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658 lines
│ │
│ The Civil War! V4.8 │
│ ******************* │
│ │
│ Live BBS Game for Wildcat!, RBBS, SpitFire │
│ QuickBBS, GAP, GTPower, Phoenix & others │
│ Version Release 04-22-1992 │
│ │
│ (C)opyright 1988-92 │
│ │
│ -By- │
│ │
│ Late Nite Software │
│ │
│ Marvin Davis │
│ 313 Queens Road │
│ Sanford, NC 27330 │
│ Late-Nite BBS │
│ Node-1 (919)776-2368 Node-2 (919)775-4477 │
│ USR Dual Standard V.32, V.29, V.22bis │
│ 16.8k/14400/9600/4800/2400 24 hrs │
│ │
│ │
│ │
The Civil War! (C)opyright 1988-92, Page 1
This is product is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The entire
risk as to the results and program performance is assumed by you. Also, in
addition, I the author do not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations
regarding the use of, or the results of the use of the program, and you rely
on the program and results solely at your own risk. This author cannot accept
responsibility for system damage, loss of profit, or any other special, or the
incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to
use this product.
The 'Civil War!' live game is distributed as SHAREWARE. Under this concept
you may use the SHAREWARE (unregistered) version for a reasonable period of
time, which I consider to be 30 days, after which you must either register
your copy or discontinue usage altogether.
With registration, you'll receive the latest version of The Civil War!
with the ability to download any futher updates from The Late-Nite BBS! at
no extra cost. You will also receive any support the author can give in
reference to bugs or other problems that may arise in using the game.
I feel that sysop's have enough expense without charging a high cost for a
game for their users. I have set the cost of registration at $10.00 which I
feel if people will follow the shareware concept will be enough to cover the
shipping and handling and encourage me to write more doors for BBS's!
SEE REGISTRATION FORM INCLUDED in this archive for ordering instructions.
When registered, the Doorware message and delay will not be present. Do not
attempt to delete or alter the Doorware message as the game will cease to
function entirely.
You are free, in fact encouraged, to distribute the SHAREWARE (unregistered)
version of The Wildcat! and RBBS Civil War! live game provided that all files
contained in the original Civil War! archive are distributed in the absolute
original unmodified state.
The Civil War! (C)opyright 1988-92 - Page 2
Files found in the distribution file CVLWAR42.ZIP
These files are found in your Zip or will be created during the runtime;
README ;read this first! Startup Info...
SETUP EXE ;Setup program for game, just run.
REGISTER FRM ;Form to mail in your registration.
CIVILWAR EXE ;The Civil War Game executable file.
CIVILWAR DAT ;ASCII file to hold current players/scores.
CTITLE ASC ;ASCII title screen file.
CTITLE SCR ;ANSI color title screen file.
CIVILWAR CFG ;ASCII BBS and game configuration data file.
CIVILWAR DOC ;game documentation and setup info.
* CIVILWAR ERR ;logs runtime errors for record.
* SCORBORD SCR ;Top 10 Color scoreboard
* SCORBORD ASC ;Top 10 Mono scoreboard
* BULL#xx BBS ;MONO bulletin (auto TOP TEN) Path in CIVILWAR.CFG
* BULL#xx SCR ;COLOR bulletin (auto TOP TEN) Path in CIVILWAR.CFG
* DENOTES that file is updated/created during RUN-TIME.
Technical Support:
If you have problems with The Civil War!, you may contact Marvin Davis at
Late-Nite BBS! 24 hrs. (919) 776-2368 HST 14400/9600/4800/2400/1200.
Registration/ Order Information: (Please use REGISTER.FRM form!)
Just mail $10.00 - NO Personal Checks! Send Certified Check, Money Order
or Cash to:
Marvin Davis
313 Queens Road
Sanford, NC 27330
Registered users will be given FREE updates to ALL versions of The Civil War!
Look for other new live games from Late-Nite BBS. You can download any
updates to a particular game once registered, directly from the BBS. Simply
call and check in and leave <F>eedback to Sysop Marv' and I will leave some
instructions on how to obtain an updated version of a particular door.
The Civil War! (C)opyright 1988-92, Page 3
-The Civil War!-
(C) 1988-92 Marvin Davis
Late-Nite BBS
(919) 776-2368 14400/9600/2400 baud 24 hrs.
In this new game, you will be taking the side of the Confederacy. You will
be given choices of placing different amounts of money and different strategy
in your attempts to win important battle scenerios. Most battles will tend
to turn out as they did in the actual battles but you can make a difference
with making good decisions about your food supplies, soldiers pay and the
amount/cost of your ammunitions. Inflation, morale, and strategy interact!
This game supports both MONOchrome and ANSI Color graphic modes, COM ports
COM1 - COM2:, game exit on loss of carrier, and complete keyboard control
during runtime. Game is configured by the configuration file below. Support
for several popular BBS programs, WildCat! V2.xx, RBBS v17.xx and a command
line 'generic' setup for use with basically any board program. Game "dead
time" is a two minute timeout at any prompt and the game is terminated.
The following ASCII file is commented so that it can easily edited to comform
to your BBS. The file must be in this format to correctly pass important
parameters to the game. All the text to the right of the ";" semicolons are
just remarks. There is a SETUP.EXE program that you may use to create this
instead of an ASCII editor. Just run SETUP and follow the prompts exactly.
CIVILWAR.CFG ;game config file
Starvin' Marv's ;Your BBS's name
Marvin ;Sysops first name
Davis ;Sysops last name
C:\BBS\CALLINFO.BBS ;BBS caller file supported (see LIST)
C:\BBS\BULLETS\BULL#22.BBS ;PATH for Text bulletin
C:\BBS\BULLETS\BULL#22.SCR ;PATH for ANSI Color Bulletin
RTS/CTS ;Locked baud use LOCKED {baud} RTS/CTS
N/A ;Printer Log [LPT1-3]
DIRECT ;DIRECT or BIOS (ANSI.SYS) screen writes
NONE ;registered BBS Name
00000 ;registered serial number
On a game completion, automatic TOP TEN Bulletins, both MONOCHROME and COLOR
will be created to the PATH/FILESPEC designated. If the user aborts the game
at a speed prompt with 'Q',then the game is exited and no bulletin created.
If NO BULLETINS ARE WISHED, or no color bulletin is supported, then place
a N/A in the line where the PATH parameters/filespec is!
If a printer is being used to keep a running log of callers, errors, etc.,
then you can place in upper case the word LPTx (x=1-3) in the above config
file. Game minutes, start time and end time are printed on the printer
connected to printer port 1 (LPT1-3). Also untrapped errors are recorded
and are useful in debugging or isolating a problem.
The Civil War! (C)opyright 1988-92, Page 4
Command Line parameters to call The Civil War!
CIVILWAR {space} /game switch {space} /NODEx
CIVILWAR /WC ;the ' /WC' parameter instructs the game to run under
;WildCat! and get its user info from the CALLINFO.BBS
;file that WildCat! produces when running a door.
;CALLINFO.BBS path and filespec are configured in the
;CIVILWAR.CFG file line # 4.
CIVILWAR /WC3 ;this is for new v3.0 caller file decoding in the file
;USERINFO.DAT. Also, the environment is read for the
;variable "WCPORTID=x" for the appropriate com port 1-2.
RBBS V17.xx
CIVILWAR /RBBS ;the ' /RBBS' parameter instructs the game to run under
/QBBS ;RBBS and to get its user info from the DORINFOx.DEF
;file, where 'x' is the node number. For a single line
;board x = 1 and the infor file would be DORINFO1.DEF
;DORINFO1.DEF path and filespec are configured in the
;CIVILWAR.CFG file line # 4.
QuickBBS/RA users whose BBS software writes a DORINFOx.DEF file can use the
"/QBBS" command switch to inform the game that its to get its caller info
from the same compatible file {DORINFOx.DEF}, with the exception is that
QuickBBS reads only TWO values for graphic modes. RBBS has three values for
graphics, they are 0=ASCII, 1=IBM MONO, 2=ANSI Color. Using the "/QBBS"
switch will instruct the game to follow QBBS format; 0=ASCII, 1=ANSI Color.
In this way, the proper graphics mode will be passed to the game.
CIVILWAR /GAP ;Set game for GAP and read in DOOR.SYS as it caller
;file. filename entered on line #4 of CIVILWAR.CFG.
;If you are a GAP user and wish locked port DTE baud
;then RUN SETUP.EXE or enter LOCKED {baud} on line # 7
;of CIVILWAR.CFG file.
CIVILWAR /GTP ;Sets game for GTPower and read in GTUSER.BBS caller
;file for caller information. Since this BBS's caller
;file does NOT contain current COM PORT configuration
;you may need an additional switch to set the game up.
;to COM: port # 2 with an additional switch parameter.
;this sets the game for COM: port #2 from the DEFAULT
;of COM: port #1. If using COM1 ignore the "/2".
CIVILWAR /PHX ;Sets game for Phoenix and read in INFO.BBS for caller
;caller info. Game gets baud speed from this file and if
;you are a HST user - use the CIVILWAR.CFG file to setup
;LOCKED port of 19200 or 38400 baud to ignore the caller
;DCE baud rate. This can be done in SETUP as well.
The Civil War! (C)opyright 1988-92, Page 5
PCBoard v14.x
CIVILWAR /PCB ;PCBoard v14.x use the /PCB parameter reads PCBoard.sys
;for the caller information.
CIVILWAR /WWIV ;WWIV v4.07 and above use the " /WWIV" command parameter
;to set the game to read CHAIN.TXT. Set the PATH to this
;caller info file in CIVILWAR.CFG file or use SETUP.
CIVILWAR /SPIT ;this sets the game to read in SFDOORS.DAT caller data
;and the PATH to this is set on line #4 of CIVILWAR.CFG.
;You may use SETUP.EXE to enter the PATH to this file or
;COPY it ahead of time into your game directory and give
;the name alone, it will search the current directory for
;this file.
CIVILWAR /GEN ;the ' /GEN' parameter instructs the game to look for its
;basic configuration info on the command line! You can
;set up the game to run on any BBS with these basic
;parameters shown below with parameters separated with
;a SPACE character.
;where COM is either COM1 or COM2, where "n" is the
;specified baud rate:
0 = 300
1 = n/a [NOTE: 1 is NOT USED!]
2 = 1200
3 = 2400
4 = 4800
5 = 9600
6 = 19200
;8 data bit, 1 stop bit and no parity are defaulted.
;The AN instructs CIVILWAR to display ANSI color graphics
;and an AS instructs to use standard ASCII text.
;Without ANSI or ASCII specified, ASCII is defaulted.
;The following is an example of a 'generic' setup.
CIVILWAR /GEN COM1 3 AN -> sets PORT as COM1, speed as 2400 and
also use ANSI COLOR graphics.
The Civil War! (C)opyright 1988-92, Page 6
KEYBOARD PLAY or local mode
CIVILWAR /LOCAL ;sets game to play on the keyboard, with no color.
CIVILWAR /LOCAL/C ;set game to play on keyboard and use COLOR graphics.
:NOTE, bulletins are NOT created in LOCAL keyboard mode.
This a purely an evaulation mode.
Setting up The Civil War! Game for WildCat! version 2.xx
Create your batch file to;
1. call the game with file CIVILWAR /WC
2. last line in batch file calls WILDCAT! back
An "example" of a batch file from WildCat1 ver 2.xx, named DOOR35.BAT
might look like this;
** Be very careful with PATH for files, it must be complete and correct! **
While the game is up, at the bottom screen line (line 25) will be the current
Player Status Line. The Game name, players name, date, time of game start,
callers baud rate and current state of the CLOCK. This will let the SysOp
know how much time the user has left in the game or online. If the SysOp
wishes to 'nuke' a player out of the game, the ESC key is the kill key.
Once pressed the game is immediately terminated, so be carefull on that as
some keyboards (84 and 102) have the ESC key right next to the number 1!
Extra features are allowed on the function keys. At any prompt other than
a "(Y/N?)" prompt, the "F1" key will toggle the bottom status line to show
the function key definitions. F1, F5, F9 are displayed to show that you
have a [Drop to DOS] and a [Online Chat] mode! You can chat with a caller
in the game and resume with F9 key which acts as a Chat modem toggle. Also
displayed is the "remaining players minutes". Which is helpful is you see
that a player is about to run out of time. Players will be warned each
minute upon reaching five minutes of play left. Remaining minutes of the
call are read in on the BBS caller file if one is available in the config
files for WildCat! and RBBS, so users won't be allowed to exceed this time.
The Civil War! (C)opyright 1988-92, Page 7
RBBS sample batch file (door)
RBBS example by Wayne Aiken, Sysop, StarFleet BBS, Raleigh NC 919-782-3095
RBBS has the capability to call DOORs by either by SHELLing out to DOS, or by
quitting RBBS completely. My system does the latter. When RBBS quits to a
DOOR, it dynamically builds a file called RCTTY.BAT. This file is dynamically
created, and contains the name of the next batch file in the sequence, the
batch file that invokes the particular door:
------------------------------- RBBS.BAT ------------------------------------
echo off
cd \RBBS
if exist RBBS1F1.DEF del RBBS1F1.DEF
if exist RBBS1TM.DEF del RBBS1TM.DEF
if exist RCTTY.BAT del RCTTY.BAT
if exist RBBS1F1.DEF goto Exit
-------------------------------- RBBS.BAT -----------------------------------
In the example above, the presence of the file RBBS1F1.DEF means that RBBS
has been ordered to shut down, RCTTY.BAT means a DOOR will be executed, and
RBBS1TM.DEF means that the daily event has been invoked. All of these files
are deleted when RBBS starts up, if it is recycled as in the case of a DOOR
or scheduled event.
RCTTY.BAT contains the lines:
G:\COMMAND /C xxxx
where xxxx is the name of the batch file for the Door. This name must also
appear in MENU5x, which is the Doors menu.
A sample batch file for the door, in this case the Civil War door is:
watchdog off
cd \rbbs\game
civilwar /rbbs
cd \rbbs
I set WATCHDOG off because the Civil War! door automatically monitors carrier
detect. After the program terminates, I have it go back to the proper
directories. When it quits, it falls back to RCTTY.BAT (/c parm), which
then invokes RBBS. RBBS is a pretty big file to be re-loading each time, but
I have it in a RAM disk so it does it fairly quickly.
Some sysops may use the SHELLing method to do it. In either case, this
shouldn't affect your Doors programs, except possibly if this SHELLing makes
memory tight. RBBS takes up about 384K of memory, which is why I use the
RUN method in the case that I got a DOOR which was also memory-hungry.
The Civil War! (C)opyright 1988-92, Page 8
Installation tips;
For those with slow hard drives, you can run this game from a RamDisk to
save wear-and-tear on accessing.
If you have a printer on your board, use it to monitor the users during
the game run. Also any runtime errors that are not trapped will be
printed out on the printer. This game has almost 250 hours of continous
use and most errors possible are trapped. But some users have a knack
of finding even the weakest link in any program so if you experience
any repeatable errors and they can be duplicated, they will be fixed upon
reporting them to me!
Everything that you need to operate this game is included in this ZIP.
NOTE: A couple of WildCat! sysops have been having problems with my games
dropping carrier when a user quits the game. This is NOT a programming
problem. If your WildCat! is having DTR problems on game end, change your
modem delay in the initialization string within makewild. Changing the
S10 register to S10=24 gives more time for the board to reset before the
modem thinks a user has dropped carrier. Many modems are quite touchy!
Thank you for trying The Civil War! I hope you enjoy it!
The Civil War! (C) 1988-92 Marvin Davis Page - 9
Civil War V4.8
(C) 1988-92 Marvin Davis
Setups for Multi-Node Civil War! configurations
An additional switch setting can now be added to the command line with
the particular Node that is calling up the game. This is to be placed
after the command line switch for the particular BBS that is using the
game. An example command line below is set for WildCat BBS on Node #1;
The following additional switch will cause the game to read in a file in
the current game directory called CVLWAR1.CFG instead of a normal single
BBS configuration file called CIVILWAR.CFG. You may edit these files
directly with an ASCII editor or use the SETUP.EXE file and fill in the
prompts carefully, to create them.
Up to 99 Nodes can have separate CVLWARxx.CFG (where xx=0-99 NODE numbers)
in the current game directory, and in this file you can point to the NODE
directory's caller file. Below is a sample BATCHFILE that might call the
game from NODE 2 for instance;
ECHO Game finished, returning to BBS
The NODExx (where xx = NODE 1-99) switch, will instruct CIVILWAR.EXE to read
a different game .CFG file when its envoked. Note the complete PATH to the
caller file for the particular Node.
Example, the CVLWAR2.CFG might contain the following data;
Starvin' Marv's
At present, four COM ports are supported (ie. COM1 - COM2). They are
normally assigned to their respective COMM ports, NODE1 to COM1 and NODE2
to COM2, etc. Although, the game will look into the caller file that is
specified in the BBS caller file listed in the CVLWARxx.CFG file, and the
game will use that COM port specified for that caller.
Under the different 'node' configuration files, you could have two different
scoreboard bulletins created, one for each node - but the game will only have
one scoreboard file in both ANSI and ASC format in its own door directory
at the completion of a successful run by a player. These are created every
time on a good run even if the .CFG file lists an N/A for BBS bulletin msg
End of The Civil War! documentation.