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Text File  |  1990-01-01  |  7KB  |  93 lines

  2. ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  3. │╔──────────────╦─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╗│
  4. ││Date:         │ 10th April 1998                                           ││
  5. │╠──────────────╬─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  6. ││What:         │ Web Weawer v97.82 For Windows 95                          ││
  7. ││              │                                                           ││
  8. │╠──────────────╬─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  9. ││WWW-Site:     │ http://www.mcwebsoftware.com                              ││
  10. ││D/L Link #1:  │ ftp.cdrom.com/pub/simtelnet/win95/html/webwv97k.zip       ││
  11. ││D/L Link #2:  │ ftp.lanet.lv/pub/mirror/simtelnet/win95/html/webwk97k.zip ││
  12. ││D/L Size:     │ 4 550 047 bytes                                           ││ 
  13. │╠──────────────╬─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  14. ││Description:  │ Web Weawer is a comprehensive, feature-rich HTML text     ││
  15. ││              │ editor for Windows which makes it easy to create Web      ││
  16. ││              │ pages. Web Weawer is a powerful editor which is ideal for ││
  17. ││              │ beginners as well as advanced users of HTML.              ││
  18. ││              │                                                           ││
  19. │╠──────────────╬─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  20. ││Personal      │ Bullshit! Crappy Visual Basic program. I wouldn't pay     ││
  21. ││Opinions:     │ a dime for this one! Before you even spend your time      ││
  22. ││              │ to download this take a look into some other HTML-editors.││
  23. ││              │                                                           ││
  24. │╠──────────────╬─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  25. ││Note To       │ What can you except from VB "programmer"? Poor programs   ││
  26. ││Author:       │ and poor protections! I don't blaim you for using such    ││
  27. ││              │ stupid protection. I blame you for using Visual Basic as  ││
  28. ││              │ a "programming" language! I don't know any *real*         ││
  29. ││              │ programmers who ever use VB. You haven't obviously heard  ││
  30. ││              │ about C/C++ or Delphi? Or then you are too stupid to      ││
  31. ││              │ learn them.                                               ││
  32. │╠──────────────╬─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  33. ││Note To More  │ Anybody interested finding real password?                 ││
  34. ││Experienced   │                                                           ││
  35. ││Crackers:     │                                                           ││
  36. │╠──────────────╬─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  37. ││Operating     │ Windows 95/NT [■]   Windows 3.x [ ]   DOS [ ]   OTHER [ ] ││
  38. ││System:       │                                                           ││
  39. │╠──────────────╬─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  40. ││Cracker:      │ TonyTOP                                                   ││
  41. │╠──────────────╬─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  42. ││Crack Number: │ 00001110                                                  ││
  43. │╠──────────────╬─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  44. ││Requested:    │ YES [■]  in alt.binaries.cracks                           ││
  45. ││              │ NO  [ ]                                                   ││
  46. │╠──────────────╩─═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  47. ││                                                                          ││
  48. ││                 PATCH   [ ]   SERIAL   [ ]   KEYGEN [ ]                  ││
  49. ││                 CRACKED [ ]   TUTORIAL [ ]   OTHER  [■]                  ││
  50. ││                                                                          ││
  51. │╠─════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  52. ││                                                                          ││
  53. ││                            -= Crack Notes =-                             ││
  54. ││                                                                          ││
  55. ││      I don't usually crack VB program, but request was so good that      ││
  56. ││      I made exception. Double click .reg file and you have registered    ││
  57. ││      copy - I just don't know who needs it when there are better         ││
  58. ││      programs available.                                                 ││
  59. ││                                                                          ││
  60. ││      As always - Enjoy!                                                  ││
  61. ││                                                                          ││
  62. │╠─════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  63. ││                                                                          ││
  64. ││                               -= Thanks =-                               ││
  65. ││                                                                          ││
  66. ││      justcurious@wondering.net for the information.                      ││
  67. ││                                                                          ││
  68. ││                                                                          ││
  69. │╠─════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╣│
  70. ││                                                                          ││
  71. ││                               -= TonyTOP =-                              ││
  72. ││                                                                          ││
  73. ││      In case you want to contact me I suggest you post your message      ││
  74. ││      to alt.cracks or alt.binaries.cracks with header ATTN: TonyTOP      ││
  75. ││                                                                          ││
  76. ││      Note that I don't classify myself as a cracker. I crack programs    ││
  77. ││      only occasionally and I only take request from my friends. You can, ││
  78. ││      however request a crack/cracks, but don't rely on that I can        ││
  79. ││      crack or even try to crack them.                                    ││
  80. ││                                                                          ││
  81. ││      I don't usually crack programs that has already been cracked        ││
  82. ││      by someone else.                                                    ││
  83. ││                                                                          ││
  84. ││      I don't crack Visual Basic programs (not worth it), so don't        ││
  85. ││      bother asking.                                                      ││
  86. ││                                                                          ││
  87. ││      I don't crack programs, which I have to order (like some CD) from   ││
  88. ││      some stupid company.                                                ││
  89. ││                                                                          ││
  90. ││                                                                          ││
  91. │╚─════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════─╝│
  92. └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────=[.nfo By TonyTOP]=─┘