Run to Win is Shareware. This means you are free to use and evaluate the program for 30 days. If after this time you wish to continue to use the program you must register it with Red Dragon Software. It is illegal to continue to use the program after 30 days. We have kept the registration costs down so as to encourage you to register. We also provide various ways of getting payment to us, please use which ever is most convenient.
This is Version 1.0 of Run to Win, upon registration you will get the very latest version, this will have the various registration reminders removed. We chose to include Nag screens instead of limiting the program in any way, I think this is a fair compromise, and I hope you appreciate we must do all we can to encourage people to register.
We at Red Dragon Software hope that this program proves to be useful and that it goes some small way to helping you with your training.
Along with your registration payment please include your top recommendation of what you would like to see included in future versions. As a service to our customers we plan to implement the most often requested add-ins as soon as feed back shows what it is that you want. We see it as an evolving process driven by you the athlete. We also plan to keep the upgrading cost down to a minimum - no large bills every six months for upgrades.
If ordering by Credit Card please include - Card Number
Expiory date
Your Name as it is on the Card
Your address were your CC Bills go to.
For all orders please include - delivery address
- Top recommendation for inclusions in later versions.
We feel the progarm is self explanitory and will need the minimum of advice and technical support. Despite this we are more than keen to offer the registered user a permanent support help line, please phone the above number if you need any help, and for users outside the UK, use our Email address to send your queries to.
Thank you for using our product and we look forward to hearing from you.