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A Moderator's Guide to ...
The Echolist program
Copyright (c) 1995 by Dana Bell
Echobase is a database program that maintains a database of
echomail conference information. This particular program was
written to meet the need to maintain and distribute echomail
conference lists within FamilyNet. Additionally the Echobase
set is intended to support moderators with their submission to
the FidoNet EList.
With that brief introduction, the purpose of this documentation
is to explain how moderators (or messengers) can submit updates
to the list. Using the FTSC netmail system, moderators may add,
update or delete entries from the list as well as query the
All messages should be addressed to ECHOlist at 1:1/21.
Email submissions can be made to echolist@fidonet.us
The action to be taken is determined by the subject
line and including appropriate keywords and instructions.
The three that would be used by moderators are
MODerator UPDate (or MOD UPD)
MODerator DELete (or MOD DEL)
MODerator RULe (or MOD RUL)
Depending on the action requested, ECHOBASE will read the
message, add the echo to (or update, delete) the echolist
database, add a rule file, send a netmail response, announce
the echo and forward a submission to the EList.
The following keywords and key information are used to set the
fields of your echolist submission.
The keywords are truncated prior to checking, so matching will
only be done for the capitalized portion of the keyword.
Keywords may be capitalized or lowercase. The following three
entries will have the same effect.
Functionally, Echobase uses syntax and format of the Echolist
program with minor variations. The variations are such that
Echobase will accept entries using the echolist format.
Address netmail messages to ECHOLIST at this address with the
subject field of MOD UPD.
TAGname <areatag>
TITLe <brief area description>
DESCription <description of the echo>
MODerator <moderator name>, <moderator node>, email
COMODerator <co-moderator name>, <co-moderator node>, email
COMODerator <co-moderator name>, <co-moderator node>, email
PASSword <current password>, <new password>
TOTalnodes <number of nodes carrying this conference>
VOLume <number of messages>/Month
RESTrictions </MEMber, /SYSop, /MOD-apvl, /REAl, /ACC>
ORIGin <origination of the distribution>
DISTribution <distribution>
GATEway <gateways>
GROUP <Abbrev. of Network; i.e. FIDO)
RULE <rules file>
FROM <messenger name>, <messenger node>, email
HELP <respond with help message>
OPTION <HOLD> - holds netmail reply message.
Always end the message with three-dashes indicating the end of
the message. With the exception of the DESCription field, only
one entry is allowed per field. If multiple entries are included
in the message, processing will continue but only the last one
will be saved. If you don't have an entry for a field, there is
no need to include the keyword. Only the areatag, title and
password are necessary for updating.
Update submissions to the echolist that don't require any changes
may be done by including just the areatag, title and PASSword.
Full details already in the database will remain the same. New
listings will require areatag, title, and a moderator. Current
guidelines for the FidoNet Elist also require description and a
In order to delete an area from the list, you should use
the subject MODerator DELete (or MOD DEL).
Details on keywords
Here's some more details on each field and how it is being
implemented here. The list shows the keyword sequence in
parenthesis that will be checked.
Tagname (TAG) - The echo's areatag. May be up to 35
characters in length.
Title (TITL) - A short description title that briefly
describes the echo. This may be 55
characters in length.
Description (DESC) - A more detailed description of the echo.
Each line must be preceded by the DESC
keyword. A total of 1024 characters may be
stored in the database for this
Moderator (MOD) - The primary moderator for the echo.
(35 characters) When followed by a comma,
and a 3-5d address
(Zone:Net/Node[.point][@domain]), the
address will be added to the database for
the echo. If an email address is added
following the node number, it will also
be added to the database,
CoModerator (COMOD) - Works the same as the Moderator verb.
Note: Echobase accepts a total of Three
Password (PASS) - The moderator and/or messenger's password
(35 characters) This stores the password in
the record and checks for it in future
submissions. Followed by a comma and
another password, the second password will
replace the initial password.
Total nodes (TOT) - Number of nodes connected to the conference.
This number will be stored in the database,
but currently no reports refer to this
count. (any number less that 1 million or so)
Volume (VOL) - Number of messages generated per month in
the echo. A monthly count is common and an
easy way to visualise.
Restrictions (REST) - Restrictions on echo participation (3 flags
or 25 characters). The REST field will set
either of two field depending on the
content. If abbreviations </MEMber,
/SYSop, /MOD-apvl, /REAlnames, /ACCess
read-only> are submitted, they will set the
flags. Otherwise, it will be used in the
Notes field. Include more detailed
restrictions in either the description or
the rule file.
Origin (ORIG) - Description of origin (35 characters) This
is a text field that will accept any
description of origin. This may either be
network and/or other address.
Distribution (DIST) - Description of means of distribution. (59
characters) This is a text field where you
will probably want to include references to
such things as FamilyNet backbone, Planet
Connect, etc.
Gateways (GATE) - A text field for the listing of gates to
other zones, nets, domains, etc. (35
Seenby (SEEN)
Path (PATH) - This program does not support the Seenby
and Path specifications, but will accept
entries without error if these are
Group (GROUP) - This is an abbreviated network affiliation
word. This will prefix the TITLe field (in
parentheses) in the FMLYNET.NA list of
echoes, and may be used in grouping echoes
and distributing network-specific lists
among other things. In FamilyNet, the
standard abbreviations in use include:
FIDO - FidoNet
FMLY - FamilyNet
CCI - Canadian Christian Interchange
CCN - Counter Cult Network
CDN - Christian Distribution Net
CFN - Christian Fellowship Net
CFC - Computers for Christ Net
MJCN - Messianic Jewish Computer Network
UCCN - United Christian Communications Network
RuleFile (RULE) - Name of rules file for the conference
(13 characters). If Echobase finds this
file in the inbound area, it will be copied
to the rule file repository here.
From (FROM) - The messenger to include in the database.
(35 characters) When followed by a comma,
and a 3-5d address
(Zone:Net/Node[.point][@domain]), the
address will be added to the database for
the echo. When not given, ECHOBASE will
attempt to get the information from the
message. Email submissions should show the
email address of the submitter.
Help Response (HELP)- Requests help information to be sent with
the reply message.
Options (OPTION) - HOLD puts the reply message on hold,
for polling, instead of routing it.
Notes on the DESCription field:
When submitting an entry with DESC fields, be sure to begin each
line with DESC and end it with a hard carriage return. Some
editors may word wrap all messages and strip carriage returns
when saving. Some of these editors, however, may allow you to
force carriage returns by indenting. If so, you may want to try
indenting the DESC lines with a space or tab.
At this point, this program does not care much about the subject
field, so you can also use the submission as a FileAttach or
FileRequest message. Moderator Update is the default mode. For
habit sake, though, you may want to use the subject Moderator
Update (or MOD UPD). Exception: recognizes the MOD DEL subject
as a command to delete the area.
A sample message might have this in the text
TITLe Designed as a Test of The Echolist Robot
MODerator Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, hon@baltimoremd.com
Moderator Other Robot, 1:1/21, robot@baltimoremd.com
Moderator Tweedle Dee, 1:261/1550, tweedle@baltimoremd.com
DESC Specifically designed for those that feel a need to hijack
DESC an echo...HIJACKME gives YOU an opportunity to attempt to
DESC aquire an echotag the sneaky way. Simply send in a MODerator
DESC UPDate message if you think you know the password. If you
DESC guess right, you own the echo...if you guess wrong, you
DESC get an error message. To make life more interesting,
DESC the password will change on a random time basis...after
DESC all, someone has to win now and again.
VOLume 5/month
RESTrictions /REAL
ORIGin unknown
DISTribution you pick it up
PASSword iwillnottell
Textfile Updates
Echobase will also accept text file updates. Create a text file
with the extension .ECO using the same format as the message.
Text files must be found in the inbound directory.
Email Updates
Echobase will also accept email updates. The submissions should
be made to
The subject of the message should be MODerator UPDate
The First line of the message must include
From Moderator's_email_address
Text File/Email Message Test
The format for text files and email message body is below:
TITLe Designed as a Test of The Echolist Robot
MODerator Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, hon@baltimoremd.com
Moderator Other Robot, 1:1/21, robot@baltimoremd.com
Moderator Tweedle Dee, 1:261/1550, tweedle@baltimoremd.com
DESC Specifically designed for those that feel a need to hijack
DESC an echo...HIJACKME gives YOU an opportunity to attempt to
DESC aquire an echotag the sneaky way. Simply send in a MODerator
DESC UPDate message if you think you know the password. If you
DESC guess right, you own the echo...if you guess wrong, you
DESC get an error message. To make life more interesting,
DESC the password will change on a random time basis...after
DESC all, someone has to win now and again.
VOLume 5/month
RESTrictions /REAL
ORIGin unknown
DISTribution you pick it up
PASSword iwillnottell
||NOTE: Do NOT use email addresses in the form of your.name@1:261/1352
The Robot will not process the message.
Rule File Updates
The format for rule file updates is below:
Date : Tue Oct 20, 20:02
From : Thom LaCosta 1:261/1352
To : Echolist
Subj : MOD RUL
PASSword Iwillnottell
RULEText Rules for area GIGO
An open forum on GIGO and related third party products
The International GIGO Message Conference
Origins: Moderators:
jason fesler
gigo-l@gigo.com jfesler@gigo.com
Fidonet 1:261/1352 thom lacosta
This conference is a moderated forum for discussion of issues
concerning GIGO and related third-party software. Conferees can
ask questions of the author of GIGO, and many of the experienced
users in the conference. This conference is available both as a
FTSC echo, and as a mailling list.
1. This is NOT a forum for bashing of any software product. From
time to time comparisons of GIGO to other gateway software may
take place, but always in the spirit of comparison and mutual
2. This forum is NOT a place to advertise products and services
that are not directly related to GIGO and associated third-party
products. Under no circumstances are ads allowed which do
not fit into this scheme! This specifically includes but is
not limited to MLM, 900-numbers, or typical "get rich"-type
ads. You may immediately lose your access without warning for
posting such material.
3. Because of the ease in subscribing to the gigo-l mailling list,
the moderators reserve the right to immediately terminate any
subsriptions to the list, and or access via the GIGO echo, to
those users, who either by configuration errors, or willfull
infractions of the rules may cause the signal to noise radio
in the conference to deteriorate.
4. Let the moderator(s) do the moderating. If you have a problem
with anyone's attitude or message content, do not engage in any
personal attacks or regulation - take such complaints to the
moderators as listed below:
Moderator Fido Internet
Jason Fesler 1:1/141 jfesler@gigo.com
Thom LaCosta 1:261/1352 thom@fido261.qis.net
5. The material posted herein, unless otherwise acknowledged,
remains the property of the moderators, as does this conference.
No cross-posting, compilation, reprinting or retransmitting of
messages in this forum to any other medium is allowed unless
specifically granted by either of the moderators.
6. It is strictly off-topic for any individual to post personal
information (addresses, telephone numbers, financial data etc.)
on another participant without his/her permission.
5. We endeavor to minimize censorship and fully support ones'
freedom of expression on this echo - however do not test the
limits of what you can get away with saying if it is
inappropriate or designed to annoy other participants.
1. Please remember that this is an INTERNATIONAL conference and
is widely distributed. You might be in Los Angeles and
want to know a reputable source for bulk diskettes - don't post
a message saying "Where can I get disks?"; instead qualify
where you are located in the message in order to avoid
confusion and inappropriate responses.
2. One objective of this forum is to serve as a source where
existing users and potential users of GIGO can share information.
Please make your posts with this in mind.
--- EchoMod 3.16
Thom LaCosta