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Pascal/Delphi Source File  |  1986-01-02  |  12KB  |  327 lines

  1. procedure EvaluateAnswer;
  2. {written by W. Jeffrey Wilson & lynne ostergren,
  3.             Department of Psychological Sciences,
  4.             Indiana University - Purdue University at Fort Wayne,
  5.             2101 Coliseum Boulevard East,
  6.             Fort Wayne, IN  46805.
  7. copyright, 1985 by Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907.
  8.                     All Rights Reserved.  Unmodified copies of this program
  9.                     may be freely distributed.  Each copy must contain this
  10.                     notice.}
  12. begin
  13.    if Answer = 'CORRECT' then begin
  14.       CorrectAnswer;
  15.    end else begin
  16.       IncorrectAnswer;
  17.    end;
  18. end;
  20. procedure GetAnswer;
  21. begin
  22.    repeat
  23.       readln(Answer);
  24.       if length(Answer) < 3 then
  25.          writeln('Too brief! Try again.');
  26.    until length(Answer) > 2;
  27.    for index := 1 to ord(Answer[0]) do
  28.       Answer[index] := UpCase(Answer[index]);
  29.    Delete(Answer,4,length(Answer));
  30.    if pos(Answer,RightAnswers) > 0 then
  31.       Answer := 'CORRECT'
  32.    else
  33.       Answer := 'WRONG';
  34. end;
  36. procedure AmygdalaQuestions;
  37.    begin
  38.       writeln('To pass in that direction, you must answer a');
  39.       writeln('question.  Once the question has been answered');
  40.       writeln('correctly, you will have free access between');
  41.       writeln('the amygdala and the limbic system.');
  42.       repeat
  43.          writeln;
  44.          case Random(5) of
  45.             0:begin
  46.                  writeln('Who proposed that several limbic structures');
  47.                  writeln('form a loop that plays a critical role in the');
  48.                  writeln('expression of emotion?');
  49.                  RightAnswers := 'PAPEZ';
  50.                  GetAnswer;
  51.               end;
  52.             1:begin
  53.                  writeln('In general, do lesions of the amygdala');
  54.                  writeln('facilitate or inhibit aggressive behavior?');
  55.                  RightAnswers := 'INHIBIT';
  56.                  GetAnswer;
  57.               end;
  58.             2:begin
  59.                  writeln('What syndrome is produced by lesioning the');
  60.                  writeln('septal area in a rat?');
  61.                  RightAnswers := '"SEPTAL RAGE" AGGRESSION';
  62.                  GetAnswer;
  63.               end;
  64.             3:begin
  65.                  writeln('What sensory system seems to be closely linked');
  66.                  writeln('to the limbic system?');
  67.                  RightAnswers := 'SMELL OLFACTION';
  68.                  GetAnswer;
  69.               end;
  70.             4:begin
  71.                  writeln('Name one of the two people credited with the');
  72.                  writeln('theory of emotion that states that emotions');
  73.                  writeln('arise as a result of our perception of bodily');
  74.                  writeln('responses.');
  75.                  RightAnswers := 'WILLIAM JAMES CARL LANGE';
  76.                  GetAnswer;
  77.               end
  78.          end;
  79.        if Answer = 'CORRECT' then begin
  80.                     clrscr;
  81.                     writeln;
  82.                     writeln;
  83.                     writeln('You are absolutely correct!  This answer has');
  84.                     writeln('opened the limbic system to you.');
  85.                     Room[Amygdala].AdjRoom[C] := Hippocampus;
  86.                     Room[Amygdala].AdjRoom[M] := Septum;
  87.                     Room[Septum].AdjRoom[L] := Amygdala;
  88.                     Room[Hippocampus].AdjRoom[R] := Amygdala;
  89.                     WrongAnswer := False;
  90.                  end else begin
  91.                     IncorrectAnswer;
  92.                  end;
  93. until WrongAnswer = False;
  94. Loc := Loc1;
  95. end;
  97. procedure VisualCxQuestions;
  98. begin
  99.    writeln('To leave the striate cortex you must answer a');
  100.    writeln('question.  If you answer correctly, you will be');
  101.    writeln('transported to a random location elsewhere in');
  102.    writeln('the brain.  Dire consequences await you if your');
  103.    writeln('answer is incorrect!');
  104.    repeat
  105.       writeln;
  106.       case random(8) of
  107.          0:begin
  108.               writeln('What hypothalamic nucleus plays a role in');
  109.               writeln('circadian rhythms?');
  110.               RightAnswers := 'SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS';
  111.               GetAnswer;
  112.            end;
  113.          1:begin
  114.               writeln('Where do optic nerve fibers decussate?');
  115.               RightAnswers := 'OPTIC CHIASMA';
  116.               GetAnswer;
  117.            end;
  118.          2:begin
  119.               writeln('In the periphery, bundles of axons are called');
  120.               writeln('nerves.  What are bundles of axons in the');
  121.               writeln('central nervous system called?');
  122.               RightAnswers := 'TRACTS';
  123.               GetAnswer;
  124.            end;
  125.          3:begin
  126.               writeln('In what lobe of the cortex is the primary');
  127.               writeln('visual area located?');
  128.               RightAnswers := 'OCCIPITAL';
  129.               GetAnswer;
  130.            end;
  131.          4:begin
  132.               writeln('What part of the brain contains the superior');
  133.               writeln('colliculus?');
  134.               RightAnswers := 'TECTUM MIDBRAIN MESENCEPHALON';
  135.               GetAnswer;
  136.            end;
  137.          5:begin
  138.               writeln('What is the name of the thalamic relay nucleus');
  139.               writeln('for visual information?');
  140.               RightAnswers := 'LATERAL GENICULATE NUCLEUS LGN L.G.N.';
  141.               GetAnswer;
  142.            end;
  143.          6:begin
  144.               writeln('Name one of the three people who received the');
  145.               writeln('Nobel prize in medicine for their work on');
  146.               writeln('visual system physiology.');
  147.               RightAnswers := 'HUBEL WEISEL SPERRY';
  148.               GetAnswer;
  149.            end;
  150.          7:begin
  151.               writeln('What kind of cells in the retina provide the');
  152.               writeln('axons that make up the optic nerve?');
  153.               RightAnswers := 'GANGLION CELLS';
  154.               GetAnswer;
  155.            end
  156.       end;
  157.       EvaluateAnswer;
  158.    until WrongAnswer = False;
  159. end;
  161. procedure PituitaryQuestions;
  162. begin
  163.    writeln('A question must be answered correctly in order');
  164.    writeln('to leave the pituitary.  A correct answer will');
  165.    writeln('send you randomly to another part of the brain.');
  166.    writeln('For your own sake, do NOT answer incorrectly!');
  167.    repeat
  168.       writeln;
  169.       case random(4) of
  170.          0:begin
  171.               writeln('What is the name of the stalk that attaches the');
  172.               writeln('pituitary to the hypothalamus?');
  173.               RightAnswers := 'INFUNDIBULUM';
  174.               GetAnswer;
  175.            end;
  176.          1:begin
  177.               writeln('What hormone promotes the masculinization of');
  178.               writeln('the brain?');
  179.               RightAnswers := 'TESTOSTERONE';
  180.               GetAnswer;
  181.            end;
  182.          2:begin
  183.               writeln('What diencephalic structure controls the');
  184.               writeln('release of hormones from the pituitary?');
  185.               RightAnswers := 'HYPOTHALAMUS';
  186.               GetAnswer;
  187.            end;
  188.          3:begin
  189.               writeln('What hormone, released from the pituitary at');
  190.               writeln('the onset of puberty, promotes increased');
  191.               writeln('function of the testes or ovaries?');
  192.               RightAnswers := 'GONADOTROPIC HORMONE';
  193.               GetAnswer;
  194.            end
  195.       end;
  196.       EvaluateAnswer;
  197.    until WrongAnswer = False;
  198. end;
  200. procedure TrapezoidBodyQuestions;
  201. begin
  202.    writeln('To leave this brainstem auditory nucleus, you');
  203.    writeln('must answer a question.  A correct answer will');
  204.    writeln('send you to another region of the brain.  An');
  205.    writeln('incorrect answer will be dealt with severely!');
  206.    repeat
  207.       writeln;
  208.       case random(7) of
  209.          0:begin
  210.               writeln('What is the name for the language impairment');
  211.               writeln('that results from damage to Broca'+chr(39)+'s or');
  212.               writeln('Wernicke'+chr(39)+'s area?');
  213.               RightAnswers := 'APHASIA';
  214.               GetAnswer;
  215.            end;
  216.          1:begin
  217.               writeln('What major fissure lies just superior to the');
  218.               writeln('auditory cortex?');
  219.               RightAnswers := 'LATERAL FISSURE';
  220.               GetAnswer;
  221.            end;
  222.          2:begin
  223.               writeln('What is the name of the largest band of fibers');
  224.               writeln('interconnecting the two hemispheres of the');
  225.               writeln('brain?');
  226.               RightAnswers := 'CORPUS CALLOSUM';
  227.               GetAnswer;
  228.            end;
  229.          3:begin
  230.               writeln('The thalamus receives afferent projections');
  231.               writeln('from every sensory system except which one?');
  232.               RightAnswers := 'OLFACTION SMELL';
  233.               GetAnswer;
  234.            end;
  235.          4:begin
  236.               writeln('In what lobe is auditory cortex located?');
  237.               RightAnswers := 'TEMPORAL';
  238.               GetAnswer;
  239.            end;
  240.          5:begin
  241.               writeln('Which of the aphasias is characterized by');
  242.               writeln('fluent but meaningless speech?');
  243.               RightAnswers := 'WERNICKE'+chr(39)+'S APHASIA';
  244.               GetAnswer;
  245.            end;
  246.          6:begin
  247.               writeln('What is the name of the membrane within the');
  248.               writeln('ear that contains the hair cells, and vibrates');
  249.               writeln('in response to sound?');
  250.               RightAnswers := 'BASILAR MEMBRANE';
  251.               GetAnswer;
  252.            end
  253.       end;
  254.       EvaluateAnswer;
  255.    until WrongAnswer = False;
  256. end;
  258. procedure PyramidsQuestions;
  259. begin
  260.    writeln('You have reached the end of the road, so to');
  261.    writeln('speak, and must answer a question to leave');
  262.    writeln('this area.  Do NOT answer incorrectly!');
  263.    repeat
  264.       writeln;
  265.       case random(7) of
  266.          0:begin
  267.               writeln('Are the pyramids in primarily an afferent or');
  268.               writeln('efferent pathway?');
  269.               RightAnswers := 'EFFERENT MOTOR';
  270.               GetAnswer;
  271.            end;
  272.          1:begin
  273.               writeln('If you, at your present size, got a job as a');
  274.               writeln('neurotransmitter at a neuromuscular junction,');
  275.               writeln('what neurotransmitter would you become (if you');
  276.               writeln('wanted to keep your job, that is)?');
  277.               RightAnswers := 'ACETYLCHOLINE ACH';
  278.               GetAnswer;
  279.            end;
  280.          2:begin
  281.               writeln('In what lobe is the motor strip located?');
  282.               RightAnswers := 'FRONTAL LOBES';
  283.               GetAnswer;
  284.            end;
  285.          3:begin
  286.               writeln('What basal ganglion structure, along with the');
  287.               writeln('globus pallidus, makes up the lentiform or');
  288.               writeln('lenticular nucleus?');
  289.               RightAnswers := 'PUTAMEN';
  290.               GetAnswer;
  291.            end;
  292.          4:begin
  293.               writeln('What type of cell gives rise to the axons that');
  294.               writeln('pass through the pyramids in the corticospinal');
  295.               writeln('tract?');
  296.               RightAnswers := 'PYRAMIDAL CELLS BETZ CELL';
  297.               GetAnswer;
  298.            end;
  299.          5:begin
  300.               writeln('Loss of the dopaminergic cells of the');
  301.               writeln('substantia nigra results in what clinical');
  302.               writeln('condition?');
  303.               RightAnswers := 'PARKINSONISM PARKINSON'+chr(39)+'S DISEASE';
  304.               GetAnswer;
  305.            end;
  306.          6:begin
  307.               writeln('What structure is presumed to be involved with');
  308.               writeln('the execution of skilled, coordinated');
  309.               writeln('movements?');
  310.               RightAnswers := 'CEREBELLUM';
  311.               GetAnswer;
  312.            end
  313.       end;
  314.       EvaluateAnswer;
  315.    until WrongAnswer = False;
  316. end;
  318. procedure PoseQuestion;
  319. begin
  320.    case Loc1 of
  321.       Amygdala: AmygdalaQuestions;
  322.       VisualCx: VisualCxQuestions;
  323.       Pituitary: PituitaryQuestions;
  324.       TrapezoidBody: TrapezoidBodyQuestions;
  325.       Pyramids: PyramidsQuestions
  326.    end;
  327. end;