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149 lines
;AreaFixer configuration file. All lines which start with a ; are ignored.
;The following options tells AFR what names, addresses and subjects to look
;for in your NetMail message base to determine if a message is from AreaFix.
;You can have up to 8 blocks of each. The defaults for all of them except
;for Subject is blank. The default for Subject is 'Re: AreaFix Change
;Requests'. All fields are not case sensitive.
;A 'block of information' as shown below, starting with the keyword 'To' and
;ending with the keyword 'Subject' must be entered in the SEQUENCE as shown
;below. There MUST be a minimum of one block. Parameters are not necessary
;but once a block is started, every keyword must be listed, with or without
;[beginning of a block (a)]
;To Joe User
;AddressTo 1:22222/33
;From Joe Sysop
;AddressFrom 1:444/55
;Subject Re: AreaFix Change Requests
;[end of a block (a)]
;[beginning of block (b)]
;To Joe User
;AddressTo 1:66666/77
;From Someother Sysop
;AddressFrom 1:888/99
;Subject Re: AreaFix Change Requests
;[end of block (b)]
;This would assume that all messages
;a) Are to Joe User, have a destination address of 1:22222/33,
; are from Joe Sysop, have an originating address of 1:444/55
; and a subject of Re: AreaFix Change Request
;b) Are to Joe User, have a destination address of 1:66666/77,
; are from Someother Sysop, have an originating address of
; 1:888/99 and a subject of Re: AreaFix Change Request
;and consider them AreaFix messages and process them as such.
To Steve Mulligan
AddressTo 1:30769/30
From Malcolm Campbell
AddressFrom 1:163/307
Subject Re: AreaFix Change Requests
To Steve Mulligan
AddressTo 1:30769/30
From Malcolm Campbell
AddressFrom 1:163/307
Subject Previously Requested Areas
To Steve Mulligan
AddressTo 1:30769/30
From AreaFix
AddressFrom 1:163/307
Subject Your Sqaem Request
;The FileUpdate verb defines how and what files AFR should
;modify when there is a new message are found. The format
;used is the file name you want updated, then the line you
;want added to the end of the file specified. You can have
;up to eight of these. You will want to put the AREATAG or
;path name to a message base in somewhere, you can do this
;using a # sign code. Here is a list of the # sign codes:
;## Place a # where the ## is.
;#1 Place the AreaTag where the #1 is.
;#2 Place the first eight letters of the AreaTag where the #2 is. This
; is usefull for filenames.
;#3 Place the origin address where the #3 is.
;#4 Place the destination address where the #4 is.
;#5xxx Move to tabstop xxx. xxx must be three digits. (leading zero's
; are required).
;#6 Wild Card code. When AFR searches to see if a certain line is in
; a file already, it will search for an exact match except where these
; are placed.
;FileUpdate AREAS.BBS #5002$e:\msgs\#2 #5025#1 #5041#3
;FileUpdate GOLDAREA.CFG AREA #1 #5017"#6" #5048ME e:\msgs\#2
;This will add a line to the end of AREAS.BBS and GOLDAREA.CFG containing
;the neccasarry information. NOTE: Because of the #6, you can also add
;a description between the quotes and AFR will not mind.
FileUpdate E:\MODEM\BBS\AREAS.BBS #5002$e:\msgs\#2 #5025#1 #5041#3
FileUpdate E:\MODEM\BBS\GOLDAREA.CFG AREA #1 #5017"#6" #5048ME e:\msgs\#2
;The AreaPath verb tells the AFR where to scan for AreaFix
;messages. It should point to a Squish, MSG or QBBS style
;base. NOTE: This message base must already exist or it
AreaPath e:\msgs\netmail
;The BoardNo verb tells AFR what QBBS Board Number to post
;the message to. 1 is the default. You only need this if
;you use QBBS (Hudson) style message bases. This number
;can be between 1 and 65535.
BoardNo 1
;The AreaType verbs tell AFR what message area to support.
;Right now, AFR supports Squish, MSG and QBBS bases. Put the
;word Squish after AreaType to use Squish style bases. Put
;the word *.MSG after the AreaType to use MSG type bases. Put
;the word QBBS to use QBBS style message bases. Squish
;is the default.
AreaType Squish
;The DelOld keyword tells AFR what to do with an AreaFix message
;when it reads it. DelOld accepts one parameter which can one
;of the following. Yes - This deletes AreaFix messages when
;it receives one. No - Doesn't do anything to the AreaFix message
;Ask - Prompts you if it should delete the message. I recommend
;a Yes setting. That way, there is no chance AFR will add the
;same area twice. AFR DOES scan your config files to make sure
;it doesn't add a duplicate areas but as a saftey precaution, deleting
;old AreaFix messages is wise. The default is Yes.
DelOld Ask
;The TimeOut verb tells AreaFixer how many seconds to wait for a reply to the
;DelOld command. 5 is the default. It can range from 0 (to wait forever)
;to 255.
TimeOut 5
;The TimeOutDel verb tells AreaFixer what to automatically answer when asked
;to delete a message and a TimeOut has occured. This can be Yes or No. The
;default is No.
TimeOutDel No
;The StartFrom tells where AreaFixer should start scanning message bases
;from. It can be First or LastRead. If it is First, AreaFixer will scan
;all messages starting at the first one. If LastRead, AreaFixer will scan
;all messages starting at the lastread message. LastRead is the default.
StartFrom First
;StartFrom LastRead