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Text File
763 lines
Rem * Filename: dnddoor.inc Version: v4.5 r1.0
Rem * Variables here are included common to all subprograms.
DefInt A-Z ' define all default variables as integers
Rem $Dynamic ' allocate common variables and arrays at runtime
' define register type for interrupt function
Type RegType
AX As Integer ' A register
BX As Integer ' B register
CX As Integer ' C register
DX As Integer ' D register
BP As Integer ' base pointer
SI As Integer ' source index
DI As Integer ' destination index
Flags As Integer ' cpu flags
DS AS Integer ' data segment
ES AS Integer ' extra segment
End Type
' define structure for containers
Type ContainerType
Closed As Integer ' closed flag 1=closed, 0=n/a, -1=open
ContainerName As String*30 ' container name from treasure.dat file
Locked As Integer ' locked flag 1=locked, 0=n/a, -1=unlocked
Keyed As Integer ' container key number 1-32767
ShortName As String*30 ' mnemonic of container name from treasure.dat file
Charges(1 To 5) As Integer ' treasure charges of container contents
Inventory(1 To 5) As Integer ' index to treasure.dat of container contents
Invisible(1 To 5) As Integer ' invisible flag -1/0 of container contents
TreasureName(1 To 5) As String*30 ' treasure name of container contents
End Type
' action structure
Type ActionType
Attribute1 As Integer ' room attribute one, 0=lit/-1=unlit
Attribute2 As Integer ' room attribute two, 0=land/1=air/2=underwater
EncounterRate As Integer ' rate of action prompts to encounter monster
Fumble As Integer ' fumble weapons/shield result
HealthRate As Integer ' rate of action prompts to increase user health
HitPoints As Integer ' negative/positive hits for vit/fat result
Inventory As Integer ' weapons=1/shields=2/armor=3/magic items=4 breakage
Level As Integer ' negative/positive value=lower/highest user level to enter
MonsterTalk As Integer ' talk to monster number trigger
MonsterTrigger As Integer ' number of room monster trigger
Restrictions As Integer ' level direction is restricted to, 12 bit flags
RustRate As Integer ' rate of action prompts weapons/shields rust
SpellTrigger As Integer ' number of room spell trigger
StealRate As Integer ' rate of action prompts monsters steal
Teleport As Single ' teleport trap room number result
End Type
' define room structure. this main data file contains room descriptions,
' directions, one container, action number, object and treasure indexes.
Type RoomType
Action As Integer ' index to action file
Direct(1 To 12) As Single ' direction link values to next room number
Flags(1 To 20) As Integer ' hidden=1/trap=2/magically hidden=3
LongDesc(1 To 5) As String*80 ' four line long description of room
MonsterClass As Integer ' number of room monster class in monclass.dat file
Object(1 To 20) As Integer ' number of object from objects.dat file
ObjCharges(1 To 20) As Integer ' object charges
ShortDesc As String*80 ' one line short description of room for brief mode
Treasure(1 To 20) As Integer ' number of treasure from treasure.dat file
TreCharges(1 To 20) As Integer ' treasure charges
Container As ContainerType ' single container per room
End Type
' define user structure. this main data file contains user statistics,
' values, flags, object and treasure indexes.
Type UserType
CodeName As String*30 ' encrypted user codename
PassWord As String*20 ' encrypted user password
ClassName As String*20 ' encrypted user classname
ClassType As Integer ' classname number 1-10
Container(1 To 3) As ContainerType ' user's maximum of 3 containers
Inv(1 To 20) As Integer ' user's inventory index to treasure.dat file
Charges(1 To 20) As Integer ' treasure's charges/plus
Object(1 To 20) As Integer ' user's object index to objects.dat file
ObjCharges(1 To 20) As Integer ' object's charges/plus
Stats(1 To 7) As Integer ' player statistics str/int/wis/dex/con/pie/cha
Weapons(1 To 4) As Integer ' weapons proficiency percent blu/pol/sha/thr
Room As Single ' room number
Level As Integer ' player's level
Experience As Double ' player's experience
Gold As Double ' collected gold
NumCalls As Integer ' number of calls during one day
Fatigue As Integer ' fatigue points during fighting
FatigueMax As Integer ' maximum possible fatigue points
Vitality As Integer ' vitality points during fighting
VitalityMax As Integer ' maximum possible vitality points
Magic As Integer ' magic points during fighting/using spells
MagicMax As Integer ' maximum possible magic points
Poison As Integer ' user is poisoned true/false, vitality decreasing
Borrow As Double ' gold borrowed from bank
Invisible As Integer ' user is invisible true/false
Race As Integer ' player's race 1-8, hum/elf/gno/dwa/hal/hal-elf/hal-orc/ogr
Proficiency As Integer ' weapon user is proficient in 1-4
Bank As Double ' amount gold stored in bank
Sort As Integer ' sort inventory (-1/0/1)
MonstersKilled As Single ' total of all monsters killed during play
Brief As Integer ' brief mode true/false
DateOn As String*10 ' last date user logged on, form: MM-DD-YYYY
Beauty As Integer ' lady class beauty points
Glamour As Integer ' lady class glamour points
Psionic As Integer ' psionic points during fighting/casting psi spells
PsionicMax As Integer ' maximum possible psionic points
Align1 As Integer ' alignment type 1, good/neutral/evil
Align2 As Integer ' alignment type 2, lawful/neutral/chaotic
Flags As Integer ' 1=rerolled/2-128=stat wish/256=wish/512=realigned/chars
MaxCalls As Integer ' maximum calls user is allowed per day
FromHour As Integer ' time restriction logon from hour,
FromMin As Integer ' time restriction logon from minute,
ToHour As Integer ' time restriction logon to hour,
ToMin As Integer ' time restriction logon to minute.
Echo As Integer ' echo mode 0=on,-1=off
LastMessage As Integer ' last message read
Linefeeds As Integer ' linefeed mode 0=on,-1=off
Linelength As Integer ' linelength for display
Pagelength As Integer ' pagelength for display
Wordwrap As Integer ' word wrap 0=on,-1=off
End Type
' define spell structure. this data file contains spell statistics,
' values, and flags. this struture is used by treasure and spells.
Type SpellType
SpellName As String*30 ' full name of spell
Chant As String*80 ' chant to be used for spell
Level As Integer ' level of spell/level user must be at least to cast spell
SpellType As Integer ' spell type 1-28
Teleport As Single ' spell teleports when cast
Psionic As Integer ' spell is psionic, true/false
PsionicMode As Integer ' spell is psionic, 1=attack/2=defense
ClassType As Integer ' user class allowed to cast spell, flags 1-8
Desc As String*80 ' description displayed when spell is cast
Ingred(1 To 5) As Integer ' index to treasure.dat of required ingtedients
SpellFlag As Integer ' ingredients type required flag, 1=use/2=read/4=cast
End Type
' define monster class structure. this data file contains lists of monsters.
Type MonclassType
Monsters(1 To 10) As Integer ' indexed list of ten monsters from monster.dat
End Type
' define object structure. this data file contains object statistics,
' values, and flags. this struture is used by users and rooms.
Type ObjectType
ObjectName As String*30 ' full name of object
ShortName As String*30 ' mnemonic of object name
RoomLink As Single ' link to room number for entering object
Invisible As Integer ' is invisible
JailTrap As Integer ' jails user if attacked
DoorLock As Integer ' locked (0=n/a,1=unlocked/2=locked)
Destination As Integer ' n/a (used to be room object was created)
Permanent As Integer ' cannot be picked up. default.
Hidden As Integer ' hidden (cannot not be seen or searched for)
Closed As Integer ' closed (-1=closed/0=open)
Keyed As Integer ' key number 1-32767
Relocks As Integer ' relocks after entering
LongDesc As String*80 ' description displayed when object looked at
FromHour As Integer ' lights room from hour,
FromMin As Integer ' lights room from minute,
ToHour As Integer ' lights room to hour,
ToMin As Integer ' lights room to minute.
LightRoom As Integer ' lights room (-1=true/0=false)
LightTime As Integer ' light time (-1=from-to/0=anytime)
ShortDesc As String*80 ' description displayed when object entered
Trap As Integer ' trapped portal (1=poison/2=teleport/3=hits for fat/vit)
Teleport As Single ' (room number, trap=2), (hits -fat/hits +vit, trap=3)
End Type
' define monster structure. this data file contains monster statistics,
' values, and flags.
Type MonsterType
MonsterName As String*30 ' full name of monster
PluralName As String*30 ' mnemonic plural of monster name
Treasure(1 To 5) As Integer ' five indexes to treasure.dat
Experience As Double ' experience gained by killing monster
Gold As Double ' money gained by killing monster
NumberAppearing As Integer ' maximum monsters encontered at one time
Level As Integer ' monster level/level of user required to kill monster
Hits As Integer ' hit points monster has for user to kill
Poison As Integer ' monster can poison=-1/monster is poisoned>0
LevelDrain As Integer ' can drain user levels (-1/0)
Spell As Integer ' can cast spells (equal to spell record number)
Block As Integer ' can block user from exiting room
Prevent As Integer ' can prevent user from taking treasure
Follow As Integer ' can follow user
Magic As Integer ' casts magic spell (equals index to spell record number)
Jail As Integer ' can jail attacker (-1/0)
Teleport As Single ' can teleport (equals room number)
FollowPercent As Integer ' percentage to follow
BlockPercent As Integer ' percentage to block
PreventPercent As Integer ' percentage to prevent
SpellPercent As Integer ' percentage to cast spell
PoisonPercent As Integer ' percentage to poison
DrainPercent As Integer ' percentage to drain levels
Rate As Integer ' encounter rate (action prompts)
RatePercent As Integer ' percentage encountered at rate
Permanent As Integer ' monster is permanent to room
Talk(1 To 5) As Integer ' five indexes to montalk.dat
Psionic As Integer ' monster casts psionic spells
PsionicSpell As Integer ' psionic spell casted
End Type
' define treasure structure. this data file contains treasure statistics,
' values, and flags. this struture is used by users and rooms.
Type TreasureType
TreasureName As String*30 ' full treasure name
ShortName As String*30 ' mnemonic treasure name
Weight As Integer ' weight in gold of treasure
Gold As Integer ' value in gold of treasure
Spell As Integer ' treasure is magical (index of spell record)
Plus As Integer ' treasure plus (0=normal treasure/greater>0=weapon plus)
Coin As Integer ' coins (-1/0)
Keyed As Integer ' key number (1-32767)
Scroll As Integer ' scroll (-1/0)
Charges As Integer ' charges for weapon/armor/shield/spell
Potion As Integer ' potion (-1/0)
Armor As Integer ' treasure is armor
Shield As Integer ' treasure is shield
Weapon As Integer ' treasure is weapon
Container As Integer ' container (-1/0)
Type As Integer ' treasure type (-1=shield/0=normal/1=armor/0,<plus>=weapon)
Locked As Integer ' container (1=locked,0=n/a,-1=unlocked)
Closed As Integer ' container (1=closed,0=n/a,-1=open)
Loadable As Integer ' can be loaded with ammunition (-1/0)
Ammunition As Integer ' is ammunition (-1/0)
AmmoLoads As Integer ' if ammunition, then index to treasure.dat it loads
Invisible As Integer ' invisible (-1/0)
Permanent As Integer ' treasure remains in room (not default)
Proficiency As Integer ' weapon proficiency related (1-4)
RingType As Integer ' is a ring (1=antipoison/2=antileveldrain/3=antispell)
RingSpell As Integer ' ring antispell (-1=generic/greater>0=spell number)
Edible As Integer ' edible (-1/0)
Rustable As Integer ' rusts (-1/0)
RustPercent As Integer ' percentage rusts during room rust rate
Stealable As Integer ' stealable (-1/0)
StealPercent As Integer ' percentage monster steals during room steal rate
Launchable As Integer ' can be launched with launch ammunition (-1/0)
LaunchLoads As Integer ' is launch ammunition (-1/0)
LaunchAmmo As Integer ' if launch ammo, then index to treasure.dat it loads
Movable As Integer ' launchable device can be moved (-1/0)
Vehicle As Integer ' vehicle (-1/0)
VehicleHits As Integer ' vehicle hit points for combat
VehicleType As Integer ' vehicle type (0=land,1=air,2=underwater,3=any)
LightType As Integer ' is a light (-1/0)
LightCharges As Integer ' light charges
FuelType As Integer ' is light fuel (-1/0)
FuelCharges As Integer ' fuel charges
End Type
' define monster talk structure. this data file contains lists of strings
' monsters can respond with when talked to.
Type MonsterTalkType
TalkMessage As String*80 ' an 80 character string response
End Type
' help file record structure. used for help command during play,
' uses files help.dat, edithelp.dat, dmhelp.dat, and logon.dat.
Type HelpType
Text As String*70 ' text to display
CName As String*15 ' command name of command to display
End Type
' structure for messages text file. indexed by the table record structure.
Type MessageType
Message As String*80 ' length of a message line
End Type
' table for messages. stores subject, from/to, date entered, private message
' and if the message is deleted. fields for start and length define the
' position of the message in the messages text file.
Type TableType
ClassType As Integer ' class type of the player who entered the message
Clock As String*21 ' stores the time the message was entered from FNclock$
Date As String*10 ' system date message was stored
Flags As Integer ' user record flags for special characters entered message
From As String*30 ' field storing user who entered the message
Killed As Integer ' true if the message is deleted
Length As Integer ' length of lines in messages text file
Private As Integer ' true if the message is private
Received As Integer ' flag indicating message was read
Reply As Integer ' flag for message reply
Start As Single ' beginning of the line of the message in the text file
Subject As String*20 ' stores the subject of the message
Thread As Integer ' number of message replied to
Time As String*10 ' stores system time message was entered
Timer As Single ' stores system time in seconds message was entered
TimesRead As Integer ' stores number of times message was read
To As String*30 ' stores name of the user the message is to, or empty for all
End Type
' define variables, fixed length/variable strings, and
' dynamic arrays common to all subprograms.
Common Shared _
ActionRecord As ActionType,_ ' action structure
Action.Prompt As String,_ ' stores action prompt Next: or Command>
Alignment.Name1() As String*7,_ ' stores three type 1 alignment names
Alignment.Name2() As String*7,_ ' stores three type 2 alignment names
Allow.Break As Integer,_ ' allows control-k checking during file output
Array() As String,_ ' string array for mail
Array.List() As String*16,_ ' string array for command help
Array.Number As Integer,_ ' contains number of array element searched for
Baud.Override As Integer,_ ' command line baud override
BBS.Name As String,_ ' name of calling bbs name from rbbs .def file
Break As Integer,_ ' returns -1 is control-k pressed
Buffer As String,_ ' stores modem i/o
Carriage.Return As Integer,_ ' supresses linefeed during output
Charges.Number As Integer,_ ' contains charges of item searched for
Chained.Rooms As Integer,_ ' used in launch routine
Chat As Integer,_ ' chat mode flag
Choice As Integer,_ ' monster number selected
Class.Name() As String*15,_ ' stores ten class names
Color.Code As Integer,_ ' current ansi color
Color.Graphics As Integer,_ ' ansi color activated remote
Command.Name As String,_ ' storage of user command
Continue As Integer,_ ' flag for continuous output
ContainerRec As ContainerType,_ ' container structure
Direction As Integer,_ ' direction 1-11
Direction() As String*9,_ ' stores eleven direction names
Door.Name As String,_ ' name of calling bbs user from rbbs .def file
Door.Time As Single,_ ' time left from rbbs .def file
DOS.Major As Integer,_ ' dos major version
DOS.Minor As Integer,_ ' dos minor version
Dungeon.Master As Integer,_ ' user is dungeon master (-1/0)
Dungeon.Master.Assistant As Integer,_ ' user is asst. DM (-1/0)
Entry.Command As Integer,_ ' last command number used for room entry
FileName As String,_ ' file name storage
Func.Buffer As String,_ ' buffer of interactive pressed function key
Governor As Integer,_ ' user is governor (-1/0)
Graphics.Off As Integer,_ ' set ansi graphics off (to white) (-1/0)
Guild.Master As Integer,_ ' user is guild master (-1/0)
HelpRecord As HelpType,_ ' help record structure
Hidden.Player As Integer,_ ' player is hidden (-1/0)
Hidden As Integer,_ ' mask input for security i/o with Mask$
High.Class.Name() As String*15,_ ' ten high class names
Inpt As String,_ ' user i/o input
Index.Number As Integer,_ ' contains index number of an item searched for
Intoxicated As Integer,_ ' user is intoxicated (equal to action prompts)
Invisible As Integer,_ ' user is invisible (-1/0)
Last.Command As String,_ ' last command entered
Last.Command.Number As Integer,_ ' number of last command entered
Last.Monster As String,_ ' name of last monster attacked
Learned.Spells As String,_ ' string of 1's and 0's of spells learned
Line.Length As Integer,_ ' maximum length of input allowed
Line.Limit As Integer,_ ' used with word wrap
Local.Mode As Integer,_ ' user is logged in at console
Locks.Smashed As Integer,_ ' used in launch routine
Logged.In As Integer,_ ' flag indicating user is logged in
Magic.Spell As Integer,_ ' magic spell number of spells.dat being cast
Max.Row As Integer,_ ' maximum rows used for screen scrolling/output
Message1 As String,_ ' stores message when user killed for death routine
Message.Length As Integer,_ ' stores length of message in mail
Message.Reply As Integer,_ ' flag for message reply
Message.Thread As Integer,_ ' message number replied to
Message.To As String,_ ' stores message to in mail
MessageRecord As MessageType,_ ' message record structure for mail
Modem.Baud As Integer,_ ' connect speed, 00 truncated
Monclass As Integer,_ ' current room monster class
Monclass.Max As Integer,_ ' maximum monster classes in monclass array
MonclassRecord As MonclassType,_ ' monster class record structure
Monster.Class() As Integer,_ ' array of monster classes
Monster.Cycle As Integer,_ ' incrementing counter for monster attacks
Monster.Number As Integer,_ ' stores currently accessed monster number
Monster.Percent() As Integer,_ ' array of monster percents
Monster.Rate() As Integer,_ ' array of monster encounter rates
Monster.Rate1 As Integer,_ ' counts file monster rates
Monster.Rate2 As Integer,_ ' counts room monster rates
MonsterArray() As MonsterType,_ ' array of 20 monster record structures
MonsterIndex() As Integer,_ ' array of 20 indexes to monster.dat file
MonsterRecord As MonsterType,_ ' defines monster structure
Monsters.Killed As Integer,_ ' total monsters killed in session
MonsterTalkRecord As MonsterTalkType,_ ' monster class structure
Multiplier As Integer,_ ' multiplier used in combat
New.Room As Integer,_ ' added new room flag
Next.Room As Single,_ ' next room storage
No As Integer,_ ' entered N during input (-1/0)
No.Echo As Integer,_ ' do not echo user input
No.Input As Integer,_ ' null was entered (-1/0)
No.Input.Out As String,_ ' string to return if null entered during input
Node As String,_ ' node in string form
Node1 As Integer,_ ' node number (0-9,A-Z)
Node2 As Integer,_ ' node number (0-99)
Normal.User As Integer,_ ' user has special attributes (-1/0)
Number.Appearing As Integer,_ ' maximum monsters of one type encountered
Number.Monsters As Integer,_ ' current number of active monsters in room
ObjectRecord As ObjectType,_ ' object structure
Outpt As String,_ ' user i/o output
Outpts As String,_ ' temporary user i/o output variable
Parse.Count As Integer,_ ' parsed count to decrement
Parse.Number As Integer,_ ' stores command numbers (pound sign) quantity
Parsed.Command1 As String,_ ' first or second command parsed from input
Parsed.Command2 As String,_ ' first or second command parsed from input
Parser As Integer,_ ' position of command second word parsed
Pass.Door As Integer,_ ' passdoor spell cast
Player.CodeName As String,_ ' storage for user codename
Player.PassWord As String,_ ' storage for user password
Port As Integer,_ ' modem port being used (0-7)
Port.Override As Integer,_ ' command line override
Prefix1 As String,_ ' the/or/an
Previous.Command As Integer,_ ' -1=use,0=n/a,equals last command number
Previous.Command1 As String,_ ' storage of previous command
Previous.Command2 As String,_ ' storage of previous parsed command
Previous.Command3 As String,_ ' storage of previous second parsed command
Private.Message As Integer,_ ' flag for mail
Psi.Attack.Mode As Integer,_ ' last offense psi spell cast
Psi.Defense.Mode As Integer,_ ' last defense psi spell cast
Quit As Integer,_ ' true if Q entered
Race() As String*8,_ ' stores eight race names
Room As Single,_ ' current room number
Room.Health.Rate As Integer,_ ' number of action prompts for health update
Room.Monster.Rate As Integer,_ ' number of action promptsfor monster update
Room.Rate As Integer,_ ' counter of action prompts for room rate
Room.Rust.Rate As Integer,_ ' counter of room rust rate
Room.Steal.Rate As Integer,_ ' counter of room steal rate
RoomRecord As RoomType,_ ' room structure
Rust.Rate As Integer,_ ' rust rate in action prompts
Share.Installed As Integer,_ stores share setting
Sorting As Integer,_ ' inventory sorting (-1/0/1)
SpellRecord As SpellType,_ ' spell structure
Spell.Number As Integer,_ ' spell number being used
Spell.Cast.Type As Integer,_ ' type of spell being cast
Stat() As String*12,_ ' storage of eight statistics names
Steal.Rate As Integer,_ ' steal rate in action prompts
Stored.Parsed.Command1 As String,_ ' first parsed command from user input
Stored.Parsed.Command2 As String,_ ' second parsed command from user input
Subject As String,_ ' store mail subject
Sysop As Integer,_ ' contains -1 if player is sysop
TableRecord As TableType,_ ' message table for mail
Teleported As Integer,_ ' user entered room by teleporting (-1/0)
TempRecord As MessageType,_ ' temporary structure
Temp, Temp!, Temp$,_ ' global temporary variables
Temp.Array1() As Integer,_ ' global temporary variables
Temp.ArrayX() As Integer,_ ' global temporary variables
Temp.ArrayZ() As Double,_ ' global temporary variables
Temp0, Temp1, Temp2, Temp3, Temp4,_ ' global temporary variables
Temp5, Temp6, Temp7, Temp8, Temp9,_ ' global temporary variables
Time.Calc As Single,_ ' time storage variable
Time.Left As Single,_ ' amount of time user is allowed on in seconds
Time.On As String,_ ' time user logged on in Date$ format
Timeon As Single,_ ' time user logged on in Timer format
Timelogged.On As Double,_ ' time user logged on on double format
Town.Mayor As Integer,_ ' user is town mayor (-1/0)
Training.Stats() As Integer,_ ' storage for training statistics
TreasureRecord As TreasureType,_ ' treasure structure
Two.Minutes.Left As Integer,_ ' flag indicating two minutes warning shown
Type.Number As Integer,_ ' flag for type of object in room or inventory
Upper.Case As Integer,_ ' flag to force first character uppercase in io.i
User.Echo As Integer,_ ' stores online user echo preference
User.LineFeeds As Integer,_ ' stores online user linefeed preference
User.LineLength As Integer,_ ' stores online user linelength preference
User.PageLength As Integer,_ ' stores online user pagelength preference
User.Wordwrap As Integer,_ ' stores online user wordwrap preference
User.Command As String,_ ' stores original user input
User.Index As Integer,_ ' index of user number to users.dat file
User.Number As Integer,_ ' alternate user index variable
UserRecord As UserType,_ ' user structure
Vehicle1 As Integer,_ ' index to room treasure array (1-10)
Vehicle2 As Integer,_ ' charges in vehicle
Vehicle3 As Integer,_ ' index to treasure.dat file
Vehicle4 As Integer,_ ' vehicle type (0-3)
Weapon.Type.Name() As String*9,_ ' storage of four weapon names
Weapon1 As Integer,_ ' plus of armor worn
Weapon2 As Integer,_ ' plus of weapon held
Weapon3 As Integer,_ ' plus in shield held
Weapon4 As Integer,_ ' index to user inventory array of armor worn
Weapon5 As Integer,_ ' index to user inventory array of shield held
Weapon6 As Integer,_ ' index to user inventory array of weapon held
Weapon7 As Integer,_ ' index to user inventory array of ring worn
Weapon8 As Integer,_ ' ring type (1=antipoison/2=antileveldrain/3=antispell)
Weapon9 As Integer,_ ' ring antispell (-1=generic/greater>0=spell number)
Weapon10 As Integer,_ ' proficiency number of weapon held
Weight As Integer,_ ' total amount in gold of user's inventory
Win.Major As Integer,_ ' windows major version
Win.Minor As Integer,_ ' windows minor version
Word.Wrap As Integer,_ ' used for word wrap during input
Yes As Integer ' user entered Y during input (-1/0)
Common Shared Inregs As RegType, Outregs As RegType ' register structures
' constants used in place of variables inline programs
Const Author$="Erik Jon Oredson" ' name of author
Const Dead$="-dead-" ' used internal to user file
Const Deleted$="<deleted>" ' used internal to data files
Const Enter$="<enter>" ' generic response substring
Const False=0 ' false
Const Mask$="#" ' define mask character
Const More$="More(y/n/c/q)?" ' generic response substring
Const MaxInt=32767 ' maximum integer
Const MaxStat=250 ' maximum player statistic
Const MinInt=-32768 ' minimum integer
Const None$="<null>" ' used internally
Const Nul="" ' empty string
Const Program$="DNDDOOR" ' program name
Const Range$="<range error>" ' generic response substring
Const Release$="2.0a" ' program minor version
Const True=Not False ' true
Const UnTrue=False+1 ' untrue
Const Version$="4.5b" ' program major version
' constant variables corresponding to last command entered
Const Picklock.Command=26 ' compare to picklock
Const Hide.Command=49 ' compare to hide
Const Identify.Command=52 ' compare to identify
' constant variables for driving vehicles
Const RideVehicle=48 ' ride vehicle command number
Const DriveVehicle=73 ' drive vehicle command number
' constant variables of weapon proficiency types
Const Blunt=1 ' blunt weapon number
Const Pole=2 ' pole weapon number
Const Sharp=3 ' sharp weapon number
Const Thrusting=4 ' thrusting weapon number
' bit constants of room record flags array attributes of room inventory
Const Hidden.Object=1 ' object was hidden with hide command
Const Magic.Trap=2 ' object was made into a trap with spell
Const Magically.Hidden=4 ' object was magically hidden with spell
' constant variable used to indicate spell method being used
Const Use.Spell.Type=1 ' spell cast is by the use command
Const Scroll.Spell.Type=2 ' spell cast by using a scroll
Const Cast.Spell.Type=4 ' spell cast with the cast command
' bit constants of player class, character, and command flags,
' bits 2 through 128 correspond to the seven statistics players may wish for.
Const Rerolled=1 ' bit flag of user record flags field for rerolled player
Const Wished=256 ' bit flag of user record flags field of player wished
Const Alignmented=512 ' bit flag of user record flags field of player align
Const Locked.User=1024 ' bit for locked mailbox
Const Special.Char1=2048 ' bit flag of user record flags field town mayor
Const Special.Char2=4096 ' bit flag of user record flags field governor
Const Special.Char3=8192 ' bit flag of user record flags field guild master
Const Special.Char4=16384 ' bit flag of user record flags field sysop
' constants of class type numbers
Const Fighter=1 ' fighter class
Const MagicUser=2 ' MU class
Const Thief=3 ' thief class
Const Cleric=4 ' cleric class
Const Paladin=5 ' paladin class
Const Ranger=6 ' ranger class
Const Druid=7 ' druid class
Const Lady=8 ' lady class
Const AsstDM=9 ' asst. DM class
Const DM=10 ' DM class
' constants of attack command numbers
Const Charm=31 ' attack command number constant
Const Beguile=32 ' attack command number constant
Const Shield=34 ' attack command number constant
Const Guard=35 ' attack command number constant
Const Lunge=39 ' attack command number constant
Const Dodge=40 ' attack command number constant
Const Killed=55 ' attack command number constant
Const Backstab=59 ' attack command number constant
Const Circled=60 ' attack command number constant
Const Feint=61 ' attack command number constant
Const Parry=62 ' attack command number constant
Const Thrust=63 ' attack command number constant
Const Charge=64 ' attack command number constant
Const Turn=65 ' attack command number constant
Const Counter=66 ' attack command number constant
Const Bemuse=67 ' attack command number constant
Const Befuddle=68 ' attack command number constant
Const Pummel=69 ' attack command number constant
Const Resist=70 ' attack command number constant
Const PsiMode=71 ' attack command number constant
Const Beat=82 ' attack command number constant
Const Punch=83 ' attack command number constant
Const Bewitch=84 ' attack command number constant
Const Bewilder=85 ' attack command number constant
' constants of spell type numbers
Const Enchant=1 ' spell number constant
Const Offense=2 ' spell number constant
Const Bless=3 ' spell number constant
Const Wish=4 ' spell number constant
Const Poison=5 ' spell number constant
Const Vigor=6 ' spell number constant
Const Heal=7 ' spell number constant
Const CurePoison=8 ' spell number constant
Const LevelDrain=9 ' spell number constant
Const Teleport=10 ' spell number constant
Const Befuddled=11 ' spell number constant
Const TurnUndead=12 ' spell number constant
Const PassDoor=13 ' spell number constant
Const Conjure=14 ' spell number constant
Const Psionic=15 ' spell number constant
Const DetectLock=16 ' spell number constant
Const DetectEvil=17 ' spell number constant
Const DetectTrap=18 ' spell number constant
Const Intoxicate=19 ' spell number constant
Const SetTrap=20 ' spell number constant
Const Hiding=21 ' spell number constant
Const Search=22 ' spell number constant
Const Invisibility=23 ' spell number constant
Const Identify=24 ' spell number constant
Const Enlighten=25 ' spell number constant
Const Illuminate=26 ' spell number constant
Const Psyche=27 ' spell number constant
Const Telepathy=28 ' spell number constant (not used)
' constants for psionic spells
Const PsiAttack=1 ' psionic attack mode
Const PsiDefense=2 ' psionic attack mode
' constants for room attribute 1
Const LitRoom=0 ' flag constant for dark room
Const UnlitRoom=-1 ' bit flag constant for lit room
' constants for room attribute 2 and vehicle type
Const Land=0 ' flag value for ground type room
Const Air=1 ' flag value for above ground room
Const Water=2 ' flag value constant for underwater room
' constants of room entry command
Const Fly=74 ' entry command number
Const Swim=79 ' entry command number
' constants for vehicle type
Const AllTerrain=4 ' vehicle terrain type
' constants of file numbers
Const UserFile=1 ' file number
Const NonPlayerFile=2 ' file number
Const RoomFile=3 ' file number
Const ObjectFile=4 ' file number
Const MonsterFile=5 ' file number
Const TreasureFile=6 ' file number
Const MonTalkFile=7 ' file number
Const MonClassFile=8 ' file number
Const SpellFile=9 ' file number
Const TableFile=10 ' file number
Const MessageFile=11 ' file number
Const ActionFile=12 ' file number
Const TempFile=13 ' file number
Const TempFile2=14 ' file number
Const HelpFile=15 ' file number
' subroutine allows bios access. linked from VBDOS.LIB.
Declare Sub Interrupt(N As Integer,I As RegType,O As RegType)
' function creates a formatted string containing the date and time.
Def FNclock$=Format$(Now,"ddd dd mmm yy\, hh:mma/p")
' function creates a formatted string containing a double precision variable.
Def FNform$(X#)=Format$(X#, "#,##0;;"+Chr$(34)+"zero"+Chr$(34))
REM Notes on terminology:
' The term 'mnemonic' refers to shortened words for common use, example,
' 'A two-handed sword' would have a mnemonic 'sword' for the game to
' identify the long treasure name.
' The term 'index' refers to a variable which points to an element of an
' array. For example, Temp7 could be an index to UserRecord.Inv array,
' if Temp7=10, then Temp7 is the index of UserRecord.Inv(Temp7).
' The term 'structure' refers to a collection of fixed length strings,
' integers, and precision variable described in a common variable. For
' example, the UserType described in the include file would be used as a
' structure by assigning the type to the record, for example,
' Dim UserRecord As UserType. Then variables in the structure are
' accessed with the dot symbol, for example, UserRecord.Gold.
' The term 'record' refers to a single structure which can be read or
' written to a random file using the get and put statements. For example,
' the user record could be placed into the user file with the statement
' Put UserFile,10,UserRecord, or Put 3,10,UserRecord.
' The term 'parse' or 'parse temp' refers to the numeric specific to an
' item following the pound sign. For example, the parse temp for
' 'an axe#2' is equal to 2. Since searching for an item during the game
' checks the room first then the user inventory, the parse temp must be
' decremented after the room inventory is checked. For example, 'an axe#2'
' would count one axe on the floor, decrement by one, then find the
' first axe in the user inventory, which is the second axe to find.
' The term 'player', 'user', 'character', are used interchangeably. For
' example, 'player character' may refer to the statistics or points
' of the user and his/her record structure. Or, for example, 'user' may
' refer to the player and his or her codename, etc.
' Usage of the variable 'Graphics.Off' usually with the comment 'reset color
' is used in this manner: When the player has remote ansi installed, and
' the game sends ansi codes, color graphics are sent to the player by
' cycling high intensity ansi codes for the 6 base colors. The variable
' Color.Graphics is set to true to send ansi codes. Thus, setting
' Graphics.Off to True sets remote ansi to high intensity white, and
' setting Graphics.Off to False resets the cycling high intensity ansi.
' Usage of the output routine with no assignment to the output string,
' sends a blank carriage return/linefeed to the modem. For example,
' 'Outpt=Nul' followed by 'Call IO.O' sends a blank line. Calling
' the output routine twice sends a blank line after the first message,
' for example, 'Outpt="Output line."', 'Call IO.O', 'Call IO.O', sends
' the first line, then a blank line.
' Usage of the term 'string', or 'message' refer to an assignment or use of
' text imbedded in quotes, or assigned to a variable. For example:
' "This text line." could be called a message or string. And the line
' Outpt="This text line." could have a comment ' make message.
' The term 'cr/lf' refers to carriage return/line feed which are the
' ascii characters 13 and 10, respectively. Note however that linefeeds
' are not normally used by terminal programs and are usually ignored.
' The variable passing conventions for calling modules have two forms.
' A call to an example routine, 'Call Routine1(4)' where the routine
' has a variable with the value of 4 passed to it, 'Sub Routine1(Var)'
' allows the routine to accept a passed parameter. This is named
' calling by value. A call to the same routine with a variable,
' 'Call Routine1(Temp)' passes the value contained in Temp. When the
' routine accepts the value in its own variable Var, then assigns a new
' value to Var, the return from the routine will change the value in
' Temp. This is named calling by reference. Passed variables should
' match in type.
REM Notes on memory usage:
' Memory usage by arrays include three separate methods. Assigning a
' variable length string array, such as,
' Redim Array1(1 To 10) As String
' uses the near segment of the basic memory pool by using string descriptors
' which can be very costly as the array bounds increase. Secondly, assigning
' a fixed length array, such as,
' Redim Array2(1 To 10) As Sring*7
' uses the far segment which is an additional 64k memory storage area
' in basic. The last example using fixed length arrays whose length are a
' power of 2, such as,
' Redim Array3(1 To 1024) As String*128
' allows the array to excede the 64k upper bounds by using the basic heap
' segment memory pool, the remaining available memory after the program has
' initialized. To do this the /ah compiler switch must be used.
REM Instructions for compiling Dnd Door with VB 1.0 PRO:
' VB 1.0 Basic compiler BC.EXE and linker LINK.EXE are required.
' Libraries required: VBDOS.LIB, VBDCL10E.LIB.
' Compile:
' Linking:
REM If you change Dnddoor.Inc then all subprograms must be compiled.
REM Use Nmake.exe to recompile using the Makefile contents.
REM -end include file-