The abort command quits the program without displaying the logoffABORT files, top ten, or time used. ABORT This DM command calls up any particular monster or one from theCALL current monster class. Type !Call without parameters calls up a randomCALL monster from the current room monster class. Typing !Call <monster>CALL with the monster number or name calls up that monster. For example,CALL !Call 10, or !Call Aboleth. CALL This DM command is used to remove an unwanted object from the room ofDISCARD from the user's inventory. For example, if there is a sword of extremeDISCARD value in the room, which could throw off the game balance, the DMDISCARD could pick it up and type !Discard Sword. You will see the messageDISCARD "You discard a longsword!". Or maybe a player has a weapon like a +99DISCARD Sword, then the console could press F3 and enter the treasure name.DISCARD It would then be discarded from the online user inventory. DISCARD The editor allows the DM or Sysop to add, change, and list the dataEDIT files. Any game item can be edited; actions, monsters, nonplayers,EDIT objects, rooms, spells, treasure, and users. Editing can be remote,EDIT from the console, or while a player is online. Typing !Edit calls theEDIT editor. Entering a room number will allow the DM to edit the long andEDIT short description of that room number. For example, !Edit 120. EDIT The Editor combines editing, adding, or listing of all Dnddoor files.EDIT Editing includes actions, objects, monsters, nonplayers, treasure,EDIT spells, users, and rooms. Editing can be done in remote, console, orEDIT interactive mode (while a user is on-line the Sysop can press F1 atEDIT the console to initiate edit mode). Typing "!Edit <room number>" willEDIT allow you to edit the room description of that room number. You canEDIT edit short and long descriptions. EDIT The !Get command causes one item from the object or treasure file toGET fall from the sky (as if a Ghod had thrown it down). This can be usedGET by DMs to drop doors and such for the room file or to give usersGET treasure. Type !Get Item with the correct item name. If found theGET following messages are displayed. GET GET A Bolt Of Lightning Strikes... GET An Object Falls From The Sky... GET GET This routine is also used by the Wish spell. The restrictions are thatGET the player cannot wish for another Wish item or a container. GET Help for each Dungeon Master ! command can be listed with the !Help.HELP Enter the DM command, for example: !Help !Teleport. The text file fromHELP the dmhelp data file will be displayed. HELP Type !Invisible or press F8 and your player, or the user online willINVISIBL become invisible (as stated in the information command) and completelyINVISIBL invulnerable to all monster attacks. For normal players invisibilityINVISIBL only lasts until the end of the call. Then it is set back to regular. INVISIBL Typing !Kill and the monster name, for example, !Kill RAT will looseKILL forth a thunderbolt from the sky and destroy the named monster. ThisKILL can be used interactively also. You will see the message: KILL KILL Evil Laughter Sounds From Above... KILL A Bolt Of Lightning Strikes... KILL The Rat Was Just Struck Dead! KILL This DM command allows you to change or add room links. You are LINK prompted with a menu as the following: LINK LINK Room link options: LINK [A]dd LINK [D]elete LINK [L]ist LINK Enter room link option(q to quit)? A LINK LINK To add a room you are prompted with the following example: LINK LINK Enter room(1-600)? 10 LINK Enter link room(1-600)? 100 LINK Enter direction(N/E/S/W/O/U/D/NE/SE/SW/NW)? S LINK Room 10 link added to room 100. LINK Link room 100 back to 10(y/n)? Y LINK Room 100 link added back to room 10. LINK LINK To delete a room link, use the following example: LINK LINK Enter room(1-100)? 10 LINK Enter direction(N/E/S/W/O/U/NE/SE/SW/NW)? NW LINK Room 10 link removed. LINK LINK Listing room links prompt for a range of room numbers, then displays LINK the room links to the rooms in the format: LINK LINK Room number 10: LINK N 11 E 0 S 12 W 0 O 0 U 0 D 0 LINK NE 0 SE 0 SW 0 NW 0 LINK This DM command reduces the number of monsters in the room. It can beREDUCE used in local mode or interactive mode. Typing !Reduce 0 will removeREDUCE all the monsters from the room. The number of monsters can only beREDUCE reduced, not increased. REDUCE The DM Status command displays memory usage in four lines: STATUS STATUS Free Dynamic Data and Array Space(Heap in Bytes): 65536 STATUS Free Data Segment and String Space(Bytes): 4096 STATUS Free Stack Space: 1024 STATUS Total Free Memory(K): 69 STATUS Players can be teleported to another room with this command while theyTELEPORT are online with the F7 key from the local keyboard. Dungeon MastersTELEPORT can also use the teleport command to move to another room. Enter theTELEPORT command !Teleport <room number>, for example: !Teleport 120. TELEPORT The Dungeon Master (DM) orchestrates the entire campaign. His purposeDMHELP is to insure a well-balanced game, to promote the adventure, and toDMHELP guide the players through their sessions. The other classtypes whichDMHELP also help run the campaign are the Assistant DMs, the Town Mayor, theDMHELP Guild Master, and The Governor. They help develope the rooms andDMHELP assist the users. No DM can handle the entire system alone unlessDMHELP that DM is skilled in all the forms of communication, supervision,DMHELP and responsibility. The DMs have their own set of commands. Each oneDMHELP of the commands is preceded by the "!" prefix. These commands includeDMHELP file editing and various utilities. It is a good idea to get familiarDMHELP with these commands. Experiment with them until you have completeDMHELP control of the adventure. DMHELP DMHELP Console Function Keys DMHELP DMHELP +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-----+DMHELP | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 | F9 | F10 |DMHELP |!EDIT |!STA |!DIS |!REDU |!CALL |!KILL |!TELE |!INV |!GET |!LINK|DMHELP +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-----+DMHELP DMHELP The Sysop will see these keys listed on the 25th status line. TheDMHELP status line can be toggled to User Information with the <esc> key.DMHELP The User Information will look similiar to the following: DMHELP DMHELP KING ICORACK Fighter Fat:72 Vit:48 Mag:32 Psi:12 Lvl:10 Rm:29DMHELP DMHELP From left to right the status is: Codename, Classname, statistics forDMHELP fatigue, vitality, magic, and psionics. The character's level mightDMHELP not be displayed depending on the length of the other stats. And theDMHELP room number. DMHELP DMHELP When the user status line is not displayed the Sysop function keys areDMHELP displayed for F1 to F10. The Home key initiates chat mode. Press theDMHELP Escape key to exit chat mode when you are done. And the End keyDMHELP terminates the user session. It effectively saves the user record fileDMHELP and hangs up the phone for the next user. DMHELP