The Elite Hackers Toolkit
Assembly Source File
299 lines
%TITLE "Shadow v1.0 Beta - COM encryptor by Tailgunner"
IDEAL ; ideal mode r0x ;)
JUMPS ; allow jumps bigger then 128 bytes
MODEL tiny
CR EQU 0Dh ; ASCII for carriage return
LF EQU 0Ah ; ASCII for line feed
Intro DB '───═[ Shadow COM encryptor version 1.0 beta ]═───',LF,CR
DB ' Coded in 1998 by Tailgunner',LF,CR,'$'
NoCTail DB LF,CR,' ■ Directions : shadow <filename.com>',LF,CR,'$'
Opening DB LF,CR,' ■ Opening file ...$'
Allocate DB LF,CR,' ■ Allocating memory ...$'
Reading DB LF,CR,' ■ Reading from input file ...$'
Crypting DB LF,CR,' ■ Mutating code ...$'
Writing DB LF,CR,' ■ Writing to output file : $'
Done DB LF,CR,' ■ Job complete!',LF,CR,'$'
ErrOpen DB LF,CR,' ■ Error : File not found!',LF,CR,'$'
ErrRead DB LF,CR,' ■ Error reading from file!',LF,CR,'$'
ErrWrite DB LF,CR,' ■ Error writing to output file!',LF,CR,'$'
ErrCreate DB LF,CR,' ■ Error creating output file!',LF,CR,'$'
ErrAlloc DB LF,CR,' ■ Error allocating memory!',LF,CR,'$'
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Handle DW 0 ; storage for file handle
Jump DB 0E9h ; code for a JMP
FSize DW 0 ; file size holder
CrpSize DW 0 ; filesize / 2 + 1 (for loop)
CTailStor DW 0 ; points to beginning of command tail
CTailSize DW 0 ; size of command tail
MemAddr DW 0 ; New DS address
Key DB 0 ; encryption key from clock
XORKey DW 0 ; stores final key value
NewFile DB 0Dh DUP (0),LF,CR,'$' ; output file name
ORG 100h
lea dx,[Intro] ; load 'Intro' message
call Print ; print the message
mov cl,[ds:80h] ; get command tail length
or cl,cl ; anything there?
jnz FoundCmd ; if so move on ...
lea dx,[NoCTail] ; print 'NoCTail' message
call Print
jmp Exit
call GetCmdTail ; procedure to get params on cmdtail
lea dx,[Opening] ; load 'Opening' message
call Print ; print the message
call OpenFile ; open file from command tail
jnc FileOpen ; jump if there is no errors
lea dx,[ErrOpen] ; load 'ErrOpen' message
call Print ; print the message
jmp Exit
mov [Handle],ax ; move file handle into 'Handle'
lea dx,[Allocate] ; load 'Allocate' message
call Print ; print the message
call MemAllocate ; procedure to allocate memory
jnc StartRead ; if everything is ok, jump on...
lea dx,[ErrAlloc] ; print 'ErrAlloc' message
call Print ; print the message
jmp Exit
mov [MemAddr],ax ; MemAddr <-- address of new memory
lea dx,[Reading] ; load 'Reading' message
call Print ; print the message
call ReadFile ; read input file into memory
jnc Encryp ; if everything is ok, move on
lea dx,[ErrRead] ; load 'ErrRead' message
call Print ; print the message
jmp Exit
call CloseFile ; close input file
mov ah,2Ch ; get time from clock
int 21h
xor dl,dh ; dh = Seconds, dl = Hundredths
mov [Key],dl ; move random key into 'Key'
mov bx,[FSize] ; bx = filesize (key for encryption)
mov cx,bx ; also need filesize in cx for loop
movzx dx,dl ; move dl to dx
xor bx,dx ; bx = filesize dx = random Value
mov [XORKey],bx ; save XORKey for Decrypt procedure
lea dx,[Crypting] ; load 'Crypting' message
call Print ; print the message
shr cx,1 ; divide filesize by 2
inc cx ; add one in case of remainder
mov [CrpSize],cx ; save for adding to Decrypt proc
mov ax,[MemAddr] ; move 'MemAddr' into ax
push ds es ; save ds and es to the stack
mov ds,ax ; ds points to the allocated mem
mov es,ax ; ... and so does es
xor dx,dx ; ds:dx points to start of filebuf
xor si,si ; ds:si
xor di,di ; es:di
lodsw ; load word to ax
xor ax,bx ; crypt it with bx
stosw ; store it back on di
xchg bl,bh ; switch bl with bh
not bx ; get ones complement of bx
loop Loop1 ; loop back for the next word
pop es ds ; restore old ds and es
call NewFName ; comfile.com --> comfile.sdw
mov si,[CTailStor] ; si points to start of command tail
lea di,[NewFile] ; di points to 'NewFile' variable
mov cx,[CTailSize] ; command tail length in cx
dec cx ; we don't need the null 0 at the end
stosb ; put new filename into NewFile
loop Loop2
lea dx,[Writing] ; load 'Writing' message
call Print ; print the message
lea dx,[NewFile] ; load 'NewFile' (new file name)
call Print ; print the filename
call CreateFile ; create output file
jnc Continue ; if everything is ok jump on
lea dx,[ErrCreate] ; load 'ErrCreate' message
call Print ; print the message
jmp Exit
mov [Handle],ax ; put file handle into 'Handle'
mov cx,03h ; cx = number of bytes to write
lea dx,[Jump] ; dx points to start of bytes
mov bx,[Handle] ; put file handle into bx
call WriteFile ; write the bytes to file
jnc WriteOK ; if everything is good, jump
lea dx,[ErrWrite] ; load 'ErrWrite' message
mov cx,[CrpSize]
mov [word ptr PtchSize+1],cx
mov cx,[XORKey]
mov [word ptr PtchCrp+1],cx
; The above routine may be a bit confusing so i'll explain ;)
; CrpSize = Half the filesize, we need this in the Decrypt procedure because
; we are crypting word values. XORKey = the encryption key that was
; created when the input file buffer was crypted farther up in the source.
; mov [word ptr PatchSize+1],cx patches the Decrypt procedure before it
; is written to the output file. The same thing goes for the XORKey.
push ds ; save ds to the stack
mov cx,[FSize] ; load filesize into cx
mov bx,[Handle] ; bx contains file handle
mov ax,[MemAddr] ; load address of allocated mem in ax
mov ds,ax ; ds now points to allocated memory
xor dx,dx ; ds:dx points to file buffer
call WriteFile ; write the buffer to output file
pop ds ; restore old ds
lea dx,[Decrypt] ; dx points to start of Decrypt proc
mov cx,(Marker-Decrypt) ; number of bytes to write
mov bx,[Handle] ; move file handle into bx
call WriteFile ; write the decrypt procedure to file
call CloseFile ; close the output file
lea dx,[Done] ; load 'Done' message
call Print ; print the message
mov ah,4Ch ; function 4Ch = terminate process
int 21h
PROC Print
mov ah,09h ; function 4Ch = print string
int 21h
ENDP Print
PROC GetCmdTail
inc cx ; cx = length to scan
mov [CTailSize],cx ; save command tail size to CTailSize
mov di,81h ; 81h = start of command tail
mov al,' '
repe scasb ; scan bytes while al = ' '
lea dx,[di-01h] ; dx points to beginning of tail
mov [CTailStor],dx ; also put in CTailStor
repne scasb ; scan while al <> ' '
dec di
xor al,al ; null terminate the parameter
stosb ;
ENDP GetCmdTail
PROC OpenFile
mov dx,[CTailStor] ; dx points to filename from CTailStor
mov ax,3D02h ; open file for read/write
int 21h
ENDP OpenFile
PROC MemAllocate
mov ah,4Ah ; modify allocated memory blocks
mov bx,1000h ; make 1000h byte paragraphs
int 21h
mov ah,48h ; allocate memory blocks
mov bx,1000h ; allocate 1000h blocks
int 21h
ENDP MemAllocate
PROC ReadFile
mov bx,[Handle] ; move file handle into bx
mov cx,0FFFFh ; maximum number of bytes to read
mov ax,[MemAddr] ; ax has address of allocated mem
push ds ; save old ds
mov ds,ax ; we are reading file into new mem
xor ax,ax ; clear ax
xor dx,dx ; ds:dx points to allocated mem
mov ah,3Fh ; function 3Fh = read from file
int 21h
pop ds ; restore old ds
mov [FSize],ax ; save filesize to FSize
ENDP ReadFile
mov cx,[CTailSize] ; load command tail size into cx
xor di,di ; clear di
mov di,[CTailStor] ; di points to first char on cmdtail
mov al,'.'
repne scasb ; scan bytes while al <> '.'
mov al,'s' ;
stosb ;
mov al,'d' ; create new filename extention
stosb ;
mov al,'w' ;
stosb ;
PROC CloseFile
mov bx,[Handle] ; move handle into bx
mov ah,3Eh ; function 3Eh = close file
int 21h
ENDP CloseFile
PROC CreateFile
mov dx,[CTailStor] ; dx points to filename from CTailStor
xor cx,cx ; clear cx
mov ah,3Ch ; function 3Ch = create file
int 21h
ENDP CreateFile
PROC WriteFile
mov ah,40h ; function 40h = write bytes to file
int 21h
ENDP WriteFile
PROC Decrypt
mov cx,0 ; byte ptr from above patches the 0
mov bx,0 ; byte ptr from above patches the 0
mov si,103h ; start of crypted code
mov di,100h ; decrypt to cs:0100h
lodsw ; load word to decrypt into ax
xor ax,bx ; crypt it!
stosw ; overwrite encrypted code
xchg bl,bh ; exchange bl with bh
not bx ; get ones complement of bx
loop Lp
push 100h ; ret to cs:100h
ENDP Decrypt
Marker DB 0 ; marker for the end of procedure
END Start