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OCR: Graduation Of First Batch Of Nippon- Go Students IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY AT DAI TOA GEKIZYO Correction: M.A.D. A CEREMONY in celebration of the first stage of learning Nippon-Go 1 was held on Sunday with great success at the Dai Toa Gekizyo under Will NOT Allow the patronage of the Syonan Nippon Gakuen, and was graced by the at- 'Chettiar' In Future tendance of Mr. Sigeo Odate, Mayor of the Syonan Tokubetu-Si, Lieut .- S Colonel Okubo, Chief of the Sendan-han, and other high military and SMSEMOMEBLO IN Sunday's issue, in the Domel report of the Mill- civilian officials. At the start of the ceremony all present stood tary Administration Dept.'s facing towards the direction of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, after which conference of Governors of the Kimigayo was sung by the gathering. Malayan States and Govern- ors-designate of the various The presentation of graduation States in Sumatra, it was certificates by the Chief of the stated that "in the monetary field .... .he (Col. Wataru Sendan-han to over 300 stud- Watanabe) added that the ents, including Malays, Indians Administration will allow and Chinese, was the main fea- the the continuation of 'Chet- in the future." A ture of the occasion. tiar Domei correction now states Afterwards, gifts were given to that paragraph should the superior graduates, followed read. "He added that the Administration will NOT allow by addresses by the attending the continuation of 'Chettiar' guests. Representatives of the in the future." The error is graduates replied. regretted. Professor Nakazima delivered Nippon Rice lecture . after which a picture was screened-thus bringing the ceremony to a successful con- Harvest: Good clusion just after 1 p.m. Prospects Lt. Col. Okubo's Speech Tokyo, Aug. IN his address to the graduates, View of Sunday's ceremony at the Dai Toa Gekizyo. COMMENTING on the prospects of the forthcoming rice harvest, the the Chief of the Sendan-han | Professor K. Zimbou tion without being moved by any Asahl, on the basis of a nationwide said: "You are the first batch of burvey ending yesterday, reported that students that came to learn and DDRESSING PA Professor the graduates, force. So it is to my double glad- ithis year's rice crop in Nippon Proper graduate from the Syonan Nip- Kotaro Zimbou ness for me to receive now the sald: "Three months have passed One results of the examination, shows all indications of surpassing pon-go School after hard study "It is not so easy for you to "that of the arciage year. since its inauguration some three like a dream. For me. it was a pick up Nippon-Go, I think. But Although rice cultivation, until re- hard time but, nevertheless, a I doubt whether it is more diff- Bently, has been handicapped by the months ago. To-day we are cele- shortage of lahour, intensive cultiva- brating the graduation ceremony cult than English. 1 Ption and the use of proper fertilizers and it gives me an extreme plea- was short but you learnt very hard. for anyone to learn a new lang- have more than made up for short- sure to congratulate you on your You have learnt "Katakana." uage when he is grown-up what- Comings, the paper sald. "Hiragana," and moreover, a little ever language it may be or what- 12 A survey of rice producing districts graduation at the first oppor- Hjust concluded, the journal said, has tunity about Chinese characters. But you have only just started to learn ever type of person he may be. It will still take a long time before revealed that prospects are good for "Although this school was es- Les prefectures, satisfactorily for 17 17 tablished in a hurry just after Nippon-Go. Nippon-Go is used as a common prefectures and average for two pre- the war with insufficient accom- "Although over half of you have language in Malaya. Sectures modation and facilities, you with gained high marks in the written ardent spirit towards reconstruc- examination, some of you use a COMMON LANGUAGE Highway Transport tion after the war under the ad- strange type of Nippon-Go when 1 ministration of the Nippon Army, try to converse with you indivi- "Now, even in this city of Syo- dually. nan, we have many experiences In Java Restored quickly came forward and joined Surabaya, July 31. this school and made every en- "But learning Nippon-Go, you every day that to do our busi- IT is learned that the Nippon deavour to learn Nippon-go and immediately take a step nearer to ness in English alone is limited to understand the reality of Dai- understand Nippon Spirit, Nip- to a special circle. In such a Military Administration under Nippon as well as her general pon's Strength. Nippon's Beauty transition period, we are apt to its initial plan for the immediate state of affairs. I express my ex- and Nippon's Great Spirit which be misunderstood by judging preopening of automobile transpor- treme satisfaction for this rising at present seems to puzzle the other peoples' degree of educa- itation in Java over roads not treme satisfaction for this rising people of the world. Nippon is ot |spirit and enthusiastic attitude not like a puzzle. tion by the language which they running parallel to railroads, has on your part to co-operate with speak. , decided to permit the operation of Nippon with sincerity. NIPPON HISTORY "There is no trouble tor us .a bus line over the 1.370-kilometer Nippon-zin to speak Nippon-Go ,road connecting Bandoeng and REAL UNDERSTANDING However, when we are forced to Cheribon and also links the main "As far as this territory has "Behind Nippon Is a long history of three thousand years which re- speak either English, Malay, Chin- cities o been put under the new adminis- cities of Batavia, Sourabaya, tration of the Nippon Army after ese or Indian, we take pains more Bandoeng and Semarang. veals the eternal and untiring Meanwhile, it is learned that the completely wiping out the British efforts of the Nippon Race. You or less. Yet, the good or bad have just made your first step on speaking of a foreign language is ibus service in Batavia will be re- influence, it is more than neces- this old and new mountain of not always in accord with one's sumed on August 10, while the sary that the inhabitants of this high or low degree of education. territory should attain as quickly Nippon. Although the heart of service in Sourabaya as well as Nippon may be like a puzzle to you, Malaya, where various over the sections of the foregoing as possible a real understanding it is not a puzzle. types of languages are used. it highway will put into operation of Nippon and associate with the Hereafter, you will have a hard is absolutely necessary to have a Las from August 15. Nippon people with the utmost time. I think most of you have common language. We must € It is recalled that bus services intimacy and cordial co-opera- also try to avoid judging others tion. For actual realization of started to learn Nippon-Go be- C In Java, before the war, were con- ducted by private enterprises and this, it is vitally important and cause you are aware that it is & by the words they use. One necessity in life. We, in answer to language may have an unique chad been operated under woefull? necessary to master Nippon-go as early as possible. your requests, have taught you character that no other language Lunregulated conditions. However. Nippon-Go, chiefly based on daily can express, and that character wwith the Nippon occupation, var- conversation, as fast as we possibly leads to the most precious part of ious bus companies have been you have no way to make close could during these three months. the civilization lying behind the placed under a unified controlling contact with contact with the Nippon people "But I would like to take this words. company. opportunity in advising you not to nor to understand the reality of opportunity in advising you not to AT RAFFLES COLLEGE In the second plan for the com- A piete restoration of highway Nippon and thus you are unable to realize your co-operation with treat Nippon-Go as another lan- " All Nippon-zin know well that transportation in Java, the resum- Nippon. guage you are required to learn. they have a character which they ption of bus service and truck "I sincerely hope that you all, You must show your real and pure feelings and love Nippon-Go. You can only express in Nippon-Go. Furthermore Nippon-zin I transportation over highways is ! being considered by the Military being the first graduates from the Administration. the school, will devote your time cannot master Nippon-Go without love. To love Nippon-Go is no less knows well that the civilization than to love Nippon. To love Nip- of their country is above the and energies in every direction of your business by fully utiliz- level of the rest of the world. YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK. pon means that you have won the ing your knowledge of Nippon-go distinction of being a glorious and And they also know that the .. The Yokohama Specie Bank, land at the same time try your good Nippon-zin. continuous effort is necessary for p Ltd . has opened a branch office |tost to spread the Nippon-go as all nations to keep their civiliza- at Jalan Dato in Kuala Treng- | widely as possible tion above the level of the world. among ADVICE TO GRADUATES the "I hope you, all of you, will be " Judging from such a level, it gar u. whole populace." good Nippon-zin. This is my seems to me that such a problem Bright Future In Store advice to you all on this gradua- jof education in Malaya is only in tion day. the beginning. I think it is use- "To be a good Nippon-zin is both less for you, with whom Nippon For Enchanting Bali to be a good Asiatic and a good is not so familiar yet, to explain S: citizen of the world. You will about the high standard of edu- begin to understand the high cation in Nippon. But I think {By a Domel Correspondent with | west is a fertile strip of land qualities of Nippon culture in the some of you have been to an university in Europe. The frank the Nippon Naval Forces). course of learning about Nippon. Benspasar, Bali, July 29. where copra, tobacco, cotton and "There are so many ignorant Judgment of such persons must "DURING the short space peanuts grow abundantly. It will people who still recognise and ad- of course be in accordance with be recalled that cotton was first mire British culture. You must be mine. time since the occupation imported from Lombok 20 years guides in order to make such peo- "Soon after the war, when I of the lesser Sunda Islands by ago but shipment was stopped ple familiar with the great history came to Syonan City, being im- the Nippon forces, conditions on with the outbreak of the Man- of Nippon and turn away .fr bued with a mysterious affinity, these tropical isles in the South churian Incident. British culture. it was in the ground of the : Seas have been restored to nor- "Apparently the Dutch author !- malev. "It is particularly interesting to ties were intending to extend learnt "You were expected to have former Raffles College, now tem- about the Nippon-zin porarily called Syonan Daigaku. that I took a rest. Even now, I know that the Sultan of Bima their cotton cultivation, as ex- through the through the characters of the perimental farms were found in teachers who taught you, and who can still recall tramping here has become a famous character since his capture of 18 Dutch islands of the Lesser Sunda have taken much trouble over you and there on the soft ground Group. These islands undoubted. every day during the past three after the rain had ceased, feeling soldiers including their comman- ly will become important cotton months. dear and curious. I could not der when he courageously defied "Always remember that with help comparing the university in the enemy and took matters into sources in future for-the Co-Pros- perity Sphere. good care. Furthermore, I hope Tokyo in which I had lectures. his own hands prior to the ar- "I discovered that the majority you will be young, strong and with this Raffles College, even rival of the Nippon forces on the nice Nippon-zin forever!" though I knew well that it might Island. He later turned over his of the 809,000 inhabitants residing prisoners to the Nippon forces. on Lombok Island are Moslems. Professor Nakazima be not proper to do so. But "Meanwhile. I was able to learn while 95 per cent, of the total po that two Sultans living on Sum- pulation of 1,100,000 living in Bali PROFESSOR Kenzo Nakazima, frankly, the scale of Raffles Col- lege was beyond my apprehension. are followers of the Hindu reli- addressing the gathering next, "Then after, visiting many bawa with the co-operation of the Nippon forces, are now peace- gion. "The latter enjoy a com said "I have the greatest happl- primary schools in the city which fully ruling 320.000 inhabitants. paratively higher culture than th ness to be allowed to express my were still closed. I could not help Up to now there have been no other islanders. thoughts here on the occasion of | thinking that it was of the ut- "Bali Island is world renowned the first graduation ceremony of most importance to re-open the social or medical facilities thus poor allowing dreaded tropical disease for its all -pervading beauty and the Syonan Nippon Gakuen, The schools for the children Is rich in rice, copra and palmoil. Syonan Nippon Gakuen was to prevail unchecked. However, who had lost their grounds for the Nippon Medical Corps has Here the Balinese are attending opened to teach you Nippon-Go learning and playing. and to make yourselves more " It was at that time that I worked wonders despite limited the newly establishd Nippon-go schools of the Military Adminis- familiar with Nippon; but this felt the queer character of the facilities. tration, 77 Indonesians alding the . school was established at the re- "Running through the centre Nippon activity in bringing light quest of the inhabitants and has education in Malaya which could of the island from the east to to a land of beauty. grown to its present high posi- not be seen in highly civilized countries. It was my impression Printed and Published by R. Prakas at The Syonan Times, Cec