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BASIC Source File
192 lines
'Copyright (c) 1987 Marcel Madonna
' This program will change the maximum memory required field on
' the header of an EXE file.
' Execute with the following:
' XXXXXXXX is the name of the program
' 99999 is the number of paragraphs representing the maximum amount
' of memory that the EXE will require when executed.
' The minimum value is 2000 and the maximum value is 65535.
' I purposely excluded any QBWARE/1 from this program so that it
' could be easily modified by non-registered users. I also wrote it
' to be compatible with QB V2.00.
' This is a useful little routine that strips leading and trailing blanks
' from a string
Def FnCompress$(Text$)
Static x%
x% = 1
While x% <= Len(Text$) and Mid$(Text$, x%, 1) = " "
x% = x%+1
Text$ = Mid$(Text$, x%)
x% = Len(Text$)
If x% = 0 then
FnCompress$ = ""
Exit Def
End if
While x% <> 0 and Mid$(Text$, x%, 1) = " "
x% = x% -1
Text$ = Left$(Text$, x%)
FnCompress$ = Text$
End Def
' Start of program
Text.in$ = Command$ 'Get Command line
Gosub Parse.Data 'Get file name
Target.File$ = First.Field$
If Len(Target.File$) = 0 then
Goto Invalid.Parameter
End if
' If no file extension is present, then add default of .EXE
' If file extension is present, then it must be.EXE
x% = Instr(Target.File$,".")
If x% = 0 then
Target.File$ = Target.File$ + ".EXE"
If Right$(Target.File$, Len(Target.File$) - x%) <> "EXE" then
Goto Invalid.Parameter
End if
End if
' If no parameters were passed in the command line, then we can assume
' a default of 16000 paragraphs (256K) will be used to update the EXE
' header
If Parse.Done% then
New.Paragraph% = 16000
Paragraph.size = 16000
Gosub Parse.Data
First.Blnk% = Instr(First.Field$, " ")
If First.Blnk% = 0 then
Goto Invalid.Parameter
End if
' Check to see if the new paragraph size is acceptable
' (Between 2000 and 65535)
Paragraph.Size = Val(Right$(First.Field$, Len(First.Field$)-First.Blnk%))
If Paragraph.Size < 2000 or Paragraph.Size > 65535 then
Goto Invalid.Parameter
End if
' We need to make paragraph size an integer, but QB accepts integers only up 32767
' so we need a little fancy footwork
If Paragraph.Size > 32767 then
New.Paragraph% = (65536-Paragraph.Size)*-1
New.Paragraph% = Paragraph.Size
End if
End if
' We need an ASCIIZ string to open the file
Target.File$ = Target.File$ + Chr$(0)
Filenum% = 1 'Just to show you a neat trick
Reclen% = 26 'We only the first few bytes
Open Target.File$ Access READ WRITE as #Filenum% Len = Reclen%
Field #Filenum%, _
1 as ExeSig1$, _ 'First part of EXE signature - 4Dh
1 as ExeSig2$, _ 'Second part - 5Ah
2 as FileLen$, _ 'File size - (MOD 512)
2 as FileSiz$, _ 'File size in 512 byte pages
2 as RelCnt$, _ 'Number of relocation table items
2 as HeadSiz$, _ 'Size of header - in paragraphs
2 as MinSiz$, _ 'Minimum memory req's
2 as MaxSiz$, _ 'Maximum size req's
12 as Filler$ 'The rest is unimportant for now
' If the file has no length, assume that it was just created by the previous
' and it was really not on the disk and should be deleted
If Lof(Filenum%) = 0 then
Close #Filenum%
Kill Target.File$
Goto Invalid.Parameter
End if
Get #Filenum%,1 'Get the first record
' Check signature to insure that we have a valid EXE file
If ExeSig1$ <> Chr$(77) and ExeSig2$ <> Chr$(90) then
Close #Filenum%
Goto Invalid.Parameter
End if
MaxSiz% = Cvi(MaxSiz$)
MaxSiz = MaxSiz%
If MaxSiz < 0 then
MaxSiz = 65536 + MaxSiz
End if
Lset MaxSiz$ = Mki$(New.Paragraph%)
Put #Filenum%,1 'Put the record back
Close #Filenum%
' Let you know it worked
Locate 1,1
Print "File: " + Target.File$
Print "Max Memory requirements changed from "; Maxsiz; " to ";Paragraph.Size
End 'That's all folks
First.Dlm% = Instr(Text.In$,"/") 'Find first delimeter
If First.Dlm% = 0 then 'If no more delimeters
First.Field$ = FnCompress$(Text.In$)
Parse.Done% = -1 'Indicate parse complete
End if
First.Field$ = Left$(Text.In$,First.Dlm%-1) 'Remove first field
' This function willremove all leading al trailing blanks
First.Field$ = FnCompress$(First.Field$)
' Strip first field from th command line
Text.In$ = Right$(Text.In$, Len(Text.In$) - First.Dlm%)
Locate 1,1
Print "Invalid parameter " + Command$