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OCR: 4. realism that in two cases the victims fainted. (7) Threats To Families: Threats were also made to take action against the Family of the victim ( the wives of some internoes were believd to be in Japanese custody in other parts of Asiu). Torture was carried out to the limit of human cnarance. One internes attempted to commit suicide by jumping over the verandch. In his fall ho fractured his pelvis but, despite his condition, his interrogation under torture was continued until just before he died. In another case the internve asked his inquisitors for the means to commit suicide. A pistol was produced und was snatched away only when the man was about to carry out his declared intention, Of the 57 internees detained as a result of the investigation on 10/10/43, 12 died of sickness directly at ributible to the appuling condi- tions under which they were detained; one, as in the preceding paragraph, as & 'result of his fall, and one was executed. The survivors who returned after lengthy custody by the Military Police required prolonged treatment in the Camp Hospital for extreme umaciation (except where oedema was present), chronic dysentery, neuritis, sores, ulcers, scabies, beri-beri, weak hearts, or injuries to joints or limbs. The Commission also recorded the evidence of the three surviving mem- bers, out of six, of the body Disposal Squad who were arrested by the Japan- ese Military Police in the Municipal Building, singapore in March, 1942, and who wore sontonced Iter & so-called trial, to two years solitary confine- mont each for "anti-Japanese talk". While in prison three of the six died, ithout receiving any medical attention whatsoever. Requests for medicine on their behalf evoked the reply "You are onomy prisoners and are not allowed any medicines". (Signed) S.N. King, M. C.S ., Chairman. N.S. Alexander, K.S ., Ph. D ., Prol'essor of Physics. W.L. Blytho, N. C. S. Sime Houd Internment Camp, Singapore, 3rd September 1945. DONT FORGET THE _SCROUNGERE !!! The Souvenir issue of "The scrounger", "the Changi magazine, will be published as soon as possible after release. This will tell in narative form, with sketches, paintings, cartoons, photographs and maps, the whole story of our internment. It will incorporate a reprint of the Register to keep you in touch with friends A large number of photographs have recently been taken of the Camp and Camp aet activities. Many will appear in "The scrounger", all will be indexed therein and copies will be supplied on application. Particulars will be posted to all ox-internees as soon as arrangements have been completed; copies can then be booked in advance :- JOINT EDITORS - J. N.D. Harrison, A. C. Maxwell, F. C. Tuck; LONDON ADDRESS: - c/o Overseas League, St. James's, LONDON S.W. or The @crounger" ,- G.P.O ., SINGAPORE.