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/ Hacker Chronicles 2 / HACKER2.BIN / 523.INSTALL.BAT < prev    next >
DOS Batch File  |  1991-05-08  |  827b  |  26 lines

  1. echo off
  2. if %1 == X goto next
  3. if not %1 == X goto next
  4. goto error
  5. :next
  6. if %2 == X goto cont
  7. if not %2 == X goto cont
  8. :error
  9. echo Please include the source and destination drives to the command,
  10. echo e.g. INSTALL A: C:
  11. goto out
  12. :cont
  13. cls
  14. echo                                                                                 Wellcome to install DrawMap !
  15. echo                                                                                 DrawMap will be installed in drive %2
  16. echo                                                                                 Type CTRL-C if this is NOT CORRECT.
  17. pause
  18. %2
  19. md %2\drawmap
  20. cd %2\drawmap
  21. copy %1\drawmap\*.*
  22. echo                                                                                 DrawMap is installed.
  23. echo Type DRAWMAP to activate it.
  24. :out