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/ The Elite Hackers Toolkit / TheEliteHackersToolkitVolume1_1998.rar / HACKERS.BIN / appcraks / PIX4114.ZIP / README.TXT next >
Text File  |  1990-01-01  |  7KB  |  103 lines

  1. +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+
  2. |999«999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999|
  3. |8888 ## 8888## 88888888888888888888:L 888888:L 88888888888888888|
  4. |77777### 777## 7777777777777777777:L 777777:L 777777777777777777|
  5. |6666## # 66## 6666666666666666666:L 666666:L 6666  zZzZzZ 666666|
  6. |5555##  #55## 555 u|555|u 55555:L 555555:L 555555555 zZ 55555555|
  7. |444## 4 #4## 4444 u|444|u 4444:L 444444:L 444444444 zZ 444444444|
  8. |333## 33 ### 3333 u|333|u 333:L 333333:L 333333333 zZ 3333333333|
  9. |22## 2222## 22222 \UuuuU/ 222:LLLL 222:LLLL 22222 ZzZzZz... ⌐222|
  10. |1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111|
  11. +&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&+
  12. +================================================================+
  13. | Program: PixShow v4.1.1.4                                      |
  14. | URL: http://alliance.net/~fasttrax/sunshine/pixshow.html       |
  15. | Company: Sunshine Software                                     |
  16. | Software Type: Graphics Viewer                                 |
  17. | Software Date: 04/27/1998                                      |
  18. |                                                                |
  19. | Program: FontFinder 32 v3.12                                   |
  20. | URL: http://alliance.net/~fasttrax/sunshine/fontfinder.html    |
  21. | Software Type: Fonts Utility                                   |
  22. | Software Date: 02/18/1998                                      |
  23. |                                                                |
  24. | Crack Date: 04/17/1998                                         |
  25. | Keymaker Updated: 04/28/1998                                   |
  26. | Crack Type: [x]-KeyGen   [ ]-Serial#   [ ]-Patch               |
  27. |                                                                |
  28. |                [[[ Cracked  =by=  ½Nullz╗  ]]]                 |
  29. |                    E-mail: crackz@hehe.com                     |
  30. |         Web-site:  http://members.xoom.com/nullz/              |
  31. |                                                                |
  32. |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
  33. | Philosophy: "Use your own registration keys!"                  |
  34. |                                                                |
  35. |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
  36. |                                                                |
  37. | [Crack Note]:..................................................|
  38. |              =------------------------------------------------=|
  39. | Not much to say, just run the keymaker and get your regcode.   |
  40. |                                                                |
  41. | If you want to register the software, just delete the registry |
  42. | entries of the followings...                                   |
  43. | [HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Sunshine\Pixshow] "UserName"=""  |
  44. |                                                                |
  45. | [HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion |
  46. | \Camber] "value"=""                                            |
  47. |                                                                |
  48. | [HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion |
  49. | \Kerning] "value"=""                                           |
  50. |                                                                |
  51. | Also, this keymaker is a 32-bit program only for Win95/98/NT.  |
  52. | It requires- MFC42.DLL and MSVCRT.DLL                          |
  53. |                                                                |
  54. | Make sure the version you're registering is the version        |
  55. | indicated by the keymaker (v The author keeps        |
  56. | changing the algorithm.                                        |
  57. |=---------------------------------------------------=           |
  58. |================================================================|
  59. | [Program Description]:                                         |
  60. |  PixShow is a unique graphics browser that allows you to       |
  61. |  instantly view JPG, GIF, Animated GIF, BMP, ICO, WMF, and AVI |
  62. |  animation files with a single click of the mouse! Its built-in|
  63. |  graphics file manager allows you to move, copy, and delete    |
  64. |  files, add/delete folders, and set file attributes. A powerful|
  65. |  built-in search engine allows you to quickly find and view any|
  66. |  supported image file on your computer. A printed report shows |
  67. |  all the graphic files and their size in a specified directory.|
  68. |  You can also run a PixShow, a slide show type presentation of |
  69. |  all selected file types in a specified directory. Resizable   |
  70. |  screens allow you to instantly zoom an image from a thumb nail|
  71. |  to full screen. This latest version allows you to link each   |
  72. |  file type to a graphics editor of your choice allowing you to |
  73. |  quickly open the currently selected graphic for editing.      | 
  74. |                                                                |
  75. |  FontFinder provides a quick and easy way to browse your       |
  76. |  system fonts. It displays all system fonts using their own    |
  77. |  font face.                                                    |
  78. |                                                                |
  79. +----------------------------------------------------------------+
  80. #................................................................#
  81. #````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````#
  82. | [Crack History]:                                               |
  83. |                                                                |
  84. | # | Program Name     | Crack Date | Crack Type...              |
  85. | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
  86. | 1. Crypto v3.0       | 03/20/1998 | Algorithm Crack/ReEngineer |
  87. | 2. All Software      | 03/21/1998 | KeyMaker                   |
  88. |    Designs' Programs |   (KeyMaker Updated on 04/10/1998)      |
  89. | 3. IrfanView v2.68   | 04/01/1998 | KeyMaker                   |
  90. | 4. Dropit v3.2       | 04/04/1998 | Patch                      |
  91. | 5. Crypto v3.1       | 04/07/1998 | Algorithm Crack/ReEngineer |
  92. |   {encrypted "CrackMe.(=txt=)" was cracked using brute force}  |
  93. | 6. Edit++ v1.04.2    | 04/11/1998 | KeyMaker                   |
  94. |            (updated 04/16/1998 for Editplus v1.04.3)           |
  95. | 7. J-Write v2.3      | 04/16/1998 | KeyMaker                   |
  96. | 8. PixShow v3.9.1.2/ | 04/17/1998 | KeyMaker                   |
  97. |   FontFinder32 v3.12 |            |                            |
  98. | 9. CSE HTMLval v2.55 | 04/19/1998 | KeyMaker                   |
  99. | 10. PolyView v3.0b15 | 04/22/1998 | KeyMaker                   |
  100. | 11. Grabber v2.0.18  | 04/26/1998 | KeyMaker                   |
  101. #----------------------------------------------------------------#
  102. %================================================================%