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Welcome to PC-KEY-DRAW! You are about to
encounter one of the most powerful graph-
ics programs available for the IBM PC fam-
ily and compatibles.
PC-KEY-DRAW is a graphics package that can
be used by anyone and everyone. It
includes many features designed specifi-
cally for a mechanical engineer, such as
calculate and measure. It also includes
many features designed specifically for
artists, such as pattern fill and area
smear. Its ability to create symbol
libraries is ideal for the electrical
engineer or the architect. Those into
needlepoint will find that the drawing
capabilities combined with the zoom
printer feature allow interesting patterns
to be designed on the computer and easily
transferred to a form suitable for stitch-
ing. Graphic game designers can use the
drawing abilities along with the ability
to save an image as a BASICA subroutine to
create graphics ideal for animation.
Teachers will find the geometry aspects of
the program useful in the math and science
class room. Business people can create eye
catching slides for presentations using
such features as slide and text fonts.
Drawing with a computer can and should be
very different from drawing with more con-
ventional tools. PC-KEY-DRAW gives you all
the features you need for free hand draw-
ing, but its power and the power of the
computer lies in the many features that
are not possible with conventional tech-
niques. When you learn to use such com-
mands as slide, rotate, revolve, mirror,
spray paint, etc. then the real power of
computer graphics will be in your hands.
This manual is provided primarily for
those who like manuals. Many people will
just dive straight into the program and so
PC-KEY-DRAW has been laid out with that in
mind. Significant help information is
available on the basic program operation
from within the program. The manual does
include some additional information that
will become more and more useful as you
proceed to master the numerous drawing
functions available. I am always open to
suggestions on improving not only the pro-
gram, but the manual as well. If you have
any suggestions or comments for the man-
ual, please let me know. Many of the fea-
tures of this manual are a direct result
of comments and suggestions from users.
This printing of the manual took sometime
in coming, but it represents hundreds of
hours of work to attempt to make PC-KEY-
DRAW a little easier to learn. A number of
simple examples are included with each
command to help you get started. The com-
plete manual with the exception of the
pictures and index is contained on disk.
This manual is laid out to provide two
ways of finding how to perform a function.
The Command Summary section is divided by
the function keys that activate the vari-
ous commands and is further divided into a
Short Form section and a Long Form sec-
tion. The DEFINITIONS chapter is an alpha-
betized listing of the commands and how to
use them. Be sure to read chapter 3 on
Operation Theory, even if you read nothing
else read that chapter.
PC-KEY-DRAW is distributed as User-
Supported or Shareware. This means it is
not only legal for you to copy the program
and give it to friends, but that I actu-
ally encourage you to do so. I feel that
everyone is entitled to try out a software
package before paying for it. If you don't
like the program, fine, please give it to
someone who might. If you do like the pro-
gram, please be sure to register. Your
support is greatly appreciated.
PC-KEY-DRAW version 3.50 is the result of
thousands of hours of development time by
myself, Edward H. Kidera IV. I am trained
as an ocean engineer, a mechanical engi-
neer for equipment to go near, on or in
the ocean. Figure 2-1 shows a simple
screen created to show my biographical
information. I bought a PC in the spring
of 1983 to help my engineering. Like most
PC users I use the PC for word processing,
information filing, and basic accounting.
I also wanted to use the PC to do mechani-
cal engineering drawings. When I first got
the PC there weren't any programs avail-
able, in my price range, for doing the
type of drawing I wanted to do, so I
decided to write my own.
Figure 2-1 Biographical Information.
The first eight months of development pro-
ceeded rather slowly, but I had developed
a program that I could use. As I started
to use the program to create drawings, I
realized that there were numerous features
that I would like to be able to have to
speed drawing and allow the creation of
images not possible by purely manual tech-
niques. At about ten months into the
development I began showing the program to
fellow PC enthusiasts. There was great
interest in what PC-KEY-DRAW could do and
I was encouraged to sell the program. This
encouragement prompted me to spend more
time on the program development and to add
features to improve user friendliness.
PC-KEY-DRAW version 1.3 was first released
in May 1984 as two programs, a high reso-
lution and a medium (color) resolution
version. The response to the program was
very favorable and so I began to devote
more and more time to its advancement.
Several months after the first release I
released version 1.8 with many additional
features and the color and high resolution
portions combined into one program with
the ability to readily switch between the
two. This was followed by version 2.0,
2.1, 2.2 and 2.21 around January 1985.
These versions offered many additional
features, improved user friendliness, and
included a slide show and zoom printer
Version 3.0 was released in October 1985
and offers a significant improvement in
user friendliness without any sacrifice in
power or speed of operation over version
2.21. It also provides many new features
to aid drawing of all types of graphics.
The development of PC-KEY-DRAW continues
with 3.1 3.2, 3.3 and now 3.5. Appendix D
lists the additions that are found with
each new version. This time rather than
keep the additions and improvements to
myself and then releasing them in large
chunks as I had done between version 2.2
and 3.0, I have decided to release the
newer versions as they become available.
I have been slowly adding new features and
improving old features to PC-KEY-DRAW.
Some of this is driven by the compiler I'm
using, some by my time and some by need
for a particular feature. Recent versions
have added numerous features to make the
program easier to learn, features to speed
mouse operation and features to make the
macro capability very powerful and very
useful for presentation slide shows.
The overall design of PC-KEY-DRAW has been
driven primarily by my needs as an Ocean
and Mechanical Engineer and my lack of any
reasonable hand to eye coordination for
standard drawing. I have found seven dif-
ferent drawing areas that the PC-KEY-DRAW
has been a great help.
1) It is ideal to create slides to use
in presentations. I can quickly and
easily put together a series of
screens that I then shoot as 35mm
slides and show to perspective cus-
tomers or use in conferences.
2) I have also created video tape
titles using the program.
3) PC-KEY-DRAW is ideal for basic
design and layout of new mechanical
systems. It is very easy to try a
geometry and test it for a new
motion compensator or similar
4) It is easy to create schematics and
mechanical drawings to be used in
fabricating machine parts and com-
plete systems.
5) it is easy to make drawings for
inclusion in technical papers.
6) computer screens shows make ideal
demonstrations for new products,
old products and anything else you
might want to promote. The ability
to do animation can really get an
idea across.
7) finally, I just like to relax by
drawing designs and patterns, just
playing and having fun.
With pencil and paper I cannot begin to
create even the simplest of drawings, but
with a computer keyboard I am able to pro-
duce just about anything in a short period
of time and have fun doing it. Sometimes
it even makes me feel like an artist.
Three ladies have also had a profound
effect on the course the program has
taken, my mother, my sister Elizabeth and
my wife Brenda. My mother and Brenda are
both superb artists with conventional
tools and I wanted to create a system that
they could use and love. The artistic pic-
tures that are supplied with this program
were done by my wife. Brenda's primary use
of PC-KEY-DRAW, other than doing some nice
works of art for me, has been in the area
of graphic design. She has made consider-
able use of the program to design logos
and letterheads. An example of her artis-
tic talent is shown in Figure 2-2, while
one of the logos is shown in Figure 2-3.
Elizabeth is an architect and I ultimately
want PC-KEY-DRAW to be something that she
uses on a regular basis. No matter how
good the tool, it is still the skilled
hands of the artist, designer, draftsman,
or architect that determine the output.
Figure 2-2 Girl with sheep, by Brenda Will
Kidera, based on a watercolor by Homer.
Figure 2-3 Logo created by BWK.
What's in a Name? OEDWARE comes from OED
which stands for Ocean Equipment Develop-
ment. I formed Ocean Equipment Development
to design, promote and sell motion compen-
sated launch/recovery cranes. A number of
the pictures in this manual and on the
disk pertain to motion compensated cranes.
OEDWARE (owed ware) is just an extension
of OED, but if correctly pronounced
relates to the marketing method being used
to distribute PC-KEY-DRAW. If you are not
a registered user you owe me for using the
program. The name PC-KEY-DRAW comes about
because it describes the program oper-
ation. The keyboard is used to draw. Now
with version 3.50 the program is also
quickly and easily used with a mouse for
those of you who prefer the little rodent.
Or use a joystick and save some desk
space. The choice is yours.
Coming Soon: The future of PC-KEY-DRAW
looks bright. There are still many things
that I want to work on. Some of the
planned improvements include HP LaserJet
font editing, improved dot matrix printer
support, full EGA and VGA support, addi-
tional file formats, expanded CAD capabil-
ities, additional image processing func-
tions, database capability, and much more.
OEDWARE is also looking to expand the
available libraries of pictures and
macros. Version 4.0 should be available in
the not too distant future and will be
another step in the quest to create a
"complete" graphics program. Your comments
and suggestions are always welcome. Your
support is also greatly appreciated.
Other Programs: OEDWARE has released sev-
eral small, simple and useful programs
that are available to anyone for the ask-
ing. The first of these is called DATEIT
and is included with the PC-KEY-DRAW disk
as it comes from OEDWARE. DATEIT is for
the many of us without a battery backed up
clock. It remembers the last date entered
and I have personally found it to be very
useful. For more information on DATEIT see
Appendix G. DATEIT is free.
The second program is a batch file editor
(OEDLIN) that was written as a test bed
for another program and while it is only a
simple editor I have found it to be very
useful. The name, OEDLIN, was the sugges-
tion of an early user and combines the
company name with EDLIN, which is DOS's
attempt at a text editor. OEDLIN contains
a box drawing routine that allows you draw
in text mode like you would in graphics
mode. Figure 2-4 shows a sample of box and
line drawing with OEDLIN. All of the DOS
BATch files and menus used with PC-KEY-
DRAW where created with OEDLIN. It can be
loaded and kept in the background of DOS
for use when needed. OEDLIN sells for $15.
OEDLIN is also useful for editing short
(<500 lines) translated PC-KEY-DRAW macro
files. OEDLIN is also useful for translat-
ing a text screen into a graphics screen.
OEDWARE has also produced custom software
for a variety of purposes, including a
biomedical monitoring system that is
undergoing evaluation and possible further
║ ┌──────────────────────────────────┐ ║
║ │ ╒══════════════════════════════╕ │ ║
║ │ │ OEDLIN │ │ ║
║ │ │ BATch File Editor │ │ ║
║ │ ╘══════════════════════════════╛ │ ║
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║ *░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░* ║
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Figure 2-4 OEDLIN Box and Line Sample.
PC-KEY-DRAW is a very comprehensive graph-
ics system. Its large number of commands
may tend to intimidate the initial user if
he/she does not fully understand the basic
program philosophy. The first thing to
remember is that in creating any one par-
ticular drawing only a handful of the pro-
gram's commands will be used. Don't feel
that you have to learn everything from the
start. Begin with the basics and build
from there. As you become more proficient
at creating graphics you may realize the
need for an automated way of performing a
particular task. Chances are, PC-KEY-DRAW
already has the feature just waiting to be
The program is designed to be run from the
keyboard. Version 3 also allows a mouse
mode of operation with click to select on
pull down menus or instant menu selection
with the click of a mouse button. Contrary
to what you might think, the keyboard
method is an excellent way to run a graph-
ics program. The trained user can create
all sorts of drawings quickly. You do not
have to waste time clicking through a
series of menus as with most other graph-
ics programs, unless you want to. Keyboard
input also means you don't have to have
extra equipment cluttering up your desk.
Because of the drawing advantages of a
mouse and since mouse support is widely
requested, I have greatly expanded and
improved operation with a mouse.
Keyboard Operation: When running PC-KEY-
DRAW from the keyboard the left hand is
used to select the various function keys
and make other selections. The right hand
is used to operate the cursor keys and the
<ENTER>/<RETURN> key and to help in
selecting commands. A variety of commands
are available from the CURSOR MODE. These
are commands that control general program
operation and features that are common to
all of the main drawing functions. The
function keys are used to select the area
of drawing to use next. Either select a
function key directly or select the </> or
<Space Bar> then enter the desired func-
tion number or move thru the menu with the
cursor keys and select the displayed func-
tion with <ENTER>. The function keys are
used to combine commands that are similar
to each other.
F1 is for modification, in that its
commands are used to modify objects
or the screen.
F2 is for creating boxes and other
straight line figures, such as
F3 is for generating a variety of
curved lines.
F4 is for shading and spray paint.
F5 paints areas and modifies existing
colors. It also controls the pal-
ette and background.
F6 draws lines and adds text to the
F7 allows portions of the screen to be
copied, saved, erased or moved.
F8 handles files and exits to DOS.
F9 sets the speed of the cursor.
F10 sets the color to be used by the
majority of functions.
If the program is set to "Novice Mode" in
the Status Screen, a condensed version of
the function keys will be displayed in the
top left corner of the screen during cur-
sor mode. Figure 3-1 shows a screen during
operation with the full help menu on. Set-
ting to "Expert Mode by entering zero in
the Status Screen will remove the help
menu. Setting valves greater than 1 will
display the help menu, but reduced in size
by the amount greater than 1, ie. setting
the "Novice Mode" to 4 will drop the help
menu to 12 characters, rather than the
normal 16. A setting of 8 works out very
nice in reducing the amount of screen used
by the help menu, but still providing suf-
ficient information for operation, as
shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-1 PC-KEY-DRAW during drawing
creation with full help menu turned on.
The prompt line shows that the program is
in the CURSOR MODE, in SCreen 1, in PaGe
00, Caps Lock is on (should generally be
off!), line width is set to 5, the key
macro recording is on, cursor speed is set
to 1, the drawing color is color 1, and
the background color is color 0. The cur-
rent cursor is a double dot near the cen-
ter of the screen.
Figure 3-2 PC-KEY-DRAW during drawing
creation with the help menu on, but
reduced in size. The cursor is set as
crosshairs near the center of the screen
with cursor position information shown on
prompt line. The prompt line shows x and y
absolute position, measured distance, and
angle from measured point. The prompt also
shows that the line width is set to 1, the
cursor speed set to 8, the drawing color
is 2 and the background color is 1.
Cursor Movement: The nine key number/cur-
sor pad is used to move around on the
screen in CURSOR MODE and through the menu
in Menu Mode. The cursor will wrap if
moved off the screen.
Basics: Items enclosed with < and > are
commands that are entered via the keyboard
using the appropriate letter/key. Certain
commands require using the Shft, Ctrl, or
Alt keys with the specified key. Where
this is required is indicated as <Alt-m>,
for example, or <R>, <Ctrl-c>, <Shft-F9>.
When sequential key strokes are required
they are indicated by separating the com-
mands with a space, such as <F3 c> or <F1
Items enclosed with [ and ] are commands
that will be taken as the default if
<ENTER> is selected. The first mouse but-
ton acts as the <ENTER> key, while the
second mouse button acts as the <Space
Bar>. Both buttons at once will send an
<Escape> to the program. If you are using
a mouse or a joystick use the button that
corresponds to the specified command.
Prompts that start with "Enter" require
user input followed by an <ENTER>. Other
prompts need only a single key to initiate
with the exception of "File Name" which
also needs to be ended with <ENTER>.
When a function is selected a list of pos-
sible commands are provided on the prompt
line. If the help menu is active the list
of function keys will be replaced with the
commands for the function selected. More
information is available by using the cur-
sor keys. Functions can be selected by
entering the appropriate letter and Shft,
Ctrl, or Alt as needed. Or the <ENTER> key
can be hit to select the displayed com-
mand. Note that the commands are case sen-
sitive. A lowercase "m" is different from
an uppercase "M" in its effect, but they
both have the same basic meaning. Consider
F7 which allows 4 different ways to move
an object to the screen. All of them are a
type of move so that "m" is appropriate,
but to differentiate between the different
moves a "m" is used either alone or with
the Shift, Ctrl, or Alt keys. Not every
command has four levels to it. Those com-
mands that have more then one level are
designated on the prompt line by the let-
ter followed by a ".".
If you enter a function and then change
your mind or realize the need to reposi-
tion the cursor first, select <n> or <Esc>
or <Space Bar> to return the CURSOR MODE.
When operating from the keyboard you
should position the cursor as desired
first and then select the desired func-
Help: Three levels of help are provided
within the program. This manual and the
quick reference card provide additional
help as needed. Registered users can also
get help from OEDWARE by mail or by call-
ing anytime from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm seven
days a week.
The first help level is readily reached
when selecting a function or selecting a
directive within a function. Moving the
cursor will display the possible options.
As the cursor is moved the letters for
each function will be highlighted along
with a brief description of the command.
A "S" preceding the description indicates
that the command is equivalent to using
<Shift> with the command letter. A "C"
indicates that hitting <ENTER> is equiva-
lent to hitting <Ctrl> with the command
letter. An "A" indicates hitting <ENTER>
is equivalent to hitting <Alt> with the
command letter. If the description is not
preceded by a letter then the lowercase
command is sent to the program when
<ENTER> is hit.
Note the use of the case modifier as
<"A"lt-r> is the "A"ll color version of
rotate in <F1>. <"S"hft-o> is the sequen-
cial load of old in <F8>. <"S"hft-f> is
the "S"creen version of flip in <F1> and
so on.
The second level of help is also immedi-
ately available, but must be called up
when needed by selecting <h>, <H>, or <?>.
It can also be set from within the Status
Screen by specifying the Novice Mode. To
turn the level two help screen off, simply
select <H> from the CURSOR MODE or specify
Expert Mode in the Configuration Screen.
The third level of help resides on the
disk and takes a second or two to be read
in when called with <h>, <H>, or <?>
(assuming level two is currently dis-
played) It displays KD-DRAW.HLP as appro-
priate for the CURSOR MODE or for the
selected function. Once in the help screen
the <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys can be used to
move through the entire help file.
Mouse Operation: PC-KEY-DRAW is now easy
to use with a mouse. Version 3.50 provides
an order of magnitude improvement over
earlier versions in terms of mouse sup-
port. Joystick operation is also provided
in version 3.50 and behaves almost identi-
cally to a mouse. There are three basic
methods of using a mouse with the program:
Method one is to use the keyboard to
selected commands and use the mouse only
for cursor movement.
Method two works in conjunction with the
Novice Mode (level two help). Use the
mouse to click on the function you want
with button 1 then move the cursor to
start position, click with button 1 a sec-
ond time, select desired directive and
follow prompts. This simulates how most
graphics programs employ a mouse, but does
it make sense to be constantly moving the
mouse away from where you are working.
Method three is a much better way to use
the mouse than method two, but I still
prefer method one. As with method one, you
start by positioning the cursor as desired
for the start of a directive, ie. the cen-
ter of the circle or one corner of box.
Hit the second mouse button (=<Space Bar>
or </>) to display function menu. Move the
cursor through the menu and hit the first
mouse (=<ENTER>) button on the desired
function. Move the cursor again to select
the desired directive within the function
and again select with the first mouse but-
General Operation: There are two basic
types of function commands, (directives)
those that act on an object and those that
act on the entire screen. For commands
that act on the entire screen the action
is started by selecting the appropriate
command and following any prompts. When
the action is complete the program will
ask if the result was correct before sav-
ing it to the drawing you are working on.
Before selecting a command to create or to
modify an object, the cursor should first
be moved to the desired start of the func-
tion, such as the center of the circle, or
one of the corners of a rectangle. Some
commands that work on an object require
that you first define the object by
enclosing it in a box, then selecting
<ENTER>. Some object functions can be
color specific, ie. only the color set by
<F10> will be acted on. If a function does
not appear to work, it maybe that the
color was improperly set.
Figure 3-3 80 column mode operation of PC-
KEY-DRAW. Prompt line shows cursor loca-
tion and command selection information.
It is somewhat easier to learn PC-KEY-DRAW
by working in the high resolution mode.
This is because the prompt line allows 80
columns as compared to 40 in the medium/
color mode. The 80 columns allow addi-
tional information to be displayed on the
prompt line. Virtually all functions
available in color are available in high
resolution and vice versa. Extra prompts
have been added as part of version 3 to
help guide the user through each function.
If you are using the 40 column mode the
prompt will be replaced by the cursor
information as the cursor is moved. To see
the prompt type any non command key. Pull
down menus have also been added to aid
learning the program as they display extra
information on the screen. A sample of
what the screen would look like in medium
resolution with the main menu is shown in
Figures 3-1 and 3-2, while a sample screen
from high resolution is shown in Figure
3-3. The menu is toggled with <H> or can
be set as part of the program configura-
tion with <Ctrl-s>. A complete help file
is included and can be called up when
entering a function if further information
is needed by select <h>. The help file can
also be reached from the CURSOR MODE for
information on commands that can be used
at anytime the cursor can be moved on the
Consider the keyboard as an input device
compared to a two or three button mouse.
Most people have ten fingers, why not use
them. Version 3 does allow a mouse to be
used in much the same fashion as with
other point and click programs. The choice
is yours.
CAD VS. PAINT: PC-KEY-DRAW is much more
than a paint program, but it is not yet a
true CAD program. True CAD programs oper-
ate by storing everything entered in a
vector format, while paint programs store
things only as bitmapped images. PC-KEY-
DRAW provides vector save capabilities
only for line drawing in F6. Bitmapped
graphics are used as the primary save
method, but unlike other graphics programs
you can draw on up to 64 screens at once
or use multiple layers. The key macro
capabilities provide a relative vector
system for saving drawings that can be
very useful. The key macro used with
direct coordinate entry provides true CAD
capability to a limited extent. These
three methods of operation make PC-KEY-
DRAW very powerful. It has all of the fea-
tures of low cost paint programs combined
with many of the features of high cost CAD
programs. The hybrid design allows you to
do things that cannot be done with either
pure CAD or pure paint programs. It also
means that you don't need one program to
design with and a second program to do
illustrations. But PC-KEY-DRAW doesn't
stop with just providing CAD and paint
features. It also includes one of the most
comprehensive slide show systems as part
of its macro capability along with banner
and poster printing. Because of the numer-
ous commands and the hybrid design differ-
ent users will use different functions.
Note the contrast between the two pictures
of Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4 Paint vs. CAD.
Summary of Operation: There are several
important things to remember when using
1. PC-KEY-DRAW is very case sensitive.
Be sure to use lower case as pri-
mary. There are 4 possible cases
for a given key. These are: lower
case, uppercase (Shft), Ctrl case,
and Alt case. If a "C" flashes in
the CURSOR MODE the Caps Lock is on
and should be turned off.
2. Some directives operate on objects
and must be defined by enclosing in
a box, while some directives oper-
ate on the entire screen.
3. Position cursor first, then select
desired function.
4. Some directives are color sensi-
tive. If an operation doesn't
appear to work it may be that the
color, as set by F10 is not appro-
priate. All color sensitive com-
mands have an all color alterna-
5. Most actions work from a single key
or SHFT-key, Alt-key, or Ctrl-key
combination and do not require an
6. "Enter" preceding a prompt indi-
cates that a prompt answer must end
with an <ENTER>.
7. Use <ENTER> after entering a File
8. Brackets ([ ]) enclosing part of
the prompt line indicate the
default value that will be used if
<ENTER> is selected.
9. Nothing is saved to the drawing
until user responds <y>es to "Cor-
rect (y/n)" (correction check) or
<k>eep is selected.
The chapter you have just read is probably
the most important section of the manual.
If you understand the theory behind PC-
KEY-DRAW you will find it easy to use and
very fast. If you don't understand the
basic operation of the program reread this
section, then try the program.
Some find the best way to learn PC-KEY-
DRAW is to play and experiment, rather
than jumping right in and attempting to
create an architectural drawing or other
work of art. The first time you picked up
a pencil, pen, or paintbrush you probably
did not create a work of art. Others find
it is best to have a project in mind
before starting. In that way they learn
the commands they need immediately and
don't bother with commands that aren't
needed for their particular project.
Give yourself time to learn. PC-KEY-DRAW
is not designed to mimic existing manual
drawing tools, it is more of a new way to
draw. It is a tool, just like the manual
tools mentioned, and learning to use it
may take time, but once you have learned
it the program is very fast, easy to use,
fun, and very powerful.
Some new users think that any program that
is given away should be easy to learn and
any program that costs a lot takes train-
ing as well. This is a severe misconcep-
tion. Some users find PC-KEY-DRAW diffi-
cult to learn, while others have no prob-
lem learning. PC-KEY-DRAW is designed
primarily for power and not for ease in
learning. PC-KEY-DRAW as shareware lets
you try it out before purchasing to see if
it works for you! Don't you wish all soft-
ware let you try it first?