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Pascal/Delphi Source File  |  1992-07-23  |  6KB  |  132 lines

  1. type anystr=string[128];
  2.      lstr=string[80];
  3.      mstr=string[30];
  4.      sstr=string[15];
  5.        cstr=string[45];
  7.     accesstype=(bylevel,keepout,letin,invalid);     {Post access}
  8.     availtype=(available,bytime,notavailable);      {Sysop available}
  9.       configtype=(linefeeds,postprompts,moreprompts,asciigraphics,
  10.        fudsysop,fbulletinsysop,fvotingsysop,femailsysop,fdoorsysop,fmainsysop,
  11.        fdatabasesysop,fNewUserSysop,fgfsysop    );
  12.     boardorder=array [0..255,1..maxconf] of byte;            {Order of subs}
  13.     filelisttype=(ffname,ffext,fffulnam,ffofwhat,ffsize,ffpoints,ffuploader,
  14.                    ffuploaded,ffdown,ffdescript);   {Configurable file listings}
  15.     NuvSet=set of 1..255;
  17. type userrec=record          {Version 1.40}
  18.      UserID:longint;         {User identification number}
  19.      handle:mstr;            {User's handle}
  20.      realname:mstr;          {User's real first/last name}
  21.      InterNetName:sstr;      {name for internet mail}
  22.      Signature:lstr;         {User's signature}
  23.      Address:array[1..2] of mstr; {Street Address}
  24.      macro:array[1..3] of mstr;  {Macros}
  25.          note:mstr;              {User note:  'Sysop of XXX' etc.}
  26.      PrivNote:lstr;          {Sysop note}
  27.          password:sstr;          {Password}
  28.          phonenum:string[12];    {Phone #.  If blank, user will be prompted}
  29.          laston:longint;         {Last time on in PackTime format}
  30.      NumCalls,               {Number of calls to system}
  31.          temp1:integer;
  32.          totaltime:real;         {Total time spent on board}
  33.          udlevel,                            {Xfer section access level}
  34.          level,                  {Main BBS access level  -5 through 100}
  35.          HelpLevel:integer;      {Novice / Expert Mode}
  36.          udpoints:longint;       {Current file points}
  37.      Access:Longint;         {Access flags} {for next ver}
  39.      SpareLongs:array[1..8] of longint;  {unused}
  41.      AutoChatCall:boolean;   {Call chat upon login}
  42.          infoforms:array[1..5] of integer;
  43.                                          {Location values for Infoforms.  Set to -1}
  44.          regularcolor,           {User's color values.  Setting to 0 will}
  45.          promptcolor,            {cause system to remap them to the current}
  46.          statcolor,              {defaults, as set in config.}
  47.          inputcolor,
  48.          fifthcolor,
  49.          sixthcolor,
  50.          seventhcolor,
  51.          eighthcolor,
  53.          displaylen:byte;        {User's display length.  20-50 lines.}
  54.          lastmessages,           {Used for determining "how many new posts"}
  55.          lastups:integer;        {'' "new uploads"}
  56.      SingleKey:boolean;      {use single key input}
  57.          defproto:char;           {Default xfer protocol.  Character.}
  58.          hack:byte;              {Hack attempts since last call.  If >5, ask for phone #}
  59.      config:set of configtype;
  60.                                {Certain configuration options for user/access}
  61.      newscanconfig,          {User subboard newscan data}
  62.      access1,                {User access flags for subs}
  63.      access2:set of byte;    {Second access flag set for subs}
  64.          lastread:array [0..40,1..maxconf] of word;
  65.                                          {Last post read on each sub}
  66.      confaccess: array [0..maxconf] of boolean;
  67.                                          {Conference access flags}
  68.      XferConfAccess:array[0..maxconf] of boolean;
  69.      XferScan:array[0..50,0..maxconf] of boolean; {xfer scan flags}
  70.          lastcps,                {Average cps rate for downloading}
  71.          cpstimes:word;          {Times counted for average}
  72.          filelister:array[1..3] of set of filelisttype;
  73.                                          {File listing configuration}
  74.      CurList:byte;           {Which list currently in use?}
  75.          commpoints,             {Points gained via commission since last call}
  76.          valpoints:integer;      {Points gained from validation since last call}
  77.          ScanNet:boolean;        {Flag to scan CelerityNet subs or not}
  78.          quikconf:array[1..maxconf] of boolean;
  79.                                          {Quickscan conferences flags}
  80.      QuikXferConf:array[1..maxconf] of boolean;
  81.                      {Quickscan xfer conferences}
  82.          userpcr,                {Individual post/call ratio.  0=use default}
  83.          userudr,                {Individual upload/download ratio.  0=default}
  84.          usergenr,               {General ratio}
  85.          age:byte;               {User's age.  6-89.  If less than 0, user will
  86.                                                 be prompted for both age and sex}
  87.      usersex:boolean;        {True=female.  Approved by Deanna Elizalda, Feminist}
  88.          Expiration,             {Date of account expiration}
  89.          birthdate:longint;      {date of birth}
  90.          voteyes,                {Number of votes cast for validation in NUV}
  91.          voteno:byte;            {Number against user in NUV}
  92.          timeperday:byte;        {Individual user's time per day.  0=default by lvl}
  93.          Posts_Month,
  94.          Posts_all,
  95.          Uploads_Month,
  96.          Uploads_All,
  97.          Dnloads_Month,
  98.          Dnloads_all:integer;
  99.          UpBytes_Month,
  100.          UpBytes_All,
  101.          DnBytes_Month,
  102.          DnBytes_All:longint;
  103.          PBytes_All,
  104.          PBytes_Month:longint;
  105.          KperDay,
  106.          KToday:Word;
  107.          NoNet:boolean;          {Deny net access}
  108.          Exempt:array[1..5] of boolean;
  109.                      {1-pcr, 2=udr, 3=genr, 4=, 5=xfer}
  110.          SpecialAccess:boolean;
  111.      AutoQwk:boolean;        {Auto-create QWK Packet}
  112.      QwkUpdate:boolean;      {Update Pointers in QWK packet}
  113.      QwkPacker:char;         {code for QWK packer}
  114.      UseYesNo,
  115.      UseFloatPrompt,
  116.      UseColor:boolean;
  117.      UseSignature:boolean;
  118.      UseFSE:boolean;
  119.      PermitPaging:boolean;
  120.      ActivityLogging:boolean;{unused}
  121.      TermEmul:byte;          {0=none, 1=vt52, 2=vt52 Atari, 3=vt100, 4=ANSI,
  122.                               5=Avatar level 0}
  123.      SysopFlags:longint;     {sysop flags #1 to 32}
  124.      AreaAccess:longint;
  125.      VoteData:array[1..8] of byte;   {vote data - nybbles}
  126.      TimeCredit:longint;     {Time credit remaining today}
  127.      temp4,
  128.      temp5,
  129.      temp6:longint;
  130.       end;