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│ T H E F I L E S . B B S T O * . D I R │ ░
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│ C O N V E R S I O N U T I L I T Y │ ░
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Thanks got to the TAG team for providing the structure information
necessary for utility authors to create the utilities that *we* all
ask for. Thanks especially to Victor Capton and Paul Williams, not only
for remaining the driving forces behind this special BBS system, but also
for giving insight into TAG's inner workings making this and other
projects soooooooo much easier to handle.
TAG is copyrighted By The T.A.G. Team
QuickBbbs (referred to as QBBS) is Copyrighted By Pegasus Software
This program is copyrighted by Rick Cooper and remains the sole
property of same. CVT2QBBS is NOT public domain, rather it's to be
considered freeware.
Guarantees/Warranties/And Other Fantasies
There is no warranty or guarantee offered with this program. The only
thing I will guarantee is it's ability to take up disk space.
By using this program you agree to hold harmless the author in all
regards and circumstance including but not limited to:
Damage to drives
Damage to Date
Loss of income
Increased Sexual Awareness
Change of Gender or Species
The main purpose for this program is to add files to TAG that are found
within a QBBS area list file that actually exist within the proper
directory. Now that sounds a bit confusing. so let's look at the
operation of both TAG and ADDFILE.EXE and see why I used such an
ambiguous description.
ADDFILE will look in your download (usually) directory for a QBBS list
file and a .DIR list file.. Check each name within the two and if a
name is found in the QBBS list file that is not in the TAG .DIR file,
and the file actually exists in the download (usually) directory..
ADDFILE will add the file to your TAG System.
The new file scan date will be set to the current date, the owner
(up-loader will be set to the board Sysop's Name) and the Blocks (size
kinda) will be set to the actual number per the actual file size.
First let's look at the TAG *.DIR file placement depending upon upload
directory and Cd-Rom status.
Normally TAG will allow you to enter a base name (first eight
characters) of your own choosing for each different list (*.DIR) file.
But if your upload path is different than your download path, which
should always be the case with Cd-Roms, then TAG will force you to use
the name FILES as the .DIR name.
Normal Setup
File Name FILE1
Upload Path C:\BBS\FILE1
Download Path C:\BBS\FILE1
Alternate Setup
File Name FILES
Upload Path C:\UPLOADS
Download Path C:\FILE1
In Each of these examples the listing file (either FILE1.DIR or
FILES.DIR) will reside in the download directory... Now if you have a
CD-ROM then your listing file can't be written in the download
directory (since it's a CD-ROM) so where does it go?
That depends on where you want it. If you preface the FILE NAME
(.DIR name) with one of three special characters TAG will keep your
list file elsewhere depending on the character:
'@' : .DIR File Location := GFILES Directory
'+' : .DIR File Location := AFILES Directory
'`' : .DIR File Location := MULTI Directory
(NOTE: if you are running multiple nodes you should use the
'`' character so it's available from all nodes)
Now when you use the program CVT2QBBS (Or TAG2QBBS, Or TAG2XPR), to
create your QBBS listing files these characters will be respected
and special naming conventions will be used. Since there could be
hundreds of listing files in any of these directories if you are
using a CD-ROM drive, the alternate listing file will have a name
of (FB+Area Number). This means that if your file area number 0 is
a CD-ROM and it's list file name is `FILE1 then ADDFILE will look
for a list file named FB0.BBS in your Multi directory along with a
TAG list file named FILE1.DIR in that same directory.
It's also important to note that if you have a new CD-ROM with a
area listing file in the format of (or close to)
FILENAME.EXT Description......................................
And you copy it into the same directory that the TAG area list file
uses, and you name it as above (AREA 1 := FB1.BBS AREA2 :=
FB2.BBS, Etc) ADDFILE will add your new Cd-Rom to TAG for you as
well. When an area is setup with the Cd-Rom Flag set to yes,
ADDFILE will check First the upload area and then the download area
for the file that is in the listing. If it finds it in either area
it is added to the TAG listing.
What all this means is that used in conjunction with the other
utilities in the CVT2QBBS utility package, you can now run
virtually any QBBS V2.75+ file door... I would recommend ACFILES as
it allows everything that TAG does and more.. Point and Shoot file
tagging, Extended descriptions, global operations, it's simply the
best file system I have ever found.
Isn't any! Just unzip the program anywhere in your path and run it
with the following command line:
Where BBSDir := The TAG node directory that contains Status.Dat..
If you are multi-node and sharing file areas you will only have to
run the program for a single node, If you do NOT share all file
areas then you will have to run the program for each node with
separate file areas.
If there is a problem
I can be contacted via the TAGBETA, TAG, TAGDOORS echos or you can call
my BBS (Just For The Heck Of It II) at (219) 747-5971.. Or netmail me
at 1:236/16 @FidoNet
Rick Cooper