P18 P1 General Information to get you up and running P4 Move How to move around the spreadsheet with the cursor P39 F-Keys Function keys P5 Format How to change the appearance of your spreadsheet P6 Print Print all or a portion of your spreadsheet P11 Width How to Adjust the width of a Column P12 Graph A description of available graphs P16 Macro A little about macro keystroking P22 Range Operating on a Range of cells P24 Math The standard math functions P27 Finance Some Financial functions P29 Stats Statistical functions P34 Logical Logical Functions P37 Sorting How to sort a group of records P38 Quest.. So ask your database what you want to know P43 Why? Answers to common questions P47 * Panels Miscellaneous items P49 Example Some examples P P *** A S - E A S Y - A S *** P P HELP SCREENS: To view a selected page of help, simply move the P pointer (at the bottom of the screen) to highlight a P command and press [ENTER]. P P GENERAL: Menus are accessed by pressing the / key. To exit P from any menu press the [ESC] key. P P SWITCHES: Several options can be invoked when starting the program P from DOS, by using one or more of the following switches: P P The form is ASEASY /Switch1/Switch2/... [ENTER] P P /E - Enables graphics for EGA P /Q - Quick screen updating for CGA P /CTR - Centers the column identifiers P /MY=x - Sets the Currency sign to x (instead of $) P P (..More on next page..) P SWITCHES: (Continued) P P /BK=x - Sets the screen blank out period to x seconds P /TP=x - Sets the column header character to x P /MONO - Changes colors to white on black (CGA card) P /SP - Supresses the column and row borders P P P GRAPHS: Graphs can be printed on your DOT matrix printer P directly,from AS-EASY-AS, by accessing the Graph P sub-menu. P P P MACROS: Menu driven and other automatic operations can be P developed in AS-EASY-AS, using its powerfull macro P commands. P P P P (-- See Next Page for Instructions on How to Order the latest version --) P <<<<<<< O R D E R F O R M >>>>>>> P To register and get the LATEST version of AS-EASY-AS, and a PRINTED P manual, print this form on your printer, using Shift-PrtSc, fill it out P and send it to TRIUS Inc. (International Orders, add $5.00). P P Send me a registered P copy of AS-EASY-AS : Name: ________________________________________ P P 5-1/4" Disk ____ Address: _____________________________________ P P 3-1/2" Disk ____ City:______________ State:_____ Zip:________ P P Enclosed is a check TRIUS, Inc. P for $45.00 payable to >>> 231 Sutton St., Suite 2D-3 P ($40.00 + $5.00 P&H) North Andover, Mass. 01845 P Tel. (508) 794-9377 P P Signature__________________________ Date ____/____/____ P P (See Opening Screen for Distributors of AS-EASY-AS Around the World) P M O V I N G A R O U N D P P ╔═══════════╗ ╔══════╦═══════╦═══════╗ P ║ TAB ║ ║ 7 ║ 8 ║ 9 ║ P ║ Shift-TAB ║ ║ Home ║ UP ║ Pgup ║ P ╚═══════════╝ ╠══════╬═══════╬═══════╣ P ║ 4 ║ 5 ║ 6 ║ P ║ Left ║ ║ Right║ P Each of the keys on the cursor ╠══════╬═══════╬═══════╣ P keypad has the ability to move ║ 1 ║ 2 ║ 3 ║ P the cursor around the spreadsheet. ║ End ║ Down ║ PgDn ║ P ╔══╚══════╬═══════╬═══════╝ P Home - Move to cell A1 ║ 0 ║ . ║ P Up - Move up one row ║ Insert ║ Delete║ P Pgup - Move up 20 rows ╚═════════╩═══════╝ P Left - Move left one column P Right- Move right one column TAB - Move right one page P Down - Move down one row Shift-TAB - Move left one page P Pgdn - Move down 20 rows P P F O R M A T T I N G P P The appearance of one or more cells in a range can be assigned a P format with the following keystrokes: /rf P P TYPE FORMAT STATUS P ---- ------ ------ P Fixed 123.12 [F2] P Science 1.245E+8 [S3] P Comma 1,500.0 [,1] P Currency $523.52 [C2] P Percent 34.12 [%2] P General P Text +A1+B2 [T] P +/- +++++ [+/-] P Date 20 May,87 [D1] Six different forms P Hide [H] Invisible cell P Reset Return to global format P P (The value in the cell is actually retained with all decimals) P P R I N T I N G P P Printing to the printer, or a file, can be achieved by accessing the P Print sub-menu from the main menu. P P Once selected, your next decision will be to either: P P a). send all output to a printer, or P b). send all output to an ascii (.PRN) file. P P After selecting your output device, you must define a range to print P with the RANGE command. A range can be one cell or your entire P worksheet. P P Once the range has been defined you can start printing by selecting P GO. To exit the print menu select QUIT. P P P P [More........] P P R I N T C O M M A N D S (1) P P Range - stands for the rectangular area of the spreadsheet which is P to be printed. This must be defined prior to initiating printing. P P LINEFEED - advance the paper in the printer a single line upwards. P P PAGEADV - advance the paper in the printer to the top of next page. P P Adjust - Since most computers don't know exactly where the top of the P page is you have to tell it. So line up the paper perforation with P the top of your printers print head. Then select ALIGN. This P synchronizes the computers and the printer so the pages line up. P P * * * * * * * * P P If you don't ALIGN your printer you may print over the paper P perforation. Messy! P [More...stuff] P P P R I N T C O M M A N D S (2) P OPTION - This selection allows access to another menu. P MARGINS P LEFT - Maximum left margin is 240 characters P RIGHT - Maximum right margin is 240 characters P TOP - Set the number of blank lines before printed text P BOTTOM - Set the number of blank lines after printed text P P PG-LENGTH - Allows you to set the length of a page. Up to 1024 lines P HEADER - The header string will be the top line of every page P FOOTER - The footer string will be the bottom line of every page P SETUP - Send special formatting control codes to the printer P TYPE - Instead of printing appearance , print contents P P GO - Finally when ready to print, select go. P P Notes: You can STOP the printer at any time by pressing the [ESC] key P P P [More...stuff] P P R I N T C O N T R O L C O D E S P P With every type of printer you usually get a printer manual. P Somewhere in the manual are instructions for formatting the P appearance of characters produced by the printer. These instructions P usually consist of a series of codes sent to the printer. For P example the codes to produce EMPHASIZED text with an EPSON type P printer are: 027 069 P P The number 27 stands for the [escape] code and the number 69 stands P for the capital letter 'E'. P P P You can define the codes by selecting the following PRINT commands: P P / PRINTTO PRINTER OPTION SETUP P P After which you will be prompted to enter a setup string. P P [More...Codes] P All control codes must be placed in a SETUP string. ASEASYAS will P accept codes only if they are separated by the back-slash character P [\] . For example type the following in response to the prompt for P the setup string: P P \027\069 [enter] P P If you want to change the string you can edit it by reselecting the P SETUP option. Other commonly used codes for an EPSON type printers P are: P P \027\070 Emphasized text off \027\071 Double Strike on P \015 Condensed text on \027\072 Double Strike off P \018 Condensed text off \027\048 1/8" line spacing P \014 Enlarged text on \027\049 7/72" line spacing P \020 Enlarged text off \027\050 1/6" line spacing P P Pressing \ and then F1, will open a secondary window containing the P setup codes available in the printer setup file (see manual). P P C O L U M N W I D T H S P P You may adjust the width of any individual column by pressing the P following sequence of keystrokes: P P /wcs32 [enter] P P This example activates the main menu, selects WSHEET COLUMN SET P and then inputs the size as 32 columns. P P OR . . . . P P Instead of typing you can also adjust the width by using the cursor P [left] and [right] keys. Try pressing one of these keys when P prompted for the column width. P P You can also adjust the global column width which applies equally to P all columns for which no local width has been assigned. For example P try typing: P /wgc15 [enter] P G R A P H S (1) P P You can plot up to 6 different curves on a single graph. Types of P graphs include: P P LINE - X values are treated as labels and plotted in P the order they occur in the X-range P P X-Y - X values treated as numbers P P BAR - X values treated as labels P P PIE - Y values plotted as percent of sum of Y values. P X contents are treated as labels and plotted P next to percent Y values. P P STACK - Stacked Bar Graph. Each specified Y range is plotted P as an incremental bar, on top of the previous one. P P [...More Graphs...] P G R A P H S (2) P P An additional type of graph is also available from the Format submenu of P the Graph menu. This is the Hi-Lo type graph, and it is only useful when P more that one Y-Ranges have been specified. In this type of graph, all P Y-ranges points, corresponding to a given X-value, are connected with P a line. P i.e. a line is drawn through points: Y1(X1), Y2(X1), Y3(X1), ... P a line is drawn through points: Y1(X2), Y2(X2), Y3(X2), ... P etc. P P Scaling of both the X and Y axis can be performed. Log Scales can P also be applied to either the X or Y axis or Both axis. The graph menu P can be activated by pressing the slash [/] and the letter G. P P P P P P [...More Graphs...] P G R A P H S (3) P P Steps in defining a graph: P P a). Define the X-Range P b). Define one or more Y-ranges (A through G) P c). Specify the format of the X and Y axes (if desired) P d). Specify the Graph, X-axis and Y-axis titles (if desired) P e). Finally, View or Print the graph. P P To generate an exploding pie chart (with one or more slices of the P pie separated from the rest), in the column to the right of the P Y-range enter the number of pixels that you want that slice removed P from the rest of the pie. P P Remember that a pie chart can only have one Y-range. If more than P one Y-ranges are defined, then the A-range is used in generating P the pie chart. P P [...More Graphs...] P G R A P H S (4) P P This version of AS-EASY-AS also allows you to merge two graphs, the P currently defined graph and a previously named one. P P Assume you have a named graph, with the name "Graph-1". P Define a new current graph. P Invoke the Name, Merge, Select option. P Select Graph-1 from the list that appears. P Press View to display both graphs at the same time. P P P Generated graphs can be printed on a Dot Matrix printer that P supports Dot Addressable Graphics. The setup code option, from P the Graph, Plot submenu, can be used to accomodate virtually any P such printer. P P P [...End of Graph...] P P M A C R O S P P A macro is a sequence of keystrokes or commands which can be performed P automatically, just like a program. Macros can be defined by assigning P a range name a single letter [A..Z] preceeded by a [\] backslash. P P The macro will continue to execute downwards from the first row until a P blank row is reached or the [ESC] key is pressed. P P AutoExecute macros start executing immediately after a spreadsheet is P loaded. To define an autoexecute macro apply a range name of \0 to the P first macro cell to be executed. P P All macro keys and substitute function keys must be enclosed in braces {}. P Try the following simple macro which moves the cursor right 2 cells. P P Type the following in cell A1: {RT}{RT} [ENTER] P P Give cell A1 a range name of \A. Now press [alt] and the letter A. SEE! P P M A C R O K E Y S P P {LT} - move cursor left {PGLT} - move one page left P {RT} - move cursor right {PGRT} - move one page right P {UP} - move cursor up {PGUP} - move one page up P {DN} - move cursor down {PGDN} - move one page down P {HOME} - move cursor to A1 P P Substitute Function keys and OTHERs. P P {EDIT} {NAME} {GOTO} {CALC} ~ - Substitute for [enter] P {ESC} {ABS} {WINDOW} {GRAPH} P P {?} - Pause for input {END} - Just like the end key P P P P P P [More........] P M A C R O L A N G U A G E (1) P P A special set of programming macros is available which gives sub- P routines, goto's and special label and value inputs. These choices P are available only from within an executing macro. P P {Beep} - A single beep sound. P {Blank RANGE} - Erase the specified range P {Bordcolor x} - Sets the Border color to x P {BorderOff} - Turn OFF the row and column borders P {BorderOn} - Turn ON the row and column borders P {Botcolor x} - Sets color of bottom line to x P {Bs} - Backspace, deletes character to the left P {Call} - CALL routine at following cell and execute P until {Ret} P {ClrScr} - Clear the entire screen P {Curscolor x} - Sets color of cursor to x P {Default "Ann"} - Sets Panel menu position to line nn P {Default "Enn"} - Sets Cell Echo area position to line nn P [..More..] P M A C R O L A N G U A G E (2) P P {Default "Fnn"} - Sets Bottom row position to line nn P {Default "Hnn"} - Sets Column Heading position to line nn P {Default "Tnn"} - Sets Top line position to line nn P {Delay x} - Delay an action, waiting for pressing any key P {Get Cell} - Accepts the next key pressed and places it in Cell. P {GotoXy A1,A2} - Position character cursor at col,row P {If Test} - IF true then execute at following cell: P else execute next row P {InLabel "Msg",A1} - Input a LABEL and place at following cell P {InValue "Msg",A2} - Input a NUMBER and place at following cell P {Indxy m,n} - Place mode/status indicator in col m, row n P {Inkey cell} - Accepts the next key pressed, places it in cell P {Iolabel "xx",Y} - Send string "xx" to the AUX device, wait for P text (from AUX device) and place it in cell Y P {Iovalue,"xx",Y} - Send string "xx" to the AUX device, wait for a P value (from AUX device) and place it in cell P P [..More..] P M A C R O L A N G U A G E (3) P P {Jump} - JUMP to cell following instruction and start executingP {Let cell,Arg} - Replaces the contents of cell with Arg (value, P equation, etc.) P {MenuCall NAME} - Similar to above but acts as subroutine call P {MenuJump NAME} - Define your own menu and branch to it P {MenuOff} - Turn off menu updating P {MenuOn} - Turn on menu updating P {MenuWidth A1} - Set the width of menu, up to a maximum of 30 P {MenuXy A1,A2} - Set the col,row position of the menu. P {Menucolor x} - Sets the color of the menu to x P {Option "BLx"} - Sets left border character to x P {Option "BRx"} - Sets right border character to x P {Option "C"} - Center character on column header P {Option "Dx"} - Changes column dots to character x P {Option "L"} - Selects panel menu (instead of pull-down) P {Option "Vx"} - Sets column header divider character to x P {Quit} - QUIT, stop executing the macro P [..More..} P M A C R O L A N G U A G E (4) P P {Recalc RANGE} - Calculate only the specified range P {Ret} - RETURN from a called subroutine P {ScrnOff} - Turn off the screen display update P {ScrnOn} - Turn on the screen display update P {TextColor x} - Changes the text color to X P (see manual for colors) P {Tone A1,A2} - Play a tone of duration, frequency P {Topcolor x} - Sets color of tip line to x P {Update} - Refresh the screen with new cell values P {Window} - Toggles cursor between two windows P {Write "Message"} - Place message at character cursor position P {WriteLn "Message"} - Same as above ,after move cursor row down P P {InRange "Message",Cell} - Promts for a range using "Message". P The range is specified using the pointing method, and terminated P by [ENTER]. The resultan cell range is placed in Cell. P P [.. End-of-Macros..] P R A N G E P P The Range command allows you to operate on a rectangular block of P cells. For example, consider all the cells bounded by cell A1 and P cell D2, and assume that the cursor is currently at A1. To format P all the cells within the above block, to FIXED FORMAT with two P decimals, enter the followin keystrokes: P P /r ff 2 [ENTER] [LEFT] [LEFT] [DOWN] [DOWN] [ENTER] P ││ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────── Finish P ││ ││ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Operation P ││ ││ │ │ │ │ └── Move to D2 P ││ ││ │ │ │ └── Move to D1 P ││ ││ │ │ └── Move to C1 P ││ ││ │ └─ Move to B1 P ││ ││ └── 2 Decimals P ││ │└─ Fixed P ││ └─ Format P │└─ Range P └─ Invoke Menu [More........] P *** MORE ABOUT RANGES *** P P The following operations can be performed on a range(block) of cells: P P FORMAT with a choice of: P P FIXED PERCENT COMMA TEXT DATE P SCIENCE CURRENCY +/- HIDE RESET P P NAME : Give a rectangular range of cells a name P P ERASE : Erase a range of cells P P LOCK : Prevent or allow changes on a cell P P PREFIX : Set up a range of cells to default to left P justified, right justified or centered. P P AUDIT : Trace the links to a cell throughout the worksheet. P P F U N C T I O N S P P The following functions act upon the arguement (represented by 'x' ) P contained within the parenthesis. The argument may be a value or a P formula which references other cells within the spreadsheet. P P Function Description Example P ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── P @ABS(x) Returns the absolute value of arguement. P P Example. @ABS(-10) = 10 P P @INT(x) Integer value of arguement. The fractional part P of the number is truncated and the integer P remainder is returned. P P Example: @INT(10.6) = 10 P P [More........] P P Function Description Example P ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── P P @LOG(x) Logarithm to base '10' @LOG(10) = 1 P P @LN(x) Natural Logarithmn of base 'e' @LN(6) = 1.7917594692 P P @EXP(x) Raise 'e' to the 'x' power @EXP(5) = 148.4131591 P P @SIN(x) Sine of angle, x in radians. @SIN(1.047) = 0.866 P P @COS(x) Cosine of angle, x in radians. @COS(1.047) = 0.5 P P @TAN(x) Tangent of angle, x in radians @TAN(1.047) = 1.732 P P @ATAN(x) Arc Tangent, returns radians @ATAN(1.732) = 1.047 P P @ASIN(x) Arc Sine, returns radians @ASIN(0.866) = 1.0471 P P @ACOS(x) Arc cosine, returns radians @ACOS(0.5) = 1.0471 P Function Description Example P ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── P @SQRT(x) Square root of arguement. @SQRT(2) = 1.4142135624 P P @MOD(x,y) Modula division, @MOD(10,3) = 1 P Remainder of x divided by y @MOD(8,2) = 0 P P @PI Constant which has a value of @PI = 3.14159... P P @NA Constant has a value of -1 P P @TRUE Constant has a value of 1 P P @FALSE Constant has a value of 0 P P @RAND Returns a new random number after each CALC. P P @ROUND(x,y) Rounds value x to y digits right @ROUND(123.123,1) = 123.1 P of decimal. Negative round to left.@ROUND(123.123,-2)= 100 P P F I N A N C I A L F U N C T I O N S (1) P P @PMT(Principal,interest,period) ex. @PMT(75000,0.0925,30) = 7462.61 P P Returns the amount of an annuity equal to the principal P amortized over the period. P ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── P P @PV(Annuity,interest rate,period) ex. @PV(700,0.0925,30) = 7035.08 P P Returns the present value corresponding to an annuity occuring P over the specified period. Reverse of the above. P ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── P @FV(Annuity,interest rate,period) ex. @FV(700,0.0925,30) = 99979.77 P P Returns the future value corresponding to an annuity occuring P over the specified period. Reverse of the above. P P [More...Math] P P F I N A N C I A L F U N C T I O N S (2) P P @NPV(Interest rate,Range) @NPV(0.1,A1..D1) P P Returns the Net present value of a cash flow over interest P period. P P ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── P P @IRR(Interest rate,Range) @IRR(0.11,H1..H5) P P Returns the Rate of Return per period associated with a cash P flow. More than one solution may be possible if cash flow changes P between positive and negative values throughout range. P P P P P P P S T A T I S T I C A L F U N C T I O N S (1) P P Statistical functions operate on a range of values. A range P specifies a rectangular block of data in the spreadsheet. Only ONE P range may be used as an arguement. i.e. Range = A1..B10 defines the P block of data from: P a1...b1 P a10...b10 P P When specifying the range only two dots can be used to seperate P cells. i.e. A1..B6 P P The range may be specified in two ways. P P The first way is to type the name of the formula up to and including P the first bracket. At this point use the cursor keys to move the P pointer out of the cell, and move it to one corner of the desired P range you wish to highlight. P [More........] P P S T A T I S T I C A L F U N C T I O N S (2) P P Press the '.' key. This anchors the pointer so that additional P pointer movements highlights more than just a single cell. P P Expand the pointer until the desired range is completely highlighted. P If the range is bigger than that area displayed on the screen then P press the '.' anchor key to examine each of the corners of the range. P A little flashing cursor will indicate the current corner. It is P also this side of the pointer which may be moved by the cursor keys. P P When the range is completly highlighted press any other key to return P to your original cell and continue to input your formula. Or if your P finished with the formula press the [enter] key. Your formula will P be entered into the spreadsheet at the current cell position. P P P P [More...Stats] P P S T A T I S T I C A L F U N C T I O N S (3) P P The second way to specify a range is simply to type the range name by P specifying the corners of the range as individual cells separated by P two periods. i.e. A1..B2 P P Presented below are the statistical functions available within P ASEASYAS. To illustrate the use of each function an example is P included. P P All examples will operate on the numbers contained in the portion of P the spreadsheet duplicated below, A1..B2 P P /........A/.......B/.......C/ P 1 1.1 5.6 8.2 P 2 2.3 7.5 10 P 3 3.5 4.4 2 P P [More....Stats] P P S T A T I S T I C A L F U N C T I O N S (4) P P P @SUM(Range) Sum of the range @Sum(A1..C3) = 44.6 P P @AVG(Range) Average value of the range @Avg(A1..B2) = 4.955555 P P @COUNT(Range) Count the number of elements @Count(A1..B2) = 9 P in the range. Blank cells ignored. P P @MIN(Range) Minimum value in the range @Min(A1..B2) = 1.1 P P @MAX(Range) Maximum value in the range @Max(A1..B2) = 10 P P @VAR(Range) Returns the population variance of @Var(A1..B2) = 8.438024 P the range. P P @STD(Range) Standard deviation of the range @Std(A1..B2) = 2.904827 P P [More........] P S T A T I S T I C A L F U N C T I O N S (5) P P @HTABLE(compare,range,ofs) P P Returns the value at vertical offset in the column P that matches the compare value. P P Ex. @HTABLE(5.6,A1..C3,1) P P @VTABLE(compare,range,ofs)) P P Returns the value at horizontal offset in the row P that matches the compare value. P P Ex. @VTABLE(2.3,A1..C3,2) P P P P P [More........] P L O G I C A L F U N C T I O N S P P The function @IF(Test arguement,arg1,arg2) returns: P P value of arg1 if the test is true P value of arg2 if the test is false P P Test may use logical operators >,<,=,<>,>=,<= #OR#, #AND#, #XOR etc. P P Example @if(10>2,3*2,4+5) = 6 P @IF(10<2,3*2,4+5) = 9 P P As an example of using logic within a formula try the following: P P +(a1>2)*3+(a1<=2)*4 P P This formula will yield a result of 3 if the value stored in P cell A1 is greater than 2 and will yield a 4 if the value is P less than or equal to 2. P P O T H E R F U N C T I O N S P P @ISSTR(Cell) P Returns 1 if the referenced cell contains a P label, 0 otherwise. P P @ISNUM(Cell) P Returns 1 if the referenced cell contains a P value, 0 otherwise. P P @LENGTH(Cell) P Returns the number of characters, if the P referenced cell contains a label, 0 otherwise. P P @CASE(N,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,......) P Returns the Nth argument from the Argument list. P P P P P D A T E F U N C T I O N S P P @DATE(Year,Month,Day) @DATE(87,5,20) = 31917 P P Returns a unique integer for each day since Jan 1,1900 P P @TODAY P Returns the unique integer corresponding to todays date. P P @YEAR(x) @YEAR(31917) = 87 P Computes the year in which unique day occurs P P @MONTH(x) @MONTH(31917) = 5 P Based on total elapsed days determine month P P @DAY(X) @DAY(31917) = 20 P Based on total elapsed days determine day in month P P P P S O R T I N G P P Sorting a data base of records by any field ( a column ) may be P done by performing the following sequence of keystrokes. P P 1. Get into the Data Sort menu by typing /DS P P 2. Define the INPUT range, This includes all records in the data P base.( i.e. all rows and columns, excluding the headings) P P 3. Define the PRIMARY key P P 4. Optional: Define the SECONDARY key or tie breaker P P 5. Select GO to initiate the sort. P P 6. WAIT! The sort will be completed shortly and a beep will P sound. P P P Q U E S T I O N I N G P P So now you have entered in your data and you want to extract all P records which match a selected criteria. Follow these steps. P P 1. Define your Criterion range by first copying those headings P over top of the fields you wish to search. The headings P MUST match exactly. P P 2. In the row beneath each of the headings type in the criteria. P If searching for a string match use the wildcard identifiers. P P asterix * - match all characters including and to right of * P mark ? - match single character in position of ? mark. P P Example NAME <---- Heading of data base P BOB? <---- First criterion P B* <---- Second , match all beginning with P letter B P P F U N C T I O N K E Y S (1) P P P ┌─────╖ ┌─────╖ P Display - HELP ««« │ F1 ║ │ F2 ║ »»» EDIT - Allow changes to cell P Help ╘═════╝ ╘═════╝ under cursor. P ┌─────╖ ┌─────╖ P List - NAME ««« │ F3 ║ │ F4 ║ »»» ABS - Makes cell references P File names ╘═════╝ ╘═════╝ absolute P ┌─────╖ ┌─────╖ P Move to - GOTO ««« │ F5 ║ │ F6 ║ »»» WINDOW - Changes windows or P indicated ╘═════╝ ╘═════╝ flips screens. P cell ┌─────╖ ┌─────╖ P Undefined - │ F7 ║ │ F8 ║ - Undefined P ╘═════╝ ╘═════╝ P ┌─────╖ ┌─────╖ P Recalc - CALC ««« │ F9 ║ │ F10 ║ »»» GRAPH - Display current graph P all cells ╘═════╝ ╘═════╝ P P P F U N C T I O N K E Y S (2) P P F1 - In the ready mode invokes the Help screens (that's how you got here) P In the edit mode: P P a). After a left curly bracket has been entered, it brings up a P screen containing all the macro command names. P b). After an operator has been entered (+,-,/,....), it brings P up a screen containing all the range names in the worksheet. P c). After the @ key has been entered, it brings up a screen P containing all the function names. P P When one of the above screens is displayed, move to the desired P selection and press [ENTER]. Your choice is placed in the command P area and tyou are returned to the edit mode. P P F2 - Places the contents of the cell the cursor is currently on, in the P command area and enters the edit mode. After you finish editing, P press [ENTER] to accept the changes and return to the ready mode. P [...More Function Keys...] P F U N C T I O N K E Y S (3) P P F3 - Pressing F3 you are prompted for a macro to execute. You can P either type the name or hit ESCAPE. If you hit ESCAPE, a window P appears with all the range names. Select the one corresponding to P the macro you want to execute and press [ENTER]. P P F4 - Makes the references in the current cell absolute. P P F5 - When you press F5, you are promted for a destination cell. You can P either type the cell or range name you want to go to, or press P ESCAPE. If you press ESCAPE, a window appears containing all the P range names in the worksheet. Select the range name you want and P press [ENTER]. P P F6 - If two windows are currently open, F6 toggles the cursor between P them. If only one window is open, pressing F6 toggles the cursor P bettween the current and last cursor cell location. P P [..More Function Keys..] P F U N C T I O N K E Y S (4) P P F7 - Not Used P F8 - Not Used P P F9 - Pressing F9 re-calculates all cells that contain an equation. P While in the edit mode, pressing F9 replaces the equation that is P displayed in the commands area with its calculated value. P P F10 - F10 re-displays the currently defined graph. This function key is P useful for viewing graphs while performing what-if analyses. P Using F10 you do not have to go through the /GV and then Quit P sequence every time you change the values of the defined X and Y P ranges. P P P P P [..End of Function Keys..] P P Q U E S T I O N S (1) P P Following are answers to some commonly asked questions. P P Question Answer P --------- ------- P I see ASTERIXES where my number Number is to wide to be displayed P used to be. in the column. Expand column until P Number appears or change format , P /Wsheet Column Set P P Not all of my print range prints, Your print margins are not wide P part is cut off. enough. Expand margin with, P /PrintTo Printer Options Margin. P P P P P P [..More Questions..] P Q U E S T I O N S (2) P P How do I get an AUTOEXEC macro? Give your macro a range name of P \0 (zero not O),and save your P file. Next time the file is P retrieved it will start P executing that macro. P P Can I have a worksheet file Yes, name your file AUTOEXEC.WKS. P loaded automatically when I Also, remember to set the default P start the program? directory, to the one where this P file is located, when you start P the program. P P I have a CGA card with a black Use the /MONO switch when you P and white monitor, and I can't start the AS-EASY-AS program. P see the graphs when they are P displayed. P P [..More Questions..] P Q U E S T I O N S (3) P P P I tried to view a graph that I This symptom usually occurs P had defined, and I only got the when the X-axis is defined as P axes, no data points. range of labels, and the graph P type is X-Y. P P P I imported a file into AS-EASY-AS When importing an ASCII file P using the File, Import, Values as values, the only labels that P command, and I got the values but are retained are those enclosed P not any of the labels. in double quotes. P P P How can I hide columns? Columns can be hidden by P specifying column width zero. P P P P M I S C E L L A N E O U S P PPARSE - Converts a string (a collection of characters) into equivalent P formulas or values in adjacent columns in the same row. P PTABLE - Allows you to automate the process of changing individual P cells (which feed a spreadsheet model) and have the spreadsheet P get the result and place it in a table for you. P PSORT - You can sort a range of data alphabetically and numerically. P Each row is a single RECORD of information. Each column P represents a FIELD. You can sort based on a single field or P with an additional tie breaker field. P PQUESTION - With a data base as described in sort, you can make ASEASYAS P search through the data base and extract (place in another area P copies of the record) records which match the criteria you define. P P P P P A N E L S - D I M E N S I O N S (1) P P The Wsheet, Global, Dimensions command allows you to simulate a 3-D P environment. When the command is invoked, you are prompted for the P number of panels (up to 100 allowed). P P The generated panels are 256 columns wide and (1048/N) rows high, P where N is the number of panels specified. Panels are named P sequentially (A, B, C, ....). The current panel is indicated by its P letter, positioned on the upper left corner of the screen, directly P above the column numbers. P P You can go from the current panel to another as follows: P P 1. Use the GOTO (F5) function key. P 2. Press Ctrl-PgDn. This makes the next panel in the P sequence the current panel. P 3. Press Ctrl-PgUp. This makes the previous panel in the P sequence the current panel. P [.. More ..] P P A N E L S - D I M E N S I O N S (2) P P P Cells from any panel can be accessed as though they were in the P current one. When the Dimensions option is on, the cells are P referenced by the panel letter(s), followed by a colon and the cell P reference: P P Examples: P A:A1 - Panel A, Cell A1 P +AA:W34 - Add cell W34 from panel AA P P When the number of panels is reset to one, all information in the P rest of the panels is retained in the worksheet. For example if two P panels had been selected, and information was entered in cell B:A1, P when the number of panels is reset to one, the information in B:A1 P is now located in cell A1025. P P P P M A C R O E X A M P L E S (1) P P Place cursor in cell A1. P P Type Press Explanation P ------------------- -------- ------------------------ P {RT 3}{DN 5}{LT 3}{UP 5} [ENTER] Creating a macro to move P the cursor arround the P screen. P P /rnc\a [ENTER][ENTER] Naming the macro, "\A" P P P P Now press the Alt key, and while holding it down press the A key. P You should see the cursor move right, down left and up again, P ending up in cell A1. P P (The cursor movement might be a little too fast to tell how many P rows and columns it's moving). P M A C R O E X A M P L E S (2) P P Enter the information presented below in the indicated cells: P (Finish each entry by pressing the [ENTER] key). P P Cell Contents Explanation P ---- ------------- ------------------------ P A1 {GOTO}A21~ Place cursor in cell A21 P A2 {?} Pause and wait for input P (Terminated by [ENTER]) P A3 {GOTO}A1~ Place cursor in cell A1. P P P Now move to cell A1 and press /rnc\b[ENTER][ENTER]. P P Pressing Alt-B, will now move the cursor to cell A21 and pause P for input. Type anything you want (including nothing) and press P [ENTER]. The cursor will now move to cell A1, and execution of P the macro will stop. P P M A C R O E X A M P L E S (3) P P Enter the information presented below in the indicated cells: P (Finish each entry by pressing the [ENTER] key). P P Cell Contents Explanation P ---- ------------- ------------------------ P A1 {HOME} Place cursor in A1. P P A2 {INVALUE "A=",B1} Display "A=" in the panel P area of the worksheet, place P the entered value in B1. P P A3 {if B1>10}{JUMP QT} If the value in B1 is greater P than 10, start executing the P macro named QT. P P A4 {LET B2,B1*10} Multiply value in B1 by 10, P and place result in B2. P [..Continued..] P M A C R O E X A M P L E S (4) P P Cell Contents Explanation P ---- ------------- ------------------------ P A5 Leave this cell blank. P P A6 {LET B2,B1*100} Multiply value in B1 by 100, P and place result in B2. P P A7 Leave this cell blank. P P Now name the required ranges using the following keystrokes: P /rnc\aa1[ENTER] - Name the first macro cell P /rncQTa6[ENTER] - Name the second macro cell. P P Press Alt-A. The program will display "A=" in the panel area and P pause for input. anter a value and press [ENTER]. If the value P is less than 10, 100 times the value appears in B2, if not, 10 P times the value appears in B2. P P S O R T I N G A R A N G E (1) P P Consider the following worksheet: P P ........A/.......B/.......C/.... P 1 75 P P 2 8 G P 3 35 B P 4 81 Q P 5 18 O P 6 10 E P 7 60 T P 8 48 D P P P You can sort the two columns of information (alphabetically) based P column A, column B or both. P P The following help screen, shows you how to do it and what the P result is. P S O R T I N G A R A N G E (2) P P Sort the range, using column A as the criterion, by the following P keystrokes: P P /DSDA1..B8[ENTER]1A1[ENTER]A[ENTER]G P P The resulting worksheet is: P P .......A/.......B/.......C/.... P 1 8 G P 2 10 E P 3 18 O P 4 35 B P 5 48 D P 6 60 T P 7 75 P P 8 81 Q P P P S O R T I N G A R A N G E (3) P P Now consider the following data range to be sorted: P P ........A/.......B/.......C/.......D/...... P 1 P 2 F.Name L.Name Age Weight P 3 John Murray 23 152 P 4 Nicholas Johnson 35 187 P 5 William Allan 52 192 P 6 Joan Harris 21 166 P 7 Michael Williams 29 144 P 8 Wayne Peterson 57 171 P 9 Paul Mathews 33 162 P 10 Anthony Gold 27 158 P 11 Peter Simpson 34 199 P P See next help screen for the database sorted by age. P P P S O R T I N G A R A N G E (4) P Enter the following keystrokes: P P /DSDA3..D11[ENTER]PC1[ENTER]A[ENTER]G P P The resulting worksheet is: P P ........A/.......B/.......C/.......D/..... P 1 P 2 F.Name L.Name Age Weight P 3 Joan Harris 21 166 P 4 John Murray 23 152 P 5 Anthony Gold 27 158 P 6 Michael Williams 29 144 P 7 Paul Mathews 33 162 P 8 Peter Simpson 34 199 P 9 Nicholas Johnson 35 187 P 10 William Allan 52 192 P 11 Wayne Peterson 57 171 P P Q U E S T I O N I N G A D A T A B A S E (1) P P Using the database in the previous screen as our example, Place the P cursor in cell A20 and type: P /CA2..D2 [ENTER] [ENTER] (Criteria Heading) P P Move the cursor to cell A25 and type: P P /CA2..B2 [ENTER] [ENTER] (Output Heading) P P Now set the the criteria of selection, eg., all last names starting P with a W. Place the cursor in cell A21, and type W*. P P Now define the required Data Question Ranges: P P /DQIA2..D11 [ENTER] (Sets Input range) P CA20..D21 [ENTER] (Sets criterion range) P OA25..D30 [ENTER] (Sets output range) P [..More on Next Page..] P P Q U E S T I O N I N G A D A T A B A S E (2) P P Now to extract all records with last names starting with W, just P press E (for Extract). P P The output range should look like: P P F.Name L.Name Age Weight P Michael Williams 29 144 P P Now change the criterion to age>35 (i.e. erase cel A21 and enter P C3>35 in cell C21). Finally, extract the desired records. The P output range should look like: P P F.Name L.Name Age Weight P William Allan 52 192 P Wayne Peterson 57 171 P P P .................................................................... P P P P P P P P P [ ... End of Help File ... ] P ........................ P ...................... P .................... P .................. P ................ P .............. P ............ P .......... P ........ P ...... P ....