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RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 1
RBBS Manager Version 1.0
Copyright 1989,1990
by Charles Arden Brill
For Management of Various RBBS Functions in an integrated
menu-driven environment.
RBBS Manager is released as Shareware. Information provided later
in this document.
RBBS Manager is easy to set up. It is a single executable file
that will create several files on your hard disk as necessary.
It will work from any drive or directory, however, it is
suggested that RBBS Manager be put in the same directory as your
FMS files. This is preferably a subdirectory of the main board
eg; C:\RBBS\DIR.
While the file size of RBBS-MGR is a hefty 200,000+ bytes it will
NOT function after any exe compression utility is applied to the
file, nor is it allowed to be renamed. With the proliferation of
hard disks, and in view of the functions provided by RBBS-MGR,
this should not be a concern.
The RBBS-MGR program requires you have all the RBBS files on
disk. These include:
Callers These files MUST be on disk.
Users Whether you use them or not, you must
Comments at least create a zero byte file for
FMS directory RBBS-MGR to take a look at.
Category Code file
RBBS-MGR would also like all the memory you can give it. The
amount above program size is dependent on the size of your FMS.
It may be run (does run quite successfully) in a multitasking
window. It is not as yet an 'aware' program. See future
RBBS Manager provides functions that will allow you:
to view and delete messages
view and search callers file
view and search comments
view, search and edit users
view category code
view any zip file
view any text file
add, delete, move any FMS entry
insert or append in date or alpha order
shunt new fms entry to any file for append
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 2
search for text in fms
view zip from fms
reformat fms
check fms against disk directories
make a downloadable text file
correct date and size errors
retain different configs for subboards and nodes
As you can see RBBS Manager is rather fully functioned. It is
intended as a tool for sysops to maintain their RBBS systems from
a single program as much as possible.
Now I know you don't need to be told how to use the program,
however the following documentation is provided for reference.
RBBS Manager is heavily supportive of FMS functions because there
are a few sysops out there that still feel they should have some
knowledge of what files are being included on their board. It is
true that RBBS allows almost complete automation of the File
system, this can be both a great boon or it can create problems.
RBBS-MGR allows an easy to use option, at the same time providing
an alternative, as close to an automated way of maintaining an
alphabetizing your FMS as possible.
It is the feeling of the author that an alphabetized directory is
much friendlier for the average user. Date ordered directories
are great for sysops or 'power users' but the normal caller
looking for a file has to wade through a lot of chaff. It also
just appears more professional.
The program is also designed be a monitor for board activity
without having the sysop Log on. While running in a multitasking
window or network environment or even as a standalone, the
program services Callers, Comments, Messaging and Users. As an
example, the program will announce any new comments that have
been added since it was last run. It will also allow the sysop
to view messages without flagging them as received.
The ability to load different config files increases the function
of RBBS_MGR dramatically. It is possible to apply all of
RBBS-MGR's options to your different RBBS config files and paths.
So if you choose to keep a separate subboard for games you can
create a GAME-MGR.CFG file will all the appropriate paths and
settings and use all of RBBS managers features.
The TOOLS are provide to maintain your FMS directories. Most are
available from other sources and the author freely admits these
programs are perhaps faster. Some speed has been sacrificed for
the user interface and because its just plain more enjoyable to
watch what's going on. Also you will find the reporting more
complete than is found in most standalone 'quick' utilities.
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 3
KEYING in RBBS Manager generally follows the common usage of pull
down menuing systems. Menu selections are made with the cursor
arrows and an <ENTER>; or the command letters (Highlighted Menu
Letters) may be accessed by the <Alt>-<key> combination. An
important key combination to remember is <ALT>-<C> which will
clear any editing field. Keying for each section is explained
specifically in each section description.
Messages and Box prompts are removed by pressing the space bar or
enter key. Prompts are accepted with <ENTER> or the appropriate
keying, usually displayed. <ESC> is used to exit a function
without change (cancel).
Some Menu Selections are not available throughout the entire
program. These selections are 'turned off' until you enter the
appropriate section, then they magically appear and function, and
function well we hope.
The Menu Line stays at the top of your screen and includes all
the choices available to you while in various sections of RBBS
The Status line resides at the bottom of your screen and displays
some useful information about what's going on. CurrFile:, is the
currently loaded file you are working on, be it your FMS,
Messages, etc. To the right is a little status block with the
letters of the features you have turned on: eg; 43BZAN. 43 would
be the length of description, B - backups are toggled on, Z is
the first letter of your archive, A is the type of sort - either
A for alpha or D for date, N is whether you are running in a
shared environment - either Y or N.
To the left of the status block the amount of free memory you
have left is displayed.
The middle of Line 25 displays several messages that aren't too
cryptic. FmsL - means your FMS is loaded, Sht - indicates you
have turned on the shunt file feature, etc.
For those allergic to Documentation there are a few points to
be aware of before you explore RBBS-MGR. RBBS Manager checks
itself first and determines the video setup, loads the default
config, checks comments and then decides its ok to turn control
over to you. If you have not created the config file you will be
automatically taken to the setup.
If the video determination doesn't meet your wishes you may force
RBBS Manager to display in black and white by calling the program
with the /B switch eg: RBBS-MGR /B
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 4
Setup first creates the default config. This should include all
the path and setup information you need for the main RBBS.
SubBoards and node info, if different, may have there own config
ESC on any field aborts the setup program
Default values for many fields are preloaded. You may clear any
field with ALT-C.
Name of Configuration File: MUST be RBBS-MGR.CFG for the default
and is saved in the current directory.
Default extension for all Backup files: Default is .bak but if
you are using a utility like SWEEP and wish to change this to
.sav (or whatever) there is no problem.
Make Automatic Backup: RBBS Manager will make an automatic
backup file of your FMS before any action is performed, saved in
the current directory. This allows you to turn this option off
if you like living on the edge.
The Default Archive extension: Your archive of choice .zip, .pak,
.arc, etc.
Default insertion mode: RBBS Manager's FMS support allows
inserting files in the proper sorted order for your FMS
directories. You let the program know what order your default
directory will use.
NOTE: RBBS Manager only supports sorting as per RBBS's default
bottom up sort. If you have a /TOP sorted directory, it is
supported by RBBS-MGR but not in this released version. Contact
the author.
Length of FMS Description field: RBBS-MGR supports only 43 or 44
columns in the description field. This is an arbitrary choice by
the author. No one has presented a compelling enough reason for
more or less columns.
NOTE: The reformat option off the Tools menu will easily reformat
your directory to the proper length. It creates a new FMS you
can use in RBBS-MGR if you specify it in config. After you are
assured that RBBS-MGR is for you you can rename it to your main
board FMS directory after deleting or renaming the original.
Running in a File sharing Environment: Option tells RBBS Manager
to open files in a shared mode. Generally needed only for
NOTE: Not required for DesqView@
PATHNAMES: Config needs proper pathnames. Drive letter required
if not on default drive so for consistency just use the Drive
letter for all paths.
NOTE: With just a path entry RBBS-MGR only requires Drive and
path NO extra slashes eg: C:\RBBS\UPLOADS is acceptable while
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 5
Default values for many fields are preloaded. You may clear any
field with ALT-C.
Path to FMS Directory: Your main FMS directory, it will be the
default every time RBBS-MGR is started.
Category Code Path: Path to the DIR.CAT file for the above FMS
Path to RBBS Messages: Path to your main Message base
Path to Callers: Path to your main board Callers file
Path to Comments: Path to main board comment file.
NOTE: If you don't use a Comments file create one. It doesn't
need to be used just on disk taking up space.
Path to users: Path to main board users file
Path to Upload SubDir: Drive and directory path to Upload
The DownLoad Directories (up to 22) are entered in the same
fashion as all other pathnames. Esc on the next blank field will
terminate the entries.
NOTE: The list file support is not supported in this release,
however, the registered RBBS Manager supports this feature and
allows up to 99 different subdirectories.
Provided you haven't made any glaring errors that the Setup
program couldn't catch you should be ready to run RBBS Manager.
Exit the program and restart to load the config or use the Config
menu and use the Load Config prompt to enter the default -
The files menu will be your launching pad to most of RBBS
Managers functions. After the Setup has been properly completed
the files menu allows you too choose a section of your RBBS to
act upon.
Loads the Current FMS (as per Setup) and displays the add file
entry screen. You may enter a filename for addition to your FMS
directory by using the fields provided. <TAB> moves to next
field <Shift>-<Tab> returns to previous field. Formatting is
provide for the size and date fields. Enter the size in the
first position of the field and as you <Tab> out of the field it
will be right justified. The date field also separates the
month, day and year. The aim of the formatting is for you to
just <Tab> into the field and begin entering data without
worrying about the format.
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 6
The length of the Description field will match the 43 or 44
column choice from your Setup.
The Category code is not required (nothing is required past the
filename) so support for the old style directories hangs around.
Extended descriptions of up to five lines are accepted. <ESC> on
a blank description line accepts and exits the entry screen.
<Enter> on the first line of the extended descriptions also exits
if your entry has only a simple description.
The file entry is now ready for your choice of append or insert
off the Record Menu.
This menu selection will also load the current FMS (as per your
Setup choice) or if it is previously loaded will move directly to
display the FMS Editor. The Editor displays your chosen FMS
between the Menu line and the Status line.
The Cursor arrows are available to scroll a line at a time, PgUp,
PgDn move accordingly and Home and End keys are available.
The Status line displays the line currently highlighted by the
From the editor the Edit, Search and View pull down menus are
available, each will be dealt with in its own section.
<Esc> removes the Editor.
Choosing New FMS will allow you to change FMS directories without
leaving the RBBS-MGR. After an message explaining what your
about to do you are asked to enter the new FMS. If the new FMS
is NOT in the current directory you must enter the Full Pathname.
eg: D:\DIR\NEWFMS.DIR. It will be loaded replacing the your
current file.
One note of caution, while this is a very handy feature, you must
remember that just loading the FMS retains the Config settings.
If you have both Alphabetical and Date directories and load an
alphabetical directory with a config using the DATE option you
will not be able to insert a new listing into the FMS. Editing
and other features are not affected.
<ESC> at the prompts will abort the load.
The default message file you have specified in the current Config
is loaded. The Message section and sub menus are displayed.
They are explained later in this manual.
<ESC> returns to the main menus.
Much like the Message prompt, this will load the Users file
specified in the current Config. Users section and submenus are
explained later in the manual.
<ESC> returns to the main menu.
RBBS DEF: is not available in this release
This will create a zero byte file that you name. It has no
particular purpose. Once in a while you may wish to create a
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 7
Configuration setup with special features. Since RBBS Manager's
SetUp requires most files to be on disk you may want to use this
as a placeholder. 'C' wasn't used on the menu anyway...
This will write the current file(FMS) to disk, in effect a manual
save of your work up to this point. Use this to save an FMS
before loading another one if changes have been made.
Just the opposite of Write file. It will wipe the currently
loaded file(FMS), leaving nothing in memory. For example, if you
are just checking your directories or searching and want to load
another FMS without any changes being made to the original, this
will clear the memory.
Exits RBBS Manager and saves the current FMS to disk.
Exits program without writing FMS.
The records menu is one of the menu selections not available in
all sections of RBBS Manager. It allows selection of record
processing if you are in the FMS editor.It is activated only
after you have made an entry in the Add file screens and have
used <ESC> or the enter key on the first blank description line
to indicate you are through entering data.
This choice will append the File Entry to the currently loaded
FMS. In keeping with the RBBS default the filename will be
appended to the bottom of the FMS.
RBBS Manager in Insert Mode will only insert if the date is
inclusive, that is it falls between the range of dates in the
directory. It it is equal or greater than the last date it must
be appended.
Inserts the File Entry in its proper location in the FMS
directory, be it Date or Alphabetical ordering. The display will
show the location of insertion by displaying several lines that
come before the insert location. You are prompted to accept this
You are notified if the date is not inclusive and asked to use
Be aware also if you have chosen the Shunt option of the Config
Menu your shunt file is not inserted. Shunt only appends. Your
entry to the current FMS will be inserted regardless.
Ok, so you messed up? Got the Date is not Inclusive message? Well
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 8
if so or if you just changed your mind this will bring back the
File Add screen with your last Entry still waiting. You may then
proceed as normal.
This is also a useful function if you have a large number of
similar files to add. You may keep returning with the file entry
and just change the fields necessary. Saves some typing.
Along the same lines, if you start to add a file into your FMS
and change your mind for any reason this will clear the entry.
This is actually a holdover from a previous version of Manager.
In the Current version you shouldn't have to use this command
often if ever.
NOTE: RBBS Manager now uses the Clipboard as a buffer for the
file additions, so if you get confused as to what file you are
entering you may use the View Menu to view the clipboard. The
file to be entered will remain on the clipboard until another
entry is made or it is cleared with Clear Return.
Forward is not used in this release. (Message Forwarding)
The editor menu is on of the workhorses of RBBS Manager. It is
available when you have loaded the FMS Editor are are preparing
to work on the FMS directory. Most functions available from the
Editor menu key off the cursor line location. Some of the Main
pull down menus are used in the Editor. Record, Edit, Search, and
View all have functions available in the Editor. These are
accessed the same way as if the Editor was not loaded with the
exception that you may not use the cursor arrows to move between
menus. You must <ESC> each menu and re-enter another by using
the <ALT>-<letter> combination of that selection.
This will highlight the Cursor line and allow individual editing
of that line. It is set to the line length you indicated in the
Setup and will not allow more characters to be included. Insert
or Overwrite mode is toggled by the insert key, however due to
the just mentioned safety feature if you need to insert a
character you must first delete or otherwise make sure the line
is not full. <CTRL>-<right arrow> or <CTRL>-<left arrow> moves
by words. The Line Editor starts in overwrite mode.
<ESC> or <ENTER> accepts the changes and returns you to the
cursor line. Since you are only working on one line, changes
made are kept. If you wish to cancel or revise your changes you
must use LineEdit and re-enter them.
Marking the Block you want to process is the first thing needed
to take advantage of RBBS Managers moving, and deleting file
entries. As other functions off this menu it keys off the cursor
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 9
line. Choosing Mark block will highlight the cursor line. The
down arrow is available to highlight up to five more lines
(coincidentally RBBS Manager supports up to five lines of
extended descriptions).
<Enter> accepts the highlighted lines for processing.
This selection allows putting lines saved on the Clipboard into
the FMS directory. The lines are Inserted below the cursor line.
Nothing is needed to accomplish this other than the proper use of
RBBS-MGR, in other words you don't have to make any space for the
additional lines it will be taken care of for you.
Delete will remove the lines highlighted by Mark Block. This is
not reversible in this version so use judiciously.
This hold the lines Highlighted by Mark Block. It is an
intermediate step while you position the cursor for insertion.
FIELD CAPTURE: Not available in this release
This is rather self explanatory. This release of the Manager
only supports searching the FMS directory loaded in the FMS
Editor section. It will search for any string. You will be
prompted for attention to case.
Continues search.
<ESC> aborts
Another of the more frequently used functions of RBBS Manager.
These menus are available at most times in RBBS Manager.
This will bring up a view window and display the contents of the
Comments as per SetUp. Keys available are the cursor arrows, home
and end keys. This allows scanning the file for a particular
comment or skipping to the end to view the latest comments. You
will be notified of new comments, if any, upon the start of
<ESC> returns to the main pop up menus.
Choose this option and you are presented with a submenu. The
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 10
Callers file may be listed based on these selections. Some of
the submenus require input, such as the search on callers name.
The Callers file is read from disk and displayed in accordance
with your choice. It is read as it is written, sequentially, and
as such provides little more than a direct scroll of your boards
activity. This has proved adequate but is a candidate for
enhancement. Prompts should direct you through this section and
in general <ESC> gets you out.
Very nice feature if you have a tendency to forget the little
things. Displays the DIR.CAT file, once again as per the SetUp.
It has been formatted for easier viewing.
<ALT>-<C> will perform a nifty maintenance function provided you
have an FMS loaded. It will check the FMS directory against the
category codes in DIR.CAT and report on any file entries with
unrecognized codes.
Zipfile will show the files in any zipped archive. If called
from the main menu section you must give a full path to the
archived file. In the FMS Editor the function is quite a bit
easier to use. The ZipViewer will use the file that the cursor
line highlights and automatically search the directories you have
entered in SetUp for the file. If found in your download or
upload directories it will be displayed.
Allows viewing of various files (text preferably). Handy to view
batch files or the reports on disk that RBBS Manager generates.
You are prompted for a filename and path, and the cursor arrows,
home and end key are available for moving around in the file.
While at the main screen menus the only available selection of
the tools menu is the Dos Shell. All of the selections become
available once an FMS directory is loaded.
If you are plagued by 'File not Found' errors in callers this can
help. Also if you keep wondering where all your disk space went
and stumble across five copies of 'ListIt.now'. Reconcile will
do just that, it compares the FMS file list to itself and to the
actual disk directories listed in SetUp. It also checks those
directories against themselves for multiple file copies. Most
importantly it reports where the multiples are located.
You are presented a prompt screen. If you want RBBS Manager to
create an ASCII report (viewable by the View Menu's Anyfile
command) indicate it here. Also if you have chained directories
RBBS-MGR will search up to Three(3) chained FMS's.
The first stage of Reconcile just checks for multiple filenames
in your FMS and multiple filenames in the Disk directories. The
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 11
status line gives an indicator of activity. Running in a
multitasking window with large directories this isn't the
speediest procedure; while it is checking for multiple names
RBBS-MGR also sets up for the next search.
Upon completion you are prompted whether to cross check the FMS
against the Directories. This provides the most useful report.
You will also be able to keep track on your monitor and the
status line indicator. The Report file generated is named
This choice creates an ASCII file on disk of your FMS directory
organized by category code and with the codes removed. Or it
will create a single file for each code depending on how you
answer the prompt. Once again RBBS Manager keeps you apprised of
the progress by watching the codes count down. The ASCII file
will include all extended descriptions.
The header line is basically included to divide the categories,
you will no doubt want to customize this with your board name and
perhaps an explanation of the contents.
The file created by RBBS Manager is DOWNLOAD.FMS, when multiple
files are selected the category code is used as the filename but
the first category retains the name DOWNLOAD.FMS. The Extension
is always FMS.
The purpose of this section is twofold. A maintenance function
to check the proper format of your FMS or initially it will
reconstruct your FMS to the proper line length for RBBS Manager.
Used to check your FMS it will check each field for proper
location and size and check for line length.
RBBS used to allow some flexibility in the Date/Size fields so
the extra space option is present. Take the default 'Y' and you
will have the two spaces between the fields, much better visually
than a single space.
It is a non-destructive check and it will write a file to disk
called NEWFORM.FMS This file will have the character '!' in any
location found to be in error. You search on the '!' character
to find any errors with confidence that even if they are there
the directory will have no display problems.
The non-destructive nature of the reformat isn't entirely fool
proof. During the reformat and check RBBS Manager transfers the
REFORMATED lines into the FMS file stored in memory. This is
handy in that it makes viewing any changes easier or for a first
time reformat it will make using the other functions of the
Manager possible. If everything checks out you can just Exit
Save the FMS in memory and it will replace your old FMS still
keeping the old FMS as the backup (That is if you aren't one of
those living on the edge with the backup turned off). If you do
not wish to save the reformated FMS just exit without writing the
file and you will still have the new version in NEWFORM.FMS on
During the process the line length is truncated to the length
assigned in SetUp. If your previous line length was shorter, no
problem, as extra spaces are added to the description field. If
it was longer you will lose spaces or text from the description
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 12
field. No help for that, but it will be worth the change.
Checks the date and size listed in your FMS directory against the
actual disk date and size of the file in the download directories
from SetUp.
The first prompt you are presented with after choosing Date/Size
asks if you wish to be prompted for each file or to run
automatically. If you are very conscientious you may want to try
the prompt but if being run for the first time it is possible you
will be there all night if you have a large directory. The
manual [P]rompt stops for each file found that the FMS listing
doesn't correspond to the disk directory entry and lets you
specify where to write date and size, to the file or the disk.
While this sounds harmless enough if you have a date ordered
directory you will have to reorganize every file to its proper
After choosing automatic (did we successfully talk you out of
[P]rompt?) RBBS Manager will proceed to check every file in the
currently loaded FMS against the disk directories. As usual in
RBBS Manager you will be kept appraised of what's going on by the
Not available in this release.
Shell to DOS:
Shells out to Dos if there is something you need to check. And as
long as your checking remember that if you have RBBS-MGR loaded
with an FMS you will not have much memory left to run anything
other than some of the more sensibly written programs with
smaller memory requirements. Unload your FMS if you need more
For a detail account of the SetUp screens refer to the Quick
Start section of the Documents. This must be run at least once
and you will probably run it several times because it creates the
RBBS-MGR configuration files.
The ability to have multiple configs is what gives RBBS Manager
such versatility. All sorts of tricks are possible (and many
tips are included in the registered manual).
This allows changing the config file that RBBS Manager relies
upon for all its file path information.
This is a toggle. Using <ENTER> while the prompt is highlighted
toggles the RBBS_MGR Backup feature on and off. A check appears
if the option is on and it is indicated on the status line.
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 13
Also a Toggle. Same procedure applies to toggle it on and off
however, the check will always be present with an 'a' or 'd'
behind it depending on whether you choose date or Alphabetical
ordered directories. It is also indicated on the status line.
The shunt is the only Config menu entry requiring input. If you
select shunt you will need to provide a filename. This may be
any filename, existing or not. All new entries added with the
RBBS Managers insert or append features will be appended to the
shunt file. A check will appear if active and you are notified
on the status line.
RBBS Manager is so full featured it is going to take care of all
your RBBS needs? .....Not yet, and quite possible never, but
that doesn't mean we won't try.
Some of the next steps have been alluded to in the documentation
or for those of you who browsed the menus there are some prompts
you noticed aren't active yet. RBBS Manager continues to evolve.
The first major change major change under testing is a decrease
in the memory requirements for the FMS. This will allow loading
two separate FMS's in windows and allow entries to be moved, and
copied between them.
Programmers note: As RBBS Manager is written with MicroSoft PDS
7.0 the FMS has been loaded as an huge fixed string array which
requires the fixed string to be 128 bytes long. Quite a bit of
wasted memory there. So it was done quicker...Release 2 fixes
this and with the increase in memory available allows windowed
editing of more than one FMS.
Message Editing and Forwarding will be added to RBBS-MGR. Only
between RBBS Conferences and SubBoards. No NetMail support is
planned (There's enough of those).
RBBS Manager will be written to specifically interface with
Desqview, using the Desqview API.
A host of other changes and yes, perhaps a bug fix or two.
Suggestions will be taken very seriously as there are as many
different RBBS configurations as RBBS's out there and maybe a
useful function to all has been totally overlooked. ANY feedback
is appreciated.
There should be no need to explain the intricacies of ShareWare
to a sysop. Also a plea is tiresome. There are some distinct
advantages to registering RBBS Manager. Bug fix releases are
free (distributed on 360K 5.25 inch floppies). Also the
registration package includes a more extensive manual, and for
the proliferation of processors (say that five times fast)
versions of the program are available to take advantage of the
RBBS Manager Ver 1.0 14
286 and 386 CPU's. Support is free via BBS or Voice (you receive
a voice number with the registration package). 'Nuff said.
Registration is 30.00.
Registration Address and Checks payable to:
Charles Arden Brill
4812 NE 103rd.
Seattle, Wa 98125
No form is enclosed. Break down and write a note with your Name
and Address. You might also give any impression or suggestion you
wish to pass along.
Support for RBBS Manager is available from the LETTERS RBBS (206)
524-4811. 24hrs 2400baud
Version 1.0:
Initial Release
Version 1.1:
Fixed bug in Message edit and User edit submenus. Varible
was not declared static resulting in improper display of
submenu after using certain functions off menu.
Fixed interesting error where FIXALL in the Reformat menu
actually messed things up. Result of a section of code
remaining in the routine from a previous version thus varible
values were corrupt.