Text File
1,010 lines
MAIN100ASCGPBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Main Menu Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&@ &7&Sysop Menu. Quits the Main Menu
and enters the Sysop Menu. The Sysop Menu
will allow you to modify the user's file and
drop to DOS from remote.
&14&? &7&Show Menu. Re-lists the selections
available at the main menu.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the main menu. (This Screen)
&14&G &7&Goodbye. Disconnect from the BBS
(hang up)
&14&P &7&Page the Sysop. This selection
will ring a bell on the SysOp's side.
%SYSOP% will answer if they
can and initiate a chat with you. Otherwise,
they will automatically get a message saying
you requested a chat and if they come in
while you're on the BBS, they'll probably
chat with you.
&14&Q &7&Questionaires. This selection
will bring up a menu of questionaires if
the SysOp has made any available to you.
&14&F &7&Files Menu. This selection will
take you to the files area. The files area
provides access to the BBS' files available
to you. It also provides a means for you
to transfer files to us.
&14&B &7&Bulletins Menu. This will bring
up the list of this system's important
Bulletins and allow you to read them.
&14&C &7&Leave Comment to Sysop. This is
the fastest way to contact the SysOp if they
are not available for a chat.
&14&D &7&Doors Area. This selection will
bring up a list of doors to external
communications software available to you.
This generally includes entertainment and
sometimes system information.
&14&M &7&Message Area. This selection will
bring you to the message area. The message
area includes two main functions: Reading
existing mail and writing new mail. This is
the best way to contact other members of the
BBS or check out what other BBS users are
talking about. It can also be a good
resource for help on certain topics and
technical support for computer hardware
and/or software.
&14&X &7&Expert Mode. This selection will
either deactivate or activate displaying
menus. If you are currently seeing menu
screens AND prompts, Expert mode is off.
Many experianced (or Expert) users opt
to use this function after they have
memorized all or most of the system functions
and commands. Since menus aren't displayed
with this toggle activated, it makes getting
from place to place much faster.
&14&N &7&Display Newsletter. This selection
will display this BBS' latest newsletter. This
may include information on upcoming events,
how the BBS is doing, new features you should
know about, etc..
&14&Y &7&Your Statistics. This selection
will list your up-to-date statistics and
let you modify some of them if you wish.
ENTERASC╩PBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Message Entry Help
&7&While entering a message, there are many options that are available to you.
If you are accessing this system with an ansi terminal, you will have the
ability to move around the message text with your cursor keys to correct
spelling errors.
Another feature that Powerboard %ver% provides is the ability to make
different words different colors in your message. Again, you must be
calling from an ansi terminal for this feature. If you are calling from
an ascii (non-ansi) terminal, you will have the ability to enter the
color codes, however, you will not be able to see the color changes.
Colors available include foreground and background colors. Foreground
colors are 0 through 15, 0-7 being low intensity colors and 8-15
high intensity. To put a color code in your message, you must first
put in an & (ampersand) symbol, then the color number, then another
ampersand symbol.
With background colors, the color change code is a $ (dollar sign). You
must type the $, then the color number (0-7), then another $.
&11&Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the enter menu. (This Screen)
&14&T &7&Throw Away Message. This command
allows you to abort a message you don't want
to send.
&14&S &7&Save a message. This option will
allow you to save a message you have written.
&14&E &7&Edit your message. This command will
allow you to edit the message you wrote. This
is useful if you made one or two typing mistakes
and would like to correct them before sending
the message.
&14&A &7&Add on to your message. This
option will allow you to add onto the end of
your message. This is good if you forgot to
write something and you want to add it on
the end.
&14&L &7&List a message. This option will
allow you to relist your message so you can look
at again.
&14&C &7&Change the name of the user you wish
to send the message to. This option will allow
you to send your message to a different user if
you choose.
&14&M &7&Modify the subject of your message.
This option allows you to change the subject of
your message if you feel a better subject name
is possible.
&14&D &7&Delete line. This option will allow
you to delete a line from your message. This
is good if you wish to remove an innapropriate
line from your message.
MAINASC!PBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Main Menu Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&? &7&Show Menu. Re-lists the selections
available at the main menu.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the main menu. (This Screen)
&14&G &7&Goodbye. Disconnect from the BBS
(hang up)
&14&P &7&Page the Sysop. This selection
will ring a bell on the SysOp's side.
%SYSOP% will answer if they
can and initiate a chat with you. Otherwise,
they will automatically get a message saying
you requested a chat and if they come in
while you're on the BBS, they'll probably
chat with you.
&14&Q &7&Questionaires. This selection
will bring up a menu of questionaires if
the SysOp has made any available to you.
&14&F &7&Files Menu. This selection will
take you to the files area. The files area
provides access to the BBS' files available
to you. It also provides a means for you
to transfer files to us.
&14&B &7&Bulletins Menu. This will bring
up the list of this system's important
Bulletins and allow you to read them.
&14&C &7&Leave Comment to Sysop. This is
the fastest way to contact the SysOp if they
are not available for a chat.
&14&D &7&Doors Area. This selection will
bring up a list of doors to external
communications software available to you.
This generally includes entertainment and
sometimes system information.
&14&M &7&Message Area. This selection will
bring you to the message area. The message
area includes two main functions: Reading
existing mail and writing new mail. This is
the best way to contact other members of the
BBS or check out what other BBS users are
talking about. It can also be a good
resource for help on certain topics and
technical support for computer hardware
and/or software.
&14&X &7&Expert Mode. This selection will
either deactivate or activate displaying
menus. If you are currently seeing menu
screens AND prompts, Expert mode is off.
Many experianced (or Expert) users opt
to use this function after they have
memorized all or most of the system functions
and commands. Since menus aren't displayed
with this toggle activated, it makes getting
from place to place much faster.
&14&N &7&Display Newsletter. This selection
will display this BBS' latest newsletter. This
may include information on upcoming events,
how the BBS is doing, new features you should
know about, etc..
&14&Y &7&Your Statistics. This selection
will list your up-to-date statistics and
let you modify some of them if you wish.
MCHATASCYPBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Multinode Chat Help
&7&While in Multinode chat, there are many options that are available
to you. A feature that you can use if you are calling with an ANSI
terminal is color changes. If you are calling from an ascii (non-ansi)
terminal, you will have the ability to enter the color codes, however,
you will not be able to see the color changes. Colors available
include foreground and background colors. Foreground colors are 0
through 15, 0-7 being low intensity colors and 8-15 high intensity.
To put a color code in your message, you must first put in an &
(ampersand) symbol, then the color number, then another ampersand symbol.
With background colors, the color change code is a $ (dollar sign). You
must type the $, then the color number (0-7), then another $.
&11&Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&/HELP &7&Show Help. Shows selections available
while in Multinode Chat.
&14&/QUIT &7&Quit Chat. Exits multinode chat.
&14&/TIME &7&Time On. Display information about
your time on and current time.
&14&/S &7&Send to Node. Lets you send a
PRIVATE message to someone on another node.
Weather or not they're in chat doesn't matter,
as long as they are available (not in a door,
not downloading/uploading, etc...). Format for
this command: /S <node> <text_to_send>. Example:
/S 1 Hey! It's %NAME%!
&14&/C &7&Color Change. Lets you make a
certain node number's messages always come
up in the color you specify(as long as you're
using ANSI graphics). This is normally
used if you want to highlight a certain
user, such as the leader of the discussion.
Format for this command: /C <node> <node_color>.
Colors are as follows:
0 - Black
1 - Dark Blue
2 - Dark Green
3 - Dark Cyan
4 - Dark Red
5 - Dark Purple
6 - Dark Yellow/Brown
7 - Dark White
8 - Gray
9 - Light Blue
10 - Light Green
11 - Light Cyan
12 - Bright Red
13 - Bright Purple
14 - Yellow
15 - Bright White
Example for /C command:
/C 1 14
&14&/I &7&Ignore Node. Lets you ignore all
incomming messages from a specific node
number. If that user tries sending you a
message, you will not see it. This is usually
good for a large chat room where someone is
being a nuisance. Format for /I command:
/I <nodenumber>
Example: /I 1
&14&/DEL &7&Delete Ignores. Lets you delete
the list of nodes you wanted to ignore.
Example: /DEL
&14&/K &7&Toggle Wait. Using this option
will toggle the supression of text until
you have completed your sentances.
REPLYASCüPBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Message Reply Help
&7&While entering a message, there are many options that are available to you.
If you are accessing this system with an ansi terminal, you will have the
ability to move around the message text with your cursor keys to correct
spelling errors.
Another feature that Powerboard %ver% provides is the ability to make
different words different colors in your message. Again, you must be
calling from an ansi terminal for this feature. If you are calling from
an ascii (non-ansi) terminal, you will have the ability to enter the
color codes, however, you will not be able to see the color changes.
Colors available include foreground and background colors. Foreground
colors are 0 through 15, 0-7 being low intensity colors and 8-15
high intensity. To put a color code in your message, you must first
put in an & (ampersand) symbol, then the color number, then another
ampersand symbol.
With background colors, the color change code is a $ (dollar sign). You
must type the $, then the color number (0-7), then another $.
&11&Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the reply menu. (This Screen)
&14&T &7&Throw Away Message. This command
allows you to abort a message you don't want
to send.
&14&S &7&Save a message. This option will
allow you to save a message you have written.
&14&E &7&Edit your message. This command will
allow you to edit the message you wrote. This
is useful if you made one or two typing mistakes
and would like to correct them before sending
the message.
&14&A &7&Add on to your message. This
option will allow you to add onto the end of
your message. This is good if you forgot to
write something and you want to add it on
the end.
&14&L &7&List a message. This option will
allow you to relist your message so you can look
at again.
&14&C &7&Change the name of the user you wish
to send the message to. This option will allow
you to send your message to a different user if
you choose.
&14&M &7&Modify the subject of your message.
This option allows you to change the subject of
your message if you feel a better subject name
is possible.
&14&D &7&Delete line. This option will allow
you to delete a line from your message. This
is good if you wish to remove an innapropriate
line from your message.
&14&Q &7&Quote. This command will allow you
to quote from the message that you are replying
SEARASCtPBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Search Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the search menu. (This Screen)
&14&Q &7&Quit Search. Exit the search menu.
&14&F &7&From. Allows you to search for
a message with the text you specify. If a
message is found that includes a portion of
the text you specified in the FROM field,
the message will be displayed to you.
&14&T &7&To-Name. Allows you to search for
a message with the text you specify. If a
message is found that includes a portion of
the text you specified in the TO field,
the message will be displayed to you.
&14&S &7&Subject. Allows you to search for
a message with the text you specify. If a
message is found that includes a portion of
the text you specified in the SUBJECT field,
the message will be displayed to you.
&14&M &7&Message Text. Allows you to search for
a message with the text you specify. If a
message is found that includes a portion of
the text you specified in the TEXT area,
the message will be displayed to you.
READASCüPBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Message Reading Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&(number) &7&Message Number. Start reading messages
at the (number) you specify. Message reading
will continue until you stop it or there are no more
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the Read menu. (This Screen)
&14&M &7&Mail since last read. List Messages
after the last Message you read.
&14&Y &7&Your Mail. This will list all mail
addressed to you.
&14&Q &7&Quit. Exit read menu.
&14&R &7&Reverse order read. Reading messages
from last to first. Good for reading the latest
&14&S &7&Search for text. You tell the BBS
to search for certain parts of messages to find
messages you want to read.
QUESASCkPBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Questionnaire Menu Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&? &7&Show Menu. Re-lists the selections
available at the questionaire menu.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the questionaire menu. (This Screen)
&14&G &7&Goodbye. Disconnect from the BBS
(hang up)
&14&X &7&Expert Mode. This selection will
either deactivate or activate displaying
menus. If you are currently seeing menu
screens AND prompts, Expert mode is off.
Many experianced (or Expert) users opt
to use this function after they have
memorized all or most of the system functions
and commands. Since menus aren't displayed
with this toggle activated, it makes getting
from place to place much faster.
&14&(number) &7&Questionaire number.
Choosing a number will allow you to answer, if
available, the questionaire corresponding with
the number you entered.
PROTASCPBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Protocol Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&Q &7&Quit. This will quit the protocol menu.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the protocol menu. (This Screen)
&14&X &7&Xmodem CRC. A type of protocol.
This is the old industry standard protocol.
&14&C &7&Xmodem Checksum. A type of protocol.
One of the first modem protocols. Predecessor of
Xmodem CRC.
* &7&Zmodem. Much newer protocol. Today's
protocol standard. Much faster if you have it.
* &7&Zmodem Batch. Same as Zmodem but
with batch (Multiple file) transfer.
Any additional protocol is available only if sysop wishes.
*&7&-Available only if sysop wishes.
MESSASCoPBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Message Menu Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&? &7&Show Menu. Re-lists the selections
available at the message menu.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the main menu. (This Screen)
&14&G &7&Goodbye. Disconnect from the BBS
(hang up)
&14&E &7&Enter a mesage. This option will
allow you to write a message to another user
on the BBS. If this BBS is networked, you will
have the option to send this message via netmail.
You may also send private letters if you don't
other people to read certain messages. You may
also use a previous message in your message by
the "Quoting" feature. You may also opt to use
our Built-in full screen editor. This editor
allows you to create a message from top to bottom,
all on the same screen.
&14&R &7&Read a message. This option will
allow you to read a message written by another
user. If the message is private, you can't read
it unless it is addressed to you. You also have
the option of quoting a message in a reply to that
&14&F &7&Files Menu. This selection will
take you to the files area. The files area
provides access to the BBS' files available
to you. It also provides a means for you
to transfer files to us.
&14&C &7&Change message area. This option
will allow you to change from one message area
to another. A message area is a place where
you can write messages to people about certain
things. For example: Sci-Fi message area,
Drama message area,
Cooking message area.
&14&SEL &7&Select/Deselect message areas.
This allows you to select message areas you are
interested in reading and deselecting message
areas you aren't interested in reading.
&14&S &7&Search for a message. This option
allows you to find a message that you want to
read. You can search for messages by telling
the BBS to look for certain parts of the message.
Then it will show all the messages which comply
with your previously stated search criteria.
* &7&Offline Message menu*. This option
allows you to download messages from our message
base so you can read them while not on our BBS.
&14&X &7&Expert Mode. This selection will
either deactivate or activate displaying
menus. If you are currently seeing menu
screens AND prompts, Expert mode is off.
Many experianced (or Expert) users opt
to use this function after they have
memorized all or most of the system functions
and commands. Since menus aren't displayed
with this toggle activated, it makes getting
from place to place much faster.
*&7&-Available only if sysop wishes.
LSTASC¬PBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&File Listing Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&N &7&Nonstop Display. This option will
temporarily turn off pausing after your screen
is full of info.
&14&T &7&Tag. This option will allow you
to tag a file for later downloading.
&14&C &7&Continue. This option will continue
the file listing display.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the file list menu. (This Screen)
&14&D &7&Download a file. This option allows
you to copy a file from us over the modem to you.
&14&S &7&Quit to files menu. Allows you to
go back to the files menu.
&14&V &7&View contents of a Zip file.
This option allows you to look at the files
contained in a Zip file. It also allows you
to view text files inside the zipfile.
FILE100ASC╛PBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Files Menu Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&? &7&Show Menu. Re-lists the selections
available at the file menu.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the file menu. (This Screen)
&14&G &7&Goodbye. Disconnect from the BBS
(hang up)
&14&D &7&Download a file. This option allows
you to copy a file from us over the modem to you.
Good for getting more files.
&14&M &7&Move File. This option lets you
move a file from one directory to another.
&14&C &7&Change file area. Lets you switch
from one file group to another. Allows you to get
a wider variety of files.
&14&J &7&Join a different conference.
This option will allow you to join a Message\file
conference group. Conferences have both messages
and files relevant to the subject of the messages.
&14&Q &7&Quit to main menu. Allows you to return
to the main menu.
&14&S &7&Search for a file.
This allows you to search for a file you're looking
for. This is good if you want a specific file.
&14&U &7&Upload a file. This option allows
you to copy a file over the modem from your computer
to our hard drive so other people can download it.
You also get time credit for your upload.
&14&R &7&Read text file. Allows you to read
a text file you wish to read.
&14&X &7&Expert Mode. This selection will
either deactivate or activate displaying
menus. If you are currently seeing menu
screens AND prompts, Expert mode is off.
Many experianced (or Expert) users opt
to use this function after they have
memorized all or most of the system functions
and commands. Since menus aren't displayed
with this toggle activated, it makes getting
from place to place much faster.
&14&V &7&View contents of a Zip file.
This option allows you to look at the files
contained in a Zip file. It also allows you
to view text files inside the zipfile.
FILEASC1PBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Files Menu Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&? &7&Show Menu. Re-lists the selections
available at the file menu.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the file menu. (This Screen)
&14&G &7&Goodbye. Disconnect from the BBS
(hang up)
&14&D &7&Download a file. This option allows
you to copy a file from us over the modem to you.
Good for getting more files.
&14&C &7&Change file area. Lets you switch
from one file group to another. Allows you to get
a wider variety of files.
&14&J &7&Join a different conference.
This option will allow you to join a Message\file
conference group. Conferences have both messages
and files relevant to the subject of the messages.
&14&Q &7&Quit to main menu. Allows you to return
to the main menu.
&14&S &7&Search for a file.
This allows you to search for a file you're looking
for. This is good if you want a specific file.
&14&U &7&Upload a file. This option allows
you to copy a file over the modem from your computer
to our hard drive so other people can download it.
You also get time credit for your upload.
&14&R &7&Read text file. Allows you to read
a text file you wish to read.
&14&X &7&Expert Mode. This selection will
either deactivate or activate displaying
menus. If you are currently seeing menu
screens AND prompts, Expert mode is off.
Many experianced (or Expert) users opt
to use this function after they have
memorized all or most of the system functions
and commands. Since menus aren't displayed
with this toggle activated, it makes getting
from place to place much faster.
&14&V &7&View contents of a Zip file.
This option allows you to look at the files
contained in a Zip file. It also allows you
to view text files inside the zipfile.
DOORASCPBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Doors Menu Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&? &7&Show Menu. Re-lists the selections
available at the doors menu.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the doors menu. (This Screen)
&14&G &7&Goodbye. Disconnect from the BBS
(hang up)
&14&X &7&Expert Mode. This selection will
either deactivate or activate displaying
menus. If you are currently seeing menu
screens AND prompts, Expert mode is off.
Many experianced (or Expert) users opt
to use this function after they have
memorized all or most of the system functions
and commands. Since menus aren't displayed
with this toggle activated, it makes getting
from place to place much faster.
&14&(number) &7&Door number.
Choosing a number will display, if available, the
door corresponding with the number you selected.
BULLASC$PBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Bulletins Menu Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&? &7&Show Menu. Re-lists the selections
available at the bulletins menu.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the bulletins menu. (This Screen)
&14&G &7&Goodbye. Disconnect from the BBS
(hang up)
&14&N &7&New Bulletins. This selection
will list all (if any) bulletins posted since
your last call.
&14&D &7&Download. This selection will allow
you to download one of the bulletins (transfer
from the BBS to your computer).
&14&(number) &7&Bulletin 1-Number of bulletins available.
Choosing a number will display, if available, the
bulletin corresponding with the number you selected.
SYSOPASC PBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Main Menu Command Descriptions
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&? &7&Show Menu. Re-lists the selections
available at the main menu.
&14&H &7&Show Help. Shows the help screen
for the main menu. (This Screen)
&14&G &7&Goodbye. Disconnect from the BBS
(hang up)
&14&D &7&Shut Down another node.
&14&O &7&Show Node. View the actual screen
that is currently being displayed on
another node.
&14&K &7&Kill Node. Disconnect the user
on another node.
&14&E &7&Edit user file.
&14&M &7&Message Menu. Go directly to the
message menu.
&14&F &7&Files Menu. Go directly to the
files menu.
&14&V &7&View Logs. View the callers logs for
this node.
&14&S &7&Shell to DOS. Use the operating
system on the host computer.
PBANSI ---- Tbis file contains PBANSI codes, documented in manual under SAY control file command.
&3&█ █
█ █ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
&14&░░░░░░░░░ &3&█▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ &14&░░░░░░░░░░
&3&█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █▀▀▀▀
█ █ █▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄ █
&10&Powerboard Ver %VER% &11&Reading Message Commands
&15&Command Description
&13&───────── ─────────────
&14&N &7&Next Message. Retrives & shows the next
available message.
&14&Q &7&Quit. Quit reading and return to
previous menu.
&14&E &7&Edit Message. This command will allow
you to edit the message IF you were the one who
entered it originally.
&14&H &7&Help. This command will show this screen.
&14&O &7&Forward Message. This command will allow
you to forward the message to another user IF
you were the one who sent it originally.
&14&R &7&Reply. This command will let you reply
to the author of the message.
&14&S &7&Show Again. This command will re-display
the current message.
&14&K &7&Kill Message. This command will let you
kill the current message IF you were the one
who sent it originally.
&14&F &7&Forward Thread. If anyone has replied
to the message that you are currently
viewing, this option will let you see those
replies, IF they are not private or are
addressed to you.
&14&P &7&Previous Message. This command will show
the message that this message is a reply to (only
if the current message is in fact a reply to
a message).
&14&D &7&Download Attach. This command will let
you download the file that is attached to this
message onto your system (providing there is
a file attached. There will be a star and
a message letting you know if this is the case).