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OCR: SATURDAY . SUPPLEMENT JUNE 6, - SYOW A 17 Nippon-Go Popularising Week YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS UPON A KNOWLEDGE OF NIPPON-GO Start To Learn Now! THIS week has been set aside for the popularising of the study of the Nippon language, so as to convey to the public the will of our Government that every man, woman and child should learn Nippon-Go A very large proportion of the public have made no effort at all to commence upon the Civilians To Be study of Nippon-go, and it is difficult to reasons for understand the Mobilized Into this failure on Govt. Service their. part. Tokyo, June 2. Domel. It is quite possible that they HE mobilization of civilians with are unable to understand that, without a knowledge of Nip- specialized knowledge or ability in various fields into Government service pon-go, their futures in this was decided in principle on Tuesday. country will be beset with when the Government in the Cabinet difficulties. hardships," session moved to create committees in and the Cabinet and Ministries, Domel re- even unemployment and desti- ports from Tokyo. tution. unless they will be This decision was taken with the content to work as unskilled view to tightening administrative eff- labourers or coolies. ciency and furthering co-operation be- tween Government and civilian circles. It is. of course, quite possible According to the plan for establish- ment of committees, civilian committee- = that they have not thought men will be assigned to the Cabinet and about the matter at all. each Ministry excepting the War and IT IS THEREFORE NECES- Navy Ministries, to help promote busi- SARY TO MAKE THE ness efficiency. The committee-men will be chosen POSITION IN THE FUTURE by the Cabinet from among members QUITE CLEAR. AND I WILL of the Tekoku Gikal and other out- NOW ENDEAVOUR TO DO standing civilians. It is understood that Nippon public schoolboys carrying Tikaraisi as a part of their So. term of office of these committee-men will be limited to one year. physical training. When the British were in power in Malaya, the business 437 Allied Ships Sunk of every government depart- JAVA' HAS WORLD'S ment, the law courts, hospitals, RICHEST FISHERIES In Four Months industrial and commercial houses, was carried on in the NOT only will plenty of fish, caught English language. To-day the in the waters of the East Indies, MILITARY observers commenting on the stupendous soon be supplied to the 60,000,000 British are no longer in power people of the East Indies but thou- Allied shipping losses declared that the .Anglo-American and Malaya is a part of the sands of tons will also be shipped to countries were now confronted with a situation which Great Nippon Empire. Nippon, following the discovery of the threatened their total collapse in' sea transportation, states It is quite natural therefore world's richest fisheries in Java waters, states a message from Batavia, a Domei message from Tokyo. that our government should These sources said that, ac- 646,900 tons, and, during April, wish that all such businesses quoted by Tokyo radio. hitherto carried on in English h The development of fisheries, which had been neglected by the Dutch cording to a special communique 89 ships, hitting 594,000 tons. should in the future be carried authorities, are now being positively Issued by the German High Com- They pointed out that this on in Nippon-go. pushed forward by the Nippon military authorities. Scientific investigation to mand on May 31, the number of brought the Anglo-American AS THERE IS NOT THE improve, fishing methods and further merchantmen sunk by U-boats total loss for the four months SLIGHTEST POSSIBILITY OF developments are already under way beginning from February to the ANY SORT OF A "COME- at Batavia and Buitenzorg. during May alone totalled 140, tremendous figure of 437 ships BACK" ON THE PART OF aggregating 767,400 tons. THE BRITISH OR EVEN THE Saigon, June 4, By Radio. They said that the previous or a total of 3,533,700 tons. They. asserted that if the war AMERICANS. IN THIS PART THE Nippon Ambassador ty Thailand announcements disclosed that the results achieved by the Nippon OF WORLD. THERE arrived at Saigon en route to Bang- Anglo-American shipping losses and Italian naval' forces added to these figures, the con- were IS THE POSSIBLE CHANCE OF THE NOT THE SLIGHTEST ok to resume his duties there. He during February totalled 79 ships expected to leave for the Thai amounting to 525,400 tons, during sternation "Ital in a day or two. March, 105 ships aggregating maritime circles could of Anglo-American ENGLISH LANGUAGE BEING imagined. well CONTINUED TO BE USED IN These quarters pointed to the THE FUTURE. statement by the American mili- Every lawyer, doctor, engl- tary commentator, Hanson Bald- win, that the number of ships neer. secretary, manager, sunk thus far exceeded the total supervisor. clerk, salesman, in tonnage of construction, and that short. every occupation the danger against merchant vocation which now uses the For ships was not limited to certain English language will have to zones, but that it was spreading use Nippon-go in the future. to all parts of the world. Let every man, woman and The observers further quoted child, therefore, try to visualise reliable resources as revealing their future in this country, that J. McGovern, Member of the British Independent Party without knowledge of stated during his election ad- Nipnon-go. and try to realise dress on Apr. 26, that the ship- that. if they wish to lead the ping losses in the past lives of useful and loyal citi- months had amounted to 800.000 : two s of our great Nippon tons. Fmrire, they will have to learn They said that the seriousness Nippon-go. This is the duty with which the Anglo-American of every man, woman and maritime circles viewing child. not only to themselves. their losses could be seen in the were but, to our government. fact that McGovern was referred to the Disciplinary Committee for YOUR FUTURE AND THE his disclosure. : FUTURE OF YOUR CHIL- The observers concluded that, DERN. DEPENDS UPON KNOWLEDGE OF NIPPON- A with the - deterioration in the Anglo-American naval power as GO. START TO LEARN NOW. Young Nippon "birdmen" rece ving instructions flying at a Nippoa aviation school. on - blind .le war progressed, the -(Charles Nell). shipping losses could be expected Allied to be correspondingly greater