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Text File  |  1990-01-01  |  10KB  |  127 lines

  1. ______________________________________________________________________________
  2. │║│_ __  _                                                          _  __ _│║│
  3. │║│                                                                        │║│
  4. │║│ ████████╗ ██╗  ██╗ ███████╗                                        T   │║│
  5. │║│ ╚══██╔══╝ ██║  ██║ ██╔════╝                                            │║│
  6. │║│    ██║    ███████║ █████╗                                              │║│
  7. │║│    ██║    ██╔══██║ ██╔══╝                                              │║│
  8. │║│    ██║    ██║  ██║ ███████╗                                            │║│
  9. │║│    ╚═╝    ╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚══════╝                                            │║│
  10. │║│    ██╗   ██╗ ██╗ ██████╗  ████████╗ ██╗   ██╗  █████╗  ██╗             │║│
  11. │║│    ██║   ██║ ██║ ██╔══██╗ ╚══██╔══╝ ██║   ██║ ██╔══██╗ ██║             │║│
  12. │║│    ██║   ██║ ██║ ██████╔╝    ██║    ██║   ██║ ███████║ ██║             │║│
  13. │║│    ╚██╗ ██╔╝ ██║ ██╔══██╗    ██║    ██║   ██║ ██╔══██║ ██║             │║│
  14. │║│     ╚████╔╝  ██║ ██║  ██║    ██║    ╚██████╔╝ ██║  ██║ ███████╗        │║│
  15. │║│      ╚═══╝   ╚═╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝    ╚═╝     ╚═════╝  ╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚══════╝        │║│
  16. │║│          ███╗   ███╗  █████╗  ███████╗ ██╗  █████╗                     │║│
  17. │║│          ████╗ ████║ ██╔══██╗ ██╔════╝ ██║ ██╔══██╗                    │║│
  18. │║│          ██╔████╔██║ ███████║ █████╗   ██║ ███████║  ██                │║│
  19. │║│          ██║╚██╔╝██║ ██╔══██║ ██╔══╝   ██║ ██╔══██║   ▀                │║│
  20. │║│          ██║ ╚═╝ ██║ ██║  ██║ ██║      ██║ ██║  ██║     ▀▀▀▀▀   ▀▀▀▀▀  │║│
  21. │║│          ╚═╝     ╚═╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚═╝      ╚═╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝    ▀▀   ▀▀ ▀▀   ▀▀ │║│
  22. │║│                                                         ▀▀▀▀▀▀  ▀▀▀▀▀  │║│
  23. │║│                                                             ▀▀ ▀▀   ▀▀ │║│
  24. │║│                                                         ▀▀▀▀▀   ▀▀▀▀▀  │║│
  25. │║│                                                                        │║│
  26. │╙│─ ──  ─                                                           ─  ─ ──╜│
  27. └─│────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┘
  28.  ─│─ ──  ─                                                          ─  ── ─│─
  29. ┌─│──────────────────────────────> PRESENTS <──────────────────────────────│─┐
  30. │╓──                              ··········                        ─  ── ─│╖│
  31. │║│                        Rhino 3D Beta Patcher II                        │║│
  32. │║│                                                                        │║│
  33. │║│ Supplied by  : -                          Warez Type : CAD/CAM         │║│
  34. │║│ Packaged by  : -                          Cracked by : Saltine [TVM]   │║│
  35. │║│ Release Date : 05/12/98                   Protection : Expiration      │║│
  36. │║│ Oper. System : Win95/NT                   Disks      : Crack Only      │║│
  37. │║│                                                                        │║│
  38. │║│ URL : ftp://ftp.antelope.com/pub/rhino/rhino32.exe                     │║│
  39. │║│                                                                        │║│
  40. │║│ Rhinoceros or "Rhino" is a conceptual design and modeling tool for     │║│
  41. │║│ industrial, product, and scene designers. Whether you build heart      │║│
  42. │║│ valves or ship hulls, packaging or gears, Rhino is an                  │║│
  43. │║│ easy-to-learn-and-use, flexible, and accurate modeler. You can create, │║│
  44. │║│ edit, and render any combination of freeform curves, surfaces, and     │║│
  45. │║│ solids. You can then export your model to downstream processes.        │║│
  46. │║│                                                                        │║│
  47. │╙│─ ──  ─                                                                ──╜│
  48. └─│────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┘
  49.  ─│─ ──  ─                                                          ─  ── ─│─ 
  50. ┌─│────────────────────────────> INSTALLATION <────────────────────────────│─┐
  51. │╓──                             ············                       ─  ── ─│╖│
  52. │║│                                                                        │║│
  53. │║│ Install then run rhino2-p.com in the program directory to remove the   │║│
  54. │║│ expiration. Rhino2-p.com is a scan-patcher that should continue to     │║│
  55. │║│ work with new builds of the program, though it was tested only on      │║│
  56. │║│ the May 1, 1998 beta build (expires June 15, 1998). The scan-patcher   │║│
  57. │║│ has to find and patch 2 sections of the program now (unlike my first   │║│
  58. │║│ beta patcher), and is not successful if it only finds one search       │║│
  59. │║│ string. The author added the lame SoftSENTRY library to the code,      │║│
  60. │║│ which voided my older scan-patcher (worked for months though).         │║│
  61. │║│                                                                        │║│
  62. │║│ Enjoy!                                                   Saltine [TVM] │║│
  63. │║│                                                                        │║│
  64. │╙│─ ──  ─                                                                ──╜│
  65. └─│────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┘
  66.  ─│─ ──  ─                                                          ─  ── ─│─
  67. ┌─│──────────────────────────────> GREETINGS <─────────────────────────────│─┐
  68. │╓──                              ···········                       ─  ── ─│╖│
  69. │║│                                                                        │║│
  70. │║│      DOD, PWA, X-Force, Sharper Image, Phrozen Crew, and all of the    │║│
  71. │║│                other groups that I forgot to mention.                  │║│
  72. │║│                                                                        │║│
  73. │╙│─ ──  ─                                                                ──╜│
  74. └─│────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┘
  75.  ─│─ ──  ─                                                          ─  ── ─│─
  76. ┌─│─────────────────────────────>    MEMBERS   <───────────────────────────│─┐
  77. │╓──                                ·········                           ───│╖│
  78. │║│                                                                        │║│
  79. │║│                                 :Seniors:                              │║│
  80. │║│                                                                        │║│
  81. │║│                       T, BadGuy, Rooster, Ice Berg                     │║│
  82. │║│                                                                        │║│
  83. │║│                                 :Members:                              │║│
  84. │║│                                                                        │║│
  85. │║│         dOGbREATH, Sled Dog, Stickn, Idris, Warm Blooded Mammal,       │║│
  86. │║│                                                                        │║│
  87. │║│            Celtic, ClassAct, Z-Frog, St. Jarna, Irrelevant             │║│
  88. │║│                                                                        │║│
  89. │║│                                 :Cracker:                              │║│
  90. │║│                                                                        │║│
  91. │║│                                  Saltine                               │║│
  92. │║│                                                                        │║│
  93. │╙│─ ──  ─                                                                ──╜│
  94. └─│────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┘
  95.  ─│─ ──  ─                                                          ─  ── ─│─
  96. ┌─│──────────────────────────────>   SYSOPS  <─────────────────────────────│─┐
  97. │╓──                                ········                        ─  ── ─│╖│
  98. │║│                                                                        │║│
  99. │║│                       Infiniti              Halper                     │║│
  100. │║│                                                                        │║│
  101. │║│                                                                        │║│
  102. │╙│─ ──  ─                                                                ──╜│
  103. └─│────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┘
  104. ─│─ ──  ─                                                           ─  ── ─│─
  105. ┌─│──────────────────────────> HOW TO CONTACT US <─────────────────────────│─┐
  106. │╓──                          ···················                   ─  ── ─│╖│
  107. │║│                                                                        │║│
  108. │║│                     Don't call us, we'll call you! <>G                 │║│
  109. │║│                                                                        │║│
  110. │║│                        TVM offers a 401K(bs) plan.                     │║│
  111. │║│                                                                        │║│
  112. │╙│─ ──  ─                                                                ──╜│
  113. └─│────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┘
  114.  ─│─ ──  ─                                                          ─  ── ─│─
  115. ┌─│──────────────────────────────> SUPPORT <───────────────────────────────│─┐
  116. │╓──                              ·········                         ─  ── ─│╖│
  117. │║│                                                                        │║│
  118. │║│        If you enjoy using this warez, please consider buying it.       │║│
  119. │║│       Programmers need to support their families, and someone has      │║│
  120. │║│      to make it worth their time to keep coming up with new warez.     │║│
  121. │║│        You also get something that TVM does not supply. Namely,        │║│
  122. │║│                    manuals, and technical support.                     │║│
  123. │║│                                                                        │║│
  124. │╙│─ ──  ─                                                                ──╜│
  125. └─│────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┘
  126.                 Thanks to T for an nfo well done, 2-22-98