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Version 1.57
EasyCASE Version 1.57 fixes the following bugs found in earlier versions 1.5.
1. 14 rows, rather than 12, are now exported in PC Paintbrush file.
2. Improved 're-do' option for select chart area to print/plot/export so that
the entire chart is not re-drawn.
3. Fixed select chart area to export to paint function so that the chart area
is shown correctly even if previously offset or non-normal zoom level.
4. Added access to DOS to the main menu. Make sure you save your chart BEFORE
using this feature as a major error in DOS may make it impossible to return
to your chart. You will normally be prompted to save your chart if it has
previously been modified. Note that the amount of memory you have available
for use in DOS is diminished by the amount used by EasyCASE (320k). Use the
DOS EXIT command to return to EasyCASE from DOS.
5. Fixed a problem whereby, under certain conditions, a blank line or other
extraneous character(s), such as @, could be printed in Epson FX/LQ or IBM
print modes.
6. Fixed (I hope!) the HP7475/HP ColorPro Plotter clipping problem. Note,
this problem does NOT appear to occur on HP 7475 plotters directly. It only
seems to be a problem with the HP ColorPro fitted with the 7475 graphics
enhancement cartridge.
7. Fixed the text lift problem on HP 7475 plotters whereby text labels would
be lifted up by 1/2 a character.
8. Fixed the failure to correctly plot right angled corners on flows with
auto flow routing turned-off.
9. Made the HPGL output function 7475 compatible, rather than 7550, for better
compatibility with more plotters and HPGL import programs. Note to Word
Perfect v5.0 users who try and import HPGL into a WP document. There appears
to be several bugs in the WP HPGL import function which make it impossible
to use EasyCASE HPGL directly. (EasyCASE plots correctly to HP Plotters so
I believe it to be a WP problem, further details to be provided).
WordPerfect has the following problems with HPGL, in the case (used by
EasyCASE) when HPGL axis points P1 and P2 are reversed. (i) the arcs used to
smooth out right angle corners on flows (with auto flow routing enabled) are
interpreted in the wrong direction, upsetting the display of flows. To get
around this, turn auto flow routing OFF before plotting to file for WP.
(ii) the text scale instruction (SC) is misinterpreted when negative causing
'garbage' to be displayed in WP. To get around this problem, edit the .PLT
file you produce, changing the instruction 'SR .5,-.5' to 'SR .5,.5'. WP will
then display the file properly. A future release of EasyCASE will provide
separate plot output drivers for HP7550, 7475, 7470 and WP compatible files.
10. Can now double click on a filename in the Load Filename dialog box to load
11. Stepping distance for text labels now restored correctly after using
either of the zoom modes.
12. Previously selected export option now correctly 'remembered'.
13. Text input window correctly initialized when selecting object ID.
14. No longer get incorrect chart file extension (aka chart type) in the
case whereby the chart type is changed and you save the chart after prompt
because the chart had been recently changed.
Note : A future update will provide EasyCASE with a configuration file in which
the user's preferred default settings for grid on/off, zoom level, error/
warning beep on/off, auto identify, auto label & auto label move on/off,
printer & port, print options, colors, charts sub-directory pathname etc. will
be updated and used each time EasyCASE is started.
Also under consideration is the addition of special symbols for duplicated
external entities (terminators) and data stores on a Gane & Sarson DFD.
A set of FlowChart symbols is also being considered. This has been avoided
so far due to the availablity of an excellent flowcharting program, EasyFlow,
which makes extremely light work of producing flowcharts quickly and easily.
Note : The print chart function (NOT using the select chart area to print option
from the dialog box) does NOT 'hang-up' EasyCASE after it has printed your
chart (probably the top left hand page of the possible 6 pages). It is
going through each of the remaining pages to determine if they have any
objects (including partial flows, text etc.) on them and in turn determines
whether or not to print any of those pages. The quickest way around this is
simply to select the area you wish to print. It is probably be more feasible
to disable printing 'unused' pages based on whether there are any SYMBOLS on
the page (ignoring 'overflow' flows and text). This may be an option in a
future release.
Problems known still to exist, updates to be provided asap :
1. Possible clipping problem when plotting charts to certain plotters (for
example : HP Color Pro./HP7475).
2. Can't print to Epson LQ in Landscape mode.
3. Can't print rightmost dot column (#721) on certain Epson FX and LX compatible
printers. This is a physical limitation of these printers.
4. Screen not properly updated when dialog boxes removed from certain 'no-name'
EGA pseudo-clones ! Have to select re-draw from menu.
5. No Hercules (HGC) support.
6. Can't print at 150 and 300 dpi in Landscape mode on HP DeskJet and LaserJet.
To all you non-registered users out there, please register and support the
concept of user-supported product development (shareware) and provide me with
your bug reports and 'wish-lists'. Thankyou, Rob Pritt.
News :
A Hercules graphics version of EasyCASE is being developed and is scheduled
for release end of July.
An enhancement allowing higher resolution printing and a number of different
(single/double stroke, serif/sans serif, normal/script) fonts on HP PCL (Laser-
Jet/DeskJet) printers is provided free to REGISTERED users (also included in
EasyCASE Plus). Also included is an automatic chart backup feature.
A version of EasyCASE with much more comprehensive Data Dictionary support,
up/down chart 'explosions', basic data dictionary manager and reporting, level
balancing, methodology rule checking, etc. is being developed. The Data
Dictionary add-on is scheduled for release during July 1989, level balancing
and rule checking will follow during third quarter 1989. These advanced features
will be available in the new retail version, EasyCASE Plus, which will be
available directly from us at a cost of $160 + $5 S&H. The cost of upgrading to
EasyCASE Plus, for registered users of EasyCASE, will be $75 + $5 S&H.
The SHAREWARE version will continue to be developed and distributed via
CompuServe, BBSs etc. The price will remain at $85 + $5 S&H.
Site licencing policies and volume discount pricing have been developed,
please contact us for further details.
Invoice and Order Form :
Included in the SHAREWARE package .arc file are a pre-formatted invoice and
order form for your convenience when ordering or registering. These files are
formatted for printing to an IBM compatible printer. If you have an Epson series
printer, set it for IBM line draw characters.
July 2nd, 1989 Evergreen CASE Tools
11025 164th Ave. NE,
Redmond, WA 98052.
MEMBER - Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP)