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<title>Zophar's Domain</title>
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<area shape="rect" coords="233,115,347,139" href="sms-gg.htm" tppabs="http://www.ziplink.net/~shadow5/sms-gg.htm">
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<center><p>Other Realms in Zophar's Domain<br>
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<OPTION VALUE="http://www.ziplink.net/~shadow5/wwwboard/mboard.html">Zophar's Message Domain (WWWBoard!)
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<OPTION VALUE="http://www.ziplink.net/~shadow5/esnes/esnes.htm">ESNES: The Next Great SNES Emulator
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<OPTION VALUE="http://www.ziplink.net/~shadow5/Nes-Lord/neslord.htm">Nes-Lord OFFICIAL homepage!
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<OPTION VALUE="http://www.ziplink.net/~shadow5/thanx.htm">Thanks to the Following</SELECT>
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<A href="genesis.htm" tppabs="http://www.ziplink.net/~shadow5/genesis.htm">Genesis</A>|
<A href="arcade.htm" tppabs="http://www.ziplink.net/~shadow5/arcade.htm">Arcade</A>|
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<hr><center><p>We won the OWC award of excellence!</p>
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<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- begin
var id,pause=0,position=0,revol=9;
function lauftext(){
var i,k;
var msg = "Changes to Zophar's Domain Recently: "
+ "04/24/97 Nes-Lord 0.35 added to the *official nes-lord homepage* , find it at the pulldown menu! "
+ "04/24/97 Esnes 0.11a released!!!! Chrono Trigger (-apu) and FF3 now work! "
+ "04/23/97 OWC Award won! "
+ "04/23/97 Nes-Lord 0.3 and Pasofami Dx 1.1a released! Super Pasofami Dx 1.1a also released! "
+ "04/23/97 Nes-Lord 0.2 added to NES section! New Nes emu based on NESA! "
+ "04/21/97 REM 0.9b and MAME 0.18 (Last version for this author) added to Arcade Page! "
+ "04/19/97 Snes '97 0.0.1 Dos and Win95 versions released! "
+ "04/15/97 Playable M-Engine Released! "
+ "04/15/97 MAME 0.17 released! "
+ "04/13/97 Snes Professional 0.08b released! Mode7 effects!! "
+ "04/12/97 Adding new logos to page, trying to figure out who to get to make me a new imagemap so I can have lotsa new emu sections... "
+ "04/08/97 Ding, Dong, DC is dead! (See News Page) MAGEX 0.4 released! "
+ "04/07/97 Mindrape screwed us over, he STOLE nesticle source and NESticle is discontinued, see the NEWS page "
+ "04/07/97 Snes Professional 0.07b released! Runs commercial games now! "
+ "04/06/97 MAME 0.15 released! Haruki Ikeda has died...read the news page... "
+ "04/05/97 Famicom v3 english released! "
+ "04/05/97 NESticle Shrine added to pull down menu! "
+ "04/04/97 NESticle 0.21 released!! "
+ "04/03/97 NESticle 0.2 released!!! GET IT NOW!!! INES KILLER!!!!!! "
+ "04/03/97 Rishgar 0.91 and Mame 0.14 released! "
+ "04/03/97 CGI restored! Updates will now be posted on a regular basis! All Cgi related things work now! "
+ "04/01/97 Snes '97 released! Ziplink CGI still screwed! Grumble... "
+ "03/25/97 NEMESIS emulator 0.99a released! "
+ "03/24/97 Nemesis 0.99 released, now with sound! Massage 0.8 released! (Registered Users only) "
+ "03/24/97 MAME 0.12 released! "
+ "03/22/97 Added Rygar Emulator 0.7b and Nemesis 0.5 "
+ "03/22/97 SNES '97 and DOS versions added to SNES section! "
+ "03/21/97 News page updated:TZ puts email of critic on his page! "
+ "03/20/97 Esnes 0.10VESA released! "
+ "03/19/97 SNES 97 Win95 RELEASED! "
+ "03/18/97 MAME 0.11 released! "
+ "03/18/97 Use http://www.ziplink.net/~shadow5/wwwboard/mboard.html for my message board from now on, or you won't hear the midi! "
+ "03/17/97 FF3j RELEASED! Get it at the main page NOW! (If you don't own it, I am not responsible, etc) "
+ "03/15/97 Zophar's EmuFaq 2.04 added to main page! Demi's RomHack Doc v 1.03 added to Nes page! "
+ "03/14/97 MAME 0.10b released! "
+ "03/12/97 Esnes 0.10a released! "
+ "03/10/97 Esnes page updated! "
+ "03/09/97 Snes 97 DOS port released!! "
+ "03/07/97 VGB-DOS 0.84 released! Take that Marat! News Page updated! "
+ "03/06/97 MAME 0.81 and MageX 0.3 added to Arcade Section "
+ "03/05/97 VGB-DOS 0.83 Released! "
+ "03/03/97 SNES '97 released! V now out! "
+ "03/02/97 VGB-DOS 0.82 Released! Marat made the person that picked it up drop it! See the News Page for more Info! "
var speed=10;
if(position++==msg.length) {
if (revol-- < 2) return;position=0;
// end -->
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