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STSI's Product Catalog
Stevenson Technical Services, Inc.
108 Second Avenue West
Bertha MN 56437-0297
Phone / FAX: (218) 924-2050
The STSI BBS: (218) 924-2060
Internet Mail: cstevens@bertha.polaristel.net
(Visa, MC, American Express, & Discover Accepted)
· BBS Informant <ASP> Comprehensive BBS List / Search Door!
BBS Informant is a comprehensive BBS door used for adding, listing,
and searching through BBS names and numbers. BBS Informant stores over
40 fields of data on each BBS! Store up to 3 phone numbers, software
& version, sysop, emphasis, rate, location, number of lines, storage
space, CD-ROMS, date of origin, services offered, summary, and much
more! Network support is included! BBS Informant works on Wildcat,
PCBoard, and any BBS that supports DOOR.SYS.
Registration Fee: $49.95
· BOOT'R <ASP> -DOS Configuration Manager
BOOT'R is a utility that allows the management of multiple
configurations on a single machine. BOOT'R not only allows the
modification of the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, but any other
files that might be needed.
Registration Fee: $34.95
· CompuSlave <ASP> Master Your Messages!
CompuSlave imports CompuServe forum capture files into a database,
converting them to individual messages. Add, delete, edit, and search
the entire database for key words or phrases. Make those messages
work for you! Create your own technical support resource. Ideal for
power users, programmers, and network administrators. Network support
is included. Easy to use push-button interface with mouse support!
(286 or higher) Sample import file is included. Documentation
contains helpful hints on how to create a CompuServe message forum
capture file.
Registration Fee: $49.95
· Infodex <ASP> - Multipurpose Database!
Infodex is a versatile database manager used to keep track of names
and addresses, equipment, computer software, books, and much more!
Includes a FREE-FORM layout. Add, delete, or rearrange fields EASILY!
Search for text in any field. Import and export to a delimited text
file. Quickly browse through a list of records. Easy push button
interface! Both protected-mode and real-mode versions are included to
support various memory requirements.
Registration Fee: $34.95
· Programmer's Project Manager
PPM is a project manager that allows Builder or BASIC users to have
complete control over their program's development. Edit source files
using the PPM Editor, or specify your own favorite editor. Compile,
link using multiple libraries, compress the EXE, scan for viruses,
date/time stamp, and then compress the entire project, all under the
control of PPM.
Registration Fee: $49.95
· QwkSlave <ASP> - QWK Packet Message Database!
QwkSlave imports QWK mail packets, storing each message as a database
record. Add, edit, delete, print, browse, sort, & search through
messages. Cross referencing makes finding an original message and its
response as easy as a mouse-click. Ideal as a technical support
reference tool. Network support is included. Easy to use push-button
Registration Fee: $49.95
· Replicator <ASP> - The Diskette Database / Replicator!
Replicator is a disk image utility designed to create images of
diskettes and catalog them in a database. Use optional compression to
reduce the image size. Recreate disks as needed. Store up to 10
lines of descriptive text for each disk image in the database.
Database entries can be modified at any time. Easy push button
interface! (286 or higher)
Registration Fee: $49.95
· Subber <ASP> - The BBS Character Subber!
Subber is designed to substitute characters in a WildCat! bulletin,
menu, or other .BBS display file. Create a generic background using
WCDraw or TheDraw, and create text using your favorite text editor.
Use Subber to combine the two together! Ideal for BBS system notices,
news, & info screens that need to be changed frequently.
Registration Fee: $29.95
· ZIP'R Pro For DOS <ASP> - Hard Drive Tripler For DOS!
ZIP'R Pro stores programs in compressed form when they are not being
used. Automatically compress, decompress, and launch programs as
needed. Uses ARJ, LHA, PKZIP, or built-in compression. Easy to use
Registration Fee: $49.95
· ZIP'R Pro For Windows <ASP> - Hard Drive Tripler For Windows!
ZIP'R Pro stores programs in compressed form when they are not being
used. Automatically compress, decompress, and launch programs as
needed. Uses ARJ, LHA, PKZIP, or built-in compression. Easy to use
Registration Fee: $49.95