1160 IF WFI=-99.9 THEN PRINT "Proppant price (PRP) becomes the total investment of the well ( well cost, fracturing cost, etc. ) and output net present value = gross revenue - PRP "
1170 PRINT :IF WFI=-99.9 THEN PRINT "In this case, you must use proppant concentration (lb/sq ft) and proppant conductivity (md-ft) data ( in Group D )"
1180 INPUT "Discount rate, % (I1) ";I1:PRINT
1200 IF AN$="y" THEN 2550
1210 CLS:PRINT "Enter Group D Data --- Proppant Data ":PRINT:PRINT
1230 IF WFI>0 THEN INPUT "Do you want to use the program built-in proppant data ( 20/40 sintered bauxite, 20/40 Carbo-Prop HC, 20/40 resin coated sand, 20/40 sand (excellent quality ) or 16/20 Carbo-Prop) (y/n) ";PA$
4651 LPRINT CHR$(15):LPRINT"Notice: The information, recommendations and opinions set forth":LPRINT"herein are offered solely for your consideration, inquiry and verification"
4652 LPRINT"and are not, in part or total, to be construed as constituting a":LPRINT"warrenty or representation for which we assume legal responsibility.":LPRINT"Nothing contained herein is to be interpreted as authorization to "
4653 LPRINT"practice a patented invention without a license.":LPRINT CHR$(18)
4654 LPRINT CHR$(12)
4655 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"Input the number cooresponding to the action you wish to take next:"
4658 PRINT" (1) Run again using an edited version of the data currently in memory;":PRINT
4659 PRINT" (2) Run again using a previously stored data file;":PRINT
4660 PRINT" (3) Run again using data yet to be input; or,":PRINT
5000 IF INT(TI)>=1.01*TI OR INT(TI)<=.99*TI THEN LPRINT USING " ### ##.## ######.# #####.## ######.## ####### ######## ####### ######## ########";RN;TI;Q;QQ;QQ1;D0M;CD0M
5010 IF INT(TI)<1.01*TI AND INT(TI)>.99*TI THEN LPRINT USING " ### ##.## ######.# #####.## ######.## ####### ######## ####### ######## ########";RN;TI;Q;QQ;QQ1;D0M;CD0M;D1M;CD1M;NPV1M