n29=10:ON TEXT:*!add*:#:/guser 10 $parm2 | /notice $parm2 You are a access level 10 user. Type " /msg $me help " for master commands! | /notice $parm2 Type " /ctcp $me PASS <password> " to set a password for ops. Type " /msg $me help " for more help on passwords.
n30=10:ON TEXT:*!destroy*:#:/quit By command of a master.
n31=10:ON TEXT:*!op*:#:/mode $chan +o $parm2
n32=10:ON TEXT:*!kick*:#:/kick $chan $parm2 Commanded by a master
n33=10:ON TEXT:*!shutup*:#:/guser 99 $parm2 | /notice $chan $parm to has a shutup kick on him/her. If $parm2 talks he/she will be kicked!
n34=10:ON TEXT:*!unshutup*:#:/ruser $parm2 99, 7, 6. 5, 4, 3, 2 | /notice $chan $parm2 's Shutup Kick has been removed
n42=1:ON CHATOPEN:/msg = $+ $nick 2Kewl version 2.1 by Weapon_X | /msg = $+ $nick Command groups are: | /msg = $+ $nick user MASTER | /msg = $+ $nick Type !(command group) for help on that group | /msg = $+ $nick (ex. !user) | /msg = $+ $nick (NOTE: All commands after all groups are done in a channel and any commands in all CAPITALS can only be done by masters)
n43=1:ON CHAT:!user:/msg = $+ $nick 2kewl version 2.1 by Weapon_X | /msg = $+ $nick Command groups are: | /msg = $+ $nick guestbook blackjack slots page status jokes time info credits ad mixup files mail | /msg = $+ $nick Type !(command name) for help on that group | /msg = $+ $nick (ex. !blackjack) | /msg = $+ $nick (NOTE: All commands after all groups are done in a channel and any commands in all CAPITALS can only be done by masters)
n44=1:ON CHAT:!Guestbook:/msg = $+ $nick To sign my guestbook type !sign <message>
n45=1:ON CHAT:!blackjack:/msg = $+ $nick If you wanna play blackjack for prizes like ops type !Gamble
n46=1:ON CHAT:!slots:/msg = $+ $nick If you wanna play slots for ops type !slots
n47=1:ON CHAT:!page:/msg = $+ $nick To page my maker, Weapon_X, type !page
n48=1:ON CHAT:!jokes:/msg = $+ $nick Type !joke1 for ' Your momma jokes ' or !joke2 for ' Redneck jokes. '
n49=1:ON CHAT:!time:/msg = $+ $nick Type !time for the time in Eastern Time.
n50=1:ON CHAT:!mail:/msg = $+ $nick Command groups are: | /msg = $+ $nick send get new | /msg = $+ $nick Type !(command group) for help on that group
n51=1:ON CHAT:!get:/msg = $+ $nick Type !mail to check your mail
n52=1:ON CHAT:!send:/msg = $+ $nick Type !send <nick> <message> to send mail!!!
n53=1:ON CHAT:!info:/msg = $+ $nick Type !info for info about 2Kewl. Weapon_X's Bot
n54=1:ON CHAT:!new:/msg = $+ $nick Type !register for a mirc e-mail account
n55=1:ON CHAT:!status:/msg = $+ $nick Type !level to check your level status.
n56=1:ON CHAT:!credits:/msg = $+ $nick Type !credits for credits on my bot.
n57=1:ON CHAT:!oldbot:/msg = $+ $nick My maker, Weapon_X, made a barbot before this. The old one isn't as good as this one but it is available by going into my file server. (Tye !fserve)
n58=1:ON CHAT:!versions:/msg = $+ $nick To see the version of this bot type !versions
n59=1:ON CHAT:!MASTER:/msg = $+ $nick 2Kewl version 2.1 by Weapon_X | /msg = $+ $nick Command groups are: | /msg = $+ $nick OP BAN DIE SHUTUP ADD NICK KICK PASSWORD INVITE | /msg = $+ $nick Type !(command group) for help on that group | /msg = $+ $nick (ex. !master) | /msg = $+ $nick (note: You can't use the commands listed after all the groups in the DCC chat)
n60=1:ON CHAT:!OP:/msg = $+ $nick To op a user type !op <nick>
n61=1:ON CHAT:!BAN:/msg = $+ $nick To ban a user type !ban <nick>
n62=1:ON CHAT:!DIE:/msg = $+ $nick To make me leave irc type !destroy
n63=1:ON CHAT:!SHUTUP:/msg = $+ $nick To do a shutup kick on a user type !shutup <nick> To remove type !unshutup <nick>
n64=1:ON CHAT:!ADD:/msg = $+ $nick To add a user to my masterz list type !add <nick> To remove type !remove <nick>
n65=1:ON CHAT:!NICK:/msg = $+ $nick To change my nickname type !nick <newnick>
n66=1:ON CHAT:!KICK:/msg = $+ $nick To kick a user type !kick <nick>
n67=1:ON CHAT:!password:/msg = $+ $nick Command groups are: | /msg = $+ $nick CHANGE NEW USE | /msg = $+ $nick Type !(command group) for help on that group
n68=1:ON CHAT:!new:/msg = $+ $nick To make a password type " /ctcp $me PASS <password>
n69=1:ON CHAT:!change:/msg = $+ $nick To change a password type " /ctcp $me <NEWPASS> <OLDPASS>
n70=1:ON CHAT:!use:/msg = $+ $nick Type " /ctcp $me OP <channel> <password> " To have me op you in a channel I have ops in.
n71=1:ON CHAT:!invite:/msg = $+ $nick Type " /ctcp $me <channel> " to have me invite you to a channel that I am in
n72=1:ON CHAT:!ad:/msg = $+ $nick Type !ads in a channel and see!
n73=1:ON CHAT:!mixup:/msg = $+ $nick Type !mixup to play mixup!
n74=1:ON CHAT:!files:/msg = $+ $nick Type !fserve for a file server!
n82=1:ON TEXT:*!joke2*:#:/notice $chan You know your a redneck when : $read c:\progra~1\2kewl\redneck.txt
n83=1:ON TEXT:*!time*:#:/notice $nick It is $time $+ .
n84=1:ON TEXT:*!info*:#:/notice $nick 2kewl is made by Weapon_X. 2kewl have blackjack, auto ops, slots, levels etc. 2kewl will not be released until version 3.1 is out. Any ideas for improving this page can be signed in the guestbook.
n85=1:ON TEXT:*!credits*:#:/notice $nick {-=-=[Credits go out to:]=-=-} | /notice $nick ^archvile for getting me started in bots | /notice $nick Cephaler for his help in my old bot. | /notice $nick Ignitor for his password function included in this bot | /notice $nick Juggles for his tips on making bots
n86=1:ON TEXT:*!versions*:#:/msg $nick Here are the versions: | /msg $nick [2kewl BETA 1] First version of this bot. Blackjack's Hit and stand commands are messed up | /msg $nick [2kewl 1.0] Blackjack fixed and added popup options | /msg $nick [2kewl 2.0] Added slot, ddc chat, and some extra bar commands | /msg $nick [2kewl 2.1] Improved ddc chat and added more bar commands. | /msg $nick [2kewl 3.0] !!!!COMING!!!!
n87=1:ON TEXT:*!ads*:#:/msg $chan |-=-=-=-2Kewl version 2.1 by Weapon_X-=-=-=-|
n92=11:ON TEXT:*!joke2*:#:/notice $chan You know your a redneck when : $read c:\progra~1\2kewl\redneck.txt
n93=11:ON TEXT:*!time*:#:/notice $nick It is $time $+ .
n94=11:ON TEXT:*!info*:#:/notice $nick 2kewl is made by Weapon_X. 2kewl have blackjack, auto ops, slots, levels etc. 2kewl will not be released until version 3.1 is out. Any ideas for improving this bot can be signed in the guestbook.
n95=11:ON TEXT:*!credits*:#:/notice $nick Credits go out to: | /notice $nick ^archvile | /notice $nick Cephaler | /notice $nick Ignitor | /notice $nick Juggles | notice $nick Everyone listed above helped me with my bot.......
n96=11:ON TEXT:*!versions*:#:/msg $nick Here are the versions: | /msg $nick [2kewl BETA 1] First version of this bot. Blackjack's Hit and stand commands are messed up | /msg $nick [2kewl 1.0] Blackjack fixed and added popup options | /msg $nick [2kewl 2.0] Added slot, ddc chat, and some extra bar commands | /msg $nick [2kewl 2.1] Improved ddc chat and added more bar commands. | /msg $nick [2kewl 3.0] !!!!COMING!!!!
n97=11:ON TEXT:*!ads*:#:/say |-=-=-=-2Kewl version 2.1 by Weapon_X-=-=-=-|
n100=1:ON TEXT:!register:*:/notice $nick I will recognize you by the nick -> $+ $nick $+ <- You will have to be using the the registered nick to get your mail. | /notice $nick Please type: !acct to have an account number generated for you
n101=1:ON TEXT:!acct:*:/notice $nick Your Account Number Is: $read c:\progra~1\2kewl\acct.txt $+ $read c:\progra~1\2kewl\acct.txt $+ $read c:\progra~1\2kewl\acct.txt $+ $read c:\progra~1\2kewl\acct.txt $+ | /notice $nick Please recite the account number to me by typing: !account #<number>
n102=1:ON TEXT:!account*:*:/notice $nick Account Number Accpeted | /write c:\progra~1\2kewl\mail\finger\ $+ $nick $+ .txt MailABot Account Info For: $nick | /write c:\progra~1\2kewl\mail\finger\ $+ $nick $+ .txt Mount Nick: $nick | /write c:\progra~1\2kewl\mail\finger\ $+ $nick $+ .txt $nick Account Number: $parm2 | /write c:\progra~1\2kewl\mail\account\ $+ $parm2 $+ .txt Account Number $parm2 Belongs To: $nick | /write -c c:\progra~1\2kewl\mail\levels\ $+ $nick $+ .txt $+ $nick Has Level 1 Access | /notice $nick Type !mail to check mirc e-mail or type !send <nick> to send mirc e-mail to a user!
n103=1:ON TEXT:!send*:*:/write c:\progra~1\2kewl\mail\ $+ $parm2 $+ .txt From: $nick Sent: $Adate @ $time | /write c:\progra~1\2kewl\mail\ $+ $parm2 $+ .txt ---> $parm3* | /write c:\progra~1\2kewl\mail\ $+ $parm2 $+ .txt ======================================================== | /notice $nick Message sent to $parm2 $+ | /notice $parm2 You Have New Mail from $nick $+
n112=@10!:ON JOIN:#:/notice $nick Type: /ctcp $me OP $chan <password> .....Then Type ' /msg $me help ' for my commands or to learn more about passwords.
n113=1:ON JOIN:#:/notice $nick Welcome to $chan, $nick! Type " /msg $me help " for my commands
n114=99:ON JOIN:#:/notice $chan $nick has a Shutup kick on him, if he talks, he will be kicked!
n118=1:ON TEXT:!slots:?:/msg $nick type !pull to play if you get 3 out of 3 the same you win ops with the exeption of the [EMPTY] bar.
n119=1:ON TEXT:!slots:#:/notice $nick type !pull to play if you get 3 out of 3 the same you win ops with the exeption of the [EMPTY] bar. Type !leave to quit.
n124=1:ON TEXT:!leave:#:/notice $nick Thank you for playing Slots by Weapon_X! Sorry that you didn't win. Please try again next time. -=[ Total Wins: 0 ]=-
n128=1:ON TEXT:!Gamble:#:/set %hiscash 0 | /msg $nick Type !Games for information on how to play. Thanks Weapon_X for this bot! | /guser 2 $nick 3 | /disable #botstart | set %hiscash 500
n129=2:ON PART:#:/ruser $nick 3
n130=2:ON QUIT:/ruser $nick 3
n131=2:ON TEXT:!BlackJack:#:/msg $nick Welcome to the blackjack table! | /msg $nick Please place your bet by typing "!bet AMOUNT" where AMOUNT is your bet. Right now you have $ %hiscash . | /guser 4 $nick 3
n132=2:ON TEXT:!quit:#:/msg $nick Thank You for playing blackjack by Weapon_X! | /ruser $nick 3 | /enable #botstart
n133=2:ON TEXT:!games:#:/msg $nick -=Blackjack Menu Commands for $nick=- | /msg $nick Type !blackjack to play blackjack. Standard Rules apply. | /msg $nick Type !Prizes to turn in your earnings for prizes. | /msg $nick Type !cash to recall the size of your wad. | /msg $nick And type !quit to leave GambleBot.
n134=2:ON TEXT:!cash:#:/msg $nick You currently have %hiscash dollars, big spender!
n135=;-------------------------Prizes, Change Whatever You like. Change fserve directory, or REM it out if you want.---------
n139=if (%hiscash < 500) { /msg $nick You don't have enough money for this prize. }
n141=2:ON TEXT:!Praise:# {
n142=if (%hiscash >= 1000) { /ame thinks $nick is the greatest thing that has come to this channel since the invention of mIRC. | /ame wishes all of his friends were as cool as $nick. | %hiscash = %hiscash - 1000 | halt }
n143=if (%hiscash < 1000) { /msg $nick You don't have enough money for this prize. }
n147=if (%hiscash < 150000) { /msg $nick You don't have enough money for this prize. }
n149=2:ON TEXT:!Kick:# {
n150=if (%hiscash >= 2500) { /msg $chan $me located his target, $parm2 !! $me is ready to fire at the request of $nick. | /msg $chan He charges up...... | /kick # $parm2 | /ame loves helping his Big Spender friend, $nick!! | %hiscash = %hiscash - 2500 | halt }
n151=if (%hiscash < 2500) { /msg $nick You don't have enough money for this prize. }
n153=2:ON TEXT:!OpMe:# {
n154=if (%hiscash >= 10000) { /msg $chan $nick has is a lucky person! | /mode $chan +o $nick | %hiscash = %hiscash - 10000 | halt }
n155=if (%hiscash < 10000) { /msg $nick You don't have enough money for this prize. }
n157=4:ON TEXT:*!bet*:# {
n158=%bet = $parm2
n159=if (%bet !isnum) { /msg $nick Please enter a bet in the form !bet AMOUNT, where AMOUNT is your monetary wager. | goto badbet }
n160=if ((%bet > %hiscash) || (%bet <= 0)) { set %bet 0 | /msg $nick Try again, Einstein! Didn't you learn math in grade school? | /msg $nick Please place your bet by typing "!bet AMOUNT" where AMOUNT is your bet. Right now you have $ %hiscash | goto badbet }
n161=/msg $nick Alright. Type !deal to begin, use !Hit & !Stand
n162=/ruser $nick 3
n163=/guser 2 $nick 3
n167=2:ON TEXT:!deal:# {
n168=set %num 0
n169=set %hisace 0
n170=set %myace 0
n171=set %histotal 0
n172=set %mytotal 0
n174=set %card $rand(0,53)
n175=if (%card == 0) goto repick
n176=if (%card == 53) goto repick
n177=inc %num
n178=if (%card < 14) {
n179=%cards = %card + 1
n180=%suit = hearts
n182=if ((%card > 13) && (%card < 27)) {
n183=%cards = %card - 12
n184=%suit = clubs
n186=if ((%card > 26) && (%card < 40)) {
n187=%cards = %card - 25
n188=%suit = diamonds
n190=if (%card > 39) {
n191=%cards = %card - 38
n192=%suit = spades
n194=if (%cards > 10) {
n195=goto face
n197=%cardvalue = %cards
n198=goto next
n200=if (%cards == 11) { %cards = Jack | set %cardvalue 10 }
n202=if (%cards == 13) { %cards = King | set %cardvalue 10 }
n203=if (%cards == 14) { %cards = Ace | set %cardvalue 11 | if (%num > 2) { set %myace 1 } | if (%num < 3) { set %hisace 1 } }
n205=if (%num == 1) { /msg $nick Your first card is the %cards of %suit | %histotal = %histotal + %cardvalue | goto repick }
n206=if (%num == 2) { /msg $nick Your second card is the %cards of %suit | %histotal = %histotal + %cardvalue | /msg $nick Your total is %histotal | if (%histotal == 21) { /msg $nick Congratulations, you got blackjack! Lucky schmuck. | %hiscash = %hiscash + [ 1.5 + %bet ] | /msg $nick You now have $ %hiscash | /ruser $nick 3 | /guser 2 $nick 3 | /msg $nick Type !blackjack to play again, !games for more info, or !quit to leave GambleBot } | goto repick }
n208=if (%num == 4) { %mytotal = %mytotal + %cardvalue | %myfirstcard = %cardvalue | if (%mytotal == 21) { /msg $nick Dealer has blackjack! In your face! | %hiscash = %hiscash - %bet | /msg $nick You now have $ %hiscash | /ruser $nick 3 | /guser 2 $nick 3 | /msg $nick Type !blackjack to play again, !games for more info, or !quit to leave GambleBot | halt } }
n211=2:ON TEXT:!hit:# {
n212=set %num 0
n214=set %card $rand(0,53)
n215=if (%card == 0) goto repick
n216=if (%card == 53) goto repick
n217=inc %num
n218=if (%card < 14) {
n219=%cards = %card + 1
n220=%suit = hearts
n222=if ((%card > 13) && (%card < 27)) {
n223=%cards = %card - 12
n224=%suit = clubs
n226=if ((%card > 26) && (%card < 40)) {
n227=%cards = %card - 25
n228=%suit = diamonds
n230=if (%card > 39) {
n231=%cards = %card - 38
n232=%suit = spades
n234=if (%cards > 10) {
n235=goto face
n237=%cardvalue = %cards
n238=goto next
n240=if (%cards == 11) { %cards = Jack | set %cardvalue 10 }
n246=if ((%hisace != 1) && (%histotal > 21)) { /msg $nick You take a %cards of %suit . You bust! 2kewl $read c:\progra~1\2kewl\wins.txt | %hiscash = %hiscash - %bet | /msg $nick You now have $ %hiscash | /ruser $nick 3 | /guser 2 $nick 3 | /msg $nick Type !blackjack to play again, !games for more info, or !quit to leave GambleBot | halt }
n247=if ((%hisace == 1) && (%histotal > 21)) { %histotal = %histotal - 10 | /msg $nick You take a %cards of %suit . Your total is now %histotal | set %hisace 0 | halt }
n248=if (%histotal < 21) { /msg $nick You take a %cards of %suit . Your total is now %histotal }
n251=if ((%myace != 1) && (%mytotal > 21)) { /msg $nick Dealer takes a %cards of %suit. GambleBot busts! | %hiscash = %hiscash + %bet | /msg $nick You now have $ %hiscash | /ruser $nick 3 | /guser 2 $nick 3 | /msg $nick Type !blackjack to play again, !games for more info, or !quit to leave GambleBot | halt }
n252=if ((%myace == 1) && (%mytotal > 21)) { %mytotal = %mytotal - 10 | %showtotal = %mytotal - %myfirstcard | /msg $nick Dealer takes a %cards of %suit . Dealer now shows %showtotal | set %hisace 0 }
n253=if (%mytotal < 21) { %showtotal = %mytotal - %myfirstcard | /msg $nick Dealer takes a %cards of %suit . Dealer now shows %showtotal }
n256=2:ON TEXT:!stand:# {
n257=/msg $nick You stand with a total of %histotal
n258=/msg $nick Dealer's total is %mytotal
n259=if (%mytotal < 18) {
n261=set %card $rand(0,53)
n262=if (%card == 0) goto repick
n263=if (%card == 53) goto repick
n264=if (%card < 14) {
n265=%cards = %card + 1
n266=%suit = hearts
n268=if ((%card > 13) && (%card < 27)) {
n269=%cards = %card - 12
n270=%suit = clubs
n272=if ((%card > 26) && (%card < 40)) {
n273=%cards = %card - 25
n274=%suit = diamonds
n276=if (%card > 39) {
n277=%cards = %card - 38
n278=%suit = spades
n280=if (%cards > 10) {
n281=goto face
n283=%cardvalue = %cards
n284=goto next
n286=if (%cards == 11) { %cards = Jack | set %cardvalue 10 }
n288=if (%cards == 13) { %cards = King | set %cardvalue 10 }
n289=if (%cards == 14) { %cards = Ace | set %cardvalue 11 | if (%num > 2) { set %myace 1 } | if (%num < 3) { set %hisace 1 } }
n291=%mytotal = %mytotal + %cardvalue
n292=if ((%myace != 1) && (%mytotal > 21)) { /msg $nick Dealer takes a %cards of %suit . $me busts! | %hiscash = %hiscash + %bet | /msg $nick You now have $ %hiscash | /msg $nick Type !blackjack to play again, !games for more info, or !quit to leave 2kewl | /ruser $nick 3 | /guser 2 $nick 3 | halt }
n293=if ((%myace == 1) && (%mytotal > 21)) { %mytotal = %mytotal - 10 | /msg $nick Dealer takes a %cards of %suit . Dealer now has %mytotal | set %hisace 0 }
n294=if (%mytotal < 21) { /msg $nick Dealer takes a %cards of %suit . Dealer now has %mytotal }
n295=if (%mytotal < 18) { goto repick }
n297=if (%mytotal > 17) {
n298=if ((%mytotal > %histotal) && (%mytotal < 22)) { /msg $nick Dealer stands with %mytotal . That beats your %histotal . $me $read c:\progra~1\2kewl\wins.txt | %hiscash = %hiscash - %bet | /msg $nick You now have $ %hiscash | /msg $nick Type !blackjack to play again, !games for more info, or !quit to leave 2kewl }
n300=if (%mytotal < %histotal) { /msg $nick Dealer stands with %mytotal . You beat the dealer with your stinking %histotal . Congratulations. | %hiscash = %hiscash + %bet | /msg $nick You now have $ %hiscash | /msg $nick Type !blackjack to play again, !games for more info, or !quit to leave 2kewl }
n301=if (%mytotal == %histotal) { /msg $nick It's a tie, already. | /msg $nick Type !blackjack to play again, !games for more info, or !quit to leave 2kewl }