Labels:text | handwriting | ink | letter | calligraphy | office supplies | pen OCR: 4 Dec 43 (Takanun) certificate to the commander of Four letters today, two from Quink the Jap guards who were conducting mother, one from Margaret the party, the guard commander Cameron ( with news of a god-child refused to pay any attention and on the way) and one from Duncan. broke some of the officer's fingers Mother's letters dater d. 21 with a heavy bamboo for his insolence September 1942 and 15 October in putting the certificate forward. 1942, Margaret's 28 September 1942, Duncan's 26 July 1942. They have taken a long time in coming. 5 Sept 44 (Chungkan) The fifth year of the war ended. two days ago, and that night we Nippon Army heard again the droning of aero- See Link engines and the faint rumble of Torture and Death bombs "1 /2