Labels:daily | earth | fence | path | plant | reckoner | road | sidewalk | sky | stairs | tree | windowpane OCR: ATTER HAS MANY different properties that car be put to good use The properties of suhstance are the most important due ir identifying ABSOLUTE ZERO In 1787 the French scientist Jacques Charles 1746 1823) stated his gaslaw that at temperature of i59F (-273C) agas would have no pressure. He went on conc lnde that this must be the lowest possible temperature, and nu one has sino prosed him wrong absolute zero all: molecules and atoms 11 matter would stop moving. CON DUCTIVITY This the ability ofa substance to allew an electric current to flaw through it Substar.ces with this ability are known corductors The best conductors are metals because they have many free-moving electrons (negatively chars particles in their atoms. These elec ron carry curren through material. Substan.ces in which the e ...