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- Some Tool Kit Hints and Corrections
- From Petroleum Engineering Magazine
- I have found some small problems with the equation used when calculating the
- corrected Pc for sour gases in GASVOL, BHPCALC, and GASDEL and the bubble point
- pressure in GASCOMP. The corrections should be made to the four programs by
- recalling each program and "turning off" the global cell protection with the
- following key sequence:
- /WGPD (/, Worksheet, Global, Protcction, Disable)
- The corrections that are to be made are as follows: (note: only the highlighted
- characters need to be changed)
- GASVOL - Cell F6 should read:
- (1-C6/100-C7/1OO-C8/1OO)*J7+493*C6/100+1071*C7/100+1306*C8/100
- Cell F8 should read:
- (F6*(F5-J8))/(F5 + (C8/100)*(1-(C8/100))*J8)
- BHPCALC-Cell J9 should read:
- (F8*(F9-J6))/(F9+(F7/100)*(1-($F$7/100))*$J$6)
- BHPCUM-Cell L9 should read:
- (G9*(G10-L6))/(G10+(G8/100)*(1- ($G$8/100))*$L$6)
- GASCOMP- Cell F20 should read:
- @EXP(A*(0.2*C9 + C10 + C11 + 0.4*C12 + C13 + 2*(C14 + C15 + C16)
- + C17 + C18 + C19) + B*L9 + C*(C12/(L7 + 0.2))
- + D*L6 + E*L + F*L*L + G*L^3 + H*M + I*M^2 + J*M^3 + K)
- The above correction will change the bubble point pressure in the example given
- in the article describing GASCOMP (Fig. l) from 1,824 to 1,856.
- Cell protection can be tumed back on by typing:
- /WGPE (/, Worksheet, Global, Protection, Enable)
- There was another problem in the article on GASVOL (PEI, December 1988, p. 36).
- Fig. 1 was incorrect and should appear as is in this new Fig. 1
- ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ ╔═══════════════════════╗ ║
- ║ FIELD NAME: ║MORROW ║ Z3-Jan-89 ║
- ║ ╠═══════════════╦═══════╝ ║
- ║ GAS GRAVITY ║ 0.60 ║ Tc = 359.26 ║
- ║ % N2 ║ 0.00 ║% Pc = 670.98 ║
- ║ % C02 ║ 0.00 ║% Tc' = 359.26 ║
- ║ % H2S ║ 0.00 ║% Pc' = 670.98 ║
- ║ CONDENSATE (YES=1) ║ 1 ║ Tr = 1.617 ║
- ║ RES. TEMPERATURE ║ 120 ║'F Pri = 5.216 ║
- ║ INITIAL PRESSURE ║ 3500 ║psia Pra = 1.490 ║
- ║ ABANDONMENT PRES ║ 1000 ║psia Zi = 0.8659 ║
- ║ NET PAY ║ 25 ║feet Za = 0.894Z ║
- ║ ACRES ║ 160 ║acres ║
- ║ WATER SAT ║ 33.00 ║% ║
- ║ POROSITY ║ 18.10 ║% ║
- ║ ╚═══════════════╝ ║
- ║ GAS IN PLACE 5,218,054 MCF ║
- ║ RECOVERABLE GAS 3,774,418 MCF CF/AC-FT 943.60 ║
- ║ RECOVERY 72.33% ║
- ║ ║
- ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- Fig. l . Example of the GASVOL program's home screen.