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Text File  |  1992-03-04  |  22KB  |  309 lines

  2. help
  3.              HELP command-name
  4. .
  5. to get information on that command
  6. .
  7. $$               Stores batch job submittal options inside command file
  8. *  /*                                        Command file comment lines
  9. ABBREV                                          Abbreviation processsor
  10. ADDISK                                               (Operator command)
  11. ADD_REMOTE_ID                        Sets up user id for remote systems
  12. AMLC                                                 (Operator command)
  13. ARCHIVE                                     Archives disk files to tape
  14. ARCHIVE_RELEASE                 Releases an ARCHIVE tape for future use
  15. ARCHIVE_RESTORE                 Restores files archived on tape to disk
  16. ASRCWD                                    Sets virtual ASR control word
  17. ASSIGN                                        Assigns peripheral device
  18. ATM                         Invokes OAS Advanced Text Management module
  19. ATM_ADMIN                                (Replaced by OA_ADMIN command)
  20. ATTACH                               Attaches to a UFD, sub-UFD, or MFD
  21. AVAIL                                      Prints disk usage statistics
  22. BACKUP                   Logical disk-to-tape backup (operator command)
  23. BACKUP_RELEASE   Releases BACKUP tape for future use (operator command)
  24. BACKUP_RESTORE       Restores backup files from tape to disk (Operator)
  25. BASIC                            Loads Prime BASIC language interpreter
  26. BASICV                                     Invokes virtual-memory BASIC
  27. BATCH                                        Displays Batch information
  28. BATGEN                          Displayf information about Batch queues
  29. BINARY                                                Opens binary file
  30. BIND                                Linking command (V-mode and I-mode)
  31. BOOT_CREATE                                         Creates a boot tape
  32. BRMS                               (Backup/Recovery Management Service)
  33. CBL                                           Invokes COBOL 74 compiler
  34. CBLDML                                  CBL (COBOL 74) DML Preprocessor
  35. CBLSUBS                                 COBOL 74 Subschema DDL Compiler
  36. CC                                                   Invokes C compiler
  37. CDML                                             COBOL DML Preprocessor
  38. CHANGE_PASSWORD                       Changes the user's login password
  39. CHAP                        Changes the user's execution priority level
  40. CLOSE                                               Closes file unit(s)
  41. CLUP                            ROAM Command Processor Clean-Up Program
  42. CMPF                                    Compares up to five ASCII files
  43. CNAME                                 Changes name of file or directody
  44. CN_RBF                                 Changes name of a ROAM user file
  45. COBOL                                            Invokes COBOL compiler
  46. COMINPUT                                  Executes a command input file
  47. COMOUTPUT                                     Opens command output file
  48. COMPILERS                                           (Prime's Compilers)
  49. CONCAT                                      Combines files for spooling
  50. CONFIG                                               (Operator command)
  51. CONFIG_NET                              (Network Administrator Command)
  52. CONVERT_AMLC_COMMANDS                                (Operator Command)
  53. COPY                                         Copies file system objects
  54. COPY_DISK                                            (Operator command)
  55. COPY_RBF                                Replicates or moves a ROAM file
  56. CPL                                              Executes a CPL program
  57. CPMPC                                         Punches a file onto cards
  58. CREATE                                          Creates a new directory
  59. CREATK                    Creates and modifies MIDASPLUS file templates
  60. CRMPC                                           Reads cards into a file
  61. CSUBS                                      COBOL Subschema DDL Compiler
  62. DATE                                     Displays current time and date
  63. DBACP                         Data Base Administrator Command Processor
  64. DBASIC                           Loads Prime BASIC language interpreter
  65. DBG                                       Invokes Source Level Debugger
  66. DBUTL                                                 Data Base Utility
  67. DEBUGGERS                                           (Prime's debuggers)
  68. DEFINE_GVAR                            Activates a global variable file
  69. DELAY                               Sets terminal delay characteristics
  70. DELETE                                     Deletes files or directories
  71. DELETE_RBF                      Deletes an active or inactive ROAM file
  72. DELETE_VAR                                     Deletes global variables
  73. DELSEG                                                 Deletes segments
  74. DIAG                                     PRISAM File Diagnostic Utility
  75. DISCOVER               DBMS and PRISAM Query Language and Report Writer
  76. DISKS   @                                            (Operator command)
  77. DISLOG             Logs out disconnected user (Configuration Directive)
  78. DMSTK                                      Dumps user stack information
  79. DOCUMENTS                      (List of current technical publications)
  80. DPTCFG                                 Compiles DPTX configuration file
  81. DPTX                                                 (Operator command)
  82. DPTXMTR                                         DPTX monitoring utility
  83. DROPDTR                   Forces dropping of Data Terminal Ready signal
  84. ED                                          A line-oriented text editor
  85. EDB                                               Invokes binary editor
  86. EDITOR                                                    (Text Editor)
  87. EDIT_ACCESS                                    Modifies an existing ACL
  88. EDIT_EFU   Creates/modifies a file of formatting parameters (PRIME/SNA)
  89. EDIT_PROFILE                Creates and updates system validation files
  90. EDUCATION                    Lists the current customer classes offered
  91. ELIGTS                                               (Operator command)
  92. EMACS                                            Screen-oriented editor
  93. EPF                                                  (Dynamic runfiles)
  94. EVENT_LOG                                            (Operator Command)
  95. F77                                         Invokes FORTRAN 77 compiler
  96. F77DML                                      FORTRAN 77 DML Preprocessor
  97. F77SUBS                               FORTRAN 77 Subschema DDL Compiler
  98. FAP                                      FORMS Administrative Processor
  99. FAU                                   PRISAM File Administrator Utility
  100. FDL                                           FORMS Definition Language
  101. FDML                                               FTN DML Preprocessor
  102. FED                                                        FORMS Editor
  103. FILMEM                                                Zeroes out memory
  104. FILVER                                                Compares runfiles
  105. FIND_RING_BREAK                             (PRIMENET operator command)
  106. FIXRAT                                               (Operator command)
  107. FIX_DISK                                             (Operator command)
  108. FORMS                                           Forms Management System
  109. FORTRAN                                 (Prime's two FORTRAN compilers)
  110. FSUBS                                    FORTRAN Subschema DDL Compiler
  111. FTGEN                                  FTS System Administrator Command
  112. FTN                                         Invokes FORTRAN IV Compiler
  113. FTOP                                               FTS Operator Command
  114. FTR                                   FTS File Transfer Request Command
  115. FTS                                Communications File Transfer Service
  116. FUTIL                                                      File utility
  117. GENERATE_CATALOG                 Generates ARCHIVE or TRANSPORT catalog
  118. HDXSTAT                            Displays status of half duplex lines
  119. HELP                                     Prints information at terminal
  120. INFO                                   Invokes Prime INFORMATION System
  121. INITIALIZE_COMMAND_ENVIRONMENT         Reinitializes user's environment
  122. INPUT                                              Opens file for input
  123. IROAM                           Initializes ROAM at supervisor terminal
  124. ITERATION                       Command repetition (multiple arguments)
  125. JOB                           Submits, manages, and monitors batch jobs
  126. KBUILD                                           Builds MIDASPLUS files
  127. KIDDEL                            Deletes or cleans out MIDASPLUS files
  128. LABEL                                        Initializes magnetic tapes
  129. LANGUAGES                               (Prime's Programming Languages)
  130. LATE               Sets time at which terminal will accept next command
  131. LD                                        Lists contents of a directory
  132. LEM                           Lists the extent map of a contiguous file
  133. LISTF                         Displays information on current directory
  134. LISTING                        @                     Opens listing file
  135. LIST_ACCESS                           Displays ACL protecting an object
  136. LIST_CATALOG            Displays contents of ARCHIVE or BACKUP catalogs
  137. LIST_EPF                         Displays information about user's EPFs
  138. LIST_GROUP                           Displays list of user's ACL groups
  139. LIST_LIBRARY_ENTRIES              Displays entrypoints in a library EPF
  140. LIST_LIMITS                  Lists limits of user's command environment
  141. LIST_MINI_COMMANDS         Lists commands allowed at mini-command level
  142. LIST_PRIORITY_ACCESS                               Lists a priority ACL
  143. LIST_QUOTA                                 Lists disk quota information
  144. LIST_RBF                        Describes the attributes of a ROAM file
  145. LIST_REMOTE_ID                                  Lists user's remote IDs
  146. LIST_SEARCH_RULES       Lists contents of user's entrypoint search list
  147. LIST_SEGMENT                Displays information about private segments
  148. LIST_TAPE        List contents of an ARCHIVE, TRANSPORT, or BACKUP tape
  149. LIST_VAR                         Lists contents of global variable file
  150. LOAD                                           Loading command (R-mode)
  151. LOGIN                                            Gains access to system
  152. LOGOUT @                                          Ends terminal session
  153. LOGPRT                                        Displays system event log
  154. LON                                Controls Phantom Logout Notification
  155. LOOK                                                 (Operator command)
  156. MAGNET                              Magnetic Tape Interchange Subsystem
  157. MAGRST                     Writes files from Prime-format tapes to disk
  158. MAGSAV                                      Writes disk file(s) to tape
  159. MAGTAPE                               (PRIMOS Magnetic Tape Subsystems)
  160. MAKE                                                 (Operator command)
  161. MAXSCH                                               (Operator command)
  162. MAXUSR                                               (Operator Command)
  163. MDUMP                                            Dumps a MIDASPLUS file
  164. MEDUSA                               Brings up PRIME MEDUSA workstation
  165. MESSAGE                              Sends message to users or operator
  166. MONITOR_NET                       Monitors network activity on a system
  167. MONITOR_RING                        Monitors network activity on a node
  168. MPACK               Reclaims space in MIDASPLUS data and index subfiles
  169. MPLUSCLUP                                    Performs MIDASPLUS cleanup
  170. MRGF                                      Merges several files into one
  171. MTRESUME                                             (Operator command)
  172. NAME GENERATION                         (Multiple, similar objectnames)
  173. NCOBOL                                         Invokes non-shared COBOL
  174. NET                                                  (Operator command)
  175. NETCFG                                               (Obsolete command)
  176. NETLINK                                  PRIMENET remote login facility
  177. NSED                                          Invokes non-shared editor
  178. NUMBER                            Numbers statements in a BASIC program
  179. OAS                                    Invokes Office Automation System
  180. OA_ADMIN                            Invokes OAS administrator functions
  181. OA_TERM                                      Downloads PT65 Workstation
  182. OFFICE_AUTOMATION                   (Office Automation System commands)
  183. OPEN                                       Opens file on specified unit
  184. OPRPRI                                               (Operator command)
  185. ORIGIN                                      Returns to origin directory
  186. OWLDSC                      Makes Owl terminal emulate 3277, under DPTX
  187. PASCAL                                          Invokes PASCAL compiler
  188. PASSWD                               Sets password on current directory
  189. PHANTOM                Starts phantom execution of CPL or COMINPUT file
  190. PHYRST                          Restores partition from physical backup
  191. PHYSAV                                     Physical disk-to-tape backup
  192. PL1G                                            Invokes PL/I-G compiler
  193. PM                                 Prints RVEC and register information
  194. PMA                                       Invokes Prime Macro Assembler
  195. POWER                   Invokes the POWERPLUS Data Management Subsystem
  196. POWERPLUS                  (MIDASPLUS Query Language and Report Writer)
  197. PRERR                                           Displays ERRVEC message
  198. PRIME/SNA                               (Prime-IBM Interconnect System)
  199. PRIMENET                                    Prime's networking software
  200. PRIMEWAY        (Prime's transaction management and development system)
  201. PRIMIX                                                   Invokes PRIMIX
  202. PRIMOS                                               (Operator command)
  203. PRINT_NETLOG                                    Network logfile utility
  204. PRINT_SCS         Prints a file containing SCS data streams (PRIME/SNA)
  205. PRINT_SYSLOG                                     System logfile utility
  206. PRISAM           (Prime's Recoverable Indexed Sequential Access Method)
  207. PRMPC                         Prints file on parallel interface printer
  208. PROP                         Displays information about system printers
  209. PROTEC                                (Earlier form of PROTECT command)
  210. PROTECT            Sets protection rights on file in password directory
  211. PRSER                           Prints file on serial interface printer
  212. PRTDSC                                  Controls DPTX printer emulation
  213. PRVER                                    Prints file on printer_plotter
  214. PSD                                       Loads Prime Symbolic Debugger
  215. PSD20                                     Loads Prime Symbolic Debugger
  216. PST100DSC                                   (Replaced by PTDSC command)
  217. PT45DSC                    Makes PT45 terminal emulate 3277, under DPTX
  218. PT46DSC                    Makes PT46 terminal emulate 3277, under DPTX
  219. PTDSC          Makes PST 100 or PT200 terminal emulate 3277, under DPTX
  220. PTELE                                    Accesses OAS Telephone Inquiry
  221. RDY                                       Sets system and error prompts
  222. RELEASE_LEVEL                           Discards unwanted stack history
  223. REMOTE                                               (Obsolete command)
  224. REMOVE_EPF                        Removes EPF from user's address space
  225. REMOVE_PRIORITY_ACCESS                               (Operator command)
  226. REMOVE_REMOTE_ID                    Removes user id from remote ID list
  227. REN                                                Reenters a subsystem
  228. REPLY                                                (Operator command)
  229. RESTOR                                       Restores runfile to memory
  230. RESTORE_RBF                             Activates an inactive ROAM file
  231. RESUME                                                 Executes program
  232. REV202            Lists releases of software valid for Rev. 20.2 PRIMOS
  233. REVER(_PASSWORD        Reverts an ACL directory to a password directory
  234. RJE                                                  (Remote Job Entry)
  235. RJOP                                          Controls RJE workstations
  236. RJQ                Queues an RJE file for transmission to a remote site
  237. ROSAU                                 ROAM System Administrator Utility
  238. RPG                                             Invokes RPG II compiler
  239. RSTERM                         Empties terminal input or output buffers
  240. RUNOFF                                                   Text formatter
  241. RWLOCK                      Sets read-write lock on a file or directory
  242. SAVE                                              Saves runfile to disk
  243. SAVE_RBF                                   Archives a ROAM file to disk
  244. SCHDEC                                            The Schema Decompiler
  245. SCHED                                                 The Schema Editor
  246. SCHEMA                                         The DBMS Schema Compiler
  247. SEG                              Loading and execution command (V-mode)
  248. SETIME                                               (Operator command)
  249. SETMOD                                               (Operator command)
  250. SET_ACCESS                       Sets protection on a file or directory
  251. SET_ASYNC                                            (Operator Command)
  252. SET_DELETE                             Sets tPe delete switch on a file
  253. SET_PRIORITY_ACCESS                                  (Operator command)
  254. SET_QUOTA                                     Sets quota on a directory
  255. SET_RBF                              Sets the attributes of a ROAM file
  256. SET_SEARCH_RULES       Initializes user-specific entrypoint search list
  257. SET_VAR                                 Sets value of a global variable
  258. SHARE                                                (Operator command)
  259. SHUTDN                                               (Operator command)
  260. SIZE                    Displays size of files, segdirs, ufds, and ACLs
  261. SLIST                                Displays file contents at terminal
  262. SNADSC                      Provides terminal emulation under PRIME/SNA
  263. SNA_3270                                   (PRIME/SNA Operator command)
  264. SNA_3270_CONFIG                       (PRIME/SNA Administrator command)
  265. SNA_PRINT                                  (PRIME/SNA Operator command)
  266. SNA_SERVER                                 (PRIME/SNA Operator command)
  267. SNA_SERVER_CONFIG                     (PRIME/SNA Administrator command)
  268. SORT                                            Sorts one or more fRles
  269. SPOOL                          Prints file on system printer or plotter
  270. SPSS                                               Invokes SPSS product
  271. SPY    Displays MIDASPLUS system statistics and configuration variables
  272. START                                          Starts program in memory
  273. STARTUP                                              (Operator command)
  274. START_NET                                 Starts PRIMENET on local node
  275. STATUS                                   Displays user or system status
  276. STOP_NET                                Disables PRIMENET on local node
  277. SVCSW                            Sets switch to handle SVC instructions
  278. TCF                  Accesses remote IBM host from DPTX-configured 3277
  279. TERM                                  Modifies terminal characteristics
  280. TERMCAP                        (Terminal capability database for EMACS)
  281. TIME                                      Displays time-used statistics
  282. TP                                                     Invokes PRIMEWAY
  283. TPLINK                                     Invokes PRIMEWAY via network
  284. TRANSLATORS                                       (Prime's Translators)
  285. TRANSPORT        Writes disk files to tape for transfer to another site
  286. TRANSPORT_RELEASE                Releases TRANSPORT tape for future use
  287. TRANSPORT_RESTORE             Restore TRANSPORT files from tape to disk
  288. TREEWALKING                                          Inclusive pathname
  289. TYPE                                    Prints line of text at terminal
  290. UNASSIGN                                  Unassigns a peripheral device
  291. UPCASE                                  Converts lowercase to uppercase
  292. USAGE                                    Prints system usage statistics
  293. USERS                        Prints number of currently logged-in users
  294. USRASR                                               (Operator command)
  295. VISTA                       DBMS/QUERY Query Language and Report Writer
  296. VPSD                                      Loads Prime Symbolic Debugger
  297. VPSD16                                    Loads Prime Symbolic Debugger
  298. VRPG                                     Invokes V-mode RPG II compiler
  299. VRTSSW                                      Sets virtual sense switches
  300. WILDCARDS                               (Automatic filename generators)
  301. WP_ADMIN                                 (Replaced by OA_ADMIN command)
  303. From Sky-Hook (Switzerland)
  305. Originally displayed in the U.S. On:
  306. P-80 Int'l Information Systems