Labels:text | handwriting | letter | office supplies | book | ink | document OCR: January 1944 June 1944 There was evidence of much Rice was distributed to the Quink greater feasting than before in Public at $3 a katt, Only the the celebration of Chinese new hardy would attempt to queue year despite a further reduction with their beddings at 6pm on the rice rations from 12, 9 outside the distribution centre. and 6 katis to 8, 6 and + waiting for morning to come katis per month for men, women when they would be issued with and children respectively. The their rations. They were mostly rationale behind this extrava- women who, when it came to the garce was a spirit of abandon- distribution of cigarettes, would ment behind the urge to splurge sell their places in the queue to and have a last fling before smokers who would make are the storm broke out. appearance around sunrise. See Link Beneath a "cruel sun": Daily life under the Japanese Provisions Porchasing Card