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- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 08 of 11
- __________________________________________________________
- @@ @@
- @@ Coin Service, The Central Office, and You @@
- @@ @@
- @@ by @@
- @@ @@
- @@ Phase Jitter @@
- @@ @@
- @@ Legion of Doom! @@
- @@______________________________________________________@@
- In this file I will attempt to give a basic overview of how various
- central offices handle coin service. If you feel your interest grows due to
- this file there are other good technical documents about coin service, i.e.
- Bell System Practices, CDs, PDs ect..
- Coin service is differentiated from other services by a special class of
- service. All switching systems give -48 volt battery toward the coin phone on
- the ring side of the line. Coin-First lines have an open TIP during a normal
- receiver-on-hook condition. When a line goes off hook the central office
- takes no action and in fact can not detect the off hook condition due to the
- line's conditioning-for-ground start. When the customer deposits money the
- coin ground is extended to the ring side of the line. The ground signals the
- line equipment in the central office as a to give a dial tone.
- Dial-Tone First offices give both the battery and ground to the coin
- station, thus providing a dial tone equivalent to a POTS phone. All coin
- service is super current sensitive. (The central office must give at least 23
- milliamps of line current and 41 milliamps of coin control current to the
- farthest coin station.)
- The switching systems differ in the method which calls are handled.
- No. 5 Crossbar
- The No. 5 crossbar coin-first offices must have a dual wound line relay
- with both windings in series when dealing with a coin first situation. If any
- Coin-First lines are served in a No. 5 crossbar office the originating
- registers must be able to desensitize the (pulsing) L relay by providing a
- resistive ground throgh its tertiary winding via the coin class of service
- relay.
- Crossbar offices can give coin return from Originating Registers,
- TSPS/Cordboard trunks, Ring and Tone trunks, Announcement trunks, and Coin
- Supervisory circuits. Coin collect current is only given through
- TSPS/Cordboard trunks and Coin Supervisory circuits. The only circuit that
- can handle a stuck coin test is the coin supervisory circuit.
- Crossbar offices handle coin actions on locally completed calls in the
- coin supervisory circuit (CS). All trunks must have access to the CS circuit
- or use coin junctors or coin 1A0 trunks that have such access. The use of
- coin junctors or coin 1A0 trunks elimnate the need for other trunks to be hard
- wired to the Coin Supervisory Link. When the trunk's supervisory relays show
- a coin action is needed the trunk searches for an idle Coin Supervisory
- Circuit through the Coin Supervisory Link. The bridged connection allows the
- Coin Supervisory Circuit to give the proper collect or return current toward
- the coin telephone and test to see if the action was successful.
- Crossbar offices handle coin actions required by DDD calls or TSPS
- operators in the No. 5 crossbar TSPS trunk. The TSPS base unit signals the
- No. 5 office by either frequencies or multiwinks. The No. 5 office receives
- these signals and the trunk applies one pulse of coin collect or return or
- ring back. The No. 5 TSPS trunk dose not make a test to see if the required
- coin action is successful. If the coin is still present the call is dropped
- and the coin remains in the trap.
- ESS offices provide all coin control actions from the Coin Control
- Circuit. The Coin Control Circuit is switched to a customers line under
- program control. The Coin Control Circuits always make a stuck coin test at
- the end of a call.
- ESS offices handle coin actions required by DDD or TSPS operators by
- scanning the TSPS trunk looking for any control signals from the TSPS base
- unit. When the ESS office sees a request on the TSPS trunk the ESS office
- opens the talking path and attaches a multifrequency (MF) reciever. The MF
- reciever looks at the tones being sent from the TSPS base unit transmitter and
- checks if the signal requested is a coin collect, coin return, ring back, or
- operator attached.
- Dial-Tone First (DTF) offices not equipped with expanded In-Band
- Signaling give +48V talk battery during operator attached and 48V talk
- batttery during the rest of the call. If the TSPS signals for coin return the
- ESS office will open the talk path again, release the MF receiver and switch
- the line to the Coin Control Circuit which applies -130V coin return
- potential. After the coin control function is finished the system will make
- on recycle attempt if the coin ground is still present.
- Local calls are handled within the ESS machine. When a coin control
- function is required the program momentarily opens the talk path and switches
- the line to a Coin Control C cuit which applies the required current.
- Step By Step
- Coin lines in a Step By Step area are served on dedicated Line Finder
- groups. The Line Finders are hardwired to a coin box trunk and then cabled to
- a first selector appearance.
- Step By Step offices can give coin return from coin box trunks,
- TSPS/Cordboard trunks, and other miscellaneous trunks. (My knowledge of Step
- By Step is vague, it's kind of like trying to research dinosaurs.)
- Step By Step offices handle coin actions on local calls in the coin box
- trunks. The coin box trunk applies the coin control current through the
- winding of a relay to the coin station hopper trigger ground. When the coin
- station ground disappears, the coin box trunk relay releases and allows the
- connection to restore to normal. Some Step By Step offices have a timed
- release circuit that will time out after about eight attempts of coin control
- action, peg the stuck coin register, then release. If the timed release
- circuit is not provided and a coin ground can not be removed, the circuit must
- be manually released.
- Step By Step offices handle coin actions required by DDD calls or TSPS
- operators in the Step By Step TSPS trunk. The TSPS base unit signals the Step
- office by either frequencies or multiwinks. The Step office trunk recicves
- these signals and trunk applies one pulse of coin collect, coin return or ring
- back. The trunk does not make a test to see if the action was successful.
- If a DDD call was completed to a busy number the Step By Step TSPS trunk
- will apply one quick pu e of coin return toward the coin station, then the
- coin box will check to see if the coin ground has disappeared. If the ground
- is still present the coin box trunk will repeat the attempt to collect the
- coin.
- If you have any further questions about how the central office handles
- coin service or about coin service in general, I can be reached via E-mail on
- The Phoenix Project at 512/441-3088.
- Oct 1988 - Phase Jitter....Legion of Doom/Hackers!
- Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253 12yrs+