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█▓▒░ DukeEdit Version 1.1 Documentation
DukeEdit is (C) Copyright 1992 David Bollinger.
Duke Nukem is (C) Copyright 1991 Apogee Software.
What is "DukeEdit" ?
DukeEdit is a tool that allows you to view, edit and print the game
maps of Apogee Software's Duke Nukem. It will allow you to modify
existing levels or create completely new levels from scratch. It will
work on all the levels of all three episodes of Duke Nukem. It allows
you to edit two levels at once and supports cut and paste editing. It
contains a complete reference describing every object in the Duke Nukem
world, and will support any printer capable of compressed mode printing.
Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the game maps this tool is not
recommended for casual gamers. It is intended primarily for experienced
computer users who would like to expand the worlds of Duke.
What about "DukeMap" ?
DukeMap was written approximately one year ago as the first utility
for viewing and printing the game maps of Duke Nukem. It served its
purpose, but has since evolved into DukeEdit. DukeEdit contains all
the features of DukeMap (minus several known bugs) while offering a
more detailed screen display and complete editing capabilities.
How to use DukeEdit:
1. If you do not yet have a copy of Duke Nukem, get it!
2. Register your copy with Apogee Software!
3. Place the DukeEdit files in your Duke Nukem subdirectory.
4. Type 'DukeEdit' from the command line.
5. Register your copy of DukeEdit.
NOTE: DukeEdit requires an EGA or VGA display.
After loading, DukeEdit will attempt to load level one from episode
one. If this level is present it will be displayed on the screen.
If this level is not present the screen will be blank. You may
select a different episode or level by pressing 'L.' If you are
unable to load any levels press [Esc] to exit and verify that you
have installed DukeEdit in the appropriate directory.
Hopefully the symbols used on the screen maps are self-evident.
Most of them at least superficially resemble their counterparts in
the game.
Some of the objects (such as jump boots, etc.) are displayed on screen
as the object itself, even though in the game the object is contained
within a grey disk. This is for clarity - grey disks contain important
items and a screen full of grey disks is not very informative.
On the other hand, treasure items contained within blue disks are simply
displayed as blue disks. No point cluttering up the screen with lots
of extraneous symbols. The free-standing treasures however are shown
as the actual object. Red disks are similarly displayed.
The status bar at the bottom of the screen contains the following info:
1. The current editing screen (1 or 2)
2. The current episode (1-9)
3. The current level (1-9,A-C)
4. The current shape and type
5. The current cursor position
Warning: The world of Duke Nukem is a large and detailed place.
Editing this world requires both patience and persistence.
It will also probably require a great deal of experimentation -
but hey, that's half the fun isn't it ?!
Each level of Duke Nukem is 128 units wide and 90 units tall.
At the bottom of the screen are two numbers labeled "XY:"
which allow you to keep track of your current location within the
level. Note that the coordinates begin at 0 (0-127, 0-89).
Each location within the level can contain one of many different
objects. These objects are defined by two numbers: SHAPE and TYPE.
These values are also displayed at the bottom of the screen and
indicate the shape and type of the object that the cursor is currently
positioned on. Note that these values are in hexadecimal notation
(base 16). This format was chosen because it most closely matches
the internal organization of objects used by Duke Nukem. I apologize
if you are not fluent in hex, but decimal would have been much worse.
SHAPE is a number in the range 00h - 30h that describes the overall
function of the object. For example, is it background or a solid
TYPE is a number in the range 00h - E0h (usually) that describes the
object specifically. If it is a solid object TYPE will tell you
what that object looks like. For example, is it brick or stone?
As you use the editor you will notice that it forbids you from
generating certain combinations of SHAPE and TYPE. This is normal,
certain combinations are just not valid (or at least not useful).
I had to make a tradeoff in design on this point between ease-of-use
and mess-around-ability. Ease-of-use won.
A complete listing of SHAPES and TYPES is available in the
file DUKEEDIT.S&T. I recommend that you print a copy of this list
before you begin editing. In summary, you will find the following 5
categories of SHAPES:
------- ------------------------
00 Empty
01 - 05 Flashers (blinky things)
06 - 17 Background (Duke can move through these)
18 - 2F Solids (Duke cannot move through these)
30 Active Objects (This is all the fun stuff -
incl. Duke himself, badguys, health, treasure...
If the descriptions provided in DUKEEDIT.S&T are not adequate (and
I admit that some of these objects were difficult to describe in
words) you may wish to explore the included level WORLDAL1.S&T. This
level is nothing more than a "shopping mall" of available non-active
objects. They are arranged and grouped in order by SHAPE and TYPE number.
The following commands will allow you to use WORLDAL1.S&T with
Duke Nukem (these commands assume you are using episode 1):
------ ---------------------------------------------
Arrows move around
Home increments the current shape
End decrements the current shape
PgUp increments the current type
PgDn decrements the current type
Space repeats last used object (see below)
Enter sets last used object (see below)
Ins marks and cuts into buffer (see below)
Del pastes from buffer (see below)
L load a level
P print the currently loaded level
R rename current level
S save the current level
T toggle between edit screen 1 and 2
Ctrl-X clears entire level (prompts before clearing)
F1 display help screen listing key functions
Esc quit DukeEdit (prompts before exiting)
Notes on keys:
The load and save functions allow you to select from 9 different
episodes. Be aware that the 3 episodes of Duke Nukem only recognize
a single episode. The extra episodes are provided as working storage
locations for you. In order to actually play any level of an episode
numbered above 3 you will have to rename it as appropriate. The
rename function will accomplish this. Once a level has been loaded
you may rename it to another episode or level before saving it.
Each time you edit an object the program remembers that object.
The space bar allows you to later recall that object with a single
keystroke and place it at the current cursor location. The Enter key
is in effect the opposite of the space bar: it sets the repeatable
object to the object at the current cursor location. The Enter key
allows you to "pick up" existing objects for duplication.
To copy more than a single object you must use the buffer commands:
The Insert key can be used to copy a region into a temporary buffer.
Press Insert once to mark the first corner of the region. Now define
the region by moving around with the arrow keys (the region will be
highlighted). Pressing Insert a second time will complete the
operation. Pressing Escape before pressing Insert a second time will
cancel the operation.
The temporary buffer can be retrieved by pressing the Delete key.
The current cursor position defines the upper left corner of the
pasted block. If there is insufficient room to perform the paste
a warning will be issued and the operation will be cancelled.
Note: pasting cannot be undone.
I might suggest using the buffer to build a "library" level of
commonly used groups of objects. Keep the library loaded in edit
screen 2, then while editing a new level on screen 1 you can cut and
paste from the library.
Note: Delete was chosen as the paste key rather than Insert only because
it is usually a physically smaller key. I believe that destructive keys
ought to be harder to get at than constructive keys.
Ctrl-X clears the entire level. It will ask for confirmation before
Duke Nukem is amazingly forgiving in terms of the errors it will
allow in its level datafiles. However, a well designed level will
obey the following guidelines:
1. Place one and only one Duke in each level.
2. Place one and only one exit door in each level.
3. Do not allow Duke to walk off the left or right sides of the level.
4. Do not allow Duke to move below line 86 or above line 3.
5. If you use the conveyor belts, make sure that the ends are
properly matched.
6. If you use the teleporters, make sure that you use one and only one
of each type (there are two teleporters).
7. Special objects such as the jump boots, grappling hook, robot glove,
etc., should not be duplicated within a level.
8. Duke is 2 units tall although his object occupies only one unit.
The space just above Duke should be empty. All paths that Duke is
expected to take must be at least two units tall.
9. Several other objects also occupy more than 1 unit - allow room:
fans, teleporters, large techbots, rockets, reactor, etc.
10. Duke can only jump 3 units vertically, 4 with jump boots. He can
jump 7 units horizontally, 8 with jump boots - and further if the
destination is below him. Make sure he can reach his destination.
11. If you use keys, make sure that keys, keyholes and doors are
matched up logically.
12. If you use the duplicators (S&T #'s 3025, 3026, 3027) be aware that
they can function as either background or solid objects depending
on what they are next to. Make sure they work the way you expect.
13. If you use the extension floor, make sure that it has something to
"run into" to stop its extension.
14. Place Dr. Proton only in the last level of an episode.
The editor will not prevent you from disobeying these guidelines,
use common sense. Typically if Duke Nukem finds too many of any given
object in a level it will remove them, beginning at the top left, leaving
the only the lower right copy. If objects don't match up properly they
will probably simply not work.
The maps used in Duke Nukem are too wide to fit on 8-1/2 x 11 paper
unless compressed printing is used. DukeEdit will automatically set
your printer to compressed mode before printing if it finds a file
called DUKEEDIT.PTR that contains the escape sequence appropriate
for your printer. The setup file included supports Epson and IBM
compatible printers that can be switched into compressed mode with
the sequence: \027\014 or <ESC><SI>.
The file DUKEEDIT.LSR contains the escape sequence for setting a
Hewlett-Packard Laserjet into compressed mode. The following DOS
commands will make this file the active printer configuration:
Other printers can be supported by inserting their commands with a
text editor. Or you may put your printer into compressed mode
If you have a wide-carriage printer you can safely ignore all of
the above; the maps will fit perfectly at 10 CPI.
Since the map is printed using text characters, which are not square,
the aspect ratio of the maps will be distored - they will appear to
be taller than they actually are. This problem is more noticeable
on narrow-carriage printers.
The following symbols are used on the printed maps:
╬ Duke's starting position
¥ Techbot - Badguy
c Camera
▓ ▒ ░ Various walls/floors/solid objects
< > Conveyor belts
* Spike ball (bouncing/exploding)
┴ ┬ Spikes
■ Various goodies, treasure
DUKE Collect the letters
∞ Health items (pepsi, drumstick, molecule)
⌐ Gun, increased firepower
≈ Flamejet
≡ Electric field
k Key
Φ Keyhole
║ Key operated door
X Exit door
─ Psuedo-floor generator
A Rocket
S Fan
Ω Teleporter
^ Elevator
Notes: Background objects are not displayed on the printed maps.
The duplicators are displayed as very light solid objects -
depending on their placement they may be simply background.
DukeEdit is (C) Copyright 1992 David Bollinger, All Rights Reserved.
The author makes no representations or warranties with respect to
this software or documentation, and specifically disclaims any
express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for
any purpose. Further the author reserves the right to make changes
to any and all parts of the software, at any time, without obligations
to notify any person or organizations. The author will not be
liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or
similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason even if the
author has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no
event shall the author's liability for any damages ever exceed the
price paid for the license to use the software, regardless of the
form of the claim.
Further the author is in no way affiliated with Apogee Software.
All programs and datafiles contained herein are original works
of authorship. None of the programs or datafiles contained herein
shall be distributed with any of Apogee Software's products, nor
shall they be represented as having been approved for any use by
Apogee Software.
DukeEdit is distributed as shareware and may be freely distributed
provided that all of the original files are included and have not
been modified or altered in any way. This software may not be sold.
However, a reasonable service charge (not to exceed $7) may be asked in
order to cover handling and/or materials costs.
This release of DukeEdit consists of the following files:
If you use and enjoy this program I encourage you to support the
shareware concept by sending U.S. $10.00 to:
David Bollinger
P.O. Box 894
Denair, CA 95316
In return you will receive the latest version of the program (please
specify 3 1/2" or 5 1/4" disks) as well as any levels that either I
have created or that have been submitted by other users.
I heartily welcome all submissions of any levels that you may create.
I personally enjoy this game a great deal, and love exploring new
worlds created by other people. All levels that are playable will
be shipped out with the registered version of the program so that
other users will also benefit from your creativity. Appropriate
credit for design will be included in this .DOC file.
I also welcome all comments and suggestions.
█▓▒░ RELEASE NOTES Version 1.1 11/15/92
1. Version 1.1 is the first publicly available version of DukeEdit.
2. DukeEdit was written with Borland C++ 3.0 and Turbo Assembler 2.0.
3. DukeEdit correctly identifies all teleporters. (DukeMap did not).
4. Under cetain circumstances, DukeMap would crash while printing if the
printer was not ready. This has been corrected in DukeEdit.
(Note: Certain shareware distributors require that instructional or
identification material be appended to the documentation file or
placed in a separate file to be included with the original program
files. The author grants permission for this documentation file to
be modified for this purpose provided that the original text is left
intact. The author also grants permission for additional files to be
included for this purpose provided that they are clearly identified as
not being part of the original program.)