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│ The New Generation POWERbbs │
│ Ms-dos Utilities │
│ │
│ File Name │ Size │ Date │ File Description │
159KEYS.ZIP 478 10-09-88 Increase Keyboard buffer to 159 keys
33HDFIX.ZIP 10181 08-06-87 correct HD problems using PC-DOS 3.3
400DSK.ZIP 7466 09-28-88 FORMAT FLOPPIES TO 400K.....REALLY!
800K.ZIP 4040 10-09-88 Get 800K from 360K floppy with 1.2 meg drive
ADJRAM.ZIP 52692 10-05-87 Adjustable ramdisk without rebooting
ALTPAGE.ZIP 8176 12-21-88 print on alternate sides of page
ANAD130.ZIP 51521 05-30-88 diskette analysis program - very good!
ANSWER.ZIP 2338 07-03-88 Allows Keyboard Input During Batch Files
APATH.ZIP 1483 02-09-87 Add additional path, easily!
ARCF106.ZIP 7377 07-09-88 Arcf v1.06 - Seach files for Text Strings
ARCMSTER.ZIP 85918 07-08-88 ARC master Works with PKWARE
ASC.ZIP 2200 03-20-88 Asc utility programs
ASCII21.ZIP 1225 07-03-88 ASCII Table Programmer Utility v2.1 TSR
ASK1.ZIP 1403 01-01-87 allows (Y,N) responses in batch files
ASMV20U.ZIP 19750 06-26-87 Assembler adaptations for NEC V20, updated
ASSIST.ZIP 73405 04-08-87 pop-up assistance menu for DOS!
AT.ZIP 4337 06-20-88 Run up to 20 programs at specified times.
AUTODATE.ZIP 8800 05-30-88 Remembers last login date, time: V.Buerg
AUTODEX.ZIP 19464 07-03-88 AutoDex v1.0 File Handling Utility
BACKSCRL.ZIP 8569 05-20-87 saves screen so you can scroll back
BAKCHECK.ZIP 13824 02-01-87 Remind you to backup hard-disk - w/ C Source.
BAT.ZIP 41137 03-20-88 Bat Program
BATCMD.ZIP 15344 04-30-87 Lots of nice BATCH utilities.
BATMAKER.ZIP 22149 12-01-88 Creats Batch Files For you Automatically
BATMAN20.ZIP 33765 05-13-87 good batch file utility
BATNAP.ZIP 25267 01-01-87 lets computer "sleep" for a period of time
BELL.ZIP 453 08-29-88 Change that annoying ibm beep to a bell
BIGDIR.ZIP 7792 07-03-88 List All Files of ALL Dirs to Scrn or Prn
BIGECHO.ZIP 10451 08-03-88 custom screen message - great in autoexec
BOOTS.ZIP 758 06-14-87 Do a warm boot from program (not CTL-ALT-DEL)
BT.ZIP 6924 12-05-87 boot to hd bypassing floppy
BT106.ZIP 6978 02-05-89 boot from hd with drive A door closed
CALCQF.ZIP 32654 09-13-88 test refresh rate and improve performance
CATDSK31.ZIP 142980 03-20-88 Cat Diskettes
CBOOT200.ZIP 4499 06-14-87 pop-up TSR to break out of system hang-ups
CDD.ZIP 7405 07-16-88 change drives and directories at same time
CFRMAT21.ZIP 19842 07-03-88 Cformat v2.1 A Diskette Formatting Program
CHAIN.ZIP 6783 02-19-89 Like Memory Map but shows entire chain
CHECKUP.ZIP 34282 06-25-88 Checks programs for Viruses! Check it out!
CHIPTEST.ZIP 3160 07-03-88 Locates bad memory chips
CHKUP1.ZIP 45379 07-03-88 Checkup v1.1 Checks for Computer Virus!
CLONE.ZIP 22583 12-01-88 Tests Compatiblity With IBM
CLONETST.ZIP 31441 07-03-88 Pc-Clone Validation Test v1.1 ROM/BIOS/More!
CMOVE.ZIP 7394 03-20-88 Moves files across directories
CMSTAT.ZIP 5740 05-24-87 COM port status and values
COLOR.ZIP 1234 07-03-88 Switch to color or monochrome
COLORDOS.ZIP 23673 01-17-89 color directory-each type of file color coded
COLORFUL.ZIP 24755 09-13-88 Cause Panic and fear on friends computer
COMBAS.ZIP 2792 03-20-88 Change com program to bas program
COMMANDO.ZIP 82002 12-30-88 TONS of utilities for disk and directories
COMMX141.ZIP 42947 12-30-88 Swap disk drives between systems and xfer
COMSWTCH.ZIP 1616 03-21-86 switch between COM:1 and COM:2 ports
COPPY33.ZIP 18887 07-03-88 Coppy v3.3 Best fit for HD to floppy copying
COPYSAFE.ZIP 2563 07-03-88 Copysave v6 Prevents Overwriting Files
CORTST28.ZIP 39218 07-03-88 Coretest v2.8 For HD Testing & Matenience
CPUCLKSP.ZIP 17149 04-07-88 real cpu clock speed checking
CPU_INFO.ZIP 1097 03-22-88 clock speed and wait states of your cpu
CRUNCH!.ZIP 37686 03-19-88 Crunch your files even smaller
CTDESK71.ZIP 108954 06-24-88 CityDesk v7.1 - DTP Program
CYLON.ZIP 889 09-17-88 your cursor to a cylon
DBLEDIR.ZIP 3597 06-25-88 Dual directory utility
DBLFORMT.ZIP 11573 07-24-88 Formats Two disks (drives a: & b:) same time!
DECEIVE.ZIP 14334 01-17-89 Your boss thinks you're working -- not bad
DFA11.ZIP 9791 11-14-88 Speed up disk writes and reads
DIREX.ZIP 2635 10-09-88 Makes copying / delete protected files easy
DIRMAGIC.ZIP 7157 01-21-89 file manager,ng many features
DIRNOTES.ZIP 1773 03-20-88 Add notes to your directory
DIRTREE.ZIP 15867 03-28-87 Excellent graphic DIR type utility.
DISKBUFF.ZIP 20405 01-31-88 Optimize Buffers= in config.sys
DISKSCAN.ZIP 11416 08-24-88 Scan your hardisk for bad sectors
DKUTIL.ZIP 93996 02-11-89 A collection of disk utilities.
Very good !
DOS33FIX.ZIP 2060 07-03-88 Patches for Dos 3.3
DOS33PAT.ZIP 2529 12-17-88 PATCHES FOR DOS 3.3
DOSMAT.ZIP 63666 03-20-88 DosMat program.
DOSTUTOR.ZIP 151256 02-13-89 help with dos commands
DPROTECT.ZIP 4203 07-03-88 v1.02 Protects HD from trojan horse programs
DSKFRE30.ZIP 9141 01-31-88 Disk space reporter v3.0
DSKGEN.ZIP 7849 07-03-88 Very nice menu driven ramdisk generator
DSKSPEED.ZIP 9427 09-12-87 Real-time display of diskette speed.
DSKWATCH.ZIP 5759 07-03-88 Watch floppy controller for errors
DSPACE14.ZIP 11414 01-31-88 Graphic display of directories size/slack
DSPACE2.ZIP 10128 12-23-88 Gives a Bar Graph of ALL memory used & left
DVECT.ZIP 7771 03-20-88 Thats Dvect
DVICEMAP.ZIP 2844 05-12-88 Device driver information displayed
EE2.ZIP 5432 06-01-87 Environment editor - very nice
EEMRAM11.ZIP 16710 12-12-87 EEMRAM V1.1
EGA2GIF.ZIP 17107 03-20-88 For people with an EGA monitor
EMCACH11.ZIP 10569 08-24-88 New release of EMS Disk Cache program
EMMCACHE.ZIP 5542 01-31-88 HD Cache runs in EMS abov 640K
EMSIM.ZIP 12304 03-14-87 EMS simulator program - nice
FANCYCHK.ZIP 2895 03-20-88 Fancy Check Program
FAST.ZIP 475 05-15-87 activate Turbo from autoexec.bat (CTl/ALT/-)
FASTBACK.ZIP 16015 03-19-88 Money Utilities
FASTDISK.ZIP 892 07-03-88 Fastdisk speeds up Floppy disk drives
FASTFMT.ZIP 19112 03-20-88 Fast Format Program
FASTSTEP.ZIP 2811 11-18-86 programs to change floppy disk step rates
FDA.ZIP 3868 07-03-88 Locates files anywhere on Hard drive
FF.ZIP 6410 06-07-87 allows you to formfeed w/o going offline.
FILEC104.ZIP 14782 01-18-89 file completion utility - ver 1.04
FILES.ZIP 16068 03-24-88 Files Utilities
FILL30.ZIP 37598 10-16-88 Optimize packing of files in floppies
FIXKEYS.ZIP 5295 12-21-86 At last! Detect keypad 5 (F11 and 12 too)
FLIP.ZIP 3751 02-13-87 Turn your display upside-down
FLOPPY.ZIP 8684 09-08-88 all you wanted to know about floppies
FLUSH.ZIP 3114 06-03-87 Mark and Flush out TSR'S
FLUSHER.ZIP 3114 01-21-89 remove TSR prog from memory
FMTMAS10.ZIP 53206 07-08-88 Format Master 1.0 Twice as Fast as Dos
FOGFIND.ZIP 16631 07-26-88 Checks the reading level of Documents / Tex
FORMATAB.ZIP 498 01-21-89 format using both drives at the same time
FRAGS.ZIP 16671 01-31-88 Lists all fragmented files
FREE4.ZIP 5449 07-03-88 Checks for RAM Memory, Including Extra Memory
FULLDOS.ZIP 16382 08-30-86 full screen DOS - works very well - try it
FXCURSOR.ZIP 605 09-17-88 Recover your disappearing cursor
GETROM.ZIP 28576 01-18-87 copies the ROM in your PC to a disk file
GREET.ZIP 3514 09-16-88 put a greeting in your autoexec.
HARDOFF.ZIP 2879 07-11-88 Turn off hard drive read/write to ck program
HDIR13.ZIP 9674 02-29-88 Hot Directory 13 Color DIR/W
HELPME.ZIP 8240 06-24-88 cries of help from the world beyone
HERC.ZIP 2315 02-05-89 simulates cga on herc card
HIT.ZIP 21420 07-08-88 PAUSE replacement, duck w/ hammer - good
HITAKEY.ZIP 33257 09-13-88 A cute GRAPHIC replacement for Pause (cute)
HKTOOLS2.ZIP 7126 07-03-88 Hackers tools v2
HOT-Z19A.ZIP 54195 07-11-88 HotKey-z v1.9A Now includes List Function
HOTDOS2A.ZIP 7311 04-27-87 Have a hot-key to DOS from anywhere
IFF.ZIP 21972 01-01-87 another useful batch language utility
ILEAVE15.ZIP 38043 02-27-88 change HD interleave w/o reformat - even RLL
INT13.ZIP 8388 04-30-87 Copy protection dectection/analysis.
INTRLEAF.ZIP 14513 09-19-87 Checks spin and interleave for HD
JOYMOUSE.ZIP 8881 06-24-88 make joystick behave like a mouse
JOYSTICK.ZIP 32657 07-03-88 Joystick v3.1 SetUp & Calibration Program!
KEYLOCK.ZIP 8817 04-11-87 toggles CTRL/ALT keys for handicapped
KEYTEST.ZIP 1954 04-11-87 indicates scan codes for pressed keys
LIST64A.ZIP 48525 12-01-88 List Utility - Version 6.4a
LOGIC2.ZIP 24343 02-26-88 Bit/byte level logical operations, ver.2.0
LPT2DSK.ZIP 7927 04-24-87 capture printer output to a disk file
MAPMEM.ZIP 14063 12-24-87 shows what you have in memory
MASMENU.ZIP 31076 12-01-88 Good menu System For Hard Drives
MEMBRAIN.ZIP 4320 03-20-88 Ram memory program
MFTK-DEL.ZIP 43932 07-10-88 MicroFirm's DOS Toolkit v2.01D Del Tools - 1
MFTK-DIR.ZIP 71167 07-10-88 MicroFirm's DOS Toolkit v2.01D Dir Tools - 2
MFTK-DOC.ZIP 62358 07-10-88 MicroFirm's DOS Toolkit v2.01D All Docs - 3
MFTK-FIL.ZIP 78415 07-10-88 MicroFirm's DOS Toolkit v2.01D Fil Tools - 4
MFTK-MOV.ZIP 68770 07-10-88 MicroFirm's DOS Toolkit v2.01D Mov Tools - 5
MFTK-SYS.ZIP 50187 07-10-88 MicroFirm's DOS Toolkit v2.01D Sys Tools - 6
MIPS.ZIP 6044 05-21-87 Measure your PC performance
MORERAM.ZIP 3227 06-22-87 Add RAM capacity to your PC-XT
MOVBASIC.ZIP 1996 04-27-87 Allows clones to run IBM BASIC
NANSI286.ZIP 43947 10-22-88 A Good replacement for ansi or for 286/8086
NEW.ZIP 6371 07-03-88 Find out what new files are on your h/d
NEWENTER.ZIP 479 07-27-87 Convert grey <+> key to <ENTER> - useful!
NEWKEYV2.ZIP 56216 02-02-87 keyboard macro pgm - redefine all keys
NMI11.ZIP 7042 10-11-86 use this to eliminate "parity error" lockup
NO.ZIP 2913 05-17-87 make exceptions in global type DOS commands
NOHARD.ZIP 11561 10-19-86 denies access to your HD while testing pgms
NORTON.ZIP 868 04-08-87 Directory for Norton Utilities
NOVIRUS3.ZIP 37828 07-03-88 No Virus v3.0 System Disk Virus Checker VG!
NREFRESH.ZIP 1029 01-28-89 Adds a little more speed to to V20 chip
NT.ZIP 7033 02-12-87 Shows DIR tree like VTREE with color, pause
OWNER161.ZIP 11929 01-31-88 What file owns what cluser v1.61
OX.ZIP 11488 03-20-87 Redirect stdout to aux &/or alt monitor
PARK238.ZIP 4242 05-08-87 park utility for Adaptec/Seagate 238 combo
PARKIT.ZIP 10221 09-28-86 the BEST parking utility for your HD
PASSWORD.ZIP 12179 12-21-86 protect HD with a password
PATCH33.ZIP 2030 03-29-88 Patch for PCDOS ver 3.30
PC-INFO.ZIP 15860 05-03-88 NICE program to display your PC configuration
PCHELP31.ZIP 26090 03-20-88 Pc Help Program
PCLOK11F.ZIP 24530 07-04-87 ver 1.1F of PC-Lock
PCMAP.ZIP 602 07-03-88 PC MAP v1.0 From Ziff-Davis Publishing
PCS.ZIP 12547 02-08-87 display your computer setup
PCSTAT.ZIP 12557 02-01-87 PC/XT/AT status report
PK181B.ZIP 40346 08-14-88 Power Kit 1.81B Nice Set of Utilities
PKFIND11.ZIP 9702 07-03-88 Pkfind v1.1 File Finder Plus by Phil Katz
POPDOS.ZIP 43874 05-18-86 memory resident DOS commands - great
POPEDIT.ZIP 41375 07-19-88 Create pop-up help screens
POWRMENU.ZIP 111585 04-13-88 Powermenu 2.0 Brown Bag Menushell
PRCBBS.ZIP 9331 03-20-88 Procomm BBS program
QCD.ZIP 12404 12-04-87 Change Paths(with abbreviation) Across drives
QDISK402.ZIP 18719 05-10-88 Updated QD.COM v 4.2
QDR33D.ZIP 7844 04-05-88 Buerg's Quick Disk REformatter, ver 3.3D
QFILER31.ZIP 92262 05-02-88 Excellent Directory File Manager
QUICKCRT.ZIP 5680 02-12-87 Speeds up screen display. Also cuts CGA snow
RAMDISK.ZIP 2258 10-29-86 set up and remove a variable RAMdisk -nice
REARC11.ZIP 6020 07-27-87 ask / answer utilities
REDATE.ZIP 34187 01-19-89 Redate DOS files. Wildcards and color. VG
REFRESH.ZIP 1610 07-03-88 Reformat hard drive without loosing data
REMTSR.ZIP 1597 09-18-88 removes tsrs without first marking
REPEATS.ZIP 2124 10-09-88 Check all directories for dupe filename
RESPONSE.ZIP 1211 01-15-88 .BAT file utility: set ERRORLEVEL easily
RMAP2.ZIP 4400 02-26-87 Map of progs in mem. Mem Res. Ctrl-Esc.
ROBOKEY.ZIP 4417 07-05-88 does keystrokes for you at preset time
RUN.ZIP 1144 07-03-88 Run v1.0 Run Prgs from ANY Dir on Hard Disk
RUNAT.ZIP 4337 10-09-88 run up to 20 commands at any future time
RUSSIA.ZIP 33895 02-08-89 Converts keyboard to Russian characters for
SAGE.ZIP 13505 09-16-88 words of wisdom for autoexec (random sayings)
SCROLOCK.ZIP 664 02-02-87 Scrolock activator from SEA - works on XT !!!
SEARCH.ZIP 2610 09-27-88 good replacement for PATHs - Files and Prgms
SETRAM.ZIP 2894 07-12-86 setup and remove ram disks from DOS level
SFIND.ZIP 5543 10-09-88 Find any File on your hard drive
SHARC600.ZIP 21513 06-25-88 Shell for pkxarc
SHARC866.ZIP 47973 10-09-88 Latest version of pkarc interface -- VG
SILENCE2.ZIP 8603 07-16-87 Silences speaker for good
SIMCGA40.ZIP 12719 12-27-88 Simulate cga on a monochrome monitor
SIZEIT.ZIP 4169 12-23-88 Mem/Res Horiz & Vert Ruller on screen
SNATCHIT.ZIP 12526 03-20-88 Snatchit program
SQUAWK.ZIP 35513 08-12-88 A variety of Noises for your progs.
SST.ZIP 31293 02-18-89 reorganizes disk to run faster
SST225.ZIP 10401 03-03-87 speed up seagate 225 disk with WD controller
STEPRATE.ZIP 5608 03-25-87 Modify the steprate of your floppy drives
STOPUTIL.ZIP 5508 04-25-87 Add power to Ctrl-Break
SYSREQ.ZIP 323 01-02-87 SYSREQ key activates screen pause on AT only!
SZAP.ZIP 11420 07-19-87 Byte-level editor
TASK.ZIP 1189 03-22-87 timed ask for batch files - EXCELLENT
TESTDRIV.ZIP 37107 10-16-88 Test floppy drive: alignment, speed, etc
THERMIN.ZIP 1311 07-16-88 Different use for a game port
THRASHER.ZIP 38350 03-21-87 Find optimum number of BUFFERS=
TIMEPAK1.ZIP 4190 05-08-87 timed park utility - newest version
TOUCH.ZIP 8376 08-14-88 Change Time + Date of a file
TRACE206.ZIP 5007 09-13-87 Monitor system interrupts, rel 2.06
TRAPDISK.ZIP 6250 03-16-87 Traps and requests OK on hard disk write/read
TSRCOM25.ZIP 40700 09-05-87 Excellent TSR monitor with Memory Map
TURBO.ZIP 981 07-08-87 set your Turbo Motherboard from autoexec file
UNCRASH.ZIP 1941 06-17-87 Control-Break out of most 'hung' programs
UNERASE.ZIP 6226 07-03-88 Recover erased files. Simple.
UNLOCK.ZIP 14055 03-20-88 Unlock programs
V7N20.ZIP 36782 12-01-88 PcMagazines volume 7 number 20
VCACHE.ZIP 32625 04-25-87 A disk cache and much more
VFAT.ZIP 8552 04-08-87 view your FAT tables
VRAM.ZIP 16374 04-09-87 Use extended mem/disk as expanded memory.
WAITX.ZIP 848 01-01-87 nserts timed pause into batch files
WALKTREE.ZIP 10097 06-29-88 Execute DOS commands across DIR tree
WARMBOOT.ZIP 138 09-05-87 re-boot your system from a batch file
WHATTIME.ZIP 23456 12-31-87 Display time & date - great for batch files
WHATUHAV.ZIP 2025 07-03-88 Visually "see" your system..Neat!
WPHD.ZIP 1399 11-02-86 write protect your hard disk
WPT.ZIP 775 05-21-88 write protect any drive even hard!
XANADU.ZIP 20256 05-08-87 HDIR and lots more - great utility package
XBAK.ZIP 5448 02-01-88 erases all *.bak files on disk
XEQ115.ZIP 9960 08-16-87 put all those small .COM files in a library
XRAY.ZIP 9970 10-03-86 opens a window into active memory to monitor
ZANSI12.ZIP 27678 06-16-88 Zansi, complete, but also includes code
ZCOPY03.ZIP 15533 10-02-88 Replaces Dos Copy Command
ZOO150.ZIP 37910 08-14-88 ARC' ing Program. Creates .ZOO files (xx.ZOO)
ZSD.ZIP 4842 07-03-88 Z-150 v3.0 Sorted file directory