Game Killer
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C/C++ Source or Header
508 lines
| WolfMap global definitions | (c) Oct 1992 Sysma Automatisering |
| Version 1.0 06/10/92 | First implementation. |
| | J.P. Dijkstra, M.Sc. |
| Version 1.01 07/10/92 | Added automatic renaming of the game |
| | maps file during format conversions. |
| | J.P. Dijkstra, M.Sc. |
| Version 1.05 11/10/92 | Removed all explicit references to far |
| | pointers and changed the memory model to |
| | large. |
| | J.P. Dijkstra, M.Sc. |
| Version 1.5 12/10/92 | Added functions which enable copying and |
| | storing modified GameMaps inside a |
| | MapGlobalRec instance. |
| | J.P. Dijkstra, M.Sc. |
| Version 1.6 20/10/92 | Removed the list of map headers from the |
| | map data, since it was only used by one |
| | command and saves about 2K of memory. |
| | J.P. Dijkstra, M.Sc. |
| This header file contains definitions shared among the various source |
| files used to create WolfMap.Exe |
#include "stdio.h"
| Global data structures and constants |
| MapHeaderRec | Structure to hold the essential level |
| | information to enable reading and |
| | decompression. |
| StartMaze | Start of compressed maze data. |
| StartObjects | Start of compressed objects data. |
| StartUnknown | Start of a compressed third block. In the |
| | current Wolf-3D versions this block |
| | appears to contain only zeros. |
| SizeMaze | The number of data bytes of the maze data |
| | in the file. |
| SizeObjects | Idem., but for the objects data. |
| SizeUnknown | Idem., but for the unknown data. |
| Title | Array to hold a zero terminated ASCII |
| | string to give the level a name. |
| LegendRec | Structure holding one legend description |
| | and representation. |
| Representation | Holds the representation of the legend. |
| Name | Holds the name of the legend. |
| MapGlobalRec | Class holding all essential global data |
| | of the maphead and gamemaps files. |
| ErrorCode | Holds the last error code. |
| CurrentVersion | Holds the version of the opened set of |
| | map files. |
| MapHeadName | Holds the name of the active MapHead |
| | file. |
| GameMapsName | Holds the name of the active GameMaps |
| | file. |
| NrMaps | The number of maps in the file. |
| NrMapsStored | The number of maps in the store. |
| MagicValue | Value preceding a word count in the |
| | second level (de)compression. |
| MapsHandle | Holds the file handle to the opened maps |
| | file. |
| WorkMapsHandle | Holds the file handle to the created |
| | work file to write processed maps into. |
| Offsets | Pointer to a memory block holding all the |
| | offsets, stored in the MapHead file. |
| Headers | Pointer to a memory block holding the map |
| | headers of all maps, accessible by the |
| | HeaderOffsets. |
| MapStore | Pointer to an array of pointers to |
| | GameMapRec classes, making up the map |
| | store. |
| GraphRec | Class implementing the graphical map |
| | viewer / editor. |
| Maze | Pointer to an array of LegendRec pointers |
| | making up the maze legend list. |
| Objects | Pointer to an array of LegendRec |
| | pointers making up the objects legend. |
| MazeChoise | The value selected from the maze legend. |
| ObjectChoise | The value selected from the objects |
| | legend. |
| MazeFirst | The first value of the maze legend which |
| | is visible on the display. |
| ObjectsFirst | The first value of the objects legend |
| | which is visible on the display. |
| Legend | Determines which legend list is currently |
| | visible on the display. |
| ChoiseLegend | Determines from which legend the selected |
| | choise is on the display. |
| ShowFloors | Holds whether or not the floor values |
| | should be made visible. |
| ShowObjects | Holds whether or not the object values |
| | should be made visible. |
| SizeX | Holds the horizontal size of the map |
| | currently in the editor. |
| SizeY | Holds the vertical size of the map |
| | currently in the editor. |
| StartTextY | Holds a calculated internal value. Used |
| | to speedup certain draw actions. |
| GameMapRec | Class holding all data of one single map. |
| ErrorCode | Holds the last error code. |
| CurrentFormat | Holds the code representing the current |
| | compression format of the data blocks. |
| Maze | Data block holding the maze data. |
| Objects | Data block holding the objects data. |
| Unknown | Data block holding data for a presently |
| | unknown function. |
| Header | Data block holding the map header. |
| ActorCount | Holds the number of actors of each actor |
| | type, except special actors. |
| HugeActorCount | Holds the number of special actors. |
| SecretDoorCount | Holds the number of secret doors. |
| DoorCount | Holds the number of normal doors. |
| LockedDoorCount | Holds the number of locked doors. |
| ElevatorCount | Holds the number of elevators. |
| TreasureCount | Holds the number of treasures, including |
| | the bonus life sphere. |
| MapDataRec | Class holding one single data block. |
| BlockData | Pointer to a data block holding the data. |
| BlockSize | Holds the size of the block the BlockData |
| | field is pointing to. |
// Various general purpose constants.
const int cFalse = 0;
const int cTrue = 1;
const int cShowFloors = cTrue;
const int cHideFloors = cFalse;
const int cShowObjects = cTrue;
const int cHideObjects = cFalse;
const int cMazeLegend = 1;
const int cObjectLegend = 2;
const unsigned cUndetermined = 0;
const unsigned cShareware = 1;
const unsigned cComplete = 2;
const unsigned cLocal = 3;
const unsigned cDecompressed = 1;
const unsigned cFormat10 = 2;
const unsigned cFormat11 = 3;
const unsigned cStdout = 0;
const unsigned cSeparate = 1;
const unsigned cSingle = 2;
const unsigned cOneColumn = 0;
const unsigned cTwoColumns = 1;
const unsigned cThreeColumns = 2;
const unsigned cMapCount = 100;
const unsigned cMagicValue = 0xABCD;
const unsigned cMaxMazeLegends = 256;
const unsigned cMaxObjectLegends = 512;
const unsigned cMaxDisplayLegend = 25;
// Error codes, generated by various functions.
const int errOk = 0;
const int errNoMemory = 1;
const int errMemoryCorrupted = 2;
const int errSeek = 3;
const int errRead = 4;
const int errWrite = 5;
const int errLeaderTooLarge = 6;
const int errNoSuchFile = 7;
const int errNoMapHeadFile = 8;
const int errNoSuchVersion = 9;
const int errDelete = 10;
const int errBackup = 11;
const int errCopy = 12;
const int errCreate = 13;
const int errNotOpen = 14;
const int errLocalIsTarget = 15;
const int errMapNotPresent = 16;
const int errNotAllocated = 17;
const int errCreateOutput = 18;
const int errNoDefFile = 19;
const int errIllegalLegend = 20;
const int errIllegalMaze = 21;
const int errInitializeGraph = 22;
// Values of various maze components.
const int mUndetermined = 0; // Unknown or illegal maze value.
const int mNothing = 1; // Nothing, no maze value present.
const int mWall = 2; // Wall.
const int mFloor = 3; // Floor.
const int mhDoor = 4; // Horizontal normal door.
const int mvDoor = 5; // Vertical normal door.
const int mlbhDoor = 6; // Horizontal locked door, blue key.
const int mlbvDoor = 7; // Vertical locked door, blue key.
const int mlyhDoor = 8; // Horizontal locked door, yellow key.
const int mlyvDoor = 9; // Vertical locked door, yellow key.
const int mehDoor = 10; // Horizontal elevator door.
const int mevDoor = 11; // Vertical elevator door.
const int mEntrance = 12; // Door marking entrance to level.
const int mElevator = 13; // Wall of elevator.
// Values of various maze objects.
const int oUndetermined = 0; // Unknown or illegal object.
const int oNothing = 1; // Nothing, no object value present.
const int oGuard1 = 11; // Stationary guard, level 1.
const int oGuard3 = 12; // Stationary guard, level 3.
const int oGuard4 = 13; // Stationary guard, level 4.
const int oOfficer1 = 14; // Stationary officer, level 1.
const int oOfficer3 = 15; // Stationary officer, level 3.
const int oOfficer4 = 16; // Stationary officer, level 4.
const int oSS1 = 17; // Stationary SS officer, level 1.
const int oSS3 = 18; // Stationary SS officer, level 3.
const int oSS4 = 19; // Stationary SS officer, level 4.
const int oUndead1 = 20; // Stationary undead man, level 1.
const int oUndead3 = 21; // Stationary undead man, level 3.
const int oUndead4 = 22; // Stationary undead man, level 4.
const int oDog1 = 23; // Moving dog, level 1.
const int oDog3 = 24; // Moving dog, level 3.
const int oDog4 = 25; // Moving dog, level 4.
const int omGuard1 = 26; // Moving guard, level 1.
const int omGuard3 = 27; // Moving guard, level 3.
const int omGuard4 = 28; // Moving guard, level 4.
const int omOfficer1 = 29; // Moving officer, level 1.
const int omOfficer3 = 30; // Moving officer, level 3.
const int omOfficer4 = 31; // Moving officer, level 4.
const int omSS1 = 32; // Moving SS officer, level 1.
const int omSS3 = 33; // Moving SS officer, level 3.
const int omSS4 = 34; // Moving SS officer, level 4.
const int omUndead1 = 35; // Moving undead man, level 1.
const int omUndead3 = 36; // Moving undead man, level 3.
const int omUndead4 = 37; // Moving undead man, level 4.
const int oPacman = 38; // Moving pacman ghosts.
const int oHans = 39; // Hans, the huge guard from episode 1.
const int oGretel = 40; // Gretel, the huge guard from episode 5.
const int oSchabbs = 41; // Dr. Schabbs, from episode 2.
const int oGiftmacher = 42; // Dr. Otto Giftmacher, from episode 4.
const int oFettgesicht = 43; // General Fettgesicht, from episode 6.
const int oHitler = 44; // Adolf Hitler himself, from episode 3.
const int oGhostHitler = 45; // Ghost of Hitler, also from episode 3.
const int oDeadGuard = 46; // Dead guard, any level.
const int oFirstActor = oGuard1;
const int oLastActor = omUndead4;
const int oSecretDoor = 51; // Secret door, placed in a wall.
const int oEndgame = 52; // Endgame trigger, jumping Blazkovic.
const int oTurningPoint = 53; // Turning point for moving actors.
const int oTreasure = 54; // Treasure, including sphere.
const int oMachineGun = 55; // Machine gun.
const int oGattlingGun = 56; // Gattling (or big) gun.
const int oFirstAid = 57; // First aid kid.
const int oFood = 58; // Tray with food, or dog food.
const int oAmmunition = 59; // Ammunition pack.
const int oBlueKey = 60; // Blue key, for locked doors.
const int oYellowKey = 61; // Yellow key, for locked doors.
const int olStart = 62; // Starting position, facing left.
const int orStart = 63; // Starting position, facing right.
const int ouStart = 64; // Starting position, facing up.
const int odStart = 65; // Starting position, facing down.
const int oObstacle = 66; // Any object blocking the way.
// Constants defining the different areas in the edit display.
const int aNone = 0;
const int aMap = 1;
const int aLegend = 2;
const int aMapButton = 3;
const int aObjectButton = 4;
const int aUpButton = 5;
const int aDownButton = 6;
// Commands with which the ModifyMap can terminate.
const int cMap0 = 0;
const int cMap1 = 1;
const int cMap2 = 2;
const int cMap3 = 3;
const int cMap4 = 4;
const int cMap5 = 5;
const int cMap6 = 6;
const int cMap7 = 7;
const int cMap8 = 8;
const int cMap9 = 9;
const int cNextMap = 10;
const int cPrevMap = 11;
const int cDiscard = 12;
const int cExit = 13;
const int cNone = 14;
const int cNextEpisode = 15;
const int cPrevEpisode = 16;
const int cEscape = 17;
const int cBreak = 18;
const int cStore = 19;
extern char *cVersion;
extern char *cCopyright;
struct MapHeaderRec
long StartMaze;
long StartObjects;
long StartUnknown;
unsigned SizeMaze;
unsigned SizeObjects;
unsigned SizeUnknown;
unsigned SizeX;
unsigned SizeY;
char Title [16];
struct LegendRec
char Representation [5];
char Name [25];
class MapDataRec
unsigned *BlockData;
unsigned BlockSize;
MapDataRec ();
MapDataRec (unsigned Size);
~MapDataRec ();
unsigned *Data () { return BlockData; }
unsigned DataSize () { return BlockSize; }
int Allocate (unsigned Size);
int Resize (unsigned NewSize);
int Free ();
int Copy (MapDataRec *Source);
int CompressFormat10 (unsigned MagicValue);
int CompressFormat11 ();
int DecompressFormat10 (unsigned MagicValue);
int DecompressFormat11 ();
class GameMapRec
int ErrorCode;
unsigned CurrentFormat;
MapDataRec Maze;
MapDataRec Objects;
MapDataRec Unknown;
MapHeaderRec Header;
unsigned ActorCount [ oLastActor - oFirstActor + 1 ];
unsigned HugeActorCount;
unsigned SecretDoorCount;
unsigned DoorCount;
unsigned LockedDoorCount;
unsigned ElevatorCount;
unsigned TreasureCount;
GameMapRec ();
~GameMapRec ();
int LastError () { return ErrorCode; }
int Format () { return CurrentFormat; }
int Actors (unsigned Actor) { return ActorCount [Actor - oFirstActor]; }
int HugeActors () { return HugeActorCount; }
int Doors () { return DoorCount; }
int LockedDoors () { return LockedDoorCount; }
int SecretDoors () { return SecretDoorCount; }
int Elevators () { return ElevatorCount; }
int Treasures () { return TreasureCount; }
char *Title () { return Header.Title; }
unsigned MazeSizeX () { return Header.SizeX; }
unsigned MazeSizeY () { return Header.SizeY; }
unsigned *MazeBlock () { return Maze.Data (); }
unsigned *ObjectsBlock () { return Objects.Data (); }
unsigned *UnknownBlock () { return Unknown.Data (); }
int SetError (int Error);
unsigned SetFormat (unsigned NewFormat);
int DetermineFormat ();
int CompressFormat10 (unsigned MagicValue);
int CompressFormat11 ();
int DecompressFormat10 (unsigned MagicValue);
int DecompressFormat11 ();
int Load (int Handle, long HeaderPos);
int Save (int Handle, long *HeaderPos);
int Copy (GameMapRec *Source);
int Close ();
int Print (FILE *Stream, unsigned MapNr);
int PrintStatistics (FILE *Stream, unsigned MapNr);
int Statistics ();
int Clear ();
int Create (unsigned SizeX, unsigned SizeY, char *Title);
class GraphRec
LegendRec **Maze;
LegendRec **Objects;
unsigned MazeChoise;
unsigned ObjectChoise;
unsigned MazeFirst;
unsigned ObjectsFirst;
int Legend;
int ChoiseLegend;
int ShowFloors;
int ShowObjects;
unsigned SizeX;
unsigned SizeY;
int StartTextY;
void DisplayCell (int x, int y, unsigned MazeValue, unsigned ObjectValue);
void DisplayMap (GameMapRec *Map);
void DisplayMazeLegend ();
void DisplayObjectLegend ();
int DetermineArea (int x, int y, int *ResultX, int *ResultY);
GraphRec ();
~GraphRec ();
int Open ();
int Close ();
int Display (GameMapRec *Map, int EpisodeNr, int MapNr);
int Modify (GameMapRec *Map, int *Changed, int *Command);
class MapGlobalRec
int ErrorCode;
unsigned CurrentVersion;
char MapHeadName [13];
char GameMapsName [13];
unsigned NrMaps;
unsigned NrMapsStored;
unsigned MagicValue;
int MapsHandle;
int WorkMapsHandle;
long *Offsets;
GameMapRec **MapStore;
MapGlobalRec ();
~MapGlobalRec ();
int LastError () { return ErrorCode; }
unsigned MapCount () { return NrMaps; }
unsigned OpenedVersion () { return CurrentVersion; }
unsigned MapsStored () { return NrMapsStored; }
int SetError (int Error);
int MapPossible (unsigned MapNr);
int MapAvailable (unsigned MapNr);
int Open (unsigned Version);
int Create (unsigned Version);
int OpenWork ();
int ConvertName (unsigned NewFormat);
int Close ();
int Load (GameMapRec *Map, unsigned MapNr);
int Save (GameMapRec *Map, unsigned MapNr);
int Compress (GameMapRec *Map, unsigned NewFormat);
int Add (GameMapRec *Map, unsigned MapNr);
int Copy (GameMapRec *Map, unsigned MapNr);
int InStore (unsigned MapNr);
int Delete (unsigned MapNr);
int DisplayHeaders (FILE *Stream, unsigned Columns);
const int cOk = 0;
const int cNoCommands = 1;
const int cIllegalCommand = 2;
const int cError = 3;
| Global functions to support the implementation of the application. |
| Function name | Description. |
int ReadData (int Handle, long Pos, void *Location, unsigned Size);
int WriteData (int Handle, long *Pos, void *Location, unsigned Size);
unsigned DetermineMaze (unsigned Value);
unsigned DetermineObject (unsigned Value);
int PrintLegend (FILE *Stream);