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BASIC Source File  |  1991-08-22  |  6KB  |  89 lines

  1. ' $linesize:132
  2. ' $title: 'ADDONS.BAS 17.3C, Copyright 1991 by Glenn Rossi, Dragon Systems'
  3. '  Copyright 1991 by Copyright 1991 by Glenn Rossi, Dragon Systems
  4. '             all rights reserved.
  5. '  Name ...............: ADDONS.BAS
  6. '  First Released .....: August 21 1991
  7. '  Copyright ..........: 1991
  8. '  Purpose.............: Various Support Routines for The Dragon Merges
  9. '                        to RBBS 17.3a/b/c
  10. '     Subprograms that require error trapping are incorporated
  11. '     within ADDONS.BAS as separately callable subroutines
  12. '     in order to free up as much code as possible within
  13. '     the 64K code segment used by RBBS-PC.BAS.
  14. '===========================================================================
  15. '
  16. '  ADDONS.BAS.... Add ADDONS+ into your Link list.... compile ADDONS.BAS to
  17. '                 ADDONS.OBJ using this command line:
  18. '
  19. '
  20. '                      BC ADDONS.BAS,ADDONS,NUL,/X/O/MBF/AH;
  21. '
  22. '
  23. '
  24. '===========================================================================
  25. '
  26. '
  28. '
  29. '
  30. '
  31.       SUB CheckForBannedUser(ZBlocked) STATIC                        'DRG092191
  32.                                                                      'DRG092191
  33.       DIM User AS STRING * 30                                        'DRG092191
  34.                                                                      'DRG092191
  35.       IF ZEmphasizeOn$ <> "" THEN                                    'DRG092191
  36.         fg1$ = zESCAPE$ + "[1;31;40m"                                'DRG092191
  37.         fg2$ = zESCAPE$ + "[1;32;40m"                                'DRG092191
  38.         fg3$ = zESCAPE$ + "[1;33;40m"                                'DRG092191
  39.         fg4$ = zESCAPE$ + "[1;34;40m"                                'DRG092191
  40.       ELSE                                                           'DRG092191
  41.         fg1$ = ""                                                    'DRG092191
  42.         fg2$ = ""                                                    'DRG092191
  43.         fg3$ = ""                                                    'DRG092191
  44.         fg4$ = ""                                                    'DRG092191
  45.       END IF                                                         'DRG092191
  46.                                                                      'DRG092191
  47.       X$ = ZWasZ$ + ".BAN"                                           'DRG092191
  48.       CALL FindIt (X$)                                               'DRG092191
  49.       IF NOT ZOK THEN _                                              'DRG092191
  50.           EXIT SUB                                                   'DRG092191
  51.                                                                      'DRG092191
  52.       Banned = FREEFILE                                              'DRG092191
  53.                                                                      'DRG092191
  54.       IF ZSharit THEN                                                'DRG092191
  55.           OPEN X$ FOR INPUT SHARED AS #Banned                        'DRG092191
  56.       ELSE                                                           'DRG092191
  57.           OPEN X$ FOR INPUT AS #Banned                               'DRG092191
  58.       END IF                                                         'DRG092191
  59.                                                                      'DRG092191
  60.       WHILE NOT EOF(Banned)                                          'DRG092191
  61.           INPUT #Banned, User                                        'DRG092191
  62.                                                                      'DRG092191
  63.           IF LTRIM$(RTRIM$(UCASE$(User))) = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(ZActiveUserName$)) THEN 'DRG092191
  64.               CALL SkipLine(4)                                       'DRG092191
  65.               CALL QuickTPut (fg4$ + "W A R N I N G !" + ZCrLf$ + _  'DRG092191
  66.                               fg3$ + "---------------",2)            'DRG092191
  67.               CALL QuickTPut (fg2$ + "You have been " + fg3$ + "banned" + _       'DRG092191
  68.                               fg2$ + " from this conference!",2)     'DRG092191
  69.               CALL QuickTPut (fg1$ + "Contact the SysOp for information on",1 )   'DRG092191
  70.               CALL QuickTPut (fg1$ + "why this is the case and for instruct-",1 ) 'DRG092191
  71.               CALL QuickTPut (fg1$ + "ions on how and when you can rejoin..." + _ 'DRG092191
  72.                              ZColorReset$,2)                         'DRG092191
  73.                                                                      'DRG092191
  74.               ZBlocked = 1                                           'DRG092191
  75.               CLOSE #Banned                                          'DRG092191
  76.                                                                      'DRG092191
  77.               CALL DelayTime(10)                                     'DRG092191
  78.                                                                      'DRG092191
  79.               EXIT SUB                                               'DRG092191
  80.           END IF                                                     'DRG092191
  81.       WEND                                                           'DRG092191
  82.       ZBlocked = 0                                                   'DRG092191
  83.       CLOSE #Banned                                                  'DRG092191
  84.       END SUB                                                        'DRG092191
  86. '
  87. '
  88. '     More merges coming soon!!!!