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OCR: The Greater East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (By CHARLES NELL) AT eight o'clock on the night of the 15th of this month, with the unconditional surren- der by the British Forces to the Nipponese Army, there came to an victorious hundred and twenty three years of British rule end one in Malaya, and with the end of that there dawned for the peoples rule. New Order of East Asia. of Malaya the What is this New Order of East | reality there dawns for them a Asia; this Greater East Asia Co- Prosperity Sphere, of which we New Order. have heard so much, and what An order based upon equality is It that makes it a thing of of rights and interests with those such vital and profound impor- who had so recently weighed them down with injustice and oppres- tance ? sion. Such Is the New Order for In a few words :- It is the which the Nipponese people have Mutual Co-operation by all conn- unsheathed the sword and they tries, within its sphere, for the will not again place that weapon Co-prosperity of all. But. to ar- rive at that state, in which. all within Its sheathe until the coun- tries of Greater East Asia have countries with'n the Co- been grouped under the New prosperity Sphere, are to function Order. in such mutual co-operation, it is necessary, first, to create the New PEOPLES OF MALAYA Order, which will be capable of bringing about such mutual co- To-day the operation. Malaya, peoples victorious result of HARMONIOUS CO-EXISTENCE onslaught of This pre-requisite to the Co- Nipponese Armies, under General Tomoyuki Yamashita, are able to prosperity Sphere must be, from breathe freely at the passing of both political and economic an Era of Exploitation and Op- points of view, capable of bring- pression which has held this ing about such co-operation and country for one hundred and at the same time maintaining a twenty three years in Its clutch- state of harmonious co-existence within its outer Greater East ing grasp, and view, with relief. the advent of the New Era, hold- Asian boundaries. Ing such great promise because To arrive at this state of its basic principles of co- harmonious co-existence the first operation co-prosperity. objective of the promulgators of upon which, given the desire of and the New Order of East Asia, In the peoples of Malaya for the this case the people of Nippon, attainment of peace and har- has been and continues to be, the mony, can be based the mutual freeing of all nations and dis- endeavours of the people to build tricts within the sphere, from the up, out of the chaos and destruc- yoke . of European domination. tion caused by the war, a solid and lasting edifice-The Greater for, unless sich lost freedom be |East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. recovered, there can never be that mutual assistance and co- WILL MATERIALIZE operation towards the attainment of peace and co-prosperity. It is Much has to be done before a elso natural to observe that such start can be made upon the erection of that edifice, but, once co-operation between countries the foundations are lald, the within the sphere, all being Asta- tic, is not a matter for European structural phases will rapidly control or Intervention. materialize and it is in the hands The Inauguration of the move- of the peoples of Malaya and their willingness to co-operate. ment for the creation of such a that the speed with which the Co-Prosperity Sphere In Greater edifice can be brought to com- people, therefore, was viewed East Asia by the Nipponese pietion depends. with great apprehension by cer- It has been admitted in tain European Powers and by the commentary by the London United States of America, as be- Times that the series of reverses Ing detrimental to their Interests. in Malaya, suffered by the Bri- tish. was due to a political blun- but as they were concerned, der by the British in their gov- more with their interests than with the peace and prosperity of ernment of their colonies, In Asia, they were actuated by pure- that, Instead of a Democratic ly selfish motives. form of government, a Bureau- CHAMPION OF NEW ORDER. cracy was permitted to function, ignoring entirely the claims of Nippon, on the other hand. thie Asiatic peoples of Malaya constituted herself the champion to their rights of co-operation of the New Order because of the and to the enjoyment of co- long and intimate relationship. prosperity with their rulers. which she has maintained with Against this. we have the very the countries of Greater Enst clear statement of policy made historicaly. Asla, geographically, culturally, by General Tomoyuki Yama- of the politically. economically and shita, the Commander Nipponese Army. to the effect With the fall of BIDga- that "we hope to share pain and pore, now known as Syunan rejoicing with all concerned the whole of this lair land of peoples in a spirit of 'give and Malaya has now been added u. take' and also hope to promote the ever growing ares coming the social development by esta- within the perimeter of the Co- blishing the East-Asia Co-Pros- Prosperity Sphere; another Asia- perity Sphere on which the New Lle country freed from the Euro Order of Justice have to be at- pean yoke and drawn Into the talned under the 'Great Spirit bloc of Astatic countries, whose of Cesmocracy' giving all con- people are closely Interrelated tent to the respective race and and drawn together by many Individual according common aspirations and Ideas as talent and faculties." their to their national existence ard Verily. a promise of the New self-development, thus enlargin Order for East Asia. the scope of the New Order an-1 bringing nearer to fruition the attainment of peace and co-pro Hanol, Feb. 23 sperity amongst such countries. NOW that a final economic With the drawing in of the agreement between Nippon Dutch East Indies into the Co- and French Indo-China is expect- Prosperity Sphere, within a short ed shortly. the special Nippon time. the realization by the Asiatic Peoples of their former envoy In French Indo-China is scheduled to come home within a dreams of freedom, lost to them cay or two for a conference in by the domination of the Euro- Tokyo. He called on the French pean races for so long. is fast Governor General on Friday for becoming a reality, and with this an exchange of views