domet. NIPPON bluejackets garrisoned in Timor Island are now Malayan residents must be for the daily meals now under IT is reported from Patna W.d' regarded by the islanders as their saviours. The blue- grateful for their security and for their immediate release from way are supplementary to the Babu Rajendra Prasad, one ul measures abovementioned. Co- operation with these projects can the leaders of the Congress Party jackets are giving medical facilites to the inhabitants and war disasters. teaching the islanders how to cultivate the land and raise be expected even from such cities predicts that the new national non-violence civil disobedience farm products, reports Ryo Saito, naval war correspondent Moreover, they should be happy to be blessed even with a rood as Syonan-to. campaign, expected to be launched for Domel, supply which now satisfies their Attempts to plant the so-called by Mahatma Gandhi eventually He added that the Nippon; needs through the efforts of our substitute foodstuffs can be suc- will develop Into an Indian night cessful in remedying any food for independence. naval units who travel from hamlet to hamlet offering medic- THOUGHTS Nippon forces. JOINT RESPONSIBILITY shortage. If all vacant areas He stated that while the British the number of medical cases a5 ON NATURE The presumed inability around residences and suburban Government continues to refuse al services have rapidly reducd uncultivated and forest lands are to give Indians independence of Malayan residents to produce of well as preventing the outbreak thoroughly exploited the grounds that national anil, foods enough to meet public The movement for food self- cannot be attained in India of epidemics. demand in the Peninsula, a re- sufficiency is not a measure to Gandhi on the contrary has as- A greater part of the island, gion full of food products of be put off as somebody else's serted that India will be united which was previously laid waste, 'TRUE humility can only be various kinds which could b reached and understood when obtained within a very short affair: It is a movement directly only when it is given indepen - was not planted .with various farm produce such as egg plants, man is alone with Nature. Her period, can be ascribed to the concerned with the security of dence. each individual, and it must be Gandhiji's views are based on tomatoes, pumpkins and cucum- grandear and her prodigality un- lack of the governing ability on bers, he revealed. mask man's self-conceit and ad- very strongly emphasized that bitter experiences acquired in the The inhabitants are taught by the part of the British as well as past as well as in the recent Bri- the Nippon sailors who monish him, for Nature is etern- to the laziness and dishonour of every effort must be made by everybody at any cost to co- tish-Indian negotiations, empha- are graduates of agricultural schools, and at leisure. al and man can admire her alone the Malayans themselves as the operate under the particular sized Mr. Prasad. and up to the present 18,000 responsibility of producing more wartime conditions prevailing. square feet of land in a valley 25 What do we know in our cities food must be borne jointly by the of the sweetness and purity to be government and the people. MANCHOUKUO MINISTER TO B.B.B. RESUMES miles from Koepang are under cultivation. found in a single flower, a tiny The partial efforts of the Bri- PRODUCTION The people were pleasantly fragment of Nature, which is tish nevertheless as vast as space Out Malayan Agricultural activities Government to direct THAILAND surprised, the correspondent adds, when their efforts resulted in the open spaces of Nature's only into rubber plantations of a Hsinking. Aug. 6. Manila, Aug. 6. domain, in the humble farm or speculative nature are a clear THE Manchukuo Government THE Ballntawak Beer Brewery. in budding radishes, onions, and has decided to appoint Mr. commonly known as B.B.B. other vegetables. garden, there are moments when indication of their complete lack Cheng Yu. Councillor of the the largest beer brewery in the In return. the inhabitants man can appreciate his vast of consideration for the welfare General Affairs Board, as the Philippines, started operations on daily bring to the Nippon blue- wealth in the divine distraction and prosperity of the native first Minister to Thailand, where jackets eggs and fruits as a afforded him by the prodigality peoples as well as for the maint- Wednesday. a Manchukuo Legation will be of the earth, the - immeasurable enance of a Malayan economy. cpened in Bangkok in September. Damaged portions of the brewery token of appreciation for the distances of the sky and the con- which was impossible owing to were repaired by May 1, and since latter's medical aid and other efforts to bring happiness to the templation of the power of the the policy of the British Govern- Mr. Cheng is the second son of then the purchase of machinery sun and the rain. ment of aiming only at short- the late Cheng Hsia-hsu. first has been going on. islanders. Sit at your window at the end sighted profits. Premier of Manchukuo. A gra- Balintawak Beer Brewery's daily of the day and watch the sun set- duate of the Selzgo School of capacity is 1,200 cases, containin, two dozen bottles cach. n Rally Yet ting behind the hills. Feel the The unused ground around Tokyo and Liverpool University. mists from the hills settling down every residence, if cultivated England, Mr. Cheng also served on the land and touching your sufficientiy, could supply all as the Chief of the Metropolitan Aug. 12 cheek with its damp fingers. It greens and potatoes necessary Construction Bureau and BABY'S MILK RATION FIXED or is then that you can catch a breath for the domestic dining-table. Mayor of Mukden, AT FIVE TINS MONTHLY of eternity. . It is then that you In other words, self-sufficiency IN order to conserve the existing